Really bro? This is the hardest puncher in the history of sports?

Attached: conor_mcpunchlet.webm (1280x720, 3M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Hardest puncher in MMA*

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Really hate those dreams where you try to punch someone and it feels like your arms are moving through mud

>the state of MMA

>Hardest puncher in the history of sports
He was a manlet who made his name off fighting midgets. You just fell for the hype.

He tapped his last fight so he ran away from mma and is trying to fight old man to feel good again. He was always a meme in mma. His gimmick was that he somehow managed to overachieve.

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He should be banned, raped and killed.

Conor should be jailed...

any "man" who uses faggot tights jeans should be jailed

How insecure do you have to be to punch an old man in the face for refusing your pisswater in a bottle branded shit liquor?

Holy shit what the fuck
Literally have the same nightmare

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This should be done to all potato niggers tbqh

I fucking hate those so goddamn much

MMA is a meme, desu, some random 65kg farmworker is probably stronger than any MMA heavyweight

It's a pretty common dream apparently, like teeth falling out or driving from the backseat

>when your dream punch finally collides it does nothing and the person you just punched and everyone around you starts laughing
fuck that shit, what does that dream even mean? feelings of helplessness?..

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Never had those, I have the powerless punching dream all the time

I also had a dream where I'm fucking a girl, but I have a micro dick, she ask if it's in yet and starts laughing

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girl reject me in my dreams.. seriously


typical irish coward

content to attack from behind other people and run away

>tfw I had a dream about not being able to brake when my car was hurling towards oncoming traffic
Pretty scary bros...

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>constantly have dreams of teeth falling out
>constantly have dreams of trying to punch someone and they don't feel it at all
I'm fucked.

>have a decent punch irl
>dream punch feels like an itch to the opponent

I had a weird dream where i was being chased by a hot naked redhead girl and then a ram attacked me and i knocked the ram out and then knocked out the girl with one punch.
What does it mean?

fuck you pussies i had a dream last night where i had to fight roman legions in hand to hand combat and got stabbed, i could heem all you faggots

Regular niggers too tbf

I fucking hate that teeth shit, brings me to despair. Then you wake up and feel your teeth and they're not loose at all and you realize that you fell for it again REEEEEEE

who ever said he was the hardest puncher

Conor is the hardest puncher. This is undisputed.

this guy

i usually end up getting so frustrated i wake up punching my bed/pillow or screaming incoherently

you wanna fuck your sister?

I have these but instead I'm playing football in front of people and I can't run cause it's as if somebody is pulling me the other way. Really miserable.

Had a dream where I woke up to a figure standing over me then they punched my chest and then I actually woke up but I woke up yelling "what the fuck" and my roommates woke up and came to see what was wrong. I had smoked before sleeping, but I did that often and that was the first and only time I had that happen.

I never have it with punching but with running. Not even running away from a scary monster all the time, sometimes its just me trying to run toward something and I move in slomo. Punching and swinging a sword works fine in my dreams tho.

Thank god I never can remember my dreams,maybe every X months I can remember a dream and they are usually complete horseshit.

the fucking teeth thing

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never ever had this in my life, not the flying dream either
probably had the teeth dreams over a dozen times, no backseat driving though

also trying to find a bathroom but you can't find any privacy, so you just sit down when people are walking by

I've had this one before

my dream last night involved me and my friends commandeering a bus and crashing into a petrol station - inexplicably surviving the subsequent explosion
can't tell what info my subconscious is trying to convey

Sounds like the British empire

Teeth crumbling/falling out in dreams is supposed to be an indicator of some inner stress.

Not punching properly is because your body is asleep and unable to respond to the brain's signal.

Tightness on chest/being sat on by a heavy weight is sleep paralysis.

Try reading a book next time in a dream too and see what happens

>desperate for a piss in dream
>find a toilet... Thank god
>start pissing
>wake up pissing

fuck you faggot now im going to have that teeth dream again tonight

>have terrifying nightmare
>wake up, realize it's just a nightmare and my real life is better than it, feel good rest of the day

>have amazing dream with great things happening
>wake up realizing it was just a dream and my real life is worse than it, feel bad rest of the day

why do people hate nightmares

Same, bro. Wtf? I'm quite fast irl too. So idk what those kinds of dreams are supposed to mean.

Teeth dreams are universal and stress related. They come from a deep rooted memory of physical discomfort that everyone has experienced.


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I have this.
This one too.

Because getting sawed in your stomach isn't pleasant

I have the opposite, where I suddenly have hundreds of loose teeth spilling out of my mouth and I try to say something but it's just more teeth

but you're not getting sawed in the stomach, and the knowledge of that makes you happy after waking up. i much prefer nightmares 2bh.

Is it me or did he not punch him? It seems to be he just threw the shot glass at his face.

*hardest puncher in mma called conor mcgregor

Too much weed frying your brain

Probably loss of control and whatever mobility you value more. That being taken away from you and all. Generally your dreams emulate fears and insecurities as well as doom scenarios so if you lose your ability to expertly manoeuvre for example. I bet LeBong has dreams about slomo dunking and not making easy lay ups and Messi dreams about being stuck in quicksand whilst attempting to dribble past 4 defenders with the whole of Camp Now watching. That which you value most, your nightmares will take away from you.

Same. I spit them out before I have to talk in a dream and I’m swallowing them by accident

Have you ever had sleep paralysis? I've had it 2 times, the first was scary as fuck hearing white noise louder than a jet engine inside my bedroom and seeing blinking lights like that kanye + jay-z music video and then the white noise sounded like some demon voice and also felt somthing is on top of me but I was unable to move for some reason. Ended up waking up in a pool of sweat and with a racing heart.

The second one I recognized what it was and I just ride it up, I enjoyed the weird feel and didn't feel scared at all.

In my dreams, when I shove people to the ground or hit their faces against the wall I feel free as a bird. I cannot for the life of me punch them straight because of the 'mud' you're talking about.

Also I've dreamt of flying but at some point I couldn't move forward and had to grab on to stuff on the walls to move forward, like if I was underwater.

I dreamt that Leicester won the title

Had it when I was a kid, around that time I got super freaked out over a documentary about alien autopsies too so it felt like an abduction with flashing blue lights and shit. Couldn't sleep well at all for a few years.

>in a lot of dreams where I need to run from/after something I am faster on all fours
Almost like the wet noodle punch dreams, my legs feel limited so I'll occasionally reach my arm down to the ground to give me a boost. (my arms feel longer)
I dream this A LOT. Like almost every dream I remember

Anyone else have this experience?

I had a recurring dream where I 'invented' this method of running very close to the floor (still on 2 legs but with very long strides). An old Usain Bolt became my trainer and I managed to accelerate to the point I could whizz around the world like the Flash. Was p cool

In my dreams I'll start running and lean forward close to the ground like you say but I'm very slow, with very long strides, then I'll start pulling myself with my arms and feel like a werewolf and I can catch up to anything.

I wonder if this means I'm a closet furry or something

see you at furrycon uwu

Please don’t shoot up a school or something

Even /fit/ hits harder than the king of the manlets

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running away from the killer in slomo and when he reaches you your arms don't work

dreams don't mean anything
stop being a woman

yeah these suck
I often have one where my legs suddenly go full turncollisionoff and I run as fast as I can but I move barely a meter, so I start running on my hands (really)
other times it's like gravity was turned off but just for me, and go around floating at head level and have to push myself around with the walls

That wasn't a dream user... Suppressed memories are a real thing.

I had a dream that i was stealing alfajores :)

kek fucking had those too, I was around spitting my teeth before talking to someone

>can't punch
>forget how to run
>mini tornado
>giant waves
>teeth falling out
>literally dying
>exam you didn't study for
>gf leaving you
>car crash

>the sleep paralysis meme
If that shit came for me in my brain I’d heem it into next Tuesday

>had a crash at a fair speed because some muppet pulled out without looking
>occasionally get glimpses of cars suddenly in front of me like his was, but only for split seconds

my heart rate doesn't drop below 100 until i get home

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had it once. first i was completely awake, but unable to move anything, including my eyelids. after a while i could barely move my right arm and had to pry my eyelids open.
i was a kid and had recently seen snowhite and thought someone had poisoned an apple i'd eaten the previous day.

>It's a pretty common dream apparently, like teeth falling out or driving from the backseat

happens to me all the time, i'm eating something hard and a teeth falls off, then they all fall off and i wake up

The teeth falling out can mean you're going to outlive your contemporaries. I've the same dream and my niece also.

I have those sometimes, but the dreams where I'm gliding across the ground in a running motion makes up for it.

>gf leaving you

Had this one on repeat for a couple months after breaking up, it's the absolute most soul crushing shit

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my dreams coincide too much with the real world like going off on colleagues because they're lazy shits and when I wake up I come closer to doing it irl

>Try reading a book

I often get really realistic and boring dreams which often involve getting text messages or trying to reply. I usually realise it's a dream while reading the dream-text because it looks like a message written by smashing the predicted net word button over and over

>Try reading a book next time in a dream too and see what happens

Is that a lucid dream hack? Checking a clock twice (hours will be different) and looking at my hands have triggered lucid dreaming before. The problem is i can activally do it, it just happens randomly

For me its shooting a gun but the bullets aren't hitting/hurting the target


I was gonna say this, but I figured I'd just catch a bunch of shit for my flag.

Lmao have that one a lot

At least you got guns you lucky bastard

Not for much longer, Kamala Harris is gonna take the guns away from everyone who is right of Hillary Clinton because they are all "white nationalists".

I have a MAGA hat and occasionally post on /pol/, thank goodness I lost all mine in a tragic boating accident.

Best time i've had is shooting an mp5 in california into the desert, cunt just had em in his trunk. Then we went back to the DZ. Great days.

Don't let them take em away fight to the bitter end every innocent kid was/is worth it. Tbh

I looked at some of those machine gun packages when I got married in Vegas last summer. I live in a very gun friendly state, but never shot a machine gun. Cunts wanted like $200 to blast off a mag or two thru a handful of full autos.

I picked up a full auto AK at a gun show a few weeks ago, it was a pre-ban transferrable one, but the pricetag was 34k. They had a mac10 full auto for 8k.. but that's a ghetto blaster.

Fuck me thats expensive we weren't even planning it then this lad pops his trunk how u say. Armed to the teeth "hey wanna shoot these" Fuck Yeah was shitting it a bit when he opened boot of car thought he was a mental case. Shot the shit anyway had a right laugh and then went back to DZ and skydived to sunset. One of my favourite holidays easily.

Americans love to try to take Euros shooting. I think that is the majority of those ranges in Vegas' business. If I ever ran into some Europeans on vacation in my town and they wanted to shoot I'd take them out immediately.



>exam you didn't study for
>homework you didn't do
I dropped out of college 2 years ago why do these dreams still happen?

>try reading a book
how bout no, faggot.

Bidness is Bidness don't blame em it a thrill for us we don't ever get to shoot shit like that unless of course ur where I'm from then ur at least familiar with it. ;)

> Rumanian analysis

anybody else here die in dreams? i've died like 8 different ways this year in my sleep

Never. My brain is so chadded I thundercock my way out of every situation even though its mud like in its swagger. Guess dreams are mud baths no matter what were doing.

because you dropped out of college?

nice dreamy thread desu

I had a dream I was in a battle anime but instead of punching I threw these kids with some sick Judo skills and won. Tthe thing is............................... I‘ve never done Judo in my life

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Anyone have an anime/animated cartoon dream shits weird especially the octopus rape "I Don't Want That Up My ARSE DESU"

I dream that my teeth aren't aligned any more, so any time I try to close my mouth, my teeth stab the inside of my gums

If conor wasn't a pro fighter he would be a knacker harassing people on the streets

Your arms are numb. Thats it really.

I get the teeth one alot. Here's my list of recurring dreams

>teeth falling out
>legs falling off. like when trying to run it just doesn't work, like running in quicksand
>driving a car and the brakes don't work
>romance with my oneitis (i fucking loathe this last one... wish it never ever happened)

>wish it never happened
story time

No I mean, I wish these dreams never happened. I'll go months at a time not thinking about her and then BAM a dream where we're married with kids. And I wake up, and not only is it NOT real, but now she's on my mind again. How the fuck am I supposed to get over someone when they invade my dreams? It's maddening.

>about to fall asleep
>dream that I'm running and I trip up
>wake up expecting to hit the floor


that girl is a qt

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Eh, could be worse. I coulda been born in Uganda or something.

Americanuks crying about there unnaturally bleached out mouthtombs not being aligned or suntanning they're nearest and dearest. Don't think that's a dream you vain bellends.

Are you drunk?

Are you Sapped.

Sapped as in tired or sapped as in some attempt at a maple syrup joke?

imagine typing this post (94821832) and thinking it was worth hitting "Post" on

Imagine not even getting that right, back to your wank sock and tissue mountain. INCEL. Dream a dream where your not the supreme gentlemen.

Surely someone else has noticed in the last month or so how dreadful posts coming from Irish flags have been

weight classes were a mistake. imagine being brainwashed that a 5-8 140 lb faggot is a world class fighter

>He ranks posts and pins em on his wall.
Good lord.

That's quite the imagination. What else do I do?

Fuck a moose, chop someones head off on a bus. I don't know. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

bahahaha I love how routine this is to all the micks, god bless them
t. 1/4 irish mutt

Had a dream recently where I feel in love with a girl and we were living a happy life. Except it was the last one before waking up. So when I woke up my mind was telling me I had met the love of my life when, let's be honest, I hadn't. It was a fucking weird ass feeling.

I remember having one exactly like that some years ago. Met and fell in love with a totally fictional girl in a dream. It was a weird feeling waking up.. losing something that was never real. If I close my eyes I can still almost picture her.

>losing something that was never real

Sounds like a level of Donkey Kong Country

Has anyone else noticed how pathetically sad and erroneous leaf blowers are expelling air these last couple of decades. Van, Arms, Toronto, Go.

I'd say it's a lot more pathetic to go into a thread you don't like to insert yourself in a conversation you don't like. I hope your day gets better than this.

>leaf blower
that's us though, honestly if mexicans want to come chill here that's fine but I will fight to the death to prevent sanctimonious lefty faggot leafs from coming here

Would you know.

>we don't ever get to shoot shit like that
Literally everyone who joins the military even if only for a year can shoot shit like that and more.

>He thinks it's day time dumb cunt.

Live in the correct timezone. Quebecunt.

Ours is a glorified cub scouts. Sent on peace missions to fucking lebanon. Not going there to shoot a fucking gun. Vegas will do me.

>Roomanian trying to talk himself up
Back to the fields

>dreamt about having loads of bitcoins, just loads and loads of them, I don't even know anything about bitcoins just that they're worth a lot
Wake up to no buttcoins, a 3 digit bank balance & only 2 cigarettes left.

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Switch to rolling your own cigarettes. I went from 450 dollars a month to 20 dollars a month. Also an easy way to cut back since it takes longer to smoke and it's a pain to smoke outside the house.

Also get this shit couldn't join british army because backround checks with parents being irish. Couldn't join the Irish army because it's a defence force and I was born in england. Fuck these two countries fucking load of shit. I'm apparently a security risk on both sides. Oh well making my well hand over fist and doing pretty well desu.

Hate the one where you're flying/riding your seatless bike and then all of a sudden it feels like your falling and then you wake up and you're actually falling out of your bed in real life

its not really pissing the bed r-right?

Is this faggot implying that Conor weighs 140 lbs? Lol.

I had one where i broke up with her then realise di made a mistake but when i tried to get her back she said i blew it and wouldn't talk to me

>end of dream perfectly syncs up with your usual wake up time

>he doesn't realise he's been incepted.
Never change Germany.

>bogdanoff ?
>yes ?
>he is about to become rich in his dream
>Crash it

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>you wake up right as the dream is getting good

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>start taking Zinc supplement
>dreams become way too real
I had a bad feeling for days after a particularly weird and personal one.

It does that? I started taking Zinc on sunday

This happened to me when i started drinking fish oil every day, wtf

Idk. I took zinc to get better boners. I think it worked

I thought zinc made ur spunk shoot chutes and chutes and plaster a bird with a glisten.

>dream of holding a girl's hand
>it finally happens
>wake up
>I was actually holding my own hands together



it’s conor himself

a literal MeToo moment

My recurring dream is that she's back at the park down the street where she played with her friends when she was younger. I saw her get off the school bus every day and that's where she went. She didn't do drugs yet.

I see the setting sun catch her blonde hair in its rays. I always debate going to talk to her; I'm a lot older, so I would look weird talking to young teenagers. When I don't say anything, I wake up with the same feeling of dread I felt on the day I found out what happened to her.

A couple of times I went to talk to her. She always says things she said in real life. Last time she asked me for a hug. I woke up with tears covering my face.

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Are you guys ever able to take control of the dream in any capacity? Last month a had a dream where I was in a bar or something and everyone was attacking me and beating me up and I just said
>Stop this shit! It's MY dream!
And they all stopped. I wasn't able to do anything more than that, like some lucid dream shit, but it was really cool.

I'm this guy I always win every fight in my dreams. I've been in a lot of them and I'm familiar with what happens when my fist connects with someone's face: they fall down.

She knows she's just a dream. I asked her, "What can I do? How can I prevent it?" She said, "Nothing. You just have to wake up and carry on." It hurts a lot. Hard to drink coffee or get about your day like that.

Feels bad, man.

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Thanks for listening.

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Manbabies in this thread talking shit over a punch when he's front on with no power off the foot clearly fight or know shit about punching. That was a love tap. If Connor was wanting to knock him out he would've pressed his head against the bar but even conor isn't stupid enough to knock out an old man in public.

Don't fucking do this to me

what about that dream where you nut inside a huge fat black girl and wake up disgusted in yourself how common is that one

For me, its dreaming that I'm falling/jumping over a hole/stumbling, then I kick my legs and wake up

MMA is for weak retarded faggots

>only woman is shocked

And she didn't even look that shocked kek

You should have joined the IRA

Ask me how I know you browse Yea Forums

I don't. There's flowery language in my post but that's only to express how I feel. If it makes me come off as a LARPing attention whore, I really don't care.

Sadly, everything I said is true. And I'm the only one who cares. Her deadbeat heroin addict single mother never gave a shit in the first place. She never had a chance, user.

No dreams last night. But I know I will have them tonight. By the way, there can be happy moments... the ending can never be better than bittersweet because if what happened.

Conor McGregor is like 5'5" don't be fooled by MMAnlets.

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this is like when you're fighting a boss at a low level and you're hopping out of the way of his aoe attacks

ESPN should host the strongest manlet competition which can include but not limited to, dolly throwing and old man punching.

I remember a dream once where I had a gun but when I fired it the bullets just fell out the end.

Does that mean I am gay?

After I started jiu jitsu I stopped getting this. I just get them in an easy RNC every time now, and even better, they go unconsious in like 5 sec. Feels amazing

I usually have really frustrating but kind of mundane bad dreams, like, I'm coming to a stop at a light albut my brakes respond like Jell-O and I very slowly bump into the car in front of me, which causes my insurance to go up.

I do, however, occasionally have the worst dream of all time, wherein I'm having a beautiful night with my ex I genuinely loved but whose career took her permanently to the other side of the country last year. The mood is perfect, deep and intense, the air is electric, I can smell her perfume, anticipate her taste, but the second we move to touch each other, I wake up. It just makes me want to throw everything away and leave and ruins my mindset for days.

reminds me of leechmonger or some other big lazy boss in DeS. the little guy is miniature flamelurker

every time i become conscious that i am dreaming it instanlly becomes a dream paralisys, help me the fuck out, I LOST CONTROL HELP AAAA

kek what a seething manlet throwing a blind bunch

absolute state of manlets, just further proof that no matter how rich or successful they become, manlets will never EVER compete

their entire life is one huge COPEP


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The car brakes one. Usually not even my own car and I always crash it.

Every dream I have is about sex

BOOM! hhahahaha now thats what I call a Proper 12!!!

Based boomers didn't even flinch, just carried on with their Guinness.

whenever i have dreams about sex, i wake up IMMEDIATELY before penetration is achieved. i'm a forever a virgin even my wildest dreams.



this is better than waking up sweating and rear naked choking and chewing on your pillows like a madman

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You guys are able to remember your dreams?
It must be nice not to have been dropped on your head as a kid

This. Whenever that happens I also have something chasing me and whenever I have sight of said thing my vision becomes blurry, I have trouble breathing and try very hard to scream but nothing comes out, fuck that shit

if you try hard enough you punch the wall or your gf if you have one. they're even better

>trouble breathing and try very hard to scream but nothing comes out,
always got those as a kid

>get murdered in my dream
>dont wake up, instead watching the killer wander some surreal landscape
anyone else?

Good on the old lad.
He'll get a massive payout so he can buy his bar companions many a Guinness.

>trying to scream for help but nothing comes out while the inevitable doom is approaching

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>tfw haven't had a dream in more than 15 years

I fall asleep, a few seconds of pitch black goes by, then I wake up. It's not that I can't remember the dreams either. They're just not there.

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that means till you stay silent gun will stay silent too

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I used to have a dream like this except it was missing a free throw. I would take hundreds of shots and each one would miss but hit the backboard just to the right or left of the basket

So is mike tyson

Conor mcmanlet - 5 feet 9 inches - 154 lbs
Manlet Tyson - 5 feet 10 inches - 220 lbs

Had an ‘ex gf dream’ a few nights ago. Made me wake up at 4 am so angry that I gathered everything I kept from her (love letters, pictures, etc) and dumped them in the trash. Glad to be rid of them desu senpai.

>cagegrope punching

Sounds an awful lot more like the IRA.

STR build vs DEX build

I had a dream in which something scary/shitty was happening. It felt lucid so I decided, "fuck this, Imma wake up", so I 'woke up' into a state where I felt awake, like, I knew I was lying in bed, but I was looking into the back of my eyelids and I couldn't move, talk or scream. It felt like death and it haunts me to this day.

unironically never had any of these

am i good or?

It's just sleep paralysis, ctrl+f it ITT or google it. It's pretty common and if you stay calm it doesn't have to be a bad experience

Conor weighs in at 155, but he rehydrates like 20 pounds, so he's actually like 175+.

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>that manlet rage

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He's still wearing those grandma glasses.

whenever i have these types of dreams its usually me driving in my car and my brakes dont work, or it takes me literally slamming the brake thru the floor of the fucking car for the car to stop

usually i end up crashing and that wakes me up sometimes

Same, these are the worst also because I haven't driven in 6 years because i'm a recovering alcoholic so when i get these dreams i realize i'm dreaming but during the time it's happening it's so frustrating.

Dreaming is for fags

SEETHING dreamlet

t. gay dream haver

>they have constant nightmares
>they don't constantly dream about flying, soaring high in the sky and swooping down, gliding over all the groundlets
Stop eating anti-depressants. Stop watching porn. Get fit. Have sex.

>It seems to be he just threw the shot glass at his face.
He's not holding a shotglass. That flash you saw was his watch.

He isn’t even the hardest puncher in his division. Ngannou is the hardest puncher in mma.

>not dreaming about being back in school in your underpants

Dreamlits. When will they learn.

Second and third that

The part about the Irish..dead on..and heard there is no Irish race?

fuck that shit

Treated that old man like he was a half a faggot

He’s like 145 pounds.
Sure he is an ex UFC champion but he is still an undersized manlet the size of a 10th grader.

Manlets once again on videotape never learning

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Holy shit, I can't believe I'm not the only one

underrated post

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When I was a Sophomore in High School I dated this tall Freshman chick, I used to stand on the first steps of the stairs to my next class just to make out with her it was funny then but now I hate being a manlet.... i never learned.

all these niggas getting abducted by aliens and don't even know it lol

This and the one when your legs move in slowmo when you're trying to run away from the bad guy. Fucking hate this

I just had the teeth falling out one a few days ago and it felt so real I was spooked. Never had any of the other ones tho

A lot of people have dreams like these. I call them: “The Dreams of Ineffectuality”. They are in the genre of not being able to run dreams, punches not stopping an aggressor dreams, or the gun not going off dreams.
There is something in your life that is making you feel helpless. Ineffectual. Weak. A victim. Figure out what that is, do something about it, and the dreams will cease.

Any of yall niggas ever dream about forgetting to put shoes on?


I had a dream once where I got married to the women of my dreams and then we slow fell out of love, I woke up in a cold sweat

No micro, woud prolly wake up its such a ridiculous concept (8x6 on corner sized body), Detached and missing to somwhere, SB to use though...

So now you're chastising people for defendingtheir own homeland ye? How's about the Falklands then you fucking oaf, same story

Ever have that dream where trying to run straight is almost impossible so you end up running sideways like a crab and haul ass?

I often have dreams about organizing social events and day trips like going to a theme park or a swimming pool with friends. but something always ruins the plan like the car braking down or the park being closed. they always end with me embarrassingly explaining why we can't do the things we planned, and I wake up feeling disappointed.

I have sex dreams when I wake up in the morning and then go back to sleep. I fell asleep in all my 8 am lectures just dreaming of banging everyone in my classes. Also I talk in my sleep.

i'm pretty sure nobody ever said connor mcgregor was the hardest puncher in the history of sports, lol.

And it kinda feels like gravity is not so strong

What about firing a gun with bullets that don't cause damage or dialing for the emergency services and not being able to get through?

You guys are weird. The closest I ever had to a recurring dream was back when I used to drive. I would get nightmares of driving through the mountains and my brakes not working. I would barely be able to make the turns because my brakes wouldn't respond. Eventually I would realize I was in a dream and force myself to wake up

>Yea Forums just realized that MMA is mandrama tier

>make some off-handed remark
>all these replies and thread utterly derailed

What the fuck lads

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almost broke my hand like that once, woke up punching wall super hard

I once woke up and my hand claws came out and I stabbed my friend who had a crush on me named "Rogue".

ugh i serially used to dream that whenever i'd end up having sex my dick disappeared or the woman had no pussy or that i wouldn't get my 2 cm flaccid thingy erect

had sex and then the dreams went away tho


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he's hyped because of his 10 second KOs

>just some random 65kg farmworker from Romania who posts on a Japanese image board for sports

Anyone ever have those dreams where your eyes are actually shut in the dream and you cannot open them at all but you can still perceive things around you somehow.

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>your eyes are shut but you can see things

Yeah, it's called dreaming.


something2 been residing within you for awhile, change your pace of life might help... or it will get worse and physical.

>pineapple netherlands

Definitely had the driving from the back seat dream, could only steer and had no ability to use the pedals. Also one where I had to deliver two cars but instead of just Towing one behind the other I welded them two together side by side.