Who roots for who?

Who roots for who?

What's better/worse about one team than the other?

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They're both shit
For me it's Aston Villa

Manchester roots for City
Greater Manchester roots for United

Locals supports City
Indian customers support yawnited

What part of Greater Manchester is Hyderabad situated in?

>Who roots for who?
Manchester City customers root for Manchester City and Manchester United customer root for Manchester United? Pretty strange question, user.

city fans live in stockport

traditionally Salford and North Manchester supports United, East/South Manchester and Stockport supports City

though United has more fans in general, even within the city

Indians support United
No one supports City
They're both horrendous.

who whythenshawe here

Indians and Asians support United though only for the fashion and to appear western.

Americans and Arabs support City, but only since 2017.

United: soul
City: souless

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So United is the true Norf team

unironically where I was born, didn't grow up in that shithole though

What happened in 2017?

new shit vs old shit

Manchester labours support United as well as the customers, City customers are supported by the wealthy and glory hunters and thats it.. Everyone knows Man City doesn't have a real fan base.

btw greater manchester = world

are there any city legends? is aguero one?

>Who roots for who?

"Whom" is dying its rightful death. Let it go.

A handful of loyal fans from Manchester and a load of plastics support Man City, a handful of loyal fans from London and a load of plastics support Man Utd.

those are plastics, they've their own club there

Said the eskimo

Colin Bell, Mike Doyle, Mike Summerbee, Paul Lake, Georgi Kinkladze, Ali Bernarbia, Shaun Goater

Dont forget based bert trautman

Could've just said 'no'


Checks out


the original bandwagon customers

Which club do I support?


For me? it's Shaun Goater

nah thats newcastle

Paul Dickov

Your nearest Irish club of course.

Asian guy here. Almost all of my asian mates are United customers but I’m a Liverpool fan.

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When I watched us play at Citeh in January, they were mainly supported by empty seats. I broadly expect it to be the same when I go in a couple of months.



I think he means the 2017/18 season when they got 100 points

B..but it's grammatically correct...


Both correct, well played lads

Can we ever get a consensus on what makes a fan or fanbase plastic? I feel like the bar is moved so consistently, it's possible (read: probable) that everyone will be called plastic to some degree.

It's mostly just bongs from irrelevant clubs that are jealous of the popularity of the bigger clubs.

Right, but yuros call pretty much every american soccer team plastic. It would seem like it has to do with the age of the team, but who knows.

Objectively false. Even here Man U customers are delusional retards whom nobody likes

I get what you're at is to define what a plastic team/fan is, and I support you in this.
It will be a struggle with semi-literate gutter chav bongs but you can just ignore them.

Liam and Noel Gallagher cheer for the one team. Everyone else cheers for the other.

Why do you hate Sikhs so much?

Man U have history
Man City were a pub team and bought success

Most people support whoever is at the top when they start watching.
United gained a lot of supporters all over SEA because they were the dominant team when the epl started to be broadcast there.
I find >muh local club argument retarded because it’s a global organisation with players from all over the world. A club isn’t just about the community anymore. No big teams have just local lads playing so it’s expected to have supporters from all over the world.

Sikhs are unironically based
t. Non sikh

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>muh local club argument retarded because it’s a global organisation with players from all over the world
i don't give a fuck where somebody is from, the main thing is to not jump ship and to stick by the team you chosen to support

name one indian that played for man u you absolsute spastic

Agreed. People who jump teams are plastics. Ronaldo fan boys come to mind

>muh country player
How low is your iq that you can’t get my point. Why do I have to support only players from my own country? I do support India in all tournaments that they play. That doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy watching great teams play.
Why don’t you just watch your national league?
Also Arsenal had an Indian goalkeeper in their reserves for a few months. Does that satisfy your criteria?

>implying I support man united


I'm Chinese.

>club is the second team of a mid-size city by European standards, with modest but loyal fanbase
>maximum attendance is about 40k, all from in and around the city
>plays in a 55k stadium