Dear Romanians

Dear Romanians,
What the FUCK is your league supposed to be?
>fake steaua
>poli Iasi
>gaz metan
>german LARPers

Attached: 1200px-Logo_for_FC_Steaua_Bucuresti,_2015.svg.png (1200x1200, 120K)

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Choo Choo cluj

For me, it's Universitaea Cluj

I understand why they had to change it but god is that crest fucking horrendous

For me, it's FC Botoșani
I want to shoot whoever made that logo

Please don't tell me you guys watch our league
Only peasents without teeth in their mouth and no internet could watch this shit

shut up gipsy


dude dracu

Never thouht about IT this way, but you're right!

>this is who everybody is been talking about for the past 15 years in Romanian football and counting

Romanian risitas

For me it's Dinamo

Attached: file.png (392x470, 263K)

For me, it's FC The Future

Attached: FC_Viitorul_2017_badge.png (316x316, 67K)


Attached: NINTCHDBPICT000193035091.jpg (608x912, 108K)

>he doesn't support DACO-GETICA, ex-Juventus Bucharest

Attached: juventus-bucuresti-obligata-sa-si-schimbe-stema-si-numele-cum-se-numeste-acum.jpg (620x620, 59K)

For me, it's chuj.

Becali please dont destroy FCSB I trust in you

>german LARPers
hey I'm german too and my grandparents were born in hermannstadt,apparently it used to be 90% german a few generations ago,nice place to visit too,though now there's only a handful of germans left

Faggot commie soviets tried to get rid of all the Germans in Romania after WW2, were your grandparents some of the ones who were deported?

they said they ran from the fucking regime but considering how difficult that was I'd say its more likely they were deported

For me it's Liga de Fútbol Profesional Boliviano

Attached: escudos4.jpg (490x300, 155K)

That's terrible, it seems Romania had such great potential and was set back so far by the communism period. I've been three times, they are such nice people and deserve better :(

Attached: the-old-roma-square-1928-bucharest.jpg (800x510, 149K)

yeah,sibiu is a great town, architecture is the same as here and there's no niggers or arabs shitting up the place,I'll probably move there once I retire

>death to FC FCSB and it's sheep *supporters*
>death to the jews from dinamo (ex maccabi)
>death to the gypsies from rapid
but most of all
>death to the entire fecali clan: men, women and children

Inainte SUD, Inainte Steaua!

Attached: cd458c9ae5e1e7702b7bf5f61ab6bd32-3.jpg (465x390, 34K)

There are some gyppos though so be wary of that

>What the FUCK is your league supposed to be?
Match fixing/money laundering scheme

for me it's THE STRONGEST

For me, it's CAR

what were you doing in Romania?

cine tine cu steaua sa-i futem familia dupa parerea mea

>3 ani in liga 4

shut the fuck up amerimutt

ce va place sa va dati rotunzi degeaba

ati dat un cacat corupt pe un alt cacat corupt

mission work with my church
pay debts, grease

>LITORALly who?

Astra is based

anyone from giurgiu here?
I've been there. it's a decent town. Plamen Iliev played there, and he's Bulgaria's best keeper right now.

Attached: Astra Giurgiu.png (500x500, 81K)

>fecali clan
wtf is this?

seething gyppo/kike
suntem singurii care si-au eliberat clubul de interlopi. si singura peluza care a contribuit la club nu care a supt de la *investitori* (vezi pch, cluj, petrolul, craiova si cioroii)


Attached: maxresdefault[1].jpg (1280x720, 139K)


for me it's master tactician dan petrescu