”white Americans can’t fi-“

>”white Americans can’t fi-“

Wait what was that low t XXY kleinfelters syndrome Eurofaggots? I don’t see a European champion carrying the HW belt???? How could that be?

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based croat stud BTFOing amerinigger

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hes croatian
fucj america

He was born in Ohio, is American. Seethe and cope.

What part of Croatia was he born in again? I forgot

An equivalent of blacks winning a trophy for france

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>losing fight
>tries to eye poke to save himself

typical DC

look at the folds in the flag, this was set up just for one photo

america is croatia

Only anglos are true americans

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The cope is hilarious. Laughs at "mutts" for heritage yet claims an American that wins.

You'll try to claim Pulisic next too

Which flag does Stipe walk out with? Serious question will determine which he mainly identifies with

Based, I love Croats

Ohajo, zadar

He is 100% croatian by blood, mutt

It’s even funnier when they try to claim shit like the moon landing too. I remember arguing with an English guy on here and he just broke down and was like “yeah well Americans are all from Europe so every achievement you do is actually our achievement” lmfao.

Completely shameless

Best day ever
Croats confirmed the niggers of america

Hahahah cope. He's an American. Born in America. Muh national pride month

I guarantee you Ruiz fucking KOS your ufc heavyweight champ

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It's so bad they have to claim Americans now

He’s an anchor baby. Anchor babies are not American

He is as american as a nigger is european

He's American too lmao


Anchor babies are not American. Plus he’s Mexican and not white.


Can you please tell that to Mexico?

Now that's a hot take.

Stipe is proud to be Croatian AND American

He obviously is proud of heritage and American background/nationality

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Hrvatska do tokija preko milvokija

How many times has this argument happened on this site?
1 million?
'lol why do amerifags say they're x, theyre american'
'he's not american, he's x'.
He's both, clearly.

he's not even as good as kelvin gastelum

This proves beyond any doubt that Miocic is 100% American

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Now that is a based picture
But if he was a short swarthy like italians he wouldnt be considered american, would he?

Eurofags btfo forever

If he wasn't accomplished you wouldn't consider him Croatian.


Attached: I am a real American.jpg (1920x1080, 603K)

If he wins he's white
If he loses he's not

Mutts BTFO

Cringe pol thread.

Yes I would, if he is 100% genetically Croatian regardless of accomplishements I would call him Croatian because he is Croatian

He can't speak Croatian. Yuros always make fun of us that if we can't speak German or Italian, we can't call ourselves German or Italian.

We'll allow you to have some claim on Stipe if you also cheer for Pulisic

Great Stipe Miocic

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He is 100% croatian, americans are mutts, Stipe Miočić from Hrvatska is not a mutt, he looks like a typical Hrvat from Dalmacija and Slavonija

he is genetically croat
american is not an ethnicity. white americans are descendants of us europeans, but all merged..

He was born and raised in fucking Ohio. He knows nothing about living in Croatia or being a Croat more than any other American knows about their heritage.

He doesn't even speak your language.


He believes pol memes about mutts. Most Americans are majority one country or two, because many immigrants of same ethnicity settled in same areas.

If I were mute, deaf and had no fingers to type on would that make me American?

yeah I know you've seen it but look at this anyway and SWOLOW the white pill, which means since Fedor there is one badass man on Earth, and he is white.

not because he is the most powerful, but the smartest

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A dog born in a stable is not a horse, he is a catholic 100% croat, while you are a mystery meat mutt trying to claim somebody who shares a flag with you the same as you

user... by your logic, spic Mexican anchor babies are pure Americans or does it only work like that when its a white person.

are croats truly the most powerful race?

in awe at the amount of people that don't know this


One country they are not for sure, from several they are, white americans are a combo of english, germans,irish, italians and all sorts of europeans. Only portuguese descedants there are more than 1 million, like Tom Hanks or Katy Perry

Of course it only works when your white. White American only claim Mexican Americans when they start winning or making money. If they don’t then they’re beaners and need to go back?

We're definitely in the discussion.

Were you crying while typing this?

Stipe's parents are legal citizens

He visited Croatia already 2 times you retard. Stipe is a Croat. By your logic every nigger born in France is a 100% pure blooded french man.

The term white is made up for mutts like yourself with no identity, no such thing as white, black or mongoloid

he is right, genetics don´t change because your parents move abroad.

We Americans have decided in a gesture of good faith to allow Croats to share claim in Stipe if they cheer for Pulisic against the bong mexican menace

so are anchor babies.

races do exist, europid/white, negroid/black, mongoloid/asian

But your nationality, and cultural identity does. He's American. Wears shitkickers and trucker hats. Shit you only wish you could wear

A horse isn’t a horse because it’s born in a stable. Why do incels think this is a good analogy ?

No, that doesn't make the parents legal

Those classifications are outdated
Europeans are mix of various races, croatians are primarily Dinarid, East Baltic and Nordic

Did this idiot just relate visiting Croatia twice with growing up and living there


Miocic is a proud Midwestern boy, born and raised.

yeah but the baby is legal and is seen as a American.

nationality is a piece of paper, that means nothing, at least here

Doesn't make the parents legal syrup fag

>Ohio blood

Fuck tons of Croatians are illegal nazi refugees in the americas, I wouldn't be surprised if his parents were

>are primarily Dinarid, East Baltic and Nordic

That's phenotypes of the europid race not races.

That's why Portugal is a meme country and were the greatest country of earth. National pride.

>By your logic every nigger born in France is a 100% pure blooded french man.
That is exactly what French nationality law is, retarded leaf.

>civic nationalist cuck

They come from different sources, dinarids and nordics are native to europe while baltids are indo europeans

Are Mexicans white?

he wouldn't be so durable if he had "american" genes.

>Portugal, almost 1000 years of history
>a meme country

rotfl, american education classics
so tommorrow 100 million mexicans will become americans when they receive the paper right? are you insane?

Learn what ethnicity means ya dumb tard

Mate, that doesn’t matter. He was born in the United States and is an American. He’s A M E R I C A N you dumbass.

generally no, since the vast majority are mixed amerindians with some european blood.

>"American" genes
Says the slav of all people topkek. Dude, we're a country the size of Europe with 350 million people in it. Enough with the mutt memes already lmao

damn I've just noticed the based rosary he probably got from his mom

Its because USA has the best training facilities in the world for MMA. He could never be a champion training in 3rd world Croatia. He also learned how to wrestle in American college. He was an NCAA division 1 wrestler.

Also his father and mother split up long ago, his bum croat dad abandoned him. No wonder he identifies American so much.

Not even Irish Americans want to be Americans, not even Italian Americans want to be Americans, not even polish Americans want to be Americans, not even Mexicans Americans want to be Americans.

Why is it always cuck anglos who want to be Americans?

I think only pulisics father is croatian
Also he ditched us, no hard feelings he might have not had a chance to play for our starting 11
Good luck to him, but if he doesnt feel croatian i dont care about him
But he did take our citizenship so he could play in bundesliga
Kinda ratty move
But its bis right so who cares

>tfw American educational system
I swear only thing you've been taught in school is how to dodge bullets.

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> Born in America
> Grows up in America
> NCAA D1 Wrestling in America
> Learns to fight and train in America
> Speaks no Croatian

Croatian. Wew lads.

>how to dodge bullets.

Because Anglos made this country, retard

Only Pulisic's grandfather is Croatian. Incidentally his full name is Christian Mate Pulisic. The middle name coming from his grandfather.

i want it too.

What is ethnicity

We also learn how to wrestle

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Considering the number of deaths from gun shots I dont think they were taught to dodge very well either lmao

>Because Anglos made this country, retard
Cool story bro. Immigration made this country. Every ethnicity has build this country.

>wins the belt for the first time

100% American action kek

He's like most Americans. Very proud of his heritage. Hes very proud to be of Croatian decent, but of course he identifies American.

You must understand national pride for most Americans is taken very seriously here. Stipe is probably proud as hell to be Croatian decent, but he's also at the same time as American as it gets.

That's why he's Croatian-American

>if he was born in america that makes him american
also americans:
>I'm 3/32ths german so I strongly identify with my heritage

>made this thread to lightly tease Europeans
>it’s now devolved into /pol/ race science

Why are you guys such fags man, I’m legit embarrassed for you guys sometimes

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Stfu leaf

yes, but predispositions is something other.
Imagine how many Indian-americans has ATT produced regarding of superb facilities.
Same thing with our soccer players, yet somehow you got better infrastructure, but we have better players (of soccer I'm talking).

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90% of the time it's more like 50% german, etc.

>That's why he's Croatian-American
Why do white Americans get so mad when Mexican Americans take pride in their culture but when Italian Americans do it or Irish Americans or even this Croatian American it’s ok? “Dude he just proud of his culture”

Because Soccer is considered a female sport in this country. I wish it wasn't, but it is.


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He isnt even a mutt like a Mexican or an Irish, he is straight up croatian

Americans dont get mad at Mexican Americans being proud of their culture lol. De La Hoya was loved and he came out with both flags.

Americans hate Mexicans who come to USA and dont want to assimilate and learn English or pay taxes, or the ones that will boo the national anthem at USA vs Mexico soccer games.

Based Miocic is the savior of the white race. He will flush Mgumbo once and for all

But apparently he isn't proud enough to represent Croatia.

You can debate how Croatian he is all you want, but what isn't debatable is that he competes for America.

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I dont deny that
Dude behaves american, merried a italian girl, but he is ethnicaly croatian, got them chekers tattoo
He also watched our footy nt, and gave us a shout out when he won the belt
We see him as one of us, since were a small country of 4 milion people and another 4 probably, across the world,
Small and proud
I dont wanna sound rude but its a bit hard to understand for an american

That's only correct answer in this thread.

>Not having Miocic by KO


Bro Mexican Americans speak both languages and are still hated. Also Mexicans are not even crossing the border no more. Those Central Americans from El Salvador and Honduras.

A lot of the Americans you dismiss as mutts are actually straight up pure European Americans

I thought stipe would decission him

Don't Euros always bash the Americans for holding onto their heritage, the old I'm 1/16th Irish, or the whole Italian New Yorker thing. But here there is the opposite a country fighting to claim someone. It can't be both ways guys

Holy shit finally a based leaf

Except both stipes parents arw croatian
Which mean 1/1

When I say mutt I mean a mutt of various european ethnicities

They all want to be Americans you fat idiot. You're confusing ethnicity with nationality. Read a fucking book and get some sunlight then have consensual sex with a woman.

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This. He doesn't understand this because he believes internet memes.

daily reminder that DC is also white. probably whiter.

Both my parents were born in Canada, their parents were born in Canada, but their parents are all from England. That doesn't make me English, I'm Canadian, that's how immigration works

They just care about the skin color dude, I have first hand experience. I was surprised when a american thought I was a tourist. lol

Based and red pilled

ReadAmericans are usually very 'white' but are still mutts of different ethnicites

Born in the USA, identifies as Croatian.
...but why?
why does he hate the US?

How is Stipe not American? I’m sure if you asked him he would say he’s proud to be both American and Croatian. I can’t imagine him denigrating one at the other’s expense. I would even wager he’d lean more American since he’s from here and grew up here.

He’s literally a fan of the Browns ffs, doesn’t get more American than that

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are you saying he's a UT

That goes all around the new world I guess, different mentality because of the melting pot

Every person I know that hates Mexicans, it's because they never want to assimilate. There is nothing wrong with muh heritage every American does it, but you cant deny there is a large segment if Mexicans that refuse to assimilate. Look ar Ruiz Jr. Heavyweight champ. He only carrys Mexican flag. If he loves only Mexico, then go back.

good eye, bro. i didn't even notice that.

Euros are some of the most hypocritical and bitter posters I've ever seen. You spend all your time calling americans mutts, 56%, etc and how we are evil then you take our defense, and claim our athletes as your own when it's convenient? Get the fuck out of here.

If it wasn't for the United states you söy euros would be speaking Russian right now. Stipe is an American as America is a country, a set of values, not an ethnicity. The funny part is that no matter who won that fight tonight, it would be an American champ, goes to show how absolutely shit Europeans are at fighting

They sound like Italian Americans, Irish Americans, polish Americans ect...

Mhmm, yup, this is based

Of course he's Croatian decent, no one is arguing that, but half the Croats in this thread are trying to make it seem like he's no American. Being American until recently was a very unique experience because of love of your heritage but bold enough to branch out on own and be American. He's Croatian-American, which is very chad.

Stipe is an exclusively Croatian name and Miočić is an exclusively Croatian surname, both of his parents are Croatians and he therefore is Croatian

It's hard to identify as an American when your fat taco eating wet back neighbor is seen as more American than you and his little goblin children are American simply because their fat spic mother got her back wet.
The fact that 99.9999% of the US population can't pronounce his name tells you everything you need to know.
Americans are called Deshawn Lamar Williams, Mike Lopez, Justin Stevens etc., not Stipe Miočić.

>would be speaking Russian right now.

do burger retards belive on this absurd? germans would have won the wwii and everybody knows that,it was necessary half of the world to beat them

all I want is a clip of the KO, anyone got that?

don't need any of this /pol/ shit

Daily reminder that the alpha Europeans left Europe cause they had enough bravery and strength to sail to unknown lands and start new lands in undiscovered frontiers. The strongest and best Europeans leave europe. If you are a European in Europe you guaranteed are a cuck söyboy cause you are the descendant of the pussies who stayed behind sucking your lords cock as a peasant in a stagnant shithole, while the alpha bloodlines left and settled in america, canada, South africa, australia, etc. This is why America is a superpower and Europe is a stagnant shithole that Russia would have already overran if it wasnt for American bases keeping you cucks alive

Didn't know cultures could claim entire names

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