

Attached: anderson.png (231x270, 59K)

The old fart deserved it

colby covington

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>Here mate, this one's on me... take it
what do heem?

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sorry friend but i'm already drinking a white claw

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what's Kron Gracie doing there?

based anderson

I miss K1 Reem bros..


Will be

Heem day

Im liking the other thread desu

h-haha, thank you Conor, your whiskey is awesome, i just dont drink though *points at glass of coke ive ordered*

Cant wait for the weightcut embedded. Those are always the best.

I like this thread

this, do the Diaz brothers just pretend to be retarded? I dont understand how they keep such a large circle of friends

I think Nate has some smarts to him, Nick is a retard

when does the main card start?

Refuse it, I am willing to take a punch from this manlet in exchange for a nice payout

This is free money right?

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Terrible. Bet sandhagen and mazo if you like money.

Can someone explain to me what the last judge in the Santos vs Jones fight was thinking? Tiago won that

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I think Stipe will fight timid and just run the first few rounds. It won't go 5 but there's a strong possibility it goes deep in the third in my opinion.

Who knows maybe Stipe will go in windmilling because he's pissed about his legacy being ruined and get instaheemed.

Pettis beats Diaz by literally whatever he wants. People seem to forget that Diaz is a middling fighter. His tenacity and ability to soak damage are great but he's shit outside of that.

thinking about the money they got

Him and Nate are training partners.

>watching old fights on youtube
>fully aware of the outcome and who wins
>heart still beating and palms sweaty like it's happening live
why am I such a weakling

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Champ Shit Only

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McNuggets and Tiramisu better watch out

You are not a smart man, Brucie.

Assuming this is in Brazil, I mug him,steal all his coke then proceed to kick the shit out of him with 4 or 5 other macacos at the bar

Anthony Armand "Tony" Ferguson Padilla

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