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america is a meme
aye, and the arsenal is number 2 in london
I ain't reading all those words
The balkans are a bigger and more tragic meme
Nah America is the greatest tragedy in the world. A lethargic dying beast crushing everything as it stumbles to a final motionless grave
Whiter than you Muhammad
Fuck off stupid self loathing retarded shitter. You've been shitposting about america in every thread
Only retards think America is dying. Sure it's getting worse but dying nah I don't think so. People always say america is gonna collapse but don't explain how. A revolution? A military coup ? A secession movement? A civil war? All this stuff has 0.1% chance of happening
He's right.
When you have terrorists invoking your president's name when they kill innocents, something is fucked up.
America will die if Trump is re-elected given how much damage he's done, and a re-election would be seen as a rubber stamp to everything he has done and will let him double down further. Also keep in mind the sheer amount of economic damage he's doing to the country when the next downturn occurs. He's using everything a country normally uses during a recession to stabilize it (tax cuts, rate cuts) right now to keep the economy looking good going into 2020 when all that's doing is making the future recession worse because there will be no way to stop it.
However even him losing the 2020 election has major complications since he cannot accept losing.
Do not forget, he said he wouldn't accept the results of 2016 if he did lose and even when he did win, but lost the popular vote, he just created some bullshit saying 3 million illegal votes happened, with zero proof to rationalize it.
Also the one historian that has predicted every presidential election (minus 2000 because the Supreme Court stole it.) is saying if Trump loses, he will not leave peacefully. He'll try and litigate it and cling to office, and when Jan 20th comes around and he's forced to leave, he'll call on his supporters to rebel saying it's a coup against him.
On the bright side, if we purge his cult, America might be better off in the long run, although that depends on how much damage they do and if other countires like Russia get involved.
Lmao, Imagine believing this. If trump loses, what's he gonna do? He can't do shit and he has no connections in the pentagon
White or WASP America never accepted all migrants as equal. All this flattening of hierarchies was enforced by courts. Of course millions of leftists can pretend otherwise. It's still retarded.
The far left actually knows this and like it as they hate the ebil wasp usa and use it as anti American argument
What the fuck a reasonable post on Yea Forums?
Lmao it's not. It's retarded fear mongering
top fucking kek
tell me more about how Russia hacked the election and how it was Hilary's turn
It’s reality.
this is your brain on neoliberalism, fuck me.
How do you perfect that handwriting?
How the fuck is it reality.
First of all the economic policies of trump are typical republican shit which will lead to us to maybe another recession but not a fucking collapse like the user suggests and trump doing a coup after the loss will never happen as he has no means to do it
please can america just fuck off from the internet
Just leave to your own websites faggot
>He'll try and litigate it and cling to office, and when Jan 20th comes around and he's forced to leave, he'll call on his supporters to rebel saying it's a coup against him.
Dud you not finish reading before you started typing, again.
And? How the fuck will his supporters do anything that will stop the next president getting power
Nonsensical tarriffs are typical Repub stuff? Gotcha
The tax and rate cuts are. And I don't see how the tarrifs will cause a total collapse
They have guns, and have shown they have no respect for democracy.
Hopefully America doesn't "die" because I still live here. That said we're definitely in decline. There's nothing we can do about it. China will overtake us as the #1 economy soon if they haven't already. You racists will blame it on demographics but that's highly irrelevant. Liberals will blame it on white men but outside of the 1 percent who own this country they aren't the problem either. Face it. Our country was sold out by rich fucks who preferred short-term profits instead of long-term stability.
Trump is the least of our problems. Whether you like him or not there's only so much a president can do. The problem is "the swamp." Instead of having coherent, consistent policies that benefit the whole country we get bullshit like Obamacare or the tax cuts that benefit corporations. Corporations that have no loyalty to their workers or their nation. We could have had universal health care decades ago if poor whites saw themselves as "poor" instead of "white." And education wouldn't be so goddamn expensive if liberals fought economic equality instead of "social justice."
Dude so what. They can't do shit. Are you alarmists actually fucking serious.
Trump is the swamp you fucking idiot. Look at all the people he's appointing.
If you want to solve stuff, vote for the left wing like Bernie Sanders and AOC who actually see the problem economically rather than socially.
I don't care if china overtakes us desu. We still have a huge economic magnitude which we can use to make things better which is gonna happen. Things will slightly shift to the left and we will get free health-care and free universities in 20 years but ofc we will stay capitalists and cringy tankie communists will still be irrelevant
>Just ignore the terrorist attacks by Trump supporters that are happening right now, it's actually nothing.
They aren't nothing but they are irrelevant. How will mass shootings actually stop biden or warren or bernie from becoming a presidents because that's the only thing that trump supporters can't do and any meme militia will get squashed by the army.
>How will a portion of country starting an armed rebellion be bad?
Why do I think you're one of them and want real Americans to be in a false sense of security when it does happen?
Yeah I'm the soldier 1488 in the kekistan facist trump dick suckers militia. How did you fins out
Dude, how the fuck will they start an armed rebillion. Do you think that's shit is easy.
Reminder that it's not just America that's in decline, China is too, as is the the rest of the world.
Based Trump STILL living in faggots heads rent-free.
>How do you start an armed rebellion?
Read the Whiskey Rebellion newfag at life.
Senate confirms they target all 50 states.
And they got into 39 of them
Don't forget Moscow Mitch is blocking all legistration to protect our elections and most Republican run states are making sure their elections are hackable.
Not me, I got a new job, bought some jeans, and got a new toothbrush. Things are looking up
First of all the whiskey rebellion was crushed. 2nd, are you really comparing the 1790s to the fucking 2020s. America was a fucking baby at that time
Yes, the President of the United States usually demands people’s attention. Very good, Joao
Based. I got a 80k salary job and I am only 23. Being a snake really pays out.
He's right you know
daily beast isn't a source you mental midget.
Doesn't change the fact you asked how an armed rebellion occurs. Now you're moving the goalposts.
>Damage Control
Enjoy your newfound sectarian violence when Boris Johnson fucks up everything between you and Northern Ireland.
I asked how will trump supporters organize an armed rebellion. You are changing the goalposts dude.
based chicano
>Now projects
Typical Trump tactic.
They have guns, they have the means to organize, what else do you need to start an armed rebellion?
It will happen, and when they get crushed I hope they all get killed. It would be a much needed chemo for this country.
My your death be slow and painful when your rebellion is snuffed out.
You're mentally retarded.
Nah, we have problems with our own prez already. And besides, why let politicians get your goad?
Stay butthurt at the facts Paddy.
trump: we need to stop ILLEGAL immigration
stupid neosocialists: omg armed revolt racist
Ok we'll see. I'll screenshot your posts and post them in 2021. Hope you don't leave this shithole in 2 years
>Elect tropical Trump
>We have problems with our prez
No shit.
>He's not going to take part in his cult's rebellion just to spite someone on an anonymous anime image board
Ha ha ha
There is no appetite for violence in the north. A border's not going to start shit. You're mentally retarded.
What the hell do you know about my country, faglord?
>hanging out with smelly retards and then getting bombed by drones
>making a 300+ Replies thread where we make fun of retarded alarmists
Hmmm I wonder what choice is better
>Only retards think Rome is dying. Sure it's getting worse but dying nah I don't think so. People always say Rome is gonna collapse but don't explain how. Those annoying christians that keep popping up? Multiple generals marching on Rome to claim the purple? Invasion by barbarians? The praetorian guard literally selling the empire? A slave uprising? All this stuff has 0.1% chance of happening
>someone unirionically typed this and hit submit
Words are weapons. It's why I don't want Islamic preachers saying what they do in public but hey, guess I'm a fag.
Based seer
Will there are no generals marching on america. Illegals aliens are not armed unlike the german barbarians. The pentagon isn't really selling the nation.
Slaves are mostly free in merica.
So yeah nice analogy faggot.
Why does Canada tariff the US?
>swamp is the problem
>elects trump
Yo kys
>this thread
>80k salary
Are you me?
You're not getting the point faggot. Rome was a titan even compared to the US, and it fell. Get cocky, lazy and corrupt and the young dogs rip you apart.
Who will rip us apart
Do you work in wall street like me. 80k isn't even considered high here. Thank god I live in new jersey. Manhatten is a nightmare
More than you know about mine if you think Trump's policies are about just stopping illegal immigration. When he's trying to stop all immigration outside of European.
Even you have to admit, their poisoning of the the new colossus was racism.
As for your problems, the denial of the increase of deforestation of the Amazon and the haphaard handling of public finances.
Country with 21st century state of the art military =/= Country protected by dudes with spears
Kill yourself.
I work as a remote web """dev""" in central valley California. Got the job through based nepotism. Just renting for now before I leave this dump because fuck me even in this shitty part of the state the houses are too expensive.
>Who will rip us apart
Your elites. Civilizations fall when the elites become too powerful, too corrupt, and too detached from the needs of the body public. Tax cuts for the rich, continuing to double down on the myth that is trickle down economics. Giving billions to Israel and juicing the already insane military budget instead of things like health care and infrastructure. Mitch McConnel is blocking a bill that will protect elections from Russian hacking. Stuff like this.
The status quo is so deeply rooted that I don’t think anything short of a civil war or violent workers revolution could disrupt it. Just look at history . Look at Rome.
>but user Rome lasted forever before falling!
Rome’s national sport may as well have been civil wars and rebellions.
First off all stop this stupid roman analogy already. America is much more stable than rome. Just like you said, roman had countless civil wars and rebellions, regime change.. . America didn't. Our elite are making the country poor but will not make it totally collapse because that simply won't benefit. They need america more than america needs them.
>30 mass shootings
Wait a second, hasn't there been over 250? Feels like yanks have so many different ways to define something so it fits whatever propose they want.
>America is more stable than Rome
That's what everyone says before they collapse.
The oligarchs in America are driving the country to the brink of ruin.
He's only counting ones where you had multiple people die. Since most mass shootings, no one dies because the gun man uses a pistol and those bullets just pass right through you.
As opposed to an assault rifle round which will completely destroy your insides.
>Civil war if trump is reelected !
>Civil war if trump is not reelected !
in reality what will happen in both outcome :
>some protest here and there with signs saying : NOT MY PRESIDENT
>Our country was sold out by (((rich fucks)))
No they aren't you retard. People have been saying that since the great depression and nothing has collapsed This. Tbh if trump loses some mass shooting will accompany the protestsand if he wins some shitty Starbucks will get vandalized and a trash bin will get burned
>Our elite are making the country poor but will not make it totally collapse because that simply won't benefit. They need america more than america needs them.
You’re giving elites far too much credit. They don’t care about any of this from their Ivory tower. They don’t pay taxes and they buy politicians. They will burn down the planet If it pleases shareholders. Like the elites of Easter Island chopping down all the trees to use as rolling logs for their monuments.
Look at Trumps cabinet of cronies. Look at Scott Pruitt, Betsy Devos, Mnuchin, people like THAT. You really think they give a fuck about you?
The elites have tricked you into thinking it was about left vs right, or white vs coloreds. It’s only ever been, throughout all of history about RICH vs POOR. Wealth disparity in America is at an all time high. What happens when the poor outnumber the rich 100 to 1? 1000 to 1? A million to one. 10 million to one.
There’s a revolution coming in the next 50 years. And it will be one sided
From a /fa/ point of view, which you guys think is better to go out with, Football or NFL shirts?
Looking fwd to the periscopes of tubby fucks, dyed sluts, nignogs and other genetic dead ends bashing each other with DIY shop items, spraying mace and shouting skullfuckingly retarded slogans on permarepeat. Never gave so many humourless mongos been """politically"""" active in one place. God bless the USA
Depends on how many ameriboos are at the place you're going to. Personally I like footy kits more.
>He don't know about the coup attempt against Roosevelt.
We were pushed back from the brink because of liberal policies.
Also, if Trump's economic policies push us into a depression and Republicans gut the social safety net. Expect French Revolution tier material. Because that's what happens when you have people who have nothing to lose and are armed.
Regardless, a Trump loss will see the Trump cult take a last stand for their way of life, the life where they think they're in charge and will try some shit. They will lose, and we can hope as many of them are killed off as possible.
America is in need a of a good chemo.
Actually the gini (inequality index) of the usa has decreased. Inequality isn't just the difference in median income
There will be no revolution you stupid anarchist. Sure the poltics will shift to the left but no revolution will happen. This is america not France
I know about it. And the coup was a masisve failure and honestly I don't think trump or his cronies can do anything similar to that coup, also the cia and fbi don't lile trump so they won't support him even if someone like Bernie wins
America was born in a revolution , because their government stopped working for them. Jefferson said you should have an armed revolution every 20 years to keep the government honest. Every 20 is pushing it, but the only way you can get an honest government back, is revolution. That doesn’t make me a anarchist that makes me a classical liberal. This is what your country was founded on
>CIA and FBI doesn't like Trump
CIA, yes, Trump's taken over the FBI.