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Based and blackpilled
woah, I get a shock when i translated that!
I'm a Lazio fan and their racist banners and chants sometimes make me afraid to admit I'm a lazio fan, it's despicable.
found the seattle fan
Lazio Nazio
cuck sjw basedboy white genocider
For which other reason you can be proud to be a Lazio fan except for the bantz ?
The goat club logo
It's connected to bantz obviously.
the "y-you cant support l-lazio!! even the players are racist!!" from finnish liverpool fans is the best
Lazio fans seems based
lol who were the opponents ?
Probably A.S Riomma fans, not sure and don't remember
Based nazio
"Auschwitz is your homeland, the ovens are your homes" in case anyone's interested.
Roma game in 1998
Anyone remember when Yea Forums wasn't filled with race obsessed far rightists? It was around before the 2018 World Cup, when they all came from /pol/, having been driven to Yea Forums because of its libertarian refusal to ban racists, whereas all other platforms had kicked them out. Better times. They all know fuck all about sports too
>Yea Forums didnt call black players niggers etc before 2018
Yea Forums and Yea Forums in general have always been two things anime and racist. You could argue racism back then was less hate and more edge but that's it.
They always have cool players. And they don't play with wingers but weirdly enough have produced quite a few OK wingers
muh racism
have sex
All /pol/tards are newfags that didnt understand nigger and jew bants and wanted to fit in.
Translate spagettos
"Lazio -Livorno. Same initial letter, same oven" (in italian "Livorno" rhymes with "forno", so it sounds much better)
What does it say, i Don't speak side switcher.
I don’t get it, who plays sports against predominantly Jewish teams? Was there like 1 Jewish player on the other team that inspired it or are they just shitpostinf
lol im a full blown Jew and this is hilarious. us winning at the end is what makes it so funny.
get a sense of humor cuckbois
Wouldn't be a problem, but you lot don't know a fucking thing about sport. It's embarrassing.
Not nearly as embarrassing as you pretending you know a fucking thing about sport.
what's romas problem with livorno?
Been here since 2007. It was racist, as in, we would post memes like this and think it was comedy gold, because we were high schoolers.
Sometime around 2014, and again in 2016, things became a lot less fun and a lot more pernicious. No one who has been here for a long time can even pretend the racism today is anything like the racism of yesteryear.
The fact is Yea Forums today is unrecognizable from Yea Forums of yesteryear. I'll post a graph in my next post which basically tells the story on its own.
As you can see the current population is around 150 million. Back in the day it was barely 25 million. So all those people saying "Yea Forums was always racist" are statistically more likely to be one of the 125 million newfags. And their reference point for "always" is 2014, since for them 5 years makes them an oldfag. But they aren't. They have no idea what things were like because they weren't here.
Your point is that you got older so the racism somehow changed?
Lazio is to the far-right as to Livorno is to the far-left.
The racism changed independent of my own sensibilities changing. Which you would know if you were here back then.
Nah, you're just a faggot. Then again, that's par for the course for a leaf.
I have been here since 2012. I don't really feel any change besides more moderation and less funposting on Yea Forums.
This is also why Yea Forums is shit now, because you have idiots like this who can just look at the flag and do a canned meme. Flags killed this stupid place.
So you came to Yea Forums after /pol/ was created? Got it.
You can always go to reddit, sweetheart.
Describe how the racism 'changed'.
Flags ARE reddit. The whole point of Yea Forums is that it was anonymous. Adding flags to posts is not anonymous. But this is all you have, canned memes. Go to reddit, check. Leaf, check. Sweetheart, check. You're a joke.
I already did. It stopped being about harmless fun and it started being serious, about creating infographics and radicalizing people. A lot of people came to Yea Forums, saw the racism, didn't see the irony, and here we are today.
What's the difference between "lol niggers are stupid" and "lol niggers are stupid and here's a study to prove it"? Both are racist.
Lazio posting has always been a thing by the way.
Livorno is the city that witnessed the foundation of the Italian communist party (PCI) in the early 1920s and is pretty much known as Leningrad 2.0 for its general far-left tendency, as said
Because I could laugh at all the watermelon and KFC memes and still not be an actual racist. I still had black friends. I wasn't school shooter tier going on about white genocide. This new racism is not about having fun, it's just an echochamber of radicals. Go to /pol/ and tell me a single one of them are joking.
The change in attitude of Yea Forums as a result of the population growth was Poe's Law in action.
You're telling me some form 'light' inoffensive racism is funny. You do realise that shit wouldn't fly today either, right? Society in general has become more radicalised and Yea Forums, as expected, is just a reflection of it.
>more radicalised and Yea Forums, as expected, is just a reflection of it.
So you admit then that Yea Forums is not today what it was in yesteryear? That's good to hear. Of course the internet at large has gotten "less fun" but Yea Forums is just unrecognizable from what it was. Boards like Yea Forums and Yea Forums are smoking heaps of rubble compared to they once were. And Yea Forums isn't much better. Again Flags have really done damage, making everyone act very tribal and apply the barest minimums of effort into their posts. How on earth can you be a fan of sports and be a racist? How on earth can you be a fan of music, and hate blacks and jews? It doesn't make any sense. These people don't give a fuck about of any of these things. They just infect boards and overwhelm them with sheer numbers. I've seen it change in live time and it's really disappointing, because as terrible as this website is, I still think it's one of if not the best website on the internet. And since it's so addictive, none of us will ever be allowed to leave. My only hope is that enough school shooters are produced here that the FBI shuts this site down so I can move on with my life.
yes, i know that everyone at livorno is communist but wasnt roma also left-leaning in contrast with lazio? at least 20 years ago.
It's the price you gotta pay for unfiltered anonymous discourse.
Tribalism is the fundamental essence of team sports, by the way. And even individual ones, to a lesser extent.
Also, you're never leaving. If they haven't shut us down after all that's happened, they probably never will.
you're mental get a grip
this whole website was a lot more fun before the nazis on /pol/ took everything over
>Also, you're never leaving.
I know. None of us are. This place is digital heroine.
>If they haven't shut us down after all that's happened, they probably never will.
After thinking about it, they actually wouldn't want to shut us down because then the radicals would scatter among the internet. They would much rather they all congregate in the same place so they can all be monitored at once.
>It was around before the 2018 World Cup
Look at this newfag
Jesus Christ,I thought the storming of leddit and newfags wasn't as bad.
The leaf is 100% percent right,I am here since 2008.Never thought the "migration" was this bad.
Just today I saw a post,that got a ton of (you's) because a newfag thought "Is he kill?" or "Who was phone" were grammatical errors.It is honestly hard to filter between ironic shitpost and newfags.
Back then it was fighting "Giga"-nigger with quads,or other dumb memes.Now discussion get completly derailed,with non stop racebaiting in both ways.
These people are social outcasts, they need a platform to vent their views and find like-minded individuals.
stfu nigger
Lmao look at this nigger faggot
They need therapy
Yea Forums has been in dramatic decline for years, just accept that things will never be as fun as they used to be and make the most of what remains.
Exactly. When are people finally gonna admit that you lot are better at sports?
Yeah, until the gypsies and niggers came lmao