Yea Forums meta thread

I have come to the conclusion that Yea Forums is the only board on Yea Forums(nel) that isn’t flooded with incels, autistic betas, social pariahs, future mass shooters, and basement dwellers. Yea Forums is the only alpha board on this site.

Do you agree or disagree?

>inb4 /fit/
/fit/ is one of the most toxic boards. They’re not alpha at all. They’re insecure faggots and basically /r9k/ with muscle.

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Idk but this is the only board where the Germans are based. They're insufferable everywhere else.

The problem with Yea Forums is that most people are bipolar. A team is either the best ever and unstoppable, or the worst shit ever seen.

And this is not banter any longer. It is getting unwealthy. Still better than all other boards

Probably the highest sex/capita board

That's just how sports fans are in general.

I am autistic user. user means never had sex and he despises bitches

I think any Internet forum is toxic since there’s no face to faces interaction but if you had to compare Yea Forums side by side to any other board, you’d see that this is the only board with actual sane people. Generally speaking.

The "actual specific interest" boards are way better than spee. /ck/ is full of women, too.

Stop browsing other boards and only browse Yea Forums and you will soon have sex. See

once you manage to get a sweet meat around your pingus you all guys will stop hating women

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yes but the other half of /ck/ is actual schizophrenics living off of gas station food in rural america. that board is very, i dont know how to put it.

First rule of Yea Forums is you do not talk about Yea Forums
Second rule of Yea Forums is YOU DO NOT TALK ABOUT Yea Forums

the low IQ board

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I realized how much I hate women only after I got one to put her meat around my dingus

please don't jinx it

>They’re insecure faggots

Isn't you making this thread showing yourself to be an insecure faggot?

the jannys hate us. they don't like our "pub like" atmosphere

This might be the worst post I've ever seen.

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Fuck off, leaf shit.

u cant even slagpost anymore fuck this gay ass board

I'm a virgin

current Yea Forums is shit but it’s still the best board lad

Haha I love role-playing as a Chad, definitely beats the days I used to role play as pinkie pie