
Attached: Dump Stat Charisma.gif (300x169, 1.3M)

Other urls found in this thread:



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Wings for me

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Do they lie?

A good athlete always activates


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hockey is for everyone thats cool

KILL a finn on your way to lunch with your folks this afternoon

Who /comfy meme game/ here?

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Hyvää huomenta!

Attached: 1548246719121.png (576x175, 1K)

I'll try, but there's not many in my city even though I don't live too far from the border

Attached: Finland1.jpg (1080x1070, 63K)

More like Tr/a/shville! GO ST/A/RS!

Attached: 1555797988586.png (718x1050, 717K)

business idea: invest in finlan

How much?

Kakko: 70 point rookie season
j. hughes: 15 games in NHL until gets sent to AHL

im sorry you have to see this but its true

Attached: le 70 points face.jpg (1199x799, 243K)

Tree fiddy

Hmmm dunno

Attached: 1561836590757.gif (458x438, 103K)

>70 point rookie season
>won’t beat barzals rookie season
Kakko is getting 40 points this season and Hughes is more likely to get 50+ given his speed

Attached: FAA8F0CC-1A7E-47D3-B983-93856EC3E3A6.png (186x175, 78K)

Even one-trick Laine got 60+ in his rookie season

barzal... is that the guy who had 20 points less last season than his rookie season?? B U S T. j. hughes cant do shit with his speed in the NHL when he is such a weakling in all the other areas.

Kakko will have over 100 point season 20-21 season

Finland shut the fuck up and stop jerking off to your shitty local “products”

People forget that Laine is also an elite passer but Mauri just hates him

>28, 26, 20
>elite passer

Hughes won’t be getting even 10 games.

This is wrong and you should feel bad Sam

im so sorry truth hurts you so badly. I'll leave now, have a good day ronald mcdonald

>almost time for training camp
>still no Rantenen signing
uh... Sakic?

Attached: ss2018122222h31m31s579.jpg (1280x720, 245K)

Blame Bitch Harmer and his dad.

God damn neighbour woke me up with his whipper snipper

Attached: 1538223975939.jpg (692x922, 217K)

>whipper snipper
explain yourself

Post 1 (ONE) image

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Pukki > Laine

Wtf New York Times

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piggery for sure

Finland and Sweden are football nations and not icekendo nations.

I am leaving hoc now. Fuck off amerimutts and canadicks

Priskie > Fox desu

>she thinks she'll be missed

classic game, 465 PIM


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Reminder if Hughes were finnish binland would be making all kinds of excuses for his height

How soon until I see a return on my investment (in the form of a Finnish gf)?

Attached: ponytail.jpg (877x650, 117K)

you're the one who is supposed to be busting, not her

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Thinking about bollywood

I just want to say, I appreciate the hockey webms and hockey talk in /hoc/, baseball and soccer season is insufferable.

This 5 minutes from puck drop?

Attached: Kimlin.webm (1920x1080, 2.35M)

Kys Randy

2/10, apply yourself

ahem... ">my team"

Go to your games, I saw empty seats in the ECF

wtf is wrong with the Adrenaline

Attached: capture.jpg (437x415, 26K)

>I saw empty seats in the ECF
People get up to buy food or go pee.
Every game was sold out and over capacity.

They can do it, I believe...
They can win 1 (ONE) game this season, I know it.

Attached: adrenaline blue.png (270x270, 11K)


Attached: braveblue.png (270x270, 11K)

I was looking up the picture and stumbled on this and had to laugh. Why is it a pig?

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>Why is it a pig?
The team mascot is a pig.
The state is known for hog farming and barbecue, so I guess that's why they picked it.

I have never seen the pig and did not know professional teams had a mascot animal. Guess I'm a city slicker.

pretty sure the randys even brought a live pig to a game once

Attached: 114780320.png (761x761, 763K)

Did they throw it on the ice to feed the storm surge?

rude that was their date

No, it washes their pucks.

Attached: puck.png (1422x1364, 3.06M)

And Relocanes wonder why Sunbelt hockey is universally hated

comfy is just a code word for boring desu

Imagine seething at a pig.

Imagine seething as a pig

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Based Ducc poster

Based Duckburg

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I'm going to read this now

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>He fell for the silver meme
Mcduck is Mcfucked

Sounds comfy. Please vocaroo yourself reading a page or two


Attached: lf.png (300x300, 113K)

imagine having never seen your team win a stanley cup let alone multiple cups

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I saw >my team win a cup half my life ago.


Attached: Frog Headphones.gif (250x201, 104K)

What a disgusting edition

Attached: Farbror Joakims Liv.jpg (450x600, 85K)

we havent signed McAvoy OR Carlo yet

BUT we did sign Connor Clifton thank god we at least have somebody who will throw a punch

Attached: cliffyhokky.jpg (960x659, 70K)

Start Duckposting

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for me, it's "Jakten efter Kalevala"

Just go back to those jerseys already.

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Attached: Duck 8.webm (640x800, 1.01M)

for me, it's the last page of The Billionaire of Dismal Downs
They should. It can't be anymore disgusting then the ones they have now.

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watching hillary knight and a bunch of nhlers play for a charity

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they doesnt have picsou's first coin edition
silly both of you

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donnez-moi une qt copine française s'il vous plaît

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Every day.

Attached: bostons-finest.png (975x727, 1.15M)

me first


>training camp in 2 weeks
>all the notable zoomer RFAs still are not signed
oh nonononono

All based duckposters

All fowl of culture

Attached: download (3).jpg (323x156, 7K)

>all the notable zoomer RFAs still are not signed
Except for one of them.
Thanks again, Bergevin!

It's the Toronto twink's fault

I said notable.

I heard you.

Attached: g3.png (530x530, 510K)

Stop (You)ing me, sunbelt retard.

Attached: 1546984698424.png (300x300, 14K)

ok, i'm back. what did i miss?

Nothing notable, just Randy getting BTFO

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Which posters are worse. Pro-canes posters or anti-canes posters?


whichever one randy is

Attached: 1564172585910.webm (640x360, 2.76M)

whenever the autism flares up

watching some comfy afternoon basedball

>let me post about >my team
>let me seethe for hours about literally anything

how do we control the growing incel menace?

Still got plenty to feel good about over here in Boston. And i'm just talking about NHL. Only other team to make it to the finals more than twice in the last decade is Chicago - our team is still one of the most stacked in the league with a very good training system so lots of good young talent on hand. I personally think we win the cup in 2020 to tie the Laffs for SCF appearances

Discourage short-term hedonism, and encourage men and women to form families again.

put all incels in death camps

government issued girlfriends

I think they are all holding out for more money. I can't blame them, I probably would too. It's the new normal. Thanks Nylander

Form amateur hockey leagues

>Still got plenty to feel good about over here in Boston
I doubt it.

Attached: boston.png (384x255, 6K)

legalize prostitution. no more involuntary celibates

They don't want sex with prostitutes.
They want a relationship someone who loves them back.

implying i actually live in Boston

no i don't

they really just want validation
relationships take work and commitment, things incels are adverse to

honestly feminism is the answer. once the females have the confidence to make the first move in a relationship the world will change. we just need to figure out what it is exactly that the females want

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Tick tock wonderboy.

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based and /hoc/pilled

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>"We can and we will."

Attached: forever.png (480x480, 386K)

>stay scared m8

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Attached: ss.png (354x328, 164K)

Feeling suicidal eh

>You're all afraid the Toronto Maples Leafs will win the Cup because they have a real chance this year

Attached: Titanium.png (600x580, 244K)

no lefs

It's saturday night.
Post your drink of choice, music of choice and >your team.
For me it's A le coq lonkero
Pic related, it's >my teams generational goaltender

Attached: 66335209_500242587394424_2007675209674378501_n.jpg (1080x1080, 260K)

Shannon's team history videos are fucking unwatchable.

Attached: hmm.png (404x452, 273K)


No one cares.

So they're like the rest of his videos?

hes afraid to give hottakes because he remembers the time he literally had to beg for forgiveness when he angered 2 of his 3 subscribers

Then why do you want to be sent to a death camp?


Resign Marner with what money?

you're projecting

Reminder that Shannon took down one of his review vidoes and remade it because people were giving him shit cause he called isles fans childish for booing Tavares.

>mfw new arena comes through

Attached: flamestwothousandswhite.png (270x270, 11K)

you're astral projecting

He didn't like how Islanders fans roasted Tavares during that game back at Nassau.
Then he deleted that video because fucking everyone disagreed with him.

You're delusional

thats the kind of thing i would expect from thg. that doesnt explain what hottake means

>Islanders fans

Attached: 1395977438460.png (403x293, 102K)

hes only parroting the common opinions. he doesnt give his own rambling opinions like you would hear on regular sports talk shows.

they won't be incels anymore if they have the means to get laid. it works in other countries

>Bear posters

Attached: islesfishblue.png (270x270, 10K)

inceldom is a worldwide epidemic

Not how it works. Females don't want to make the first moves, and so they choose not to. They find confidence attractive, so why would they waste their time with someone who isn't man enough to approach them?

Do you guys tip the bull after he's done?

Feminism is misguided and based on false presumptions.

I usually just wipe my ass with the cuck's face. That serves well enough for a tip.


Attached: 1554925997929.webm (720x1280, 2.93M)

Damn you're elastic

Seek them out and publicly humiliate them. Post all their names to a centralized and freely available list.


I'm excited about the new arena but I'll miss the Saddledome when they demolish it.

Attached: C of Red.png (1024x683, 1.66M)

You wipe your own ass with your face?

Be honest

Have you had sex this offseason?

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blessed british poster

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Yeah honestly the dome was a national treasure

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I'm still pure


I had sex with an albino chick.

Ate some ass before Summer Slam

For me it's REAL America

coastie = roastie

I hope you're a swedish coastie though

Finnanons went to the fights, and a hockey game broke out.

Of course

I bet your sister really enjoyed that

I agree, I have a lot of fun memories there. But at least the franchise is staying


Attached: bluesredwhite.png (270x270, 10K)

Based. LOVE my REAL American frens.

Fuck me, this is such a youtube comment. You need to stop reading those shitty comment sections my guy



Nice. God BLESS our REAL American frens

they were never going to leave anyways. they were just bluffing to get city funding for the new arena.


r/hocgeneral when 4channel gets shut down

the Saskatoon Flames

it's a cytube thing

lets just ignore the fact we missed those quints

/hoc/ once again missing gets


what hockey team could he be talking about? (other than torawno)

/hoc/ has ascended from such mortal concerns

we have our own speedy manlet and nobody's making excuses for the wee lad

Attached: gnome boy.png (803x575, 198K)

If it was Saskatoon they moved to I'd probably still cheer for them lol

Not gonna lie, starting to enjoy these memes (unironically)

She doesn’t live in the same state as me

to be fair he's not really *that* fast, he's really agile though.
BTW, to that one other f*nn who has a sub, *€¥{(((They}][{))) uploaded an article about him two-three days ago or so.

Me too friend, me too. I hope we can do it again sometime soon.

Can't blame her after all the times you've eaten her ass without consent

Don't hate on coastal shanty towns.
We're all frens here

What are the tropics of Finland?

You're right, I get a little carried away sometimes. I guess there are good coasties too

Mainly Åland, but finnish speakers aren't welcome there.
Other than that, pretty much all the other coastal towns.
Oulu, (Jakobstad, basically the quebec of Finland), Vaasa, Pori, Turku, Helsinki.


Attached: Hotel-Rantasipi-Tropiclandia-Vaasa-ulkokuva.jpg (800x450, 86K)

>5' 10 148
How's grade 9?

Who are you quoting

I went from about 5'8" or 5'9" to 6'1½" in my senior year of high school.
Thank god for that.

been there like 8 years ago or so. Pretty weak swimming place imo, but apparently they've made some outdoor area you can go to now so maybe it's better nowadays.

Imagine if there was a outdoor hockey game on synthetic ice and it started to rain. That's hockey in Florida. Doesn't belong

Thankfully she’s made four (4) white Protestant Anglo children

not gonna make it

Oldest one graduated college early and goes to church erry Sunday checkmate

When will we get to see this absolute unit in the NHL?

Attached: Manlet.png (1589x759, 186K)

I'm this stock image haha

Attached: 59032219-sad-single-man-drinking-beer-at-bar-or-pub-using-his-cellphone-texting-or-betting.jpg (1300x866, 140K)

How fucking old are you

>he thinks that college means fucking anything
It's worse than I thought.

very based

Its kinda old though from the early 90s or so.

It's just a google pic. I have the finnish editions (it has the same cover as your pic)

Gonna watch The Miracle on Ice in about 10 minutes on cytube /r/offseasonhoc

tell me about the finnish leaf

Attached: Capture.png (525x301, 25K)


what a CFL score

2022 1st pick and Canadians will be forever salty that he plays for finnish national team.

At minimum a top 3 pick in his draft. The only other guy I can remember the name of is Savoie who is supposedly the best one out of the top three guys.

Damn what a chune

I didn't know NJD training camp had started already

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ducc attac

Attached: 55e2528f.jpg (1157x1200, 116K)

In my 30 sister is in her 40s
She needed a degree for her field ya pinhead
I know


a needle pulling thread


hate ducks

I'll you what i want

Attached: logo.png (647x768, 63K)

Hate cucks

a note to follow "so"

Kelowna expansion when?

Attached: Kelowna.png (1200x1051, 317K)

Attached: th.png (225x225, 14K)

a drink with jam and bread

and that will bring us back to

If you want my body and you think I'm sexy
Come on, sugar, tell me If you really need me, just reach out and touch me
Come on, honey, tell me

Attached: Rod_Stewart_Da_Ya_Think_Im_Sexy_1978.jpg (803x595, 74K)

Based duckposter

Attached: lf2.jpg (900x900, 114K)



Smoking a joint and listening to the browns game

That dragon fucks


Cool story Ted

Tis an Ogo pogo you swine

Reminder to clean your ears

its ogopogo

My ears are as clean as can be

Absolutely BASED posts

Attached: 800px-six_ducklings.jpg (800x600, 84K)

That's an Ogo pogo dude

Going to need to toss this non-white out of the bar soon lads

>reach out and touch me

Attached: C332D835-827C-4A26-A68A-762C86E05423.jpg (828x860, 217K)

Duckburg will win the cusp I can feel it

The spirit of Russi Taylor will guide us

Attached: 51050487_1228381850655464_7853947067021051753_n.jpg (640x640, 46K)

Ogo pogo doesn’t have fucking spikes

meanwhile in /cric/


Attached: Pepe Tongue.jpg (580x563, 41K)

Yuck it's back

The designers of that logo said it was an ogopogo

Jeff O'Neill had a funny story on TSN overdrive about the pig.


I love how their name is rockets but their emblem is a goofy cartoon dragon

how come wen your dad does a big poo, and it leaves skidmarks on the bowl when you aim your pee at them and try clean them off it gives off a smell of poo, but before you started peeing them off it didn't smell of anything?

Ew a Sharks poster

the team was originally called the tacoma rockets but got relocated and never changed their name

the odour was disturbed and released.

it's an ogopogo

maybe your pee is the poo smell

That ogopogo fucks

tacoma is also like the thunderbirds home. I dont get why they still have the seattle name despite being in proximity.

if you sit facing the wall, you can play with your Tech Deck while laying cable

Attached: tech deck.jpg (1500x1500, 165K)


Seattle Ogopogos

that's a weird way to spell Nessie

Ogopogo is fun to say out loud desu

you do realize mythos can have different names right?

I wish they just got the fighting out of hockey, then I might actually watch. The Olympics are a great example of how to play the game.

kyle ogopogo

Attached: kyle (2).jpg (434x600, 31K)

>if you sit facing the wall
I always do.

you do realise you like dicks in your arse, right? not that there's anything wrong with that... just saying

>I wish they just got the fighting out of hockey

Attached: Soyserker.gif (500x368, 2.97M)

Kek good one Finland


Attached: 726E92B1-8477-43FA-B083-734A8226D364.jpg (1080x1080, 318K)

so is nigger

There's something inside you.
It's hard to explain.
They're talking about you boy,
but you're still the same.

Attached: 1530156607852.webm (1280x720, 2.75M)

You must be lost, reddit is that way

What's the team of choice for REAL Americans?

Honestly wished the Rockets had an alt logo of an ogopogo biting into an apple. It's be a nice callback to the Kelowna Wings and the fact that there is two symbols of Kelowna

Attached: 54g15f4tyqz6xyrkbb0lr1sgo.gif (600x315, 35K)


Attached: whalerswhite.png (270x270, 8K)


Gotta believe.
The talent is there. If Eakins can do what he did with the gulls it should be a decent season. I dont see them winning the pacific but top 3/4 is completely feasible.

Attached: Mdposter.PNG.png (998x1010, 1.23M)

Penguins because Yinzers are God’s chosen race


Like america, if we cant beat you we will take your star players fucking knees out or slice their Achilles in half.

>He told me my breath smelled, but I mean, I don't know, I used some listerine before the game so I don't know what he's talking about

We must make Uncle Scrooge proud

Attached: b98.png (680x1148, 1.02M)

ITT:dumb yinzers


That only happened a couple of times

Predators, because if you arent in Dixie you arent in america

No need to be redundant lad

t. Literal traitor to America

So American you tried and failed to secede from the damn thing.

They have fucking Ulf Samuelsson in the HoF fuck off.


Attached: Preds fan.gif (440x317, 1.92M)

Yuengling sounds like a chink brew

kino 90's gaffes

dont be racist towards swedes now

Based Ulf
German desu

give me on good reason why

You mean traitor FOR america. America died when THEY won and freed the niggers.

>that Patrick Roy commentary
fucking top tier
the guy is laughing his ass off
>and the fans love it
that is a classic

Based Ty Domi

Blackhawks or Rangers

B-but it wasn't about slavery!!

It wasnt JUST about slavery get it right, nigger.

>non white supporters in /hoc/
My how this general has fallen

Man this was such a great upbeat song
Why isnt it played more often? I swear that has to be one of the greatest songs to sample that I've heard. My personal favorite being that one The Jacksons song. I think it was called "feel it"

Kys you mouthbreathing inbred loser

>1st song is a sample of the 2nd one

>t. Half breed nigger scum

/pol/ fuck off

seppo on bi

fucking /pol/ incels invading MY /hoc/. have sex you virgins

fucking /pol/ incels dilating all over my /hoc/.
have sex you damn incel discord trannies

Who's the most Jewish NHL team?


America has never been good and it's dogshit right now

the torowno maple leafs

unironic answer;

>muh /pol/
cry more you faggots

Shut the fuck up.

have sex

who the fuck cares about "muh white race" when all of you are fat fucks who never fuck. Either do it and lose weight like the fat larper you are, or get off of here and join your butt buddies at reddit

Attached: RoR.gif (500x375, 595K)

Attached: YOU.jpg (695x440, 45K)

You tried this earlier today and it didn't work then

thingken of VANILLA ice cream. Would it be a bad idea to eat it Out of a bowl or should i Worship something else?

Attached: 1548353930000.png (203x254, 80K)

>everyone is the same
>i..it didn't w...work

Attached: 1508344991258.gif (167x170, 1.32M)

>anti vaxx in philadelphia
no thanks

>can't just let it go
Know how I know I'm right?

>t. Gib me dat

Attached: 1482738915857.jpg (586x586, 73K)

Try and see if there's any waffle cones or bowls at Rkioski or Kesko

White people are responsible for modern society that niggers leech off of you impudent ungrateful little shit. If you want to get rid of whites then fuck off back to africa and stop using white technology

/hoc/ is for 5/5s only. If you don't like that try reddit

/hoc/ is for whites 5/5 is reddit

T. slumbelt

gayest post in this thread

First for the Bruins

>t. Jewbelt

you are late by ages



Attached: Pulju 068.png (252x311, 89K)

what player is the fastest of all time?
Is Mcdavid faster than Bure?

Attached: 1434703763059.jpg (672x499, 89K)

>overweight virgin /pol/ incels who do nothing but shitpost on Yea Forums all day claiming contribution to civilization just because they're white

5/5 is a dumb meme and some people are taking it seriously and it's cringe af


>t. Nigger lover
Hockey isnt 4 u

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Who /panthers/ here?

Attached: images (1).jpg (225x224, 7K)

i'm not a nigger lover, i just hate you incels who shit up my /hoc/ daily with your obsession with niggers. go shoot up a school you fucking faggot

i like all the teams that have animal mascots

>tfw f*nlan will never be wh*te

Only a couple more days until October 2nd, lads

Attached: dinosaur.jpg (1023x682, 127K)

thanks for the chuckle

Attached: soy dog.png (712x799, 384K)

okay, this is epic

Attached: four.jpg (612x408, 13K)

what the hell is happening in >my /hoc/

no idea

Attached: returned.png (1080x1080, 1.81M)


deep honkey discussions desu

Attached: DeepinScreenshot_select-area_20190705225000.png (821x581, 495K)

is the american obsessed with niggers and cringe 5/5 roleplay a boston fan? would be ironic considering how much tranny shit they post

kill yourself

crepes son

just talk about hockei god damnit

Attached: Barzal.jpg (3163x3188, 1.64M)

how do I unironically play :B:anilla :B:ow without fucking up my social/school/work life?

be old, you'll get bored in 5 mins anyway because it's not the same


Attached: Holy law.png (1140x288, 33K)


>muh beloved shitskins


Remember /hoc/ racism can save your life.


that's the thing though, I've played a lot of priv servers this entire summer. I know that I wont get bored of playing the game, I'm just afraid that I'll prioritise it above real life "chores"



i thought that too, but anytime i try playing old games i never feel the magic anymore. and with new games i just get bored within minutes, it's just not the same gaming when you're heading into your 30's compared to when you're in your early 20s


Nigel the dyslexic farmer who's unable to spell his own name


wait that's not how you spell snickers



Just took the pupper for a walk, lads

>I dont love niggers i just love niggers

it helps if you play with some of the friends you played with originally. ive got around 1/4 of my old vanilla guild to play with so it should be a great time.also orc lock is the only true chad choice

>hating seeing tranny /pol/ incels talk about niggers daily on a hockey general means you love niggers
it's literally you fags who can't stop talking about them. kill yourself

vancouver fans eat dogs

my old Yea Forums guild i used to play with for years moved onto shitty mobile games. i don't talk to them anymore

>it's literally you fags who can't stop talking about them
but user, thats you...

usually I agree with you.
I haven't enjoyed a videogame in years, except for Vanilla WoW. (I have diagnosed depression if that makes a difference)
Leveled a couple of times up to the 50s on multiple servers such as Nostalrius, Elysium and others that I can't remember the name of atm.

I *WANT* to play this game, but I'm not sure how to do so without consuming my *REAL* life.

How do I play this game while still "prestiging" within my grades?

>waaah trannies
Kill them too you faggot.
Everyone god hates

Mine are from high school, I looked at /vg/ for a guild but holy shit I could never play with a Yea Forums guild. They were all literally trannys and orbiters

Shut the FUCK up

>being in a Yea Forums guild
shiggidy diggidy

>Kill them too
probably a future mass shooter

Go outside
Lose weight
Meet a girl
Have sex
Start a family
Get a life

Executing non humans isnt murder

depends on the game. if you look at generals like the final fantasy one then yeah you're going to be playing with nothing but trannies and erpers, but a lot of the other games on there are full of cool people


From personal experience, /wowg/ guilds *CAN* be ok, most arent though.
/WPSG/ guilds are dogshit, there are no exceptions.

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>go outside
I play hockey/baseball
>loose weight
Eh I've already lost what I want but another pound or 2 wont hurt
>meet a girl
>have sex
See above
>start a family
Too many niggers are dependent on my paycheck for that
>get a life
Already have one.

Get after it then tough guy

>/WPSG/ guilds are dogshit, there are no exceptions.
This fin speaks the truth

Nice larp

trust me, I know about Senna and his friends. While they *may* be the "top" of the foodchain over in the /wpsg/s, in real life (and by /wowg/ stnadards) they ain't shit. You feel me? They ain't shit.

Jesus now I see why Americans have mass shootings every week, you fags actually think this is normal behavior

love him or hate him, he spittin facts

No larp stay alone incel
>have sex

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>my old Yea Forums guild

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just got a sneak peak of the next thread and its quite grim

I have the next thread ready

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nice fucking basement you live in

really makes you think

did you buy it or your husband

It's the warehouse I'm doing electrical work at ya putz

oh you're the bracket faggot aren't you

Why is /hoc/ a cesspit of /pol/ retards today?

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I’ve been mining Latvian (You)s and am prepared to flood the (You) market

Cause if it's coming for you
Then it's coming for me
But I will be there
'Cause we need each other in the dark
And if it's panicking you
Then it's panicking me
But I will be there
So we've got each other in the dark

>Why is /hoc/ a cesspit of /pol/ retards today?

Attached: 1565856249088.jpg (859x960, 35K)

Dance for life. Dance for life! Dance for life?
Dance for life.


>living in terror of right wing memes
grim existence


but I understand, that for some of you, your favorite flavor, is vanilla.

Would certainly rather do that than spend my life with that disgusting hog you call a wife

you think you want it but you don't

Any women fans out there go to games solo?

I’ve never gone to a game but it seems double the nervousness going to my first game alone! But I really want to go since I cheer for a team outside of the region I live in, I want to take advantage of the Blues being close to the east coast. Do you feel comfortable going alone, is it easy to strike up conversations with the people next to you? Is it even fun going alone lol so many questions but tell me your all’s experience. (Men too if you want)

Anyone going to the Dec 4th game in Pittsburgh (blues vs penguins)

based bracket making the newcunts seethe

I've got the next thread ready

based aussie larper

"not how it works" explain please how there is no other way? maybe if we took a minute to figure out why this is the state of things and why people just say "thats not how it works" maybe we'll figure out why incels are shooting up schools. maybe i dont value a female that doesnt have the confidence to approach a guy they like and introduce the idea of having a relationship? i'm basically a voluntary celibate because i really dont see why i should waste my time with any slag who believes in hypocritically upholding double standards that are the root cause of the terrorism going on in our country right now. idk just my point of view. i wont feel bad about these shootings that are always happening with the manifestos and all the to-do about it. I could see this getting worse when i was in school and if it doesnt get better so be it. if you want to pass everything off as "thats the way it is" then the world can just keep on burning.

Your mom did

What'd I miss?

Vanilla ice cream



I look for solo women at games. make sure you walk to your car alone the parking lots are safe

thanks for the tip, just sold off my (You) stock and bought gold bullion instead

Damn actually upset I missed that a little

>Voluntary celibate
>Women are responsible for terrorism


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go to sleep finland


i've had enough sex over the past 10 years to take a break for a while. lots of good memories. sorry the same probably cant be said for you but im not giving my precious time to a female that just wants my attention and nothing else

just bought all of finlands (you)s for dirt cheap. what a rube


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comfy is just a code word for boring desu


don't mind me back here, I'm just checking the structural integrity of these bleachers

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Yeah, I live with my fiancee

What's his deal

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mom dad please stop fighting

are any jewros playing :B:anilla :B:ow?
please respond

devlels have been nigrified

Well you know his flava. That white chicks ass was nice tho.

neighbor blasting some sort of zoomer techno music

...fuck, I thought I was on /heem/ for a second.


my last ex refused to get into hockey. sorry. i might be a little affected by that. i mean my standards arent high i just need a femanon thats going to be very hoc friendly - there should be plenty of fish in the sea but again, i have plenty of other things on my plate to worry about before forcing myself into a relationship thats only going to drain me of my time and money, which is also my time.

my brothers of /hoc/, just got here
What are we mad at this evening? How was your day?

Blast back megadeth

just hustled a bunch of counterfeit (You)s to some putz

there's a sucker born every minute

Hey, we can't all be jewnova fans desu


he'll have a big year if he stays healthy and plays near the full 82 games in the season

Wtf I love finlamd now

>ducks are making the playoffs

He's been busy promoting a glasses company instead of showing people he can still skate. Makes me worried.

what is THAT team NHL writers are creaming their pants about expecting to do well yet will fail hard this season?

Attached: Thinking.png (140x117, 9K)

Our finland fake (you)s operation was a successes. we will be making the arrest shortly

based binland

blots again for some reason

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I think he'll be in the 80-100 point range if he stays healthy

Lightning will fail in the playoffs again after winning another President's trophy

Playoffs here we come then unless Cory shits the bed which he shouldn't.

techno has been around for ages boomer

good luck finding me from the glades

who the fuck called techno zoomer music

me what are you going to do about it

techno is zoomer music

It is.


not at all

>when you translate an entire song into readable text but then the song decides to fuck itself over and deleted all previous text messages

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