What's the whitest sport in the world that doesn't involve either jodhpurs or a tennis racket?

What's the whitest sport in the world that doesn't involve either jodhpurs or a tennis racket?

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>land stealing

Speed skating

Attached: 24-02-2018-Speed-Skating-Mens-Mass-Start-03.jpg (2514x1600, 269K)


Koreans are only good at short track. Long distance speed skating is the whitest sport in the world.

croquet, water polo, winter sports

fuckin scandanavian ski-by-shooting

Attached: 2018-02-23-biathlon-men-thumbnail.jpg (2120x1200, 233K)

>white people

Why don't American enter? They always make the new with shootings

Attached: 1565916283038.jpg (2120x1200, 102K)


>savage is mad that his "civilization" developed voodoo magic and spears instead of firearms and technology

>Sharon, blacks have become better than us at our own sport
>Let's change the rules so we can let it to them and have our own sport again


what is this?


ultimate frisbee or lax

>Israelis are white
>genghis khan was white
wew lad

>t.genocider landstealer

>El Salvador
>literal prehistoric savages until white(ish) people showed up to teach you about fire and wheels and other such advanced technology
>demand independence 300 years later
>Spain decides it's sick of babysitting you ungrateful fucks and agrees
>contribute nothing to the world for 200 years except coffee
>continuous revolutions, violent uprisings, and brutal dictators
>half the population decides they'd rather walk through 2,000 miles of desert while being continuously raped and take their chances with the American border patrol rather than live another minute in El Salvador

Rugby poonion

Imagine the seed advantage downhill

I'm not reading that massive dump my dear cracka

>noguns tryna make a funny
L e e l

Enjoy your world leading homicide rate, monkey


Not even joking, what do you think your "people" would be like without yuro intervention?

>"Enjoy your world leading homicide rate, monkey"

Attached: 1565899874925.jpg (698x750, 100K)

Same as Africa would be if not for colonialism.

Attached: WE.jpg (1280x720, 132K)


Attached: Highest_murder_rates_graph.png (685x505, 17K)

Attached: el salvador.jpg (942x632, 152K)

Stop embarassing us

crackas absolutely SEETHING

Nigel, pls.

Gonna go ahead and say some stupid regional Scandinavian sport like Pesaepallo or Bandy

Tag yourself I'm the based roof made out of a billboard, maximum art


>Viva Honduras!

Attached: Trillo.jpg (298x169, 7K)

>american education

>american education

Attached: Americaneducation.png (1666x2404, 3.82M)



Attached: retard basketball.webm (480x360, 2.88M)

Downhill mountain biking. Never seen any darks in 20 or so years of watching

mountain bike in general (from xc to dh).

t. avid mtber.

Attached: 20160708_155527.jpg (2016x1512, 1.46M)

america's cup

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>ywn get paid top dollars to discuss Yea Forums memes to your students

Is this absolute unit going uphill? or is the Earth tilting?

korfball, a sport only played by people who gets offended by everthing

What about yachting?

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it's darts lads

Do you truly believe that native americans were prehistoric nations and whites came as saviors?

Calling the cops

the goat all-blacks

A ragtag group of Spanish outcasts with syphilis and boomsticks sacked the biggest city of the American continents.

With disease, yeah, but you cannot say that natives where prehistoric

>you are allowed to steal if you have firearms!
Ok retard

Lad don't mind these stupid cunts they'll probably tell you that all the Mayan pyramids were built by the Norse too. They're deluded and can't into reading history.


Of course they weren't prehistoric. Spanish missionaries made sure to write down their savage ways in the chronicles of history.

>fuck you guatemala!

nordic skiing

arabs do a lot of yachting
they had a library that cortes burned down

That's the buldge of the shooter, user.

Smallest book in the world. "Niggers i've met whilst yachting" the old ones are the best.

>jodhpurs or a tennis racket?

road cycling, but wtf is jodpurs?

Attached: cycling933988.png (1440x1485, 1.85M)

Mud Racing.

Attached: irony.png (480x270, 261K)

Rock climbing, i live in granola town usa. Boulder colorado and god damn are rock climbers white

Horse stuff

didn't a gook win the 10km in vancouver the year kramer's coach bottled it by sending him on the wrong track?

You're not wrong, but you are seething just a little
Ummm, youtube.com/watch?v=lfQMJtilOGg

Was gonna say lacrosse, although Jim Brown was a GOAT lacrosse player.

A person that heavy will be relatively less affected by air resistance.

Chinese invented guns. And the first ones to effectively use them were the Turks and mongols who proceeded to conquer and rape a lot of whites. So no, guns are not a "white" thing

If houndurans had the power they would have done the same

*el salvadorians
Sorry, you guys flags look super similar

Paying for BLACKED subscriptions
Getting their women taken by blacks

Attached: 1563224263295.png (720x960, 1.16M)

Based Abdul

Nah, in the past maybe, but not anymore. Shani Davis, Dai Dai Ntab.

Even American NT is totally white.