/LigaMX/ general

A fucking leaf edition

previous: NEWS:
>KEKretaro going full meme magic
>Santos loses the invictus meme
>Cimarrones on Top of the world
>ChivASS fans BTFO by ambriz and Mion
>VerGAYcruz keeps going back to the Ascenso ASAP
>CULarezfags BTFO again
>Chelis out
>NaclASS returns into his normal form
>TampiCULO vs CorreCACAminos ended with a semen slurping 0-0
>Mataulipas and Cularez football was a mistake

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Other urls found in this thread:


You put my post as the OP description.

I'm on hour #6 of no fap. Fuck.

based newsbro

>city of imagebro

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Get on the Jana's train before it's too late.

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For me, it's Querétaro superlider.

que maldito hilo sin creatividad
>titulo en ingles
ay dios mio

>still at 18 puntos


cuando se actualiza la quiniela?

esto es un robo!

Always until Monday, I think I only got like 3 points this Jornada.

Necaxa 0 - 0 Pumas
Juarez 0 - 6 Atlas
Veracruz 1 - 0 Leon
18:00 America - Morelia
19:00 Chivas - Tijuana
19:00 Pachuca - Toluca
20:00 Tigres - Puebla
20:00 San luis - Cruz Azul
21:00 Santos - Monterrey

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Welp, I tried:


Yeah, we haven't been lucky enough to see any of those girls to score and watch the dance on the pitch yet.

Me pregunto cuantos chaneros la siguen desde la primera vez que fue posteada aca.....

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>see that one Mexican prosti that's here in Tokyo
>she's gorgeous
>we talk for a while before getting down to business
>says she's been here for a month and works at a strip club but isn't a dancer, just a server there
>She invites me out for a drink after our time is up
>We take a taxi to the bar
>We go to the wrong address due to some miscommunication
>Get lost but finally manage to find the bar after like an hour
>We spend the whole night just talking and enjoying some drinks and delicious wagyu beef
>Don't get back to the hotel until like 5am

Fuck bros, that was honestly one of the best nights I've ever had in my life and it made me realize how much better a trip like this would be if I had someone to share these moments with. Now I'm depressed that it's almost time to go back and I'll never see this girl again.

Also, she was a chivass fan even though she was a chilanga

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>We spend the whole night just talking and enjoying some drinks and delicious wagyu beef

the city of tw@t

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Sounds like a comfy night, how cute she was? post pics breh

>not posting full video

post here pls

She was a real qt

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Pinche Tw@t neta que estas mal de la cabeza wey, ve a ver a psicologo te lo digo como fren aunque siempre te hago bullying we pero si me preocupas cabron

Why? The last part is the best part desu

just post it, people need to know the context of that dance, we're all waiting for one of those girls to score and watch the celebration

Noice m8, what are your plans for your last days there?

Porque wey?

Attached: Untitled1.png (1247x831, 991K)

Well that prosti gave me her whatsapp and invited me out to eat. Then I'm gonna try to get a tattoo and just do some shopping to bring shit back to my friends and family

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Por que no es normal querer tener una relacion con pirujas we, esas solo son para sexo y tu lo que buscas es una novia pero te da flojera tener que trabajar en la relacion con una vieja normal.

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Remember to bring a nice amount of pokis for your ligma bros when the meeting at Mazamitla happens kek


Si es cierto. Siempre digo que no mas voy a coger pero y luego terminamos hablando y me dan su informacion real y empezamos a hablar mas.

the girl on the left sure is cute

if you want some /x/ content as ligma used to have:

Wey enseñame como hacer meme magic para que Amy me ame

Well, that's part of knowing new girls, not just fucking them, the thing is than shit gets dangerous if you're THAT easy to get into a girl's hands, you might not recognize the right girl you would want to settle with and fall for someone you don't deserve. Remember than all the traps in the system are made for single men, they want you to put your energy and resources on someone else.

Can you imagine one of them doing that to your cock

Breh, I would suggest you some mgtow content instead I just mentioned the importance of knowing your own value, some mgtow shit will teach you things about women and how they work, also maximize your production as man. But if you want meme magic right now: youtube.com/watch?v=F-Blb4DIHxs this thing works, and when I mean than it works, I mean than IT WORKS. Alguna vez les dije sobre un "internet astral/mental" que había oculto entre nosotros, hace meses descubrí que ese internet mental es una coneccion que generamos los humanos de manera inconsciente, esa herramienta de corte influye en esa red mental.

topkek these nigges don't stop to follow me

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>she on the left learned from riding dick
>she on the right just learned to dance


Jana(on the left) is pure.

I've had a couple of girls tell me that I'm too nice and should stop doing this and get a gf instead. Wtf

God I want a Latina gf so bad brehs

Hurry up before Trumps sends them back m9

>Jana(on the left) is pure.
Nah m8, he's 100% right, you can tell by the hip movements that that bitch Jana is a fucking sex demon.

> 3 putos puntos en la mugre quiniela esta jornada
>la pinche jornada que viene esta llena de juegos que nadie sabe que puede pasar
Like I said last week just give me the fucking last place and end my suffering already.

Tonight's Futbol Picante

Joserra ft Puente, Carrillo, Pietra, Gomes-Junco

post here pls

reposting Rio GORDO

>post here pls
If you stop making fun of cruz azul, I will post it.

needs more qts

for me it's Santos

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el canadANO

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How did they lose yesterday? That was v suspicious.

they can't play Bravos, Puebla or Veracruz every week


also OP is the faggest

Estas bien pendejo


post quinela

Keep us posted, friend :)

You doing the Lord's work

>el tw@ still supeleader at Ligma Quiniela

and I only made 3 points this Jornada :(

Wtf is wrong with you lmao

Today is the day m88 I can feel it

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page 10 save

We'll watch her dance on tonight's game :d

Guise, I’m a 23 y/o permavirgin but this girl that was in my class last semester bumped into on campus the other day, we caught up, and then she invited me over to watch a movie with her. What do? Explain sex to me.

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>asking for (sex) advice on Yea Forums

chat for a bit, be fun but not too much, be cool
watch movie in comfy sofa/bed, and advance in little steps and wait to see if she responds
make out, fuck, etc whatever
it's the easiest thing ever. can't believe there's some people here that never get laid

>America femenil winning already

fuck I miss half game

>el chileANO strikes again

Speaking of chileANOS, you now remember el chupete Suazo

Attached: humberto_suazo.jpg (1140x712, 130K)

Based chileANO basking in the chiquitin tears.

Not like the chileANO jannie, he's a flaming homosex.

>Jana OUT
>luchona CULONA in

meh, it's something

Stay away from our women and stick to azn girls, white boy.

>and I only made 3 points this Jornada :(
Same m8

>enlace hasta monterrey para el tigres vs puebla
>gol de america femenil

hasta ellas mismas se joden unas a otras kek

se viene la remontada de koku supreme

>no Copa this midweek

at least we'll have another micky mouse cup


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How can anyone take pictures this bad?

based what botanas did you get this time?

IDK why it uploaded it that way

No botanas, just a XX Ámbar

pinche estadio feo

te pagan por ir como a los porros de la chairo universidad.???

>dat background on Jana IG story

Porros beating feminazis chimplangos at CU when?


Nope, brought my bono (portrait again)

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>those girls cuddling on the bus
>dat almost nip slip in the baths


Plus doble jornada femenil esta semana y doble jornada la proxima

I wonder what happen to that British Greta poster

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Holy shit lads I just really want a Mexican gf with nice thighs to impregnate and settle down with.

imagine if they sat on your face as a prank haha

Haha wouldn't that be WEIRD?

it would be extremely painful


imagine you couldn't breathe lol

Imagine she farts haha

You could breathe in the aroma

I thought women didn't fart or defecate



I'm tied for first.

Ligma is too unpredictable


>Los cobardes se encierran a esperar el >final, lamen sus heridas mientras otros >andan sin sanar. Las rodillas me >tiemblan pero no puedo parar, quiero >que mis hijos tengan un nombre que dé >orgullo mostrar

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go back here you dumb traitor.

pinches chicanos pendejos creyendose mexicanos, si le fueron a lamer lasbolas por dolares alos gringos quedense ahi y no se crean mexicanos, bola de jotos

Where are all the castizas


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>tfw this store in Tokyo has a pepe section

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I hope you bought one of those little bags on the right side

>no memo ochoa's debut in Leagues Cup

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>nobody give a shit for Chucky
>now he's the best paid mexican in Europe

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Eh? Chiquimarco is going to be a coach???

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el hijo prodigo is back, no better way to get back home than beating el chiquitin


No idea, just noticed, would love yo see CHACÓN as DT too

is he any good?

he's a watered down Di Maria, and gets injuried even more than the argentinian


Mexican Beckenbauer(Edson Alvarez) > Mexican Messi(Lainez) > American Lainez(Pulisic) > Mexican Di Maria(Chucky) > Mexican Chucky(Erick Gutierrez)


>imaginate que Cuck Azul, América y Títeres la caguen
>imaginate el nuevo predominio de la MLS en copas del mickey mouse

no creí vivir tanto para ver esto.

Attached: 66979454_2708216292523069_3114922207077257327_n.jpg (749x749, 185K)

>dat pancita
>those lips
>those eyes

wtf who is this top qt?

This has potential for a Chad chucky vs virgin chicharito.

kek I can put Chicharito de carreola on the other side

Kuri's twitter got hacked a couple of hours ago, join in for the glorious shitposting.


Callate pinche indio dolido.

absolutely based

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we need screenshots of this

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based we anonymous now

>cursing América in a hacked account

reminder antiamericanismo is the poor girl that becomes rich for sucking the cock of el patron

>That fatlelson reference


kek pinche Faitelson por todos lados le toca

>45mins left

remember to prepare some BOTANAS, we have double Mickey Mouse Cup game

who is this!

Someone give me a /ligaMX/ meme related to VerGAYcruz (not the cuauh one) to post it on the massive shitposting.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-20 Fidel Kuri Grajales en Twitter EXIGIMOS RESULTADOS Y QUE CHINGUE A SU MADRE EL (598x395, 222K)


Attached: ECcVHzrUwAIQumt.jpg (791x1280, 167K)

even the shark on their badge looks helpless


Este tambien, ya que mencionaron a los chiquitines

Thanks for the pic.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-20 Club Deportivo Veracruz 🦈 en Twitter 📋 La directiva del Club Deportivo V (598x453, 335K)

Guzmán; Rodríguez, Salcedo, Ayala, Torres Nilo; Pizarro, Vargas, Damm; Dueñas, Valencia, Aquino.

Jiménez, Paul, Bruno, Sánchez, Jesús López, Guido, González, Ibarra, Ibargüen, Córdova y Roger.

what happened to Giobrandy? he hasn't played since he had his decent game like 3 weeks ago.

Link bros? I don’t wanna watch it on my phone and I don’t think it’s on antenna either

TUDN app is down anyway kek

>get a shower and go for beers
>already lossing


America vale verga :/

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No seas mamón, si eso no era penal.....

based retard

>el cerebrito Salcedo

Post the image pls

>Darwin remake


>Tuca fighting FANS

>chiquitines chimping out on CHIcanos


the CHAD tuca vs the VIRGIN shitcanos

carlos vergas

>CHIs and tigays killin eachother

For me, its Edgar "el pobre cabrón" Mendez

Wtf is wrong with America's doctors, their players keep dying.

Half tema is ded, the other half is gone ;_;

maldito hilo.

I want to ___ Renato and his big black ___

kiss lips!

>el titan

This dude is legit retarded

Smell - buttcheeks

Mi nalgon de chocolate


based reptilian CULONA, she's the kind of girl than makes the tacos de caca meme real

Cheating on the most based player in Liga?

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>dat Furry televisa show
>Omar Chaparro as host

disgusting, at least put El Ranchero Chilo as host

didnt know cr7 was a ligamx player

HALF TIME REMINDER, don't forget about your quinielas:


you can create next edition, but at least work on it and use something related or some hot mexican player

yfw diego reyes and salcedo on the same team

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no me importa en verdad. solo estoy aqui para las mexiqts (aunque no hay tanta como antes) y para practicar mi espanol con mis compas.
y tambien para shitpostear

>Bien vestido y en mi Lexus pase por tu colegio
>Informan que te fuiste, como un loco te fui alcanzar
>Te busqué y no te encontraba y eso me preocupaba
>Para calmar mi ansia yo te quería llamar

es bachata solo para los caribenos y mujeres, o los gueys aqui tambien la esuchan?

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chaka es dios

remember when he kidnapped himself?

cartels single handedly dismantled: 1

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>el estadio esta lleno
basado los chicanos

que no es lo mismo que twittea aunque no este "jakiada"?

quien /heineken/ here

Bachata is not popular here, people here only follow mainstream reggaeton, tour spanish is getting better breh

/victoria/ here, havent has heineken in a while, btw i noticed than the heineken metallic barrel of 5L has the real taste, and the heineken than you get at oxxo is some.thing different


Lmao fucking chiquines

America 2 - 1 Tigres 2T

same happened to michelob ultra, now is bottled on mx so it tastes different.

o eso me dijo un camarada que es preventista

>America wins against Tigres again
>Cruz Azul loses against LA Galaxy
>America gets BTFO by a NOW team again
Cap this

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heineken tiene un sabor raro aqui. Lo probe en el aeropuerto de amsterdamn y tuvo un sabor completamente diferente, aunque no era nada especial.

tambien, he notado lo mismo con otras cervezas aca. Specificamente el budweiser. Aqui me gusta, pero en estados unidos tiene un sabor completamente diferente, mas como agua o algo.

gracias bro, es un proceso pero cada dia estoy trabajando hacia me meta (a hablar fluidamente)


Puto Salcedo de mierda, porque no lo han expulsado?

Las poderosas y majestuosas aguilas del america

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>red card for me THE MIGHTY ROGER


>dat CHIcano than got Roger's jersey


Gay ending to a hype game.

This girl is like a dream, has the right balance on qt'ness, THICCness and erotism.

They other Chicano looked like he wanted to fight for it.

Just W O W ....






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she is my wife, back the fuck off!?


>having both games on the same night
Wtf where they thinking

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they should get all 4 teams to play at the same time, against each other.

Breh, América plays against Tigres on Saturday all over again

tigays and cuck azul team up to beat the shit out of america

I hope America gets BTFO again so Santos goes back to the top

No me sorprendería, este equipo se cae a pedazos.

who cuts america players hair lmao

how can santos go on top when los poderosisimos gallos will be there

Doesn’t anyone even really care about this

What does this cup even look like? Need to rate the design

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Cómo inicio una conversación en tinder sin parecer autista?

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Santos has scored more goals also queretaro will lose

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Not possible for you

not in a serious way, its just nice watching america players fail at benultys


aa que pendejo jajaja

no seas prieto feo



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onions blanco


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>getting btfo by TIGRES yet AGAIN
>inb4 p-p-pero somos g-g-grandes te lo juro
>inb4 something something MUH CACAtorce something something
>inb4 posting pic muh total trophies
(Damage control)
>inb4 post with random pic of chivas/cruz azul shitpost
>inb4 lol we dont care we are going for MUH CACAtorce
>inb4 ameriCACA doesnt win shit this year and get btfo by TIGRES AGAIN in liguilla

y luego puños ya tienes media verga adentro

>Leagues Cup es un torneo amistoso de fútbol disputado entre clubes de la Major League Soccer y Liga MX.
>Leagues Cup es un torneo amistoso

Attached: bart.jpg (598x563, 66K)

well that was fast

Like clockwork

>this is the effect of migration on oaxaqueños


You putos watching this league cup match?

I am for shits. Why are Cruz Azul bullying >us

no ima go beat my wife

>The Leagues Cup is an annual association football competition between clubs from Major League Soccer and Liga MX in North America. It debuted in July 2019 with four teams participating from each league. The first edition is a single-elimination tournament hosted in the United States with a final played in Las Vegas on September 18, 2019.[1]
>In July 2019, MLS and Liga MX announced that the second edition of the Leagues Cup in 2020 would feature 16 teams—eight from each league. The MLS participants will be drawn from the top four teams in each conference that do not qualify for the CONCACAF Champions League; the Liga MX participants will include the 2019 Apertura champion, 2020 Clausura champion, the 2019–20 Copa MX champion, and the next five best-placed teams in the league.[13][14]

Not really Mickey mouse cups are for peques, I'm here just to shit post until Jana plays and the weekend games desu familia

Thanks for the (you) nerd

Pinche Mosh, hubieras ido a madrear las viejas escandalosas en su protesta wey

Because we suck. Nothing else on either.


I find it hilarious that out of fucking nowhere the chilango media is pushing America-Tigres as the new clasico
>Chivas is relegation tier and doesn't sell anymore
>Cruz Azul are choke artists and don't sell anymore
>Pumuertos have never sold
>ignore Tigres the entire decade until they realize that they actually have a solid (if local) market that you can sell to just by using their name
Every now and then they also tried to push Monterrey, but that was before they moved to Fox Sports



esas no son viejas son chimplangas. necesitamos otro diaz ordaz

>chilango media
No mames era solo el pinche Aldo Farias ese wey creo que es Tigre, no me acuerdo cuando estaba en MTYaquien le iba

>clasico con los peques
>not even the best team of their city
>pinguinos sent you to ascenso

keep dreaming faggot

>watching telewila games with the sound on

I talking about Autismo Picante and all those shows, this last month they are really pushing Ame-Tig as the next great rivalry

>talking about the shows that need the Ame to put some ratings and don't starve to death


who is watching Galaxy vs CruzAzul ?

yes I am watching

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Shit posting in /mls/ atm cabron.

I have it on as background noise lol


literally crap, these niggas forgot to clean the servers or what? I've noticed than last month app is working like shit, takes ages to access to menu and shit refresh the image really late


What a goal, man. Far out.

how embarrassing

Its Choke Azul, is expected

ayy me lo perdi, bonitas tradiciones tho

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recuerdo este juego, fue cuando corrieron a Mario Carrillo despues de ganar liga, campeon de campones y concachampions ;_;

>ser tan chiquitin que te pusiste una estrella por esta victoria

Ya se fueron a festejar a la macroplaza los peques?????

nah cukear al america y ganar micky mouse ya es rutina


claro que si microbio
donde te puedo regalar reddit gold????

yo tambien onions libre y joto

pa que se caga we, me referia al tricampeonato de campeon de campeones y la otra mierda que le ganamos al Toronto, estoy de acuerdo que la conca es micky mouse btw
dat spacing tho[/spoiler]

and what again, mexico has an age of consent of 16? and cutie chicks come from poor families/towns? Im nuttin and givin out green cards to everybod.

who is this???

>muh historia
tigres > americaca

>non-qualifying MLS teams
>3/8 clubs are cup and league winners in MX.
and we expect MLS to even try?

>who is this???
filename is ig

LA is playing like shit

go to cholula

who /Maussan/ here? I'm watching these videos with Nino Canún from 1993:

Interesting how people used to respect opinions comming from niggas with some collage degree and formal suit kek, now CHIMPlangos rate feminist crap.

I used to r8 him but then he went full ancient ayyy lmaos and you know what happened next, he is still respected around the ufo international community iirc
woul watch the vid but imreading mango right now

Attached: FDkmEww.png (125x146, 12K)

>woul watch the vid but imreading mango right now
keep watching your things kek I watching this because of curiosity, is not worth, he present cases than has been proven as fake through decades, both sites, exceptic and believers have wrong points of the actual phemon

>Sixto Paz

lmao I forgot this niggas still selling his nu-age shit 'til nowdays

KEK fucking Maussan reacts in the same way than he does these days when someome says his proves are bullshit

>the girl on the left will never ride your dick like that
Why even live?

Just help to keep /ligamx/ alive and that m8 happend if you can offer green card to a mexican girl

Visiting Jalisco in December is there women like this one there

Yes. Jalisco is hilarious because it has the best women in the country and the men are still faggots

Who /rebanadas/ here

America won la Copamx early this year, you uneducated faggot

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I miss Japan bros :(

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America being shit is amazing desu

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>mfw se viene la decimocuarta

this winter is blue and yellow, hablando honestamente con ustedes

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I hope Carmen Salinas is ok

You have that mass shooter hair style m8

what happened?


How can this girl be so erotic? I want to literally eat her


Club America is confirmed güait



Qual su nombre?


RIP in peace Celso Piña

pls no ;_;

>Tio Gerry BTFO by Salcedo
oh no no no nonononono

When is Lozano playing with Napoli?

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I think Chucky is injuried so probably by next month

Will Tigres choke on Saturday?
Apparently he still has to get his shit together in the Netherlands

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Nápoli plays la fiore on saturday, but who knows when he will start since he was injured, right?

Someone please post that meme of image bro eating fun
I don't know I heard he has to fix legal shit because of the extranjero thing in Europe

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>tfw no artsy gf to watch Santos games with me

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We need a full kit wanker edition

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whomst play tonight

>tfw no comfy america pijamas

reminder that irrelevant teams use stars on their crest

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Cayese puto pinche wila joto


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Reminder to fill out your quinielas or else el tw@ will win ;^}

seas mamon pense que solo los partidos con estrellita te daban puntos llevo todo el puto torneo mandando quinelas incompletas

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lol this dude

did the cute girl from the OP webm win her game?

Yeah but got subbed, we didn't get to see her dancing on the pitch.

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Imagínate el olor.

I miss her bros

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>falling in love with sex workers

tw@t pls

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next xmas


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cute, CUTE!

>bringing this shit up on Jana's time-line

this is why can't have nice things, fucking women ruin everything

kek obvio que saben jugar, esa vieja solo es una graduada mas de alguna de las fabricas de enfermos mentales en cdmx

para lo unico que sirve twitter es para seguir viejas y burlarse de fail-telson

>CHInesse moot & jannies in charge of anything

Don't worry, half this thread will be deleted in the morning

She looks like a chimpanzee there.

Apparently negrito Maleck could walk because the dead girl had cum in her mouth and the deffense Will run with the theory that she was giving him a cheeky wedding day bj while full stop in a avenue making the accident a shared responsability

roasties btfo

>tfw no wedding day bj while driving to your honeymoon

That would be one of those crazy enough defenses that it might work, unless they get one even crazier judge


Thoughts on above?

If this was the stock market, and I could invest money into this, id put every dollar I have into the Champions League and this Leagues cup becoming huge.
The amount of Mexican americans there are makes these competitions unique on a world scale

>for another big trophy.
Stopped reading right there. lol

Of course it will become a big trophy, are you an idiot? You don't think this rivalry isn't going to explode once MLS starts winning more regularly?

dude, this years was nothing but a marketing joke - 4 random teams and 4 random teams.
a 16 team merit based tournament will be 1000x better and will generate hype and interest as it progresses.

I know nothing about your league, but I really enjoy the pictures and video's you all post. If you know what I mean

Santos wins tomorrow and there's nothing you joto can do about it

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you better buy Cordova before our frens in portugal do it

You MLS tards have been saying the same for almost a decade

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>El León era el ganador del torneo de Verano 2003, corona que ahora se destapa, gracias a las declaraciones de Antonio Carlos Santos, a Ignacio Suárez “El Fantasma” en Récord, estaba manchada por sobornos del club guanajuatense, manejado por Carlos Ahumada, a algunos de los jugadores de los Lagartos de Tabasco en las semifinales.

y así comienza el "ligmagate"


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“Me acuerdo perfecto de esa chingadera -dijo el 'Negro' Santos, técnico de ese club. Llegamos con una ventaja de 2-0 y un día antes del partido Ahumada y Carlos Reinoso le ofrecieron 500 mil pesos por lo menos a cinco jugadores (…). 500 mil peros era pero un ching.. de lana y más para un jugador del Ascenso".

billy alvares is kill

forgot pic

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one of my buddies became an hardcore earthquakes fan after this guy signed on. kek. Guy went on a roadtrip to LA just to see da quakes.

Pero solo en la cementera o tambien en el equipo?

qt culoncita

who plays today?

Yo y tu mama

p-post stream pls

UDG biatch

>hoy no juega el América

who cares?

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Pero el Ame si juego hoy m8

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More of this pls

pinche puta


qt, QT!

cuando juega mi vieja la Deneva, we, la del pumas femenil?

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Deneva is also a qt, too white to be living at CHImplangolandia la tierra del feminismo.

w-what do you mean?

que le late la de venas americanista
>pic related

Attached: americanista_d.png (1061x679, 901K)

based, imagine like Devena and Palafox playing for Ame along Alondra, Jana and the culona Verdugo :d


Lopez, Ortiz, Padilla, Rabago, Godinez, Hernandez, Vazquez, Villalobos, Baltazar, Duran, Sanchez

Duarte, Sousa, Alfaro, Basulto, Colula, Cirigliano, Hernandez, Magaña, Trejo, Cardozo, Ramirez

Leones Negros - Zacatepec


Holy shit, is it for real?

This is our year conformed

>red card for meones negros

who this?

HEY FAGS, it's time to decide if you want to KEEP the current music, CHANGE or ADD something. As we never win and we don't have cool graphics, so this is the only shit that actually matters. This is our current music


>Victory Anthem


>Yiña and other Regios goalhorn

alondraglez0 and /ourgirl/ jana_gtzz_c

based triples

let me decide...

I suggest this for our intro horn

For the regios goalhorn i suggest this

for the goal horn

victory anthem

>Rip Hanna (Janna)

Chicanita gf scored a goal again

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Ayer, pero el dormingo juegan de nuevo

Vergas, necesito ver ese video

small white penis spotted

wait did she get actually injuried?

I'm not white.

Attached: dedbysnusnu.webm (1280x720, 1.8M)

you might as well be with your small dick :^)

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rip in quads

Didn't even notice lol

the one on the left is cuter but the one on the right has the better body and culo

>Santos vs Monterrey on VIENES BOTANERO

I thought FoxSports would keep Santos on Sundays only

>t-this is out year

lol no, until you kill Carlos Hurtado

>As we never win and we don't have cool graphics
PES18 has no aesthetics reeee etc.
How about a special goalhorn for >cuck azul
youtu.be/j8HmGvIPMHI?t=50s (rip depors)
Is there any chance to get some chants?
El tibu no se va
Maradona se la come


look at the way the celebrate. why are women so wholesome and men are so faggy and pretentious?

im anglo but love latinas




>why are women so wholesome and men are so faggy and pretentious?
You now remember how the American team celebrated their goals in the WWC


Imagínate ser llantista y tomando cerveza con babas ;^)

El absoluto estado del rancho polvoriento de tierron.

the only llantista here is the border jumper CHI

no one cares about some irrelevant team

based TMNTW

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When are you going to the stadium fag? Tell us how good the beers are ;^)



Based, here in the the Norti you cant waste beer, or heat us gonna take on you

>imblying he can buy a ticket with his pizca papas salary


Lmao must suck to be a llantos fan tbqhwy

Reminder to send your quinielas

Quiniela current standings

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Who's the qt in first place ;^}

kek, ligma's nalguita

>tfw no /LiguillaSpots/ anymore


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Some whore we pass around when people get horny in the stadium.

Imagebro is so shit holy fuck. Must be all the semen he slurps.

>Mexico NT going shit
>Veracruz goinng to AscensoMX
>Chivas about to relegate

deepest lore

cayese puto

La mejor nalguita de ligma



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i picked draw for Santos vs Rayados, going for the 5 points

You're going to lose joto

>tfw no podcast 26

En tu qlo ;^)

lmao this dude than had a shitty mic just got a blue yeti, they want to record this weekend

Can I be in it? I'll share my Japanese experiences and talk about how I got my ass beat at Mario kart at the arcades

kek sure

check on the quiniela stands, i'll change my nickname for my discord, that's were we record

I was just kidding lmao. It would be pretty awkward since I don't know anyone

I am. Also will probably get banned soon for saying that

Kek tw@t doxxing his roastie again

LAST FUCKING CALL: send your quinielas before week-6 begins

I thought that was my gf for a second, then I remembered mine doesn't have hair that long.

Jurado(someone buy this dude already) Kontoglanns(da fuck), Lozoya, Leopez, Paganoni, Carrasco, Santillan, Peñalba, Gonzalez, Chavez, Villalva(will never learn)

Rodriguez(Tortas cousin), Catalan, Alvarez, Reyes, Laso, Escalante, Castro, Maya, Centurion, Sanchez, Gonzalez

40 bings left, get your damn botanas and chelas in time pls, no quiero gente aqui dando pena y pidiendo fiado, we're not chimplangos.

Careful what you ask for, compa. We will move back.


what channel is broadcasting EL TIBU

Fucking chicanos, I'm glad I was born as a regio in San Pedro and can have luxury cars and a great life traveling around the world. Thanks dad.

For today:
San Luis beats EL TIBU
Santos beats Montegay
Monarcas and Pumas draw

Cálmate CACAS ;^)



I'm glad I can do that too. Thanks mom and dad

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now that J(y)anna is dead, for me it's Dayana

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What a qt 3.14

>Vergacuck vs San Cuck on TUDN only


>dat tonned pancita

HNNNNNNNNNNGGG!!!! i don't even do coke, but I woudl love to snort some caspa del diablo from out of that belly


>Fidel Kuri reverse-VAR'D


>fucking up varball
Mis lados sienten la liga

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I remember posting this qt before


>Fidel Kuri BTFO

imagine like getting hacked on twitter and DOUBLE VAR'D in the same week lmao

>dat postal

look berry anime-ish to be honesto family

>San Luis

Attached: oof.png (420x420, 54K)

>Flan Luis fucked by el VAR SINSON
nigger whut?

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What a shitfest kek

>var sinson intensifies
>this refball
>+8(eight)(ocho) in the first half because of the ref messing too much with var
I love this shitshow of a league so much

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cute. CUTE!

this stream works better


So is pumas a grande or not?

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No it's not.

Not a GRANDE for me m8, the only realy reason to considere Pumas a GRANDE is their bicampeonato but León has won it too, so it doesn't apply anymore.

>pumas slander

dont make me track your ips and send EL CHUPAS after u

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this game is very not so good

feel bad for him ;_;

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>el hombre verde
ya sabemos que fuman mota putos

literally the Just Promoted Team vs The just Relegated(but paid to stay) Team

I told you Bravos is the real promoted team here

Did anyone save the original videos in that folder? These are repost from other accounts and low res.

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HOLY FUCK!!!! I was waiting for that goal, I picked San Luis in the quiniela

>those Santos fans nazi saluting

no idea if these are the original

everyone did retard

Where the fuck is chuy

Why? he choose the deathpill by choosing the VerGAYcruz, he choose to go through the inminent failure path.

>asunto ban
I don't know if I should open those files.

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imagine seeing a luxury car and shaggy martinez steping out of it

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kek that's a very old ass email I made to appeal a ban from hispachan like 6 years ago

Sosa; Vega, Achilier, Trejo, Martínez; Osuna, Villafanéz, Flores; Rocha, Aristeguieta, Lezcano.

Saldívar; Quintana, Mozo, Angulo, Freire; Vigón, Cabrera, Malcorra; Iniestra, González, Barrera.


Orozco; Orrantia, Doria, Torres, Arteaga; Adrián Lozano, Gorriarán, Rivas, Brian Lozano; Castillo, Furch

Barovero; Layún, Nico Sánchez, Vásquez, Medina; Ortiz, Rodríguez; Pizarro, Meza, Gallardo; Funes Mori

jajajajajajaja no mames


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oooof lmao oh no no no




tourist here
it's my second time watching your liga and once again it doesn't dissappoint
I might watch it more often

he probably drives a spark

>2-0 en menos de 10 minutos

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Ahorita le da la vuelta tu padre que ya te gano una liga y 2 conCACAf ;^)

>Santos refballing this hard

disgusting, as disgusting as their watered down beers...


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metan al holandes ya que vergas

send more Guido Rodriguez's and Marchesin's pls

>Insinuando que el MonteGAY le puede dar la vuelta a un partido como visitante

todavia no debuta ese pendejo? creí que solo esos fichajes los hacía el cruz azul, y antes de que llegara Pelaez, no mames

En el segundo tiempo meten al holandes y va repartir rodillasos por todos lados

I don't have a clue on who guido rodriguez is

imagine licking up and down this gmilf(guerrerita mother I'd like to fuck) while watching this game



LMAO, I told you to keep Hugo Gonzalez

Y? Eso es todo?
no pues Santos ya gano el juego, MonteGAY no trae nada a la ofensiva.


Es broma m8 la semana pasada le metió uno a Tala. Todo el equipo a estado jugando a muy bajo nivel tbqhwy.

cuál es el animal que chilla y que tiene la cola muy grande¿?

Entonces mejor vete preparando para una buena cogida.

Tu mama



this dude is like the Damm Chilango, only did 2 good crosses in his hole career

He reminds me of Jurgen "le sanic man" Damm

penezuela es guait

Rayados? More like shityados, am i rite?

yourfilelink.com/get.php?fid=2125449 (Jana's video)


He played last game. In 5 minutes he unironically almost killed Talavera and some other dude.
Seems like the typical giant strong dude with no technique

napoli just bought the new GOAT

get hype




el Chucky, of course

>that fucking free kick
Meme game confirmed

any suggestion for the new thread?

Amy: La Puta de /ligma/ edition

femenicidio edition

La borrarian al instante we


Este entonces

>pumas losing to fucking mariposas

welp time to go beat my wife

Primero le das un cigarrito verde wey para que no siente los putasos tan feo no seas culero Mosh

well user I hope you got your answer

>picked draw on morelia vs pumas too

pinches chimplangos REEEEEEEEEEEEE

si no duele no cuenta we

top kek

y como le haces cuando tu vieja tiene que salir de la casa? le dices que se maquille o asi a la verga?

>betting on pumASS
LMAO at your quinela

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it wasn't about betting on pumASS, it was more don't trusting on Torrente, this dude has been proven a full meme

Yet you got BTFO for believing pumASS would draw just for Torrente.
LMAO at your quinela.


Use this pic for next Feminicidio Edition pls

K T CAYES putito ;_;

The full kit wanker I posted a few posts up

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gol de Jansen, yo siempre confié en ese muchacho

Hello /LigaMX/, how can I practice my Spanish? It's a very useful language and I'd like to improve it. Is there a Spanish version of Yea Forums or something?

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>Tato Noriega
>Barak Fever
>some other literal who
Isn't this for ESPN Deportes in USA only?

>dejarlas salir

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yeah they're firing everybody. they're about to shut down their radio station here too.

buenos dias fellow spics. any of you have basque heritage like myself?

Another leaf is doing really good with his spanish, you m8 like to become frend-frend with him:

Are you apart of the Mexican Hoon Cartel?

nah im a good boy

Thanks for the encouragement, mexi-bro. Spanish truly is a fantastic language.

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>Santos wins

oh boy, we wont handle this santos poster for the next week...

hes pure cringe
i enjoy it desu

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literaty nothing of value was lose

is just a meme forced by joserraton
>muh antiamericanismo

is like saying that chacarita juniors is a grande

Is he concentrated autisim?

>barak fever
le uefalona memelord

>el tato
good riddance

>richard mendez
another retarded memelord

>carolina guillen y guillermo celis
"si no es latino no juega bien baseball"

ya se habian tardado

Just mention the recycled beer :^)

>carolina guillen

m-mommy :(

all this butt mad faggots
>b-but muh irrelevancy
Cry me a river niggers I can see me team being champion every 3-5 years u like your team's with meme popularity.

tierron ''''''''''education''''''''''

Anda bien we? O tomaste un chingo de cerveza con baba?

Nigger wut? The poorest of the poor here are still either blacks or white trash.

Tokyo at night was just like my animes tBh. It was great

xyz still kill?

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ESPN Deportes is downsizing because Liga MX is the only thing that makes them money and every other sport/league it's produced at a loss because not enough ratings.

>not every year
>angeles de puebla
ayy lmao fake club

Really wonder how many times he had a stealth sip of piss.

You cunts stop bullying tierronbrah. We should stay united against Amerijotos™

>ESPN Deportes is downsizing because Liga MX is the only thing that makes them money and every other sport/league it's produced at a loss because not enough ratings.
No dumbass they're shutting down their radio station called ESPN Deportes Radio cause zoomers don't listen to the radio, if you retards watched/listened to JRYSB you'd know about this.

>You cunts stop bullying tierronbrah. We should stay united against Amerijotos™
fuck no, I shit on everybody who's not a fan of MY team and even then I recognize that at least half of the people who are fans of my team are all fucking retards, except for me of course ;^)

If that's the case why programs like Raza deportiva and destino fútbol are hinting that their show will contiene under a different company? I'll give you an advice, jrysb is the best espn TV show, there are better radio shows.

>why programs like Raza deportiva and destino fútbol are hinting that their show will contiene under a different company?
once again espn is starting to shut down their radio business cause they feel there is no future there, so anyone who has a radio only show has no choice but to go to a company that will have a radio spot for them

>watches espn that isnt actual sports or autismo picante
>calling anyone retarded

Attached: seriously.jpg (600x600, 35K)

>autismo picante
It's a shit show m8 also
>paying for espn
>when streams exist

pongan el link de la quiniela en el siguiente OP

ya no lo puedo postear, los jannies tiene fichado el link de la quiniela ;_;

Tonight's Futbol Picante


>this ESPN dude keep pushing this new tigres vs ame clasico

>not every year
One championship every 5 years is the best average of the league and it's held by Santos you retard
>angeles de puebla
>ayy lmao fake club
By that standard 90% of mexican clubs and a fuckton of international ones are "fake"

>Llantos fans this buttmad no one care about their irrelevant equipo llanero

Go drink some more piss to cool down hothead

quien es(deseguro es el deanda)? nadie del fp de la tarde, radio formula o alvaritos show a dicho que wilas vs tigays es un clasico

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es el pendejo el Odín, el que hace entrevistas malas a los jugadores y directivos, siempre metiendo mierda

reminder to use this image for next bread

ese vergas es de montegay iirc con razon sale con sus pendejadas

pemex chan!

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more pemex chan!

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even more pemex chan!

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Based thicc waifu drawer.

>chiquimarco fired before debuting
Top kek.


Hoy gana la maquina

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Hoy gana la maquinita y los tigres