What is the political affiliation of Premier league fans?
What is the political affiliation of Premier league fans?
people usually use football to NOT think about politics
>Amerimutt spud faggot bandwagoners are mentally ill libcucks
>local spud brits are hardcore right wing Brexiteers
Objectively wrong
'pool fans are BASED marxists who make gammon retards, fashy polcucks and zionist blairite libs seethe
They would all be to the far left to center-left going by American standards.
What does Tottenham, a local English club have to do with American politics?
He probably chose to "support" Spurs because their rivals are "Arsenal" who he hates because they are "gunners"
Both are run by Jews
>BASED marxists
Top yourself
not before I top you classcuck scum
Trump has been a pretty mediocre president, but the fact that he still makes guys like this so angry justifies my vote for him.
That, and judges.
>I vote as a reactionary against the norm
Embarrassing, but not surprising for a Trump voter
football is a working class, inner-city sport and team sports are, by their very nature, inclusive, so i would say it's to the left of the political divide
but people don't watch football to think about politics, so that's mostly irrelevant
sorry posted wrong pic
drumpf owned big time
That, and putting the Supreme Court in conservative hands for three decades. They are both equally frivolous.
Football is a working class sport, so by in large it’s left wing, but unlike the US that means many fans are actual socialists. It depends on each club though. Northern teams tend to be more left whilst Southern teams are slightly closer to the centre.
>political affiliation
The clubs can't have identity since the EPL forces them to suck leftist cock. In mainland Europe they are varied, lots of right wingers. Maybe less in Germany because of Jews,and same problem as in EPL,where they enforce global homo, refugee cock sucking agenda. Epl fans are poor and rich in uk, its hard to say what they support.
Liverpool - Labour
Mabxgester United - Tory
Take your meds Nigel
Liverpool fan here. Taxation is theft.
>Americans trying to shoehorn politics into everything
Why are you like this?
B and R
what else can you do when your president is drumpf
They support Modi and the Hindunationals.
If you still support Trump at this point you're mentally retarded
>calls brown nations shitholes
>whole campaign based around hating Hispanics
>Kneelgate is a dog whistle to white dicklets who hate black males
>multiple members of his administration have or had ties to the far right
>not to mention his crusade against those 4 brown women in congress
How does trump not encourage racist sentiments in the US? Just because he has to go on record and say generic civic nationalist things about only hating brown people who came illegally is still clear to everyone what he and his following mean.
Both Fergie and Ole are red through and through
t. my little soccer shill
%83 of the benefits of Trump's tax cut go to the top %1, he has neocon war hawks who advice him on foreign policy, 45,000 Americans die each year from lack of health insurance, over half of American workers make less than $30k a year and your infrastructure is wank. Trump is a puppet of the establishment and Americans will keep getting fucked over by massive corporations and israel until grassroots social democrats take over.
Brown nations are shitholes, that's a fact.
Everything else he does is literally for marketing (You)s. He barely spent money for his election campaign in 2015-16, but got about $5bn. of free broadcast minutes through those years.
He's also always been staunchly contrarian to the government and has been changing party allegiance to the respective opposition since the 80s.
As much as I don't like his bullshit, he's a real life shitposter and that's entertaining as hell. If he doesn't start a war he's better than the two hacks before him, which is quite sad honestly.
>muh black males
I already know who you are by that sentence alone, dutchfag.
Go back to plebbit and stay there with your non-problems. America has actual problems that no party has reliably fixed yet, like widespread obesity and a public school system that's not working even though spending is at an all time high
>t. country of the meme Antifa club
Hamburg isn't german or human for that matter
True underrated
Its an open secret that everyone knows Trump is racist and damage controls for white supremacy. What's truly hilarious is the Trump voters who want to paint him as a right leaning moderate and that his views are the majority consensus when he is anything but that.
We dont spend enough on quality teaching. We waste a lot of money on useless shitty teacher unions who want their cushy jobs while refusing to compromise by actually being examined for success.
Soja overload in this thread.
He looks whiter than you, macaco.