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God bless Tokyo 2020 Olympics!!
Looks fine to me.
>clearly just sediment from rivers
thought japs were supposed to be smart
Or he’s no Japanese
god bless the average human intelligence quotient
>2 miles up stream of nearest rain drain run off
Looks good to me. Turn off the VPN, macacao.
This 2bh fäm
it looks more korean comment
koreans are doing bad comments about tokyo 2020 all the time everywhere
if brazil can host the olympics without huge issues i'm really not worried about japan's capability to host it
Oh sorry bro. I thought it was a olympic hosts rivarly thing. Now that you mention it, it does read a bit dog eaty.
Oh look it's nothing
this but also OP is clearly some english teacher
In Rio Olimpics the athletes swimmed literally in SHIT, SEMEN and... MORE SHIT and it was beautiful. The human body is truly an amazing machine. This "bacteria" thing is just a meme to sell drugs that makes you a snowflake without antibodies.
how does this feature work?
Does shit flow upstream?
Literally Rio tier
Didn't matter in Rio, why would it matter in Tokyo?
hehe poop
Brazil’s government basically collapsed over the olympics doe
To be honest a lot of cities do have sewage run off during heavy rain. The only thing is the olympics will be during the summer
Yeah but the Olympics was alright. Priorities mate.
In that case Greece did everything right
>HUEs turned it into literal "Death Swim"
there's death walk, so it's only fair there's death swim, too.
They literally swam in Rios toilet bay, Tokyo will be fine.
fuck koreans OP
A judiciary-parliamentary coup to be more exact
Ah yes, this is the first time Japan and Tokyo host the summer Olympics. Oh wait.
Knowing how incompetent the Japanese are across the board I'm sure this will be another disaster, just like the other numerous sporting events that took place in Japan. Oh wait.
Which you deserved.
Is japan an india?
Why are Koreans such fucking weirdos
Japan is weird in a kind of quirky way, and in that they still hold on to some views that are rare in the West now, but nothing actually that hard to understand
Chinks have the excuse of never being civilised by the West
But Koreans, despite having their modern country made by American gibs, remain completely and utterly sick in the head
>despite having their modern country made by American gibs
There you go. They are just about as plastic as it gets.
Probably better than Brazile water last Olympics lmao
good news for bangladesh
i've read on pol that South Korea is basically an American puppet state used as a test tube for all kind of social and economic experiences
>I've read on pol
Joao, stop.
The Olympics should be held in Athens every 4 years, prove me wrong.
The whole “different country/city each time” thing has gotten old. Was cool back in the day but in today’s globalised world it’s just pointless.
Would be much cooler and more practical to keep it in Athens.
Without spending retarded amounts of money every 4 years on new stadiums etc all the member countries could pool together and build some cool, permanent facilities in Greece.
Go take a look at the state of disrepair the Athens 2004 facilities are in.
No they should be held on the Moon.
Greece is a shithole I'm afraid to inform you. Essentially a less islamic version of Iraq or Iran.
Yes because Rio is so much better than Athens innit
Having Athens become the rightful, permanent home of the Olympics once more would go a long way towards revitalising the city.
Fucking Korean op shit
Yes but if it was there every 4 years the stadiums and buildings for it wouldn’t have become forgotten or let go. Plus it gives huge economy boost to greece, which is needed because they are the founders of western civilization
agree tbqh
>1st world country
>dumping raw sewage into rivers
US would be better
they wont get broke hosting it between 4 years
The only problem is that IOC wants state-of-art tech stadiums with last stuff to they use in every olympic
it is probablly not swears probablly are rain waters
nah its more related due the actual Japan vs Korea polemic
Korea is trying make Japan pay for WWII reparations