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/heem/ - Heem Day 2: The Heempire Strikes Back
Angel Ortiz
Other urls found in this thread:
Dominic Morgan
For those who want to know how to stream the fights tonight
Step 1:
Get five or six buddies to come over and watch the fights
Step 2:
Subscribe to ESPN+ on your computer, phone, or Smart TV device (Apple TV, Fire TV, Roku) through the ESPN app for $4.99 a month
Step 2a:
If you want a whole year, you can bundle a year of ESPN+ with UFC 241 for a promotional price of $79.99 at
Step 3:
Purchase UFC 241 through the ESPN app or for $59.99. no matter how you slice it, this is a discount on the previous ppv price of 64.99
Thomas Reyes
UFC 241
Parker Jenkins
stop proxy fagging
Daniel Gutierrez
Champ Shit Only
Isaiah Sullivan
thanks for help user
Juan Rogers
Alexander Myers
UFC 241: Cormier vs Miocic 2:
Henry Stewart
when will they make it a requirement to have big boobies or a big butt to fight in ufc
Lucas Brown
Shana Dodson is now 3-3.
Her UFC record is 1-2.
It's cutting time my friends.
Josiah Perry
alpha female
Kayden Sanchez
based as fuck
Ian Brown
should have been stopped
Brayden Russell
What are you smoking/drinking tonight boys?
Got some:
Bio Jesus Badder
Bio Diesel Badder
Gorilla Glue Wax
Moab Shatter
And a Harlequin joint
Lincoln Brooks
Alexander Walker
>those knees
Kayden Moore
>open one of the stream links posted
>commentary is on the negro tongue known as Spanish
Ian Green
Could legitimately be three 10-8 rounds for Mazo, Dobson did nothing.
Parker Foster
I could fuck all your dads and there is nothing you could do about it
Ethan Price
Benjamin Turner
i have this one
but which of these streams is equally as fine 60fps hd but with a fun chat? so lonely... also keep posting these thot webms
Michael Campbell
/heem/ing with the boooooys
Cooper Myers
James Flores
Juan Ward
Gabriel Harris
Women don't belong in ufc.
Bentley Cook
brendan the hybrid big brown schaub is god free coral you fascist cunt his ip is static florida is shit he had to go to the fucking place to get a new modem punisher basshole
holy fuck i would have been the 1st reply im sick of using proxies
Benjamin Jackson
NYC Diesel and some cheap beer
Adam Cook
Post your walkout, amazing beat edition
Chase Smith
Jackson Reed
damn if this chick didnt know english at all before she is a genius
Kayden Sullivan
kys espn shill
Juan Bell
lol unironically how many times have you been banned for posting that? it's incredible how UNTOUCHABLE you were with a dynamic IP. poor coral.
Julian Anderson
Frankie Edgar VS Aljamain Sterling in the works for UFC 244
Robert Diaz
rogan is a dumbass who claims he speaks with ayylmaos when he's high on drugs, and you're all brainlet faggots for worshiping an airhead celeb
Charles Howard
spoonfeeding the people, fuckin' goof
Carson Peterson
William Green
fuck off Dana "we don't know what the old man said" White
Grayson Perez
>be me
>get tricked by boomer family into going on holiday in yurop
>london first, very diverse. lovely. go on the tube in 40 degrees packed in a 40 year old train carriage with 40 other people per square meter, train screeches to the point that it hurts my ears the entire way
>think it can't get worse than this
>paris is literally fucking somalia
>countryside is nice though but the french cant drive for shit
>prague fucking rules, czechs are super nice and the food rocks, also the girls are hot. got to see the castle in an intense storm. fucking awesome.
>commies and guilt ridden retards everywhere constantly complaining about 'gentrification' and generally bitching about the influx of the rest of the worlds degenerate hipster fashion chasers pricing the commies out of their own neighborhoods while graffiti is fucking everywhere denouncing the afd and demanding open borders
>the cities famous food is turkish kek this place is fucking gonzo
>some 10/10 blonde girls though
>have to catch a train at 6am to get out of this hellhole and into the countryside
>will probably miss the good fights and even if I don't I'll ruin my sleep
don't let my flag fool you. don't fall for the travel with family meme. if you do, stay away from any and all cities [spoiler]except prague, prague rules[/spoiler]
Jack Reyes
Would love a link URL
Hudson Anderson
need a colombian gf to bend over near me
Joshua Sanchez
Landon Long
Caleb Butler
scroll up
John Reyes
Read the thread you fucking asshat
Matthew Myers
english is the easiest language on the world. It's just most fighters have the IQ of a potato.
Brandon Brown
Edgar needs to retire.
Levi Young
"Women *sniffs* mma"
Joseph Nelson
That was our first fight of the night
It is now over
Coming up next is our second fight of the night
Jaxon Ward
Very good fight but an odd one
Aljo is pretty underrated, and he's quite lanky. Could cause Edgar problems
Bentley Bailey
>Not going for the big money Maynard vs Edgar 4
Wyatt James
Anyone got a decent stream in English?
Ryan Jones
pic related plus sativa vape pens all night kid
Juan Collins
that has to be the most lopsided score in ufc history
Anthony Cooper
get me in the right frequency
Easton Miller
thanks user, all set now
Eli Scott
Jaxon Martinez
Heres your link URL bro
*unzips dick*
Christopher Nguyen
Jose Perry
>kyung ho "we wuz" kangs "n shit"
Isaiah Lewis
Prince - when doves cry
Landon Wilson
Snacks and hoes is a heem staple
Gabriel Johnson
prague is the 2nd worst place i've been to, no 3rd behind new york city and las vegas fucking eat a dick
Connor Clark
is gonna be a quality night with food and bitches poster
John Diaz
based dana putting the chicks on first so i have time to get snacks
William Harris
When's Killer B vs Killa B
John Gray
>he runs 20 miles a day
Landon Adams
no, it's just spammy
Luis Fisher
I have some leftover hash or as you burgers say keif, snickers, ice cream and pancakes with comdenced milk
David Allen
Why are the colors coordinated so well though?
Brody Sanchez
yeah i have a very low IQ i couldn't learn a 2nd language to save my life i had to cheat my way through those classes lmfao @ life
just go to colombia it's cheap as fucking fuck
Isaiah Powell
t. cardiolet
Andrew Morgan
Based Dom throwing shade at Joe's friend Cam Hanes
Levi Diaz
Cameron Price
lmao Rogan gushing over this guy going 20 miles and Cruz is just like yeah but what does that have to do with fighting
I swear we'll see this guy gas after 5 or some stupid shit
Alexander Reyes
lol dom saying exactly what he thinks
plus its his division so he's not going overboard on the compliments
Jason Perez
sounds like the new
>he's 3% body fat
Sebastian Barnes
lmao, i like how dominic keeps it real.
>who gives a fuck he runs 20 miles. How much does he actually train? He is more of a marathon runner than anything
Hudson Carter
por que no espanol?
Andrew Smith
rogan burying this kid before the fight even starts
watch him bring up the running again if he encounters any difficulty during the fight
Logan Garcia
why didn't you like it? I want to travel on my own across the less populated burger states desu
Luis Harris
>she's cut-
Elijah Martinez
based and cruzpilled
Juan Myers
The yakuza guy gonna win.
Jonathan Harris
Oliver White
u gotta be new
Brandon Ortiz
Ryan Walker
Where has this fucker been? He really is not going to corner his brother after complaining about being banned!
Wyatt Rodriguez
Noah Sullivan
smoking some Virginia/Perique pipe tobacco, eatin burgers from the grill and drinking grape kool aid.
Luis King
>You know, this could have to do with him running 20 miles a day
>Maybe he ran today and he's still tired, so it made his chin weaker
>it's entirely possible
Jack Campbell
>easiest language on the world
lmao dumbass. Easiest language is Spanish. English has a whole ton of exceptional words that break the rules the language establishes. It may be easy to pick it up and convey meaning, but to speak it perfectly you need to experience every unique rule-breaking word.
Isaac Martinez
marathon runner is an understatement cuz even those guys arent stupid enough to do that many 20 mile runs in a row
they're usually only running 20+ miles once or twice and one of them is race day
Ayden Richardson
>cruz talking shit about other bantamweights
Adrian Butler
How many IRL MMA friends do you have lads?
I have two.
My brother and this based muslim lad I met at uni.
A grand total of 2 I swear to god.
MMA seems so big on the internet but IRL it's like admitting you're into BDSM.
Jack Cooper
Have you seen Davis fight before?
Brayden Morales
Our second fight of the night
Ethan Foster
rogan looking like a chimp again before the cameras, nippiles protruding, very very disrespectful
Hudson Scott
I unironically started browsing /heem/ when McGregor fought Khabin. Although, I used to watch lots of UFC back in the day but had to focus on school so all that went away for a while
Evan Stewart
stop posting this bleached blonde zilch she's not hot and i want to fuck mini khabib nowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Jordan Baker
I have 3. My close friends are based and high T, but I know a lot of absolute fags too and they're not into it.
Carter Watson
Mate we're in the UK and the sport airs at 3am on the regular
It's more of a niche sport here, it's not a surprise
Jeremiah Anderson
He has always ran 20 miles a day but now that he is at bantamweight he does it at a faster pace to burn more calories.
Benjamin Baker
I'm not saying I think Cam Hanes running 20 plus miles a day is bullshit, I just can't believe his knees wouldn't be ruined by it
Kevin Richardson
Has Cruz retired yet or is he still pretending he might fight again?
Robert Price
lesgo boys
Lucas Cox
I have none because my mum broke up with my MMA loving stepdad.
Ayden Morales
Be ready for the best fight of your life.
Ethan Garcia
Woot snacks'n'hoes I am hype now
Joshua Cook
the architecture was absolutely beautiful but the people smelled like shit had hairy armpits and were cunty, i hope they all die
Angel Collins
>can't go to school and watch a weekly event at the same time
Ian Brooks
Grayson Hughes
Seek help
Oliver Reyes
Eli Davis
yeah but I don't really remember it, why?
Nicholas Morales
which makes BT's decision to start charging for PPVs fucking baffling.
Do you have any idea if tonight's event is free or not?
It's on the TV guide but I'm pretty sure 239 was too.
Nathaniel Brooks
Isaac Perez
Cam admitted to doing steroids on his own blog some years back, and even told aspiring hunters to "take notes" on how to be as fit as he was lel
Grayson Bailey
This has spicy banger written all over it
Connor Butler
He's a beast and he doesn't gas
Carson Russell
tbf specialization and focus are the keys to success
Cooper Morris
he'll fight after his shoulder heals or something
Charles Ortiz
Fucking brainlet
Leo Anderson
cute mixed couple, thats the future
Kayden Jones
white men and asian women are baffling
No matter how ugly the other one is they'll attract like fucking magnets.
Anthony Perry
i can't figure out why a man like this would have severe back pain all of the time
Jayden Diaz
Josiah Allen
Woman needs blonde dye and she'll be prime gyaru material
Cooper Thomas
Jace Perry
Levi Butler
None including myself
Michael Morales
the mutilated sausage and the brown juice hole is code for trannie, am i right?
Kayden Torres
Davis is a savage win by submission in rd 2.
Brody Johnson
cut it out
Dominic Miller
Favourite WWE Wrestler who's dead?
Kevin Allen
Hows your daily cardio going?
Xavier White
uhhh how do you change flag?
Nathaniel Peterson
Randy Savage
Evan Hill
Christian Morgan
Jayden Jackson
Chris Benoit
Wyatt Flores
Roddy Piper
Asher Moore
Pegasus Kid
Sebastian Anderson
10-9 Kang, great jab and cross
Tyler Bell
cut it out.
Thomas Reyes
LOL i switched over from POWERADE TO DR SINATRA ELECTROYLTES CARDIO powder today. not even trolling.
Tyler Scott
are u blind? 10-9 davis
Mason Jenkins
>TFW only James will do
Jaxon Edwards
>Jon Anik: UFC 241 sponsored by the crypt, welcome all of our ethereal fans here to-night.
Ian Jackson
*tips fedora
Oliver Russell
Tonights is yeah
242 is airing at a normal time in the UK but will be PPV
literal brainlets, but I don't think UFC really cares about the sport growing in the UK market. Just squeezing extra PPV buys
Hunter Allen
is that... Portugal. the Man behind them?
Carson Hernandez
Lol he's getting flushed
Jonathan Mitchell
>Grab opponent by the wrist
>Make them physically tap out
Owen Martinez
my wife?
Ayden Jackson
10-8 Kang final offer
Gabriel Ross
They better get ice on that dick
Owen Hughes
Brandon Barnes
Andrew Brooks
Ishii is the only person who has come close to him
Jose Rivera
Are the old picks invalid?
Jack Peterson
Jackson Price
The yakuza guy gonna win.
Michael Fisher
I want to light his faggot shirt on fire
Wyatt Wilson
Jayden Jenkins
I'm betting on Stipe/Yoel/Diaz to win.
Good picks?
Noah Johnson
He'd box your ears boy
Gabriel Smith
Elite marathon runners typically don’t run more than 100 miles a week max
If that guy is running 20 miles a day he’s a retard, that won’t help his fight conditioning at all, all he needs to do is 25 minutes at or above his lactic threshold lmao
Blake Taylor
No lol
Christian Cooper
lillian's really just my 5 year old cousin.
i also got this today:
not even trolling lmao
Isaiah Jones
all main even fights are pick-em's, expect bumson losing
Aaron Peterson
>It's a 10 consecutive decisions episode
I'm so glad there's no UFC to ruin my weekend next week
Landon Clark
All 3 fights are a toss up
Dominic Thompson
smart money is on pettis but other 2 ok
Evan Jenkins
Jose Anderson
Thoughts? kek would be lucky as fck
Juan Cook
two, my brother and old workmate who got me into mma
Thomas White
Those are the based picks, but the main card will be random as fuck.
Kayden Hernandez
Switch Diaz to Pettis and you are golden. Pettis is a risk taker, his odds reflect his style perfectly but remember: he isn't scared to commit to a huge punch. He won't turtle like tyquil
Eli Miller
This refs hair lmoa
Sebastian Baker
this is the thinkingmans choice
Henry Edwards
Porque onions de inglaterra amigo
Estoy aqui para las chicas y vibras
James Jackson
Stream with a comfy chat, its a Russian site so they might hack you but who cares.
Brayden Wood
I have two. We watch the main event together on Discord :)
Jacob Roberts
rogan is such a cuck jfc
Ian Davis
stfu joe
Eli Rodriguez
>mouthpiece autism
god I hate joe rogan
Evan Richardson
wtf is morgan freeman doing in there
Xavier Cruz
I take BCAAs since cutting maybe schott can give me some advice since his weight loss went really well
Nicholas Gomez
oh based i larp as an estonian on here so i should be able to keep up with the russian right i don't know
Michael Edwards
19-19 perhaps?
for all the control Kang didn't do much damage in the 2nd
Nolan Morris
look at those awkward dorks
at least pretend to be slightly interested fucking autists
Gavin Bell
Lol Kang actually is gassing but
Grayson Murphy
bit bent
Leo Baker
I'm shocked.
Aaron Cox
Not sure how to score that round, what do your judge's scorecards say?
Brody Nguyen
Manlets have pathetic power. Really shouldnt be considered men at all
Anthony Carter
this gook is gonna get leg heemed if he doesn't check that shit
Luis Rodriguez
Isaiah Cruz
I swear Korean are not yakuza...
Joshua Nelson
But what? Finish your sentences gook
Gavin Russell
kang is hot, wish he would breed me
Justin Jenkins
how the fuck do you afford your supplements you're just a microbiologist. what brand do you take btw
Cooper Cooper
Anthony Morris
He’s probably running 10 minute miles on soft trails
He’s a Roidhead, not an elite runner, I’d make him my bitch over any distance under 50 miles
Ayden Moore
I thought he's lost both rounds tbqh
It's 20-18 to the Davis man
Adrian Rogers
Why, you would just fart it out anyway
William Wood
don't be rude Da Silva
Adam Williams
>One LHW strap please
Christopher Jackson
Rogan is 4channel. Remember that
Hudson Martinez
Redneck looks like a retard I'm cheering for the asian dude
Parker Sanders
Zachary Rodriguez
Jonathan Moore
is there a fucking mule in the crowd?
Angel Jackson
For someone who runs 20 miles each day his cardio sure is trash
Christopher Cox
he was doing nothing shut the fuck up manlet
Jace Gomez
Miller Lite bro.
Jason Brooks
Good stand up
Colton Myers
Josiah Parker
Angel Murphy
decent fight tbf
Parker Davis
>talking about how cool Swaggy G is before the fight
>proceeds to ref terribly
Adrian Myers
Based ref wants to see stand-n-bang
Hunter Parker
based ref haha
Joseph Sanchez
is that really how homosexuals get rid of cum?
Carter Barnes
based boxing ref
Connor Bailey
its a cow dude
Cooper Cooper
Based ref saying fuck grappling
Connor Campbell
does joe have vitiligo?
Kayden Miller
based ref
Leo Adams
2.0 miles
David Bennett
based ref saving us from lay n pray. shut the fuck up joe
Jonathan Flores
he's just blowing out his knees the only good cardio is relevant cardio and running isn't relevant to mma
Jaxson Ramirez
rogan talking non stop about being in side control
Easton Sullivan
he didn do nuttin
Luis Reyes
WTF fire rogan, he's so fucking racist rn to the black ref
Camden Miller
he ain't doin'g shit
Benjamin Green
That’s a mess.
Mason Bell
Fucking caz
Aiden Sanders
Everybody has cardio till you get punched in the face
Josiah Taylor
Jose Parker
based swang and bang ref
James Ward
ECS, myprotein shipping to portugal only takes a few days and its cheap
Mason Rivera
Based ref dabbing on the fight
Isaiah White
fuck joe
John Perez
yeah or if you breed a cute sissy, you get her to fart the cum out and have her positioned so it runs across the tains and onto the balls and cock, finally you have her catch it in her hand then have her lick it
Leo Cox
Alright everyone post what supplements you take no trolling.
Adam James
The guy who did a parlay with Davis, I told you not to do it. Come on man.
Eli Hill
Jason Price
based ref nothing was happening Joe is racist
Sebastian Perez
>all the cazzies in this thread
That was a fucking terrible stand up.
Jack Scott
this ref is absolutely based
Samuel Moore
fucking joe bitching like a faggot just stopped the based ref from giving us the fight we want
Brandon Davis
This. STFU Rogaine.
Camden Flores
Sick TTD
Dominic Anderson
Kek, that was my same European experience. Fuck London. Fuck Paris. Prague, you're cool. Fuck Berlin.
Country and small towns are usually based wherever you go.
Aiden Stewart
Ref clearly has money riding on Davis in this fight
Kayden Morales
>asian out wrestling an american
I feel embarrassed watching this
Angel Mitchell
moments like this fuel the whole "real sport" meme
Julian Morgan
Everyone has a plan until you elbow them in the back of the head
Ian Jenkins
Nigger only wants them to stand and bang, hope he chokes on a chicken bone.
Xavier Gomez
yeah amazon is good about shipping to europe
Brandon Sanchez
It's so empty in that arena and Joe practically shouting to call the ref a nigger.
Do you think he can hear him?
Nolan Lopez
is the ref giving davis advice? lol
Samuel Baker
Faggot pillowfisted ass niggas
Parker Howard
he wasn't trying to advance the position at all
Hunter Martinez
reminder rogan is a proud boy
Kevin Lee
Do refs usually coach the fighters like that?
Jace Perry
>sitting in side control throwing nothing doing nothing not advancing the position
that's stalling, fuck off
Christian Moore
opinion discarded
Nicholas Gomez
Jace Cruz
Get back to your shit commentary, Rogan
Ethan Hughes
>do nothing for a full minute from a """dominant position"""
>i-it was a bad standup!!!!!!
Both you and Joe are complete retards
Caleb Gomez
Oliver Jackson
it's the shitty U.S. audience's fault, they boo grappling
Nathaniel Gonzalez
Jack Butler
You sound jealous
Joseph Harris
What a shitty event.
Isaiah Stewart
i hate joe rogan so goddamn much
Asher Foster
once its in a dress, its a her to me
Ayden James
this week on bumfights
Matthew Perry
I have a below average IQ.
Nicholas Cruz
good performance from Kang
Carter Anderson
Nigger is based. That's one of the top 5 niggers I've seen, up there with MLK and Armond White
Tyler Martin
Which fight was it where Joe was yelling jiu jitsu instructions to one fighter? I remember it was a chick fight and they were right in front of their table.
Carter Ward
and rightfully so, usually it's just one dude laying on top of another, fuck that
Cameron Nguyen
i hate jon anik
Blake Bailey
>getting outwrestled by an asian
Henry Roberts
This fight is why I want Rogaine to fight a real fight.
Wyatt Perez
Shit taste for sure, MLK was a faggot and Armond is a walking joke.
Zachary Moore
He literally stood him up after like only 20 seconds. You need to give him time to work you stupid fucking negroids.
Hudson Walker
sweden tier, pathetic bruv
Nathaniel Morales
Adrian Lewis
Jonathan Long
Christopher Cooper
30-27 Davis had a better story of the fight
Adrian Sanchez
just watch kickboxing for fuck's sake.
Eli Diaz
Place every fucking dollar you have on a Bermudez win tonight.
Christopher Cox
me too mate me too
Lucas White
welp there goes my parley
Charles Ross
29-28 Davis?
Get ready for some screwy scorecards tonight bros
Isaac Clark
davis is getting cut ;_;
Cameron Butler
where's the guy that had a parlay on Davis
Matthew Collins
>20 seconds isnt time to work
John Morgan
Ian Murphy
I was right again.
Carter Cook
Mr. Birthday wins
Xavier Phillips
where the fuck is lithuania with the toilet post
well he is jewish
Nolan Russell
Joe “don’t look at my hair transplant scar” Rogaine.
Nathan Nelson
RIP to the guy who bet on Davis earlier
Gabriel Diaz
I couldn't bear for this card to be fucked up by shitty judges
Jordan Nguyen
James Wilson
How the hell do you give a 2 rounds to davis
Jeremiah Phillips
Landon Thompson
That was me I am ashamed
Robert Bell
Sebastian Green
Should I make nachos tonight lads?
Cooper Robinson
Ref won the story. Davis lost the fight. Gook did whatever
Tyler Carter
House nigger ref and Davis btfo.
Ian Cox
Davis all smiles thinking that he had this won, low IQ
Adam Perry
>or did you just adapt under the fly?
Joe Rogan confirmed 4 edibles deep
Dominic Ross
has anyone noticed joe is either becoming less interested or annoyed at commentary? its kind of irritating
Adam Sullivan
make Raphael dos Nachos
Ian Roberts
bad decision desu
Joseph Sullivan
I do, but when someone lies on top of another dude unable to GnP or any submissions then FUCK him
Tyler Sanders
Cali rich now. Doesn’t give a fuck.
David Lopez
Make some chips and dip them in cheese
Gabriel Miller
He was the dude with grey hair in the cage.
Jaxon Hill
>inb4 Diaz loses another Majority decision
Luis Turner
Kang will fight super better next time! I can't wait.
Jackson Miller
fuck priscilla, fuck the franks, fuck napoleon, fuck louis the xvi, and fuck you.
Easton Perry
was going to take a picture of my midnight snack but I ate it instead
It was a jacket potato and prawns, fucking delicious you should have seen it heem
Lincoln Williams
Kayden Campbell
He's been phoning it in all year
Ayden Sanders
incredibly pilled post
Jeremiah Watson
He's not uninterested , he's just less interesting become all he does is repeat himself nowadays
Jayden Gray
Nigga come join the stream
Anthony Gutierrez
i'm already tired, should I brew myself a coffee or will it fuck me up at 2am?
Christopher Phillips
Oliver Myers
Man's living the dream
Nolan Hughes
the real Joe Rogan was replaced in 2016, look into it
Isaiah Gomez
Good decision, Kang dominated ground game and Davis was only slightly better on the feet
Nathaniel Reyes
I don't speak that language but he definetely didn't say that kek, shit translator
Easton Sanchez
Samuel King
Joseph Bennett
rotting for cifers so she has to do an interview
Luis Hill
Cifers is ugly as fuck
Jaxson Lopez
Kron Gracie is in Nate's corner tonight, Nate by submission cap this
Easton Price
Joe Rogan has an IQ of 128.
I have an IQ of 78.
Nathaniel Brown
coffee makes me fart
Jordan Ortiz
I always get a takeaway on PPV night.
A normal meal just seems like it's insulting the PPV.
William Powell
Nap bro.
Isaiah Baker
Give strength to out girl Cifers \o/
Camden Cooper
/ourgirl/ is fighting next
Brayden Harris
Depends, do you plan on watching for the next 5 hours?
Levi Collins
No he doesn't
Isaac Turner
that hambeast on the right watching the guy with his cutie asian
Justin Myers
>another w"mma" snoozer
really nigga
Daniel Morris
I'm definitely skipping this one
James Foster
Jason Garcia
Based psych intro
Jason Thomas
I could have translated that better and I don't even speak Chinese
Luis Roberts
Keith "The Dean of Mean" Jardine!
Luke Bennett
Priscilla did nothing wrong.
Elijah Cook
Derek and me are such good friends lol who would've thought
Ian Thomas
Makes me peeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Josiah Brown
Nam war walkout song
what did she mean by this
is she going Napalm on Cifers ass
Charles Sanchez
Daniel Campbell
every time i napped i missed the main event and woke up at like 6am
it makes me shit
Gabriel Hall
>in the end playing over speakers
Demian maia run in when? Hope he saves us from the wmma
Jaxson Campbell
Juan Collins
honestly i think it's a mixture of him having done it for so long and that there are just so many other quality color commentators who are former fighters that bring real in cage experience to the work that he feels he has to reinforce his niche
Brody Cooper
Based walkout music for this broad.
Robert Jenkins
Ready for diaz
Parker Smith
>decide to crack open a can of some meme ale you bought from lidl
>haven't had a drop to drink since new year
>already feeling sleepy
Landon Stewart
red bull
Nathaniel Bell
+1 for Mama Cass
Brody Rivera
John Reyes
Another garbage wmma fight
Brody Bailey
Mamas and Papas...brap hog died eating a sandwich....
James Edwards
>wmma fight on
welp, gonna head out for 15 minutes....
Justin Wilson
>shitty flute solo
>dominic cruz' mic all bass
>random female voice
all this noise is fucking with my head /heem/
Connor Anderson
based cruz shitting on people's hobbies
>le juggle 5 things
and fucking suck at them all
Julian King
Yes he does. You think you're smarter than you actually are which makes you a dork.
What do you guys think of the FILM THE FACULTY? No trolling./
Stop larping as Lukas Airplane cut the shit.
Henry Sanchez
Looks like shes gonna cry
Matthew Bell
>Davis was only slightly better on the feet
How so?
All he did was kicking the leg and he's the one who suffered a knock down
Mason Green
probably yes, i have nothing else to do tomorrow
Colton Bell
>This is a 27 year old woman
apply yourself america
Jacob Thompson
Who is forcing this poor scared girl to go out there and fight? What sort of leverage do they have over her?
Ethan Scott
What's wrong with that girl. Is she depressed?
Dominic Price
dude wtf there is a reason no one buys alcohol from lidl
Mason Hall
brunson isn't winning or nate or stipe
Kevin Lopez
Trips, bro. Right there with you. Red Bull.
Ayden Russell
she's clearly got massive social anxiety in interviews etc.
Andrew Allen
I actually wouldn't mind the intergender fight meme, women would get wiped out of MMA forever
Oliver Davis
I usually do steaks, I've still got some big fuck off sirloins in my freezer I cut off the joint but can't be asked tonight.
Only good takeaway near me is some russian joint that I'm fairly certain is a front for the mob.
Kvass is pretty good though
Levi Young
so small
Gabriel Ward
Hannah honestly looks like she was just crying before coming out lmao. Cruz is trying to downplay it imo.
Jackson Baker
Our third fight of the night
Camden Miller
Hannah is 100% a virgin. Any other virgin female fighters in the ufc?
Nathaniel Lewis
>leaves on your plate to distract you from the fact that they didn't cook your meat properly
Gavin Lopez
What would you be doing if you were in the arena right now?
Eli Price
You know its me fuck off lol
Gavin Lee
very good banter lol
by chips do you mean american potato chips as in crisps, or do you mean British chips
Dylan Baker
Henry White
Cifers legit looks like an ex of mine. What a miserable cunt.
Nolan Carter
Paige VanZant
Charles Nguyen
do you get paid to do this or are you just crippled by loneliness and autism?
Christopher Reyes
Jace Clark
Aspen ladd
Mackenzie dern
Ryan Moore
STFU Peru you wouldn't have any streams if it wasn't for guys like him so unless you are the streamer just be quite you faggot
Wyatt Rodriguez
Arianny taking the Bogpill
Matthew Brown
drinking a $22 beer
Adam Walker
I remember watching Jodie Esquibel in her TUF tryout and then her Invicta debut and thinking she was going to wreck shop in the UFC.
What happened bros?
Jack Wilson
Oh my god they're tiny
Should have Tan Dan reffing
Parker Martinez
Aaron Campbell
if there's not an email when i check the inbox you'll be exposed...checking in 1 minute.................
Easton Garcia
Imagine being a 5'1 grill and thinking "Yeah fighting is the career for me"
Brayden Rogers
>Another Womenlet fight
Jace Bennett
Ciphers has bad foot movement. Heem incoming.
Austin Hill
i m a g i n e
Elijah Howard
>English has a whole ton of exceptional words that break the rules the language establishes
That's every language, you nimrod. Do you really think Portuguese, Japanese, Italian, Spanish, etc don't have countless exceptions to lots of rules?
Dominic Ramirez
piss break and go get a hot dog, whip the shirt off and use the ketchup to write JUST BLEED on my torso
Easton Reed
>both girls come out throwing jabs from 10 feet away
what did they mean by this?
Andrew Foster
This is a good one, thanks.
Blake Robinson
imagine the amount of weed needed to say "beautiful Arianny"
James Gray
Cifers keeping the ghosts at bay with her jab
Ryan Bell
shut the fuck up you chimp
Leo Myers
no way this one goes the distance too much KO power here
Xavier Smith
Blame Dana. Filler bullshit. Maybe why Rogaine is so uninterested.
John Phillips
imagine being an adult male and calling girls grills
Benjamin Russell
UFC is a rigged event, just listen to them make fake sonic boom noises every time they throw punches, wake up.
Landon Wood
How many womanlets could a male HW take in a fight?
Jose King
Zachary Jackson
time to order some food
Parker Thomas
gotta put her back in the ocean, my dude
Grayson Sanders
Can I borrow her
Austin Powell
They both watched too much shadowskill growing up.
Hunter Thompson
I would beat the fuck out of both of these women and im a manlet.
Evan Sanders
somebody please fucking call the ghostbusters i can't take it anymore
Gavin Parker
what a gut by esquibel
Brandon Brown
Chase Hernandez
Jace Nelson
>if Esquibel loses this she's 6-6
how the fuck did so many shit female fighters end up in the most elite MMA organisation on earth
is Dana and Sean fucking all of them?
Joshua Bennett
Chips are too filling for late night food desu
Michael White
take her out on Lady J, then throw her over
Joshua Walker
Nice, she swallow?
Joshua Russell
about 4
Kayden Ramirez
looks ready to reproduce
Zachary Clark
yellow fever is a serious condition
Nathan Clark
heeminder wmma fights are nothing more than filler so the bros have time to take a shit/make a beer run/fix dinner
Hudson Ross
thicc niecc
Austin Lopez
I bet she's got a gunt outside of camp.
Ian Nelson
just run circles in the octagon, and 90% of hw's will tap due to exhaustion
Elijah Collins
dat roid gut
Ayden Gonzalez
Stream @@@@@@@@@@
Daniel Bailey
post ass
Thomas Martin
Filler. Way to act as if you are selling a whole product but it’s filler.
Carson White
alright im going for that coffee
Sebastian Bell
damn this fight sucks, the thick one is a legit midget
John White
Does my girlfriend have pretty feet?
Bentley Hughes
This fight is low key spice
Nathaniel Rogers
>fights starts
>both jabbing at air
>go back to watching youtube videos
>come back 4 minutes later
>both still jabbing at air
Charles Martin
Unironically ugly as hell
Evan Campbell
10-10 no damage inflicted by either combatant
Alexander Perry
i got tricked i thought there was only one w"mma" fight but it turns out there was two and i already made food during the we wuz fight but they were bums anyway
Christopher Reyes
I dunno. Don’t care about feet.
Benjamin Perry
Why are 2 midget thots in the cage again?
Charles Barnes
nice view
Jason Martin
Bigfoot shitposting on Yea Forums
Matthew Carter
Hannah bout to shoot a school
Brayden Ward
This fight is horrible
Evan Young
>another decision
who could have predicted such a thing
this is 100% ronda's fault
if not for her Dana would never have let a single woman into the UFC unless she was holding a card above her head
Carter Murphy
is wmma they just make noises and shadowbox
Wyatt Price
we all know thats you, user
Eli Wright
nice dead air, espn
Nolan Butler
Ask Dana. WMMA matches are the commercials of UFC.
Asher Cook
God I hate wmma so much
I literally can't put into words how much I hate wmma
FUCK wmma
Luke Myers
What kind of nigga is named STIPE? STYP yo STIE PUH. wtf is this ?
Hunter Lopez
Rose, Valentina and Amanda are fun to watch.
Elijah Harris
why this card so weak? literal whos and retirees. mma is dead.
Liam Peterson
They should release everyone outside of the top 5
James Bell
migrate to this one, in about 30 posts
Camden Richardson
Bentley Perez
would you let Esquibel punch you straight on the chin?
Tyler Moore
>Wind pressure from the punches is so strong that they can't close in on eachother
I for one am thankful these strikes aren't landing
I don't want to watch someone die tonight
Austin Wright
Brayden Allen
All WMMA fights are horrible. Just be glad first fight was cancelled.
Carson Clark
Life is a comedy.
Levi Wilson
when will the bald bastard wake up and realize that wmma is a joke, how much money do they have to lose to realize this holy fuck it's so boring
Jordan Long
Jayden Howard
+small talent pool
+everyone you work with is under 40 and fit
+take less damage than male/bigger fighters
+get to travel a lot
Asher Martinez
If by fun you mean a cringe inducing wreck of a person.
Andrew Cox
women MMA was a mistake
Hunter Roberts
Watching the fight while checking my phone probably
Daniel Jackson
cant make me
Joshua Hall
so the flw solution. they just need to get to cutting them for losing more strictly, if you lose 2/3 your done. if you lose to a fighter who is cut, or your only wins are over cut fighters, your on the line
Wyatt Morales
Mid round coach interview. ESPN is overproducing the shit out of the fights now. They must be desperate for revenue after overpaying for the UFC deal.
Blake Price
stupidest thing ever
Aaron Morgan
You're just a pleb. You don't know what you're seeing.
Tyler Richardson
>1000 pushups, 1000 situps, run 20 miles per day
>still get obliterated by Kyle Bochniak and some literally who gook
>no cardio whatsoever
Well played Brandon Davis. Have fun in PFL.
Owen Jones
They should cancel this one too, mid-fight..
Hudson Gutierrez
you take that back!
Evan Powell
amanda is okayish to watch, but valentina is a boring point fighter without the ko power outside of some kicks but who gives a fuck about kicks, even holy has some kick KOs
Lucas Myers
it's picked up now but the first was shit
Luis Brooks
Juan Nguyen
Jonathan Brooks
Yeah it sounds like one of those ideas someone would throw out there but not one you should actually implement. It's so daft
Corners need to actually corner, and people should be paying attention to the fights, not random ass interviews
Benjamin Jones
Literally, what submission is she even trying?
Samuel Long
with the state of this fight they probably said fuck it we'll experiment
Aiden Brown
w"mma" should only have zero rounds
Wyatt Clark
The womenlet sub
Hudson Price
What the fuck was that little reeee that esquibel let out in the scramble?
Cameron Barnes
Anytime I see women on a card it automatically makes me not wanna watch. I'm unironically a bjj blue belt and been boxing for 3 years with my uni club. And I know I can heem every female ufc fighter just by weighing 190 lb and having actual hands. I watch mma to see athletes that are better than me, not worse. There's a reason no one watches the special Olympics, cause you watch sports to see the best athletes in the world, and women will never be the best athletes
Fuck women, giving them the right to vote was a massive mistake. And fuck wmma
Jacob Scott
I remember seeing in a conference football game on BT and I was blown away by how retarded it was.
No wonder they don't do it in the big leagues.
Ethan Fisher
Do any of you guys actually watch the wmma fights? I just mute the stream and go do something else while they fight desu
Brandon James
Ian Powell
Complaining about back of the head strikes
Christopher Cooper
Something triggered her
Aaron Reyes
No thanks kike
Aiden Jenkins
based and redpilled
Alexander Mitchell
I want my chips with the dip
Carson Anderson
Cifers landed a single pillowfisted bonk on the back of her head lol
Robert Bell
Only if I've heard of the fighters before
John Edwards
You would heem them if you weighed the exact same amount they did user, the 190 is not necessary
Noah Sanders
Nice comeback, dude.
Dylan Richardson
Alright just made myself a sandwich and cracked open an ice cold can of mountain dew aaaaaaaand the fight is still on...fuck. Welp, gonna rewatch beige frequency's roast of Brandon Schaub until MEN start fighting. Oh oh btw btw...FUCK ISRAEL.
Camden Harris
The problem with ESPN is that once they get an idea they just stick to it. I expect to see more of this now
Austin Flores
he should have just drilled all day and worked his cardio in that manner.
Leo Thompson
Back to the Chocolate Factory with these two, and take Joe too
Brody Ramirez
bring back bully beatdown except it's female bullies who fight top 5 heavyweight fighters
Lincoln Barnes
Nunes could HEEM you easily
Jaxon Hill
peanut chips don't need one
Jason Williams
Only watch Nunes or Cyborg. My gf calls me sexist for complaining about the shit-tier skill level..
Thomas Cook
currently watching this shit excuse for a match.. who let these old fucking bints into the octagon..
a fucking LARPer would fight better..
Matthew Sanders
Chase Green
If I heemed 4 people on Monday, 6 on Tuesday and 7 on Wednesday, what is the minimum number of different people I have heemed?
Luke Nelson
bully beatdown was retarded, if I was in it I'd just take shitloads of valium and never tap.
Oliver Rogers
joe leg kick rogan
Lucas Ortiz
why does it seem like that one guy was sharing his popcorn with random people? The two guys are sitting 2 seats away
Sebastian Jenkins
Anthony Pettis is a meme fighter
Connor Brown
>Mayhem was beaten so badly by Bisping he descended into madness
Jordan Gonzalez
i'd beat you down, bully
Joshua Taylor
1, heem yourself.
Andrew Morales
Playing poker while these wmma fights pass, who's winniing? The big breasted one or the autist?
Jason James
I pass out before I tap out bitch
Dominic Roberts
based boo crowd
Thomas Phillips
Dude she sucks. Cutbaby with no technique
Alexander Foster
Jason Cook
dude take that antisemitic shit back to /pol/
your kind isn't wanted here you fucking idiot
Colton Turner
My gf says I'm sexist for not watching this garbage too.
Asher Thomas
Fuck Israel adesanya
Christian Robinson
Fuck off kike
Josiah Walker
the lack of contact in this match reminds me of my relationship with my wife
Luis Moore
Only thing worse than wmma is the kikes who made it into a thing
Chase Young
dana gives men shit for boring fights but never has the balls to call bitches on their shity fights fucking weasel
Eli Wright
I meant Israel Adesanya...
Jason Jackson
okay dude
David Sullivan
Why do you want to genocide the Palestinians Shlomo? You're not a Nazi are you?
Adam Evans
Noah Martin
he was obviousy talking about Adesanya, wtf is wrong with YOUR brain? Nazi
Gavin Richardson
SEETHING kike rat
Chase Taylor
NOSE MAD (x24)
Christian Myers
Samuel Foster
Holy shit you're a retard
Robert Butler
It's true though user. Imagine if 2 guys fought like this, they would be cut immediately..
Christopher Clark
What happened to hue land. AJJ is king now no ufc stars anymore. Btfo
Angel Cook
8, because I just heemed you.
Jayden Bailey
my girl hannah "social anxiety" ciphers does it again!
Kevin Rogers
Evan Rivera
oy vey
Ethan King
what is this cringe
Matthew Miller
oh fuck the cringe is real MUTE MUTE MUTE
Oliver Taylor
Man I love my queen of cringe
Jack Hughes
Shit I kinda like her now
Leo Jackson
>be on a sports related board
>user mentions the first name of a fighter
>"chosen" nation wrecker gets instantly triggered
oof, your rabbi is showing..
Evan Murphy
Elijah Russell
Fuck's sake.. This bitch is too fragile
Levi Baker
Jodie "SSss SSss SSSSssssh" Esquibel
Anthony Morris
hannah is based
the most authentic NC accent i've ever heard
Jordan Carter
what did she say?
Oliver Carter
Feels like months since the last Big card
Landon Phillips
What did she say? I wasn't watching
Adam Jackson
shut up! she is trying hard despite being extremely nervous. And she does it over and over despite her anxiety
Blake Jones
Nunes would heem shit. She heems other women with pure strenght because she is full of roids, no technique. She'd do shit against a man, nigger.
David Bennett
Oof back to Re ddit, faggot.
Charles Young
Juan Green
Hanna Cifers is absolutely fucking adorable.
The shyness is 100% charming.
Fuck you to anybody making fun of her in this thread
Jeremiah Edwards
CCC stands for Chael "Champion" Csonnen
Connor Hughes
I only watch PPVs with Heavyweight title matches on them. Glad to finally get one.
Oliver Baker
She's basically a Robot if she was in the ufc
Logan King
her responses were appropriate. Her voice was just shaky
Nathaniel Howard
Live @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
Nolan Stewart
I know, dude! That's why I like her. 2 back to back wins bby, Cifers WAR
Thomas King
Not much, something about cooking and cleaning..
Nathan Roberts
she started mumbling something and rogan said something like
>we know you get nervous during these interviews so I'm trying to relax you
Jonathan Adams
White Knight Detected..
Matthew Price
Wtf. If you're a robot how would you fight in front of thousands of people?
Jace Cox
Fucking kek
Adrian Walker
>white knighting this hard for other anons on a weeb board
Brayden Baker
Shut your mouth
Lucas Russell
who wins the flex off between Romero and Costa?
Oliver Martin
And being a mother I hope
Gavin Young
yeah, cooking up an ass whoopin and cleaning out the division
Ethan Perry
Costa is more aesthetic but Yoelito has the raw cuban sugarwater muscles
Carter Anderson
Nibba, I'll do to you what Mcgregor did to a fucking bus
Christopher Clark
Lincoln Hall
Yeah by definition this isn't possible that's why I said "if"
Jace Murphy
romero looked like cut down. Id say costa for this event
Carter White
Benjamin Brooks
Costa looking pretty juicy
Leo Rogers
I do. More aesthetically pleasing then the men.
Jace King
Jeremiah Thomas
Romero's traps are next level, nothing can compete.
Christian Davis
this nigga gonna make me stop eating pork
Kevin Bailey
Should I start drinking now?
I got some monkey shoulder
Jack Miller
Kevin Green
Carter Morris
despite ronda being not so good, i would say all of her fights were very exciting. Shevchenko, nunes, cyborg are fighters i watch as well. I mean, this sort of goes for everyone though. I don't take much interest in no name fighters
Nathaniel Clark
a no name MALE fighter is worth more than any FEMALE fighter period.
Brody Thompson
whether it is a grain of sand or a large boulder, they all fall to the bottom of the ocean
Jaxon Hughes
Christian Miller
Grayson White
This Kenny guy is manlet as fuck so boring.
Just lose already.
Aiden Nelson
Nope, suck it.
Nolan Flores
manlets WIN again!!
when will lanklets learn