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i thought he was vilified because he's on ridiculous money yet does fuck all

dumb j*urnalist

a man on 500k a week is working class

That implies he does any work.

Talking background you dumb ape

all professional athletes that have to sell their labor for wages are working class

stupid fucking idiots, working class isn't a style its a relation to power and wealth

Sanchez will inevitably use the money he's made to exploit other people with wage labor, so if he's even working class now he won't be for long

fuck off

most footballers are 'working class'
syed is a fucking lefty mong
his only claim to fame is writing shit self help books and getting spanked by gooks in table tennis

Aren't most footballers from lower to middle class

tory nonce journalist in a tory nonce newspaper talking about working class people in a working class sport

Fuck off Apemerican, working class is your social background. Sanchez was a poor Chilean fuckboy. That's the world he came from.

Well in that case he 'was' working class

Man, you guys are faggots

well you see in places outside of your disgusting little island, one's birth does not determine their life or their social standing.

keep being you though, lmao YIKES

Hes vilified for being working class, by people in the UK, who are obviously really clued up on what life in Chile is like. right

I'm not quite sure what the "class" system is like in chile, I went there for a month to work, everything seemed similar prices to here (santiago) yet everyone I spoke to were on proper shit wages. weird place

>vilified for being working class

This in a league were the average player needs help to get through a post match interview without drooling. Right.

Most of the pundits can't string a coherent sentence together let alone the players
>game of two halves ya now

Yeah 'cause Jonno and Bazza from down the pub really have an in depth knowledge of the Chilean social system and class structures.
Probably slightly more likely that he's vilified for making 500k a week scratching his arse on the bench.

Sanchez is not working class, he's slums unemployed poorfag class.

>all these seething bongs
absolutely based

(((mathew syed)))

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He's not Jewish

probably a crypto jew and/or shill

His dad is a Pakistani who converted to Christianity, and his mum is a Welsh Christian

typical British colonial arrogance assigning our social structures onto other country's cultures...problematic

Alexis is working class, his dogs are the upper class.

yeah i read that, i also read that he was running for a conservative party/ centre right wing odd of him to be attaching the establishment /white people

its not really about class, more about race..he just doesnt want to say it.

he is basically saying white english give him a hard time for being a wetback beaner

If he's making the point that the public moans about footballers' wages instead of the absurd salaries of bankers, CEOs, and other upper class figures who give back little to society, then there's nothing wrong with it.

>british """""""""""""""""""""journalism""""""""""""""

you're insufferable

how so

you are just a basedboy

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