/heem/ - Boomer Genocide Edition

Everyone made weight

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Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=empathy definition

Nate the weedhead doesn't stand a chance


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You suck

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Is this the thread though?
A Canor thread where he beats up an old dude?

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I think Conor's video is deepfake

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Whos everybody taking between DC and Stipe?

Pettis is a flushed heartlet with hands that break every fight

Is 185 the most chad division?
Pretty sure the division that gets the most pussy is 185.

So, who will pull out before tomorrow?

22 days until Khabib vs Poirier

If you make a better thread I'll happily post there

khabib. He heard tony is coming

We'll all be saying "Nate you should have ate your Wheaties not smoked your weedies"

Slightly more people seem to have picked DC in the picks chart.

French mma

And a guy from /fit/ talking a cold shower.

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sloppy tittied high pitch voiced freak

Which one? Khabib vs McGregor fight?



It's between that division and 205. HW probably gets a lot too. WW and below are full of overcompensating manlets though.

Khabib will pull out like he always does

This is you
>Incredibly handsome
>Body of a literal Adonis
>Comic book hero strength
>Ferocious standup
>Gargantuan hog

Just another day in the life of /our guy/ Natty Paulo, ain't that right boys?

Imagine if he was white

All me

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Probably Diaz. He'll probably just not show up because he'll smoke too much and get "performance anxiety" or some shit.

22 days until diarrheabib cropofiliagob takes a fat Saudi sheikh style shchaub takes down his throat by dubtsting poopier

Chaddest divisions are 170 and 185. 205 lbers are too big except for Luke Cockhold who's chad at any weight but most chad at 185

>Icthus Christ Tattoo...
>Near her boob

can you be more retarded

>some fucking faggot child singing the anthem like Beyonce would sing it with her black soul voice quivering

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you think thinking about human bodily waste this much might be unhealthy for your mind?

Too bad Leslie Smith is already Chick Diaz

Gtfo with your /pol/ bullshit, Natty Paulo's natty skin tone is even better than white, it's like the perma-tan look that white's aspire to.

>Name a fighter chadder than Natty Paulo
>protip: don't even try

dusthmed "the prophet mohammad" poiramajadabadalahajalaelajajhjalalajhlapaoreier will absolutely fucking slug kumar the kuffar in the head with a flying scimitar and then lock him up in the Hutu Hamburger for 25 straight minutes

is veronica macedo white



'Wait did someone say Chad?'

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Judges decision?

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did olivi drain the last couple of ounces out of romero

>Hobert Hewhitikeh

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>Too big
Nah girls like big dudes. Anyone under 6 foot at LHW is too big, but the rest make pussy wet just from being big. Costa could be a LHW too he said he's like 220 when he's not in fight shape on some phone interview before.

Post your favorite fighter and your unironic number of non-professional (i.e., you didn't pay them) sexual partners.

>hannah shockwave cifers

>'Nah girls like big dudes'

Keep telling yourself that

>hovering somewhere around 600

Colby, 13


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I don't even know what I'm looking at.




Unironic number fool

Tony Ferguson, 0.

chicken, potatoes, unions, carrots, asparagus

0. I'm not a degenerate, waiting for marriage.

Ryan Hall

>34 (unironic #)

>.5 unironically
it was a handjob

>thinks marriage isn't degenerate
the caz is strong in this one

Workers unions or another kind of unity?

>colby fans aren't unironic virgins

an associates onion

Looks pretty good.

Max Schmeling

Colby is my second fave fighter after DC and my # is

Khabib, twenty. None human

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Post your favorite fighter and your unironic size (i.e., actually measured) of your hog

0 of those are attributed to colby. If you weren't with DC you'd still be a virgin

Tony Ferguson, 7"

>Implying Colby isn't the chaddest fighter on the UFC roster after maybe natty Paulo

When's the last time YOU hung out in a hot tub with Latina pornstars

Jimmy Crute
5, plus 4 pros.

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>jon jones
>bbc status

Yummy, post pics




I have never paid latina pornstars for an instagram picture sadly

No one cares

>disliking Colby
heh, I remember my first wrong opinion

They posed with the natty goat for free after sucking his cock to completion (also for free)

Not enough hogs on this thread sadly

why do you guys always talk about hogs

All memes aside, who is your MMA hero, /heem/bros? For me it's Robert. Legendary display of heart in Romero II. And he's a really cool bloke outside of the cage.

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Kinda crazy how that's LITERALLY me

Don't @ me or my son ever again.

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Jon jones or Georges St Pierre
Unironically 5

>all these incels saying 0
So you must be the fuckers who never played sports competitively your fatasses just like to talk about it instead of play

Stipe is 230 lbs

hogs exemplify everyones manhood

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I'd like him but he stole the second fight with Romero and then said he did enough to win (he didn't)

My mma heroes are DC and Colby GOAT.

Other fighters I like are Khabib, Cody Garbrandt and Chris Leben.

Fighters I don't like include TJ Dillashaw and Jon Bones Jones.

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How do I put on weight bros? Feel like I've been at 6'0 170 forever



That's actually not you bruv

gain height

>not liking Colby

damn son, cazzie af

The reality is you would fuck if the opportunity with a hot girl presented itself you just cant get any female attention so you pretend you're voluntarily celibate, truth is you're an incel

You know that a man sleeping around is seen as an alpha trait right? Its been that way since the dawn of time. Men and women are opposite; female adult virgins are seen as highly desirable, male adult virgins are seen as complete losers

Eat. Sugar will make you fat and increase your weight

make milkshakes with peanut butter and icecream. have 2 a day.

Not particularly sure what you're trying to say.

No more than eating more calories than you burn will

Do you have monkey arms or broad shoulders

I'm not trying to get fat though. The DC is not aesthetic

Most CTE'd fighters currently?

you after one round with me, me after two rounds with you, and then finally you with three rounds with me

What if it's a 5 round fight

Why has there been no promos or build up for Romero v Costa. This is the only thing I could find:


Just ignore Schaub

Tony, Cerrone, Max, Stipe

När kommer du till Tumba så jag kan spöa dig?

Imagine thinking this is an Irish accent

Luke Rockhold and Chris Weidman

Both :)

In school people used to called me "A spider on ice" because I have really long skinny arms/legs and look really funny running. Plus, my left shoulder is pretty fucked, it makes my arm hang a little lower than the right, adds like an extra inch.

Which part of France looks like that?

round 4 double knockout as soon as it starts, we both become vegetables and UFC is banned in over 96 countries.


>In school people used to called me "A spider on ice”

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YFW he’s not black

god I hope DC gets brutally knocked into a permanent coma in front of his daughters then the older grows and avenge his father in a boring 5 round decision against stipes daughter who then she retires and start a career of BLACKED porn,

I'm gonna be honest with you, I'm kinda retarded. Maybe they just didn't like me and called me that.

But I came 2nd in the 100M for sports day 4 years in a row, so I musta been doing somethign right.

Anthony Smif and I'm a proud volcel tyvm

omfg hotttt

Dan Henderson

In school people used to call me khabib because I was always ducking in and out

Peak cringe

she kinda looks like GSP when I look at her face

wake up jon, stipe sent me to finish the job

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How badly is Diaz going to embarrass Pettis lads? I don't think Dana wanted this

>1 weight division apart

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>uhhh Anthony is your HAND broken?
>w-what coach?
>Anthony do you think you HURT YOUR HAND. Wink wink.?
>... ... OHHHH.... y..yea coach... I think my hand broke.
>Well darn I guess we need to stop the fight then. Because we care about your injury, not because we’re too chickenshit to throw in the towel though.

I'd like to clarify, that wasn't my name, like people didn't address me as "spider on ice" they'd just call me it when I played Basketball or Football, only like 10 people and my teacher called me it.

Prime Perry heems Costa

>DC vs Stipe = Woodley vs Maia
>Costa vs Romero = Lewis vs Ngannou

I ain't finna lie bros, I'm not having high expectations of this card. Probably not even worth ordering some good food for.

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Lol the old guy barely reacts and keeps talking to his buddy. Embarrassing manlet

>D-DC will l-lose (at HW).............. THIS time!

This guy is injecting steroids into his body everyday

>DC vs Stipe = Woodley vs Maia
Lol retard. You have some nerve showing your face here after 236. Don't think I haven't forgotten motherfucker.

DC can beat Stipe at HW 100 times but it will not erase the fact that Jones humiliated him twice

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yeah she looks like gsp if he was fat and ugly and didn't look like GSP

>xD I wish DC was my dad he's le such a nice guy!!!!!

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I think I'm good enough at wrestling to beat aspen ladd and have sex with her



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Ya'll crazy if you think I'm gonna go against my boy Conor. That old faggot deserved what he go6

pretty KINO

>So permaflushed and heem'd that you're picking fights with pensioners

What did Khabib do to this man?

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DC is going to absolutely destroy this literally who slav

He probably did when he wasn't tested by USADA. The amount of muscles you pack on during steroids don't go away when you are off gear. I used to be skinny as hell but after one cycle of test and D-bols I became a ripped adonis. That was 3 years ago and I still have the size.

proper and twelvepilled.


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The absolute state of Canor. Wish he would retire he makes mma look like it's full of overcompensating manlets.

nothing wrong with chinning an old boomer cunt every now and then

ngannu was so fat in there

does he roid more aggressively or do the results just show more easily

>That guy is 50

Besides that Brazilian """woman""" with all the tattoos that's an ex drug addict Aspen Ladd is one of the most unappealing, disgusting, unattractive, unpleasant to look at, grotesque, UNSIGHTLY females in the UFC and I can't comprehend any reason anyone would want to have sex with her other than for a dare or money.

bro watchu talmbout

still don't realize israel is a chinlet?

retard literally didn't train

Usman looked more dominant against rda than Colby did. Usman also isn't a 5'9 manlet like Colby. Think he takes the win, but in reality we all lose for caring about two cage humpers potentially fighting.

probably, stipe is a slow plodding shitter

I mean water we doing here b

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He probably used to roid when he wasn't tested by USADA. The amount of muscles you pack on during steroids don't go away when you are off gear. I used to be skinny as hell but after one cycle of test and D-bols I became a ripped adonis. That was 3 years ago and I still have the size.

Reminder Nate Diaz has gone 9-9 in his last 18 fights

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Reminder Colby and Max walk around at the same weight

This. It's a lose-lose situation no matter who wins. Boring cagehumpers are ruining the sport

Imagine Ngannou shoving his flaccid penis into your tight boi butt, slowly feeling as it grows inside of you, and before you know it, you're being rammed by the massive rock hard 12 inch dark chocolate cock of an African god.

He's always been a gatekeeper. He exposed Canor as a hype job, but instead to ufc framed it as Nate just being that good and cazzies ran with the narrative.

theres definitely many way worse than fatspenn

Women's Strawweight Joanna Jędrzejczyk vs. Michelle Waterson
Light Heavyweight Ryan Spann vs. Devin Clark
Women's Flyweight JJ Aldrich vs. Lauren Mueller

Announced bouts

Flyweight bout: Tim Elliott vs. Deiveson Figueiredo[9]
Women's Strawweight bout: Mackenzie Dern vs. Amanda Ribas[7]
Welterweight bout: Max Griffin vs. Alex Morono[10]
what is this a fucking joke

He has the same amount of musclemass as in his ripped picture. You would be surprised what low bodyfat and a pump can do.

gay and cringe

It's like point fighting in boxing. It will ruin the sport. Then it will just be about who can have the best gimmick to convince them to watch their cage hump session. Maybe bare knuckle will carry the torch if cage humpers start to take over mma.

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hes looking more ripped than ever no way in hell pettis lands a running wall kick that is his only chance

That got me hyped, even with Schaub in the video

Aspen Ladd would've knocked that old boomer out

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at least he likes to stand and bang probably due to all the CTE and dudeweed

He's not even that ripped he's just finally in decent shape instead of being skinny-fat.

sid from ice age

That's true, but for some reason I feel like Diaz Pettis will be a disappointingly boring fight.

You're right, that was a bit of hyperbole. Genuinely don't see how anyone find her attractive though. I like Felice Spencer, she's like an upgraded Ladd.

I disagree desu and I don't like either one of those guys, although there is a real chance Diaz is washed who knows


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Just as he would like it, promiscuity is Haram

>Dc will retire with zero belts
ayy lmao

thoughts on mini khabib's father?

At least Colby will ruffle some feathers. I can't think of a more boring charisma vacuum than Usman.

>Conor Mcnuggets = reddit
>EL CUCUY = Yea Forums
>Khabib = 4channel
>Poirier = twitter
>Ngannou = /HEEM/ster

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that guy is invoked in child sex trafficking

Why is Paulo Costa and Kron Gracie so handsome bros, I thought mutts were supposed to be uggo?

yeah man Colby only landed 500 strikes last fight total shit cagehumper

bet he's a huge figure skating fan

>Colby = /HEEM/*

Memesanta is objectively the most redditcore fighter

debate me

Don't know why you guys think it is so funny that Cody's wife (pic related) stopped having sex with him after he lost to TJ. As someone who has been in a similar predicament, I can tell you it sn't funny. Relationship problems are not funny

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No one is more reddit than connie mcnuggets, THE cazzie fighter.

fuck that cheating bitch (peejay)

He threw 500 strikes you cazzie he landed under 200 and they were mostly jabs like a boxing point fighter. Fer ser it was fun to watch someone spam jabs against a flushed fighter. Felt like I was watching Max vs Frankie.

that's what you get for marrying a plastic whore

if you have a non-meme image of a female fighter on your hard drive you are a loser.

Israel does le ebin anime reference and ironic memehategaoning while referencing meme shit like let me bang bro

>Seething this much about the people's champion
let it go reddit

Colby is more plebbit because they think like his stats and plebbit is full of stat nerds who don't actually watch the fights.

id just hire a tranny escort

>that hairline

>Yoel will miss weight!!!
Fucking idiots

poopdick is shook

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Colby is too (non-selfhating)white to be reddit

>Implying throwing 500 strikes is the same as landing 500
Yeah fer ser totally plebbit bro le 5'9 Colby man is based

israel is a meme points fighter who carries his schtick of being a nerd anime fan, if robert doesn't heem this skinny legged literal homo, yoelito or costa will.

Anyone who marries a thot of that magnitude needs a little pain so they can realise their mistake.

>implying anyone ever said he landed 500 strikes
delusional faggot, you're just looking for non-existent reasons to hate. Post your favourite fighter.

Conor wasn't self hating and they loved him until he hit an old man. Even then he'll still have plenty of fans there. They also love Stipe and complain about "muh eye-pokes" all the time.

>c-conor will l-lose the rematch.....THIS time!

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>Multiple veteran fighters state colby's performance was outstanding
>Armchair analysts on a frog-hunting forum think they know better

The guy I replied to said he landed 500 strikes you brainlet. Learn to read.

Yoel heems everyone if he stops setting a slow pace in every round but the last. His game plan would destroy any middleweight in a street fight, but he gets himself out pointed.


no but seriously is there any self-given nickname that is actually good? like >Triple C with Cejudo is terrible but atleast he tries carrying in with his great heelwork with "bend a knee to Triple C" Cejudo might be the best heel in the fight buisness desu

Conor will never fight in the UFC again.

cejudo is the good guy

He probably does that because he carries a lot of muscle and gasses if he goes berserk too early.

People were jacking off Colby non-stop here after the fight go look at the archives and stop acting like a victim. Every Colby cuck has a victim mentality for some reason.

Colby 19, but I am married now

Perry was robbed

He sets a slow pace because his gas tank is shit

He sets a slow pace cause he's slow

No one cares about Canby. The ratings and ticket sales made that abundantly clear.

El Cucuy is based. The All American was based. Notorious was based. The iceman was based. The spider was based. There are a lot.

Gaethje, 5

Lmao it's the "german" khabib dick sucker

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>Any fighter I don't like is reddit

didn't know most of those were self-given I stand corrected

is easy to forget with corny shit like >Evil Eye is around but shes just lame as fuck in general

this he's stuck in the mud at 80k followers

Maybe so, but luring your opponent into following your rhythm and then suddenly speeding it up is a great way to fight.

>500 strikes
Yeah and Lawler looked like he'd gone for a light jog right after the fight. Meanwhile look at what Luque did to Perry with probably half those strikes thrown.

You colby losers need to head back to

Reddit doesn't even like him, they think he's cringe, which makes him /ourboy/. Same for Colby and Triple C.

Colby needs to stop bringing low rent models around with him and spend the cash on a clever PR company. He's the only intentional heel in the UFC, that shit could be a goldmine.

of his nasal breathing ability

no everyone born in south america looks like shit

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mr bone very enthusiasm

mystic mac
the jack russel terrier

I like all three fighters, but they are legitimately cringe and they are not /ourboys/.

those mutts he brought with him to schaub's thing were pretty hot

Luque re-arranged Perry's face and probably changed his entire life forever with 87 significant strikes landed. If you're going to land 500 strikes on someone you'd be close to nearly murdering them, except when Canby throws strikes he's throwing pillow fists to set up his cage humping skills

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>throw more strikes

Is Usman really vouching to fight fucking Leon Edwards of all people? like wow what a ducking little faggot, actually worse than Woodley

They were also sneering at him the whole time, it was unbearable to watch. Colby should just leak a sex tape and leave it at that.

the nigerian has nightmares

Dana got a monkey's paw deal. Usman is more boring, more ducking and worse for ratings than Woodley ever was and he will be far harder to dethrone because Ali has so much influence.

Leon heems him in the second desu.

Leon is a tougher fight for him than Colby. I know he already beat him once but Leon has improved significantly since then.

Also where did you get this story from?

uh, are you forgetting about Usmans immigrant struggles (his dad defrauding the US government out of millions?)

They didn't look like they were getting paid enough to be there.

>(his dad defrauding the US government out of millions?)



>government has to smash him

based habeeb chiming in


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Canor Mctapper


>Also where did you get this story from?
heard it here thats why I just ask but I wouldn't doubt Usman would be that guy

>when your whiskey brand is doing so well you have to personally go on bars and offer it for free
>regular gramps 2pm at a bar would rather get punched than to sip down that shit
my whiskey business is totally worth millions my man

Ah yes /heem/ is a reliable source of news.
>Making up fake news

khabib he's never been in a bar fight?


HAHAHAHAHAHA why he dont punch you

I literally asked a question, but to be fair rumors are the root of fake news

He only sold 100 less seats than Rumble/Bader in 2016 AND it was an afternoon card. But that's all good, I know you're busy mopping up your assbleed

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Yoel looking OLD at weighins. Not in the body of course, just the face. Like a weathered turtle.

his looks looks good apart from the swelling
will it break easily the next fight or can a nose unflush itself after surgery

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Someone redpill me on Benitez vs Yusuff

>bar fight

It will break easily. Fighters who suffer bad nose breaks never fully recover. Arlovski and Rory being the prime examples.

whittaker disfigured him

you just KNOW

his nose looks good apart from the swelling
will it break easily the next fight or can a nose unflush itself after surgery?

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khabib would be the most boring champ if it wasn't for conor

Interesting fact: Colby landed 7 takedowns against RDA, Usman 12. Usman did in a 520 sq ft cage though to Colby’s 750, Colby landed about 17 takedowns on RDA per sq ft adjustment


Shame about that face.

Yoel always looks like absolute shit at weigh ins, his cutting methods are very extreme and sometimes get him pulled.

i am autistic
i said his looks looks instead of his nose looks in my initial post so i had to repost it

Nate tried to jump him at a club, which is close enough.

A stiff jab breaks it again

Join the /heem/ chat for comfy talks and racism

Allowed to join:
Everyone that isn't a gay, kike or muslim


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>Hobbit Whittaker
Based Borrachinha

Fuck Usman, fuck his bullshit immigrant struggle, deport his monkey ass back to Nigeria. He learned well from his scam artist father, cause he sure is scamming the UFC and it’s fans


You literally made an authoritative statement and at least a dozen people treated what you said as truth lol

>the guy who ate the bigger shots, got his face permanently disfigured and will not be able to fight for a year lost the fight

Ali isn't his father.

heeminder the last man who fucked around with cody's wife is flushed for all eternity

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The fiend

Would have been a based video, but Schaub ruined it for me.

>giving my cellphone number to these weirdos

Why did my post get deleted mods? I was only talking about broken noses. You better unfuck this shit fast or I’ll shut down this place for good and make sure you’re out of a job.

No, his father is in jail for Medicare fraud

He no drink brother. These is my opinion.

shame this fight will never happen


Is that the Italian manlet who got dabbed on by Eddie on Bully Beatdown?

he was framed. Look into it

I was making a witty joke about Ali being a con artist.

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>Source /heem/
Did you not see all the posts about fighters pulling out of 241? People shit post fake stuff here all the time.

>father scammed medicare
>manager is an ISIS militant
>incapable of creating an unique sandwich
Worst champ in UFC history, let me tell ya

Who is Colby's ghost writer?

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kashartmu poosman

*solves mma*

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Deport him for what? Being better than Colby?

We are.

me, bee


Highly doubt it, but if true that is awesome. Fuck immigrants

Uncle Chael

Are you gonna post more fake stories about ducking?

It's 100% Chael. He even acknowledged Chael is a huge "influence" on him and they both just so happen to talk shit about Brazil and be from Oregon and they both love wwe meme gimmicks. It's obvious Chael writes for him because Colby will have a funny line/quote, but when he's live he starts to autistically say the same phrase over and over because he can't think on his feet like Chael. He knows his real personality doesn't sell that's why he asked Uncle Chael for help.

He said it in an interview with Chael you goof

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I'm just here for your seethe

>father scammed medicare
>manager is an ISIS militant
>makes betas on /heem/ seethe
Ya, Im thinking most based champ in ufc history

The source is Usman's recent interview with Chael, even Chael was stunned at his blatant duckery.

He didn't duck Woodley though

uhhhh, yeah, i'm thinking i'd go in raw and not pull out

>plz not colby

>With Chael
He probably said it to make Chael seethe. Everyone knows he writes Colby's lines and is his number 1 cheerleader.

>le 4D chess
Kammy can barely understand checkers

poosman is a cowardly ducking nigger

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Based Ali defending his boy on /heem/, good manager

>Those comments
Glad to see the general public hates Usman as well. Everybody sees through his bullshit and ducking. Crowd is going to be behind Covington at MSG


Sharty Poosman

Fartmarpoop Ushit

I wish I was Ali tbqh. He makes keyboard warriors seethe and pimps out the top ufc fighters. He's like MMAs Don King.

Kill yourself

Schizo tier mental acrobatics. Usman is a coward because MAGA-Miz beating him would ruin his career.

>4D chess
Maybe to your tiny brain, but it wouldn't even be that smart of a move. Try playing chess instead of checkers sometime my dude.


i wouldn't stand a chance brehs....

He's exactly like MMA's Don King. Don King is a corrupt psychopath who ruined boxing and should be in prison.

what happened?

Huh? Cringe.

>Schizo tier
lol it's not that big of a leap you brainlet. If anything Ali planned it out. Do you really think no one knows Chael loves Colby?

you're too stupid to realize it

>Usman literally sweating at the thought of fighting Colby

I don't think mutt means what you think it means

hey guys why aren't you talking about ufc 241

what are some of the lowkey fights you're looking forward to

the drug dealer lad what the based name

brainlet = assuming someone is acting cowardly because they want to annoy someone, instead of because they are a coward.

Occam's Razor, you dumb fuck.

>yoel vs a can
>Nate vs a can
>DC vs a can
This card is literally worse than last weeks

Don King is rich though and is friends with Trump. Why wouldn't you want to be him?

>what are some of the lowkey fights you're looking forward to

DC Stipe 2

What's an effective defense against slampig-jitsu?

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Ockham you dolt


heem her tits off

Because he doesn't have empathy, is responsible for two murders and looks like he's been electrocuted.

uh are they both not mixed-race? Brazil is literally muttland

google it

>Muh Occam's Razor
>Calls me a brainlet
lol as if Kant and Leibniz haven't already shit on that concept

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Poolby will go down in history as having a fake belt that no one took seriously. A fake belt he got for beating a flushed LW. Where is Leon Edwards' fake belt? He deserves one too!

I have tickets and I dont care about any of the fights besides the top 3. Might not even show up til right before the main card.

mutt just means American now, it's mean to say that to a mixed race person who isn't American

Hello Marty

Mike Perry’s brain is going to end up beyond Diego Sanchez tier levels of JUST

>Because he doesn't have empathy
LMAO what a nerd thing to say.

You can leibniz my balls, you kant.


That's too dangerous, she might heem you with her tits.

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Empathy gets you nowhere in business. Name a good business man with empathy. They probably just started philanthropy after they already became rich from fucking people over. Business is a dog eat dog world.


Hello Poolby

Warren Buffet.

That's great but being good in business isn't worth having a lizard brain. People like Don King are in constant fight/flight mode and see everyone as a threat, a tool or both. It's a miserable existence.

No just mature and realistic. Empathy is for bleeding hearts that give money to bums so the bums can go buy drugs and continue their bum lifestyle. Empathy is for reddit losers that tell each other "I am so sorry that happened to you."


"Empathy was last week. Today you're wasting my motherfucking time"

>Worth $82 billion
>He's a nice guy
I'm sure he is my dude

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That's not empathy, that's charity, you idiot.

Can I get a source on this my guy?

Excuse me. Mr. Usman, sir? I was wondering, could you step aside so I can get Colby's autograph?

JDS I think. Yeah, Cain was better, but just such a sweet dude... and also a top HW for a decade or so.

Can't you read? No gays

Why ask to name one if you have no interest in the question? Show me evidence of Buffet lacking empathy.

you didn't know you were arguing with a retard

What's empathy then? Feeling bad for someone? How do you know Don King didn't feel bad for his fighters? He probably felt bad and then went home and counted his money and realized he'll be ok.

That's not empathy, that's sympathy, you idiot.

>What's empathy then? Feeling bad for someone?

It's a positive quality. You should have to prove he has empathy not prove he doesn't have empathy. If your hypothesis is "Warren Buffet has empathy" that's what you should prove. If he hasn't shown empathy there's no reason to believe he's an empathetic individual.

Those are all MMA heroes you should all aspire to be like.

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Ok explain empathy then because it seems like it means nothing right now.

>spoonfeed me so i can pretend im not retarded

google.com/search?q=empathy definition

You're the one with the hypothesis, the onus is on you to prove it. Prove he "lacks empathy" that he "fucks people over" as a result.

I never said he lacked empathy or that he is empathetic. You're the one claiming he's empathetic.

Tony Ferguson

Attached: tony-ferguson-donald-cerrone-ufc-238.jpg (1000x667, 64K)


Weigh-ins in 2 min

get in here lads

There is no such thing as onus, thats a materialists cop out for not having a rebuttal

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Maia is unironically an inspiration. An unathletic (relative to his competition) guy with poor cardio who managed to compete at the highest level into his 40s by mastering one skill and figuring out ways to implement it. His career transformations have occurred around him developing new skills such as wrestling or the jab to set up his takedowns. Plus he’s the only fighter in the modern era that literally everybody is afraid to go to the ground with. The last true specialist.

Nice lack of empathy bro

Tony Ferguson, 7"
Not very thick though

It's a statistical coin flip whether someone with Buffet's influence has no empathy (sociopath/psychopath/malignant narcissist) or empathy (a normal person). That's because psychos are overrepresented in the upper echelons of power. Note that "having empathy" doesn't mean "is extra empathic". It just means having any empathy at all, like anyone who isn't a total fucking predator.


I burned Anthony Pettis' cars.

Sympathy is literally a synonym for empathy lol

Some bodybuilder started talking shit with garbrant on twitter, even posting pics of allegedly cody's wife flirting with him. They were supposed to meet up and fight but cody never showed, then they found him dead on the side of the road in Las Vegas.

>psychos are over represented
proofs? other than:
>i've heard this repeated a lot

Did you think I was joking?

You better watch

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God damn flushed Cody doesn't have time for bullshit. He's going to join the mob soon.

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>He collects autographs
As if you needed more proof of nerd status

Finally the case gets solved after all these years!

I said step aside, Marty

Lol which embedded was this? It was so funny how the camera panned to Yoel just sitting in the dark

I'm not the guy you're replying to, but you called Wonderboy wondermeme so I thought you were joking lol

I'm not going digging through peer reviewed journals you fucking asshole.

*pats you on the head* Sure thing little man go right ahead sorry I didn't see you there

Taking a yuge dump right now

Who the hell would want Marty's aurograph?

Can you really blame some of these guys for supporting Usman? I mean, what other fighter has horrible acne like them?

Why does DC have a picture of Jon in his "mancave"?



same reason epstein had a painting of bill clinton

Basado. Thx.

he is Bones wife confirmed

Bill Clinton simulated Epstein's death?

Jon be living rent-free in his head 24/7

I call any fighter throwing kicks memes, no disrespect intended I just find those hilarious in a MMA fight. Wonderboy is a great fighter.

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yeah bro totally a simulation I heard it from andy cooper


Darren Till is shite in a bucket

Of course is a fucking afghan


Nate is flushed Pettis will make it look easy.

So empathy has the same meaning as warmth, as well?

I just heard, bros. How could this happen?

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>Oh so you just think I’m going to let you stick your BBC in my plum cheeks Jon? You think I’m just going to voluntarily give you sloppy head Jon? Well you aren’t wrong

What the hell did he mean by this?

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Why is she so pale if she's outdoors hiking and fucking her dogs 24/7?

HW has literally never had a GSP, a Silva, a DJ.
Fedor is too pre-modern era to count.

Her forehead shields her from the sun

He hasn't fought in like 5 years, how would you know he is flushed? I think you'd be surprised.

What happened to the succ meme?

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black background woman hottest

Damnnnn that’s a clean fade

>Wiz Khalifa is fighting

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Based and redpilled

nu /heem/ doesn't deserve it

why do women always do the front facing thing?

Shoit in d'bucky

don't sleep on Stipe


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Of course Fedor counts.

Jon Jones' head-kick ended it

Kang looks like a Mexican with his stache.

Seeing Brooklyn on the stage makes me think of how I jacked it to Josy Black earlier.

>American fighter
>fighting in America
>still draped in an American flag

is there anything more cringy

I hope you aren't using the Sabbath for heems

does cifers have autism?

It's not cringy if it's a work.

paying tribute to the troops

Ciphers looks like the shy kid in a new classroom.

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No because Colby did that the other week and it was based

My waifu.

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more like paying tribute to Israel

Are you saying thesaurus .c is a bad source? If so here's another merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/empathy

Pettis last 10 fights are spottier than my penis

Wearing a MAGA hat and hanging out with craigslists girls while walking around with a replica belt

sure bud

Attached: perulet.png (660x264, 33K)

So empathy has the same meaning as grace, as well?

Pettis is undefeated you absolute buffoon

>It's cringe to like and support your country
Post your hand

Nate and Yoel both lose my dude

Champ Shit Only

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I think that this is a good card my dudes

No apparently every thesaurus is wrong and you're right.

Holy shit why are Amerindians so damn short

Paulo is readyyy

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worst timeline

did he not even stand on the scale?

Pettis won the story by using his success in the fight to KO Wonderboy 6 months later

basedboys that think nationalism is "like totally lame"

>>not liking your country

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No you don't realise a synonym is contextual. Because you are dumb.

More like best timeline. Nate will become irrelevant and we'll have a new MW contender instead of Yoel.

Based can poster

Explain the difference between sympathy and empathy big brain.

Nate becoming irrelevant is bad for the sport.

This card is top heavy

>FWs that high on the card
Bring the big boys already

Contrarian faggot

romero vs costa is for the usada title

Empathy is the ability to place yourself in other people's shoes, to understand how they might feel about something, even if it differs to how you might feel about something. Sympathy is feeling sorry for someone. You can have empathy and sympathy at the same time, but you can also have one without the other.

Holy shit Joe just came at the sight of Costa

Paulo loses to both Rob and Ade

the winner will be the true natty goat

He's been out for three years and the sport has seen it's biggest card in that time frame and managed to ink a big time espn deal. I think they'll be fine without Nate.

>when wheaties pass you up

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>romero vs costa

Attached: tenor.gif (498x280, 561K)

wew lad...

But he slaps and flips off people in the octagon. It's vital for MMA.

What if Diaz and Stipe fought each other?
>Hdjdixndjs? Sksicbdjshd motherdjdnxbxjsjdhfj

Fuck wheaties box

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If Gastelum almost heemed Ade I think Costa would heem him. Gastelum doesn't even cut weight at middleweight he's a turbo manlet at this weight class.

>Hdjdixndjs? Sksicbdjshd motherdjdnxbxjsjdhfj bitch

>Both of these dudes were Natty
Most unrealistic part of FMAB desu


Hope Nate jumps the fence and heems Joe Rogan

Only Cyborg could have done this, they never should have cut her.

>thinking that Nate is gonna win

Paige is so thirsty, its almost funny.

I was sold on her rape story, but her ridiculous behavior makes you wonder, maybe she really had a consensual gangbang and felt "raped" afterwards. I dunno.

Based list

Youre an idiot. Gastelum is probably better than Costa and anyone can "almost heem" anyone. Its down to luck.

take wonderboy off this list please. He is a pedophile, I can tell

Stipe heems Jon, don't fucking (you) me.

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