literally who and why are Aussie posters such fags?
Is that the deadspin editor?
M actually
Jeffrey Epstein was murdered by an elite cabal who are heavily involved in the Democratic Party
Good journo with or without gear
what the fuck
Too bad Jimbo does do Football Weekly anymore. He’d subtly take the piss.
Poor dude
>soccer isnt ga-
finally i will stop getting her mixed up with james horncastle
Based leftie progressives eating each other alive.
For the longest time I thought James was Paolo.
>For the longest time
goodbye to me tonight
I learn something new every day on twitter.
lol the first sentence of that first tweet is wildly inaccurate. it must be nice living in bananaland and not having to face the harsh realities of life
no it isn't. there are more than two sexes and there are no/infinite genders.
interesting theory. one shred of proof please.
1/10 I'll reply
I win.
she's hot now, anyway
Here’s Yea Forums‘s resident tranny ready to educate everyone with pseudoscience.
do you actually think any transgender people browse Yea Forums? you've drunk quite a lot mate, time to call it a night before you get more angry and sad.
your father (mother) was posting here about 10 minutes ago
I remember there being a cultural push about ten years ago for all men and women to be accepted as men and women regardless of how well they conformed to traditional gender norms - that an effeminate man is still a man, that a tomboy is as much of a girl as traditionally feminine girls etc. We seemed to have moved away from that. Now a man that grows out his hair and wears heels and a dress can be expected to call himself a woman. That is, a man that dresses himself in traditionally female clothing can define himself as a woman, based on superficial garments. Because he wears lipstick we’re all supposed to play along with the idea that he is a REAL woman. As if the very essence of being a woman is defined by long hair and makeup.
there's only one gender, women are property
based eyetie
>Just Google it bro
>scientists said so bro
Someone in the FBI should have strung up John Money on child abuse charges. Fucking charlatan psychologists masquerading as evolutionary biologists.
/lgbt/ is full of trannies. So yes I am sure some of them like sports
is this a bnr post
cant tell anymore
how do we stop the tranny menace, bros
Imagine thinking white women are impressed
Yeah I doubt you ever impressed a white woman
>i-it was the other team
grow up, he was murdered by an elite cabal that controls both parties
What made you like this?
>playing partisan politics about the illuminati
>One shred of proof please
Just look at the publicly available flight logs of his plane. It's a stretch to say it's "mostly democrat party", rather anyone who was rich, powerful, and influential seemed to be connected to him
>ynr that episode of FW when he/she/it talked about going to a nightclub, max rushden ribbed he/she/it about being too old for that and asked if he/she/it pulled
>ynr the slightly awkward and evasive response
>it's probably because he/she/it was wearing a wig and getting fucked in the ass
>the majority have crumpled under political pressure this means the "science" is validated as opposed to invalidated
Oh shit, that was Bandini! I honestly have no idea what half their names are. When this first came out I was imagining it was the dude who changed his surname to his wife's on marriage.
Clinton and Trump are both season ticket holders at Paedo Island FC, stop being a retard and thinking the two wings belong to different birds.
>just google facts that support my argument and you’ll find facts that support my argument!
They sort themselves out pretty quickly
Just don't let them raise children