Did OJ Simpson kill Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman?

Did OJ Simpson kill Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman?

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somebody got away with it whether that were he or not the system has failed

He did but he unironically did nothing wrong.

She looks like a dude in a wig, I don't get what the big deal was


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>did nothing wrong

Succubus whores deserve the rope


all women are half man


If you wanna watch it, The people VS OJ Simpson is a good watch

No, his son did it (violent, mental) and OJ covered it up trying to protect him. Hence the circumstantial evidence that looked bad for him because he was at the crime scene. The irony is OJ was just trying to be a good dad and got vilified for it.

really simple
if (black == true)
he commited the crime

Coalburner paid the toll.

>the regular sized gloves found at the scene would be too small for a big football player but would fit perfectly on an average sized police officer

I unironically think his kid did it and OJ is protecting him

Holy cringeola

fuck niggers but you also don't need == true you mongoloid

The way whiteoids seethed makes him innocent to me. Grown ass people crying their eyes out because somebody they don't know killed somebody they don't know

Obviously he did it. That's why he's an anti-hero. He got off because that one cop was racist and they made trial about him. And because the prosecution was retarded and had him put on the glove without knowing it would fit and knowing OJ was a Hollywood level actor. He just stopped taking his arthritis medicine, the glove shrank from blood, he had a latex glove on under, and he put on the performance of his life with the glove. Now he's off though so who cares. He serves as an example that money really does buy freedom.

The alternate theory that’s received the most traction in the mainstream media is private detective Bill Dear’s suspicion that the real killer was Jason Simpson, O.J.’s son from his first marriage. Dear outlined his findings in a BBC documentary called O.J. Simpson: The Untold Story and later published a book, O.J. Is Guilty but Not of Murder: Jason was obsessed with his stepmother, and he killed her in a jealous rage after she skipped a family dinner he had planned. O.J., in this telling, arrived later, to help his son cover up the crime.

Dear’s evidence is largely circumstantial: Jason Simpson’s alleged history of violent mental illness – obtained, Dear’s critics say, illegally – as well as holes in Jason’s official alibi. His theory has received favorable, or at least not entirely incredulous, coverage from The Independent and the Huffington Post, but former Village Voice editor Tony Ortega says the detective is “full of it”: “Dear’s timeline for that night is a complete farce … and his ideas for how O.J. Simpson’s blood ended up at the scene are beyond preposterous.”

This always seemed the most plausible

The evidence overwhelmingly points to him being framed, so no it's not very likely.


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lol it wasn't just "the cop was racist". The cop, Mark Fuhrman admitted to framing multiple black men for crimes they hadn't committed, and when pressed about whether he had done it to OJ, he kept responding with "I plead the fifth" which almost always translates to "I'm guilty, but don't want to admit it" in almost any regular trial.


I don't think that he did it, but he certainly knows who did it.

>The cop, Mark Fuhrman admitted to framing multiple black men for crimes they hadn't committed
when was this? i dont recall him ever saying that

hey twitter world
it's yours truly

damn I feel sorry for Jason. He just wanted to have a nice family dinner with the people he loved.

He killed a coal burner and a Jew so he’s unironically /ourguy/

your society is nuts


White people were shocked to learn that the criminal justice system can get it so wrong.

Yea, were fucked

Have sex.

Yeah he definitely put OJs blood in the crime scene and murdered both of them. Nevermind the fact OJ beat Nicole all the time and stalked her after they divorced and would confront any lover she had. Dude obviously did it. The only defense is the "Mark Fuhrman was a racist". He never admited to setting up people. He just claimed he wasn't racist then there was tape of him saying the "n-word" a lot so the almost all black jury naturally hated the guy and since the prosecution used him as a key witness they held it against the prosecution. The LA court system was so concerned about optics at that time they didn't want to be labeled racist after the Rodney king incident. They even let the LA Riots happen because of "optics". OJ obviously killed them. They never even named another suspect in the case and his blood was everywhere. He was still a legendary running back and hell of an athlete though.

OJ’s son Jason did it. It’s very clear.....there’s a whole documentary on the subject. “‘the overlooked suspect”

-Jason Simpson had documented behavior problems
- he had an obsession with Nicole
- he had motive to kill Nicole and Ron Goldman because she blew off his invitation to a family dinner he was cooking at a nice restaurant
- he skipped out of work early that night
- the night after the murders, oj Simpson hired a lawyer......for jason


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On showed up at the scene because Jason called him freaking out saying I think something happened at Nicole’s house. Of course OJ would never tell the police this, but he would rush to the crime scene and his shoe prints would be there.

Yes. And that's a good thing.

>I plead the fifth" which almost always translates to "I'm guilty, but don't want to admit it" in almost any regular trial.
>by using the fifth amendment, you then automatically criminalize yourself
What? That's literally the whole fucking point of the 5th amendment.

>did a nigger kill a white woman?
I dunno, OP. Doesn't sound like anything I've ever heard happen before...

>Pleading the fifth means your guilty
That's now how it works. The reason that was put in the Bill of Rights was to preserve innocent until proven guilty. And if you plead the fifth once you usually do it for all questions.

Hey Twitter world!

Yours truly!

...I'm just sayin! Take care.

Jesus, are you guys retarded? OJ literally, flatout, ADMITTED her fucking did it. On national TV. How much more retarded do you have to be? He spelled out the entire incident.


Long story short. He was stalking Nicole. He hated her taking on new lovers after they separated. He ran into Ron returning something to Nicole from his waiter job. Ron was trying to make moves on her. Nicole came to the door holding a knife apparently. OJ flew into a jealous rage, stabbed her to death. Ron got into a "karate" stance, OJ screamed "YOU THINK YOU CAN KICK MY ASS MOTHERFUCKER???" and killed him. Blood was everywhere. From his own fucking mouth, he did it.

"If the gloves doesn't fit, her head can't be split"

anything to keep the heat off his brother

His son was a chef as well and the murder weapon was the same one which was missing from his workplace that same morning or something along those lines

how come they ain't find Biggie & 2pac's murderer but arrested OJ the next day? Nicole Simpson can't rap


But, paradoxically, the not guilty verdict was correct because the defense was able to establish reasonable doubt (gloves not fitting, proving the lead detective was a perjurer and racist).

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i was born on the day he was found not guilty so i dont think so

OJ was one of the best early story arcs from "America: The Series". I mean, the scriptwriters had to put Donald Trump in the White House to top it.

What did you lads think of the Epstein "suicide" cliffhanger in the last episode?

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The cop also personally knew OJ and has been to his house before. Read the book.
He did it and was acquitted because of muh racial issues. If this had happened anyone else in the world he'd be convicted

why are you proud our country is a shitshow?

Yes. The only reason he got away with it was because the court in the affluent area he was in was filled with white people who thought he was guilty, but the court was undergoing some construction so they moved to a court in a primarily black area. The black people also thought he was guilty, but you can see interviews years later where jurors said that they only said he was innocent as payback for cops killing blacks and the LA riots a few years earlier. This is all readily available knowledge.

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>killed a coal burner and a jew
Is he, dare I say it...

no era asesinato

Adding to this, it's hard to find information on the venue change but I've seen info before and with the racial percentages brought up. Looking around I found this: latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1995-10-12-me-55971-story.html

Also the final jury was made up of 10 women and 2 men. 9 of them were black, 2 were Hispanic, and 1 was white.

I believe you meant to say "not guilty"

And then some more information on why you could guess he got away:

9/10 blacks thought he was not guilty, and more women than men in general thought he was not guilty.

Not gonna lie that was based when he went on Twitter. It gave me a good kek.

si era, puto!

OJ is white though

If you ever go to trial for the love of god don't constantly plead the fith nor make it about insufficient evidence. It will make a trial go from "guilty or not" to "guilty but we have to proof it". Especially with a fucking jury

no it won't, you moron

>wife takes all your shit in divorce
>shacks up with some kid who is living in the house you bought with your blood and sweat
>kid drives luxury cars you bought
>kid fucks her in your house
Yeah I don't care if he did or not, the Juice is the man

Yes it absolutely does. You will never see an innocent person use his right of silence.
Everyone with some media training will know to deny allegations as loudly and firmly as possible. Answering some questions but suddenly being silent on the crucial ones is a clear sign you are hiding something.
Just because some incel book states 'innocent until proven guilty' doesn't mean this is true in the eyes of those who judge you. And OJ clearly knew that because if he were to plead the fith he'd be executed

yes but he was patrolling a thot. It's a shame the tradeoff for his "innocence" was his lawyers' daughters becoming uber thots and destroying teen girls forever

Do you think OJ inspired them to go black?

Stop being a selth loathing wimp. American is a fun crazy country. Also shitshows happen in other countries too. Btw are you that crazy /int/ poster who keeps posting the same picture of stereotypical ugly commercial area in an American highway claiming that American 'towns' look that pic. Your style of posting is simmilar to his.

It was his son.

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Does his dad works for Nintendo too?

She is so beautiful, why did she gone wrong way?

She is like a prettier version of Sharon Stone...

We should redpill white women to breed beautiful white kids with handsome me like us

>"She is so beautiful, why did she gone wrong way?

She is like a prettier version of Sharon Stone...

We should redpill white women to breed beautiful white kids with handsome me like us"

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What the hell is going on in pic?

you think someone would go on the internet and tell lies?

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Toll paid

no, why would he

absolute kino

My nigger OJ is innocent. IT DIDNT FIT

>Killed a Jew and a race mixer
>'We freed him to get one over on whitey'
I'm pretty happy with the result myself.

Who gives a fuck? He ran for over 10,000 yards

kek I forgot about that. Didn't he get fired for it?
>did a black male get wrongfully accused of a crime against a white woman?
Gee I dunno, when has that ever happened before? It's not like our justice system has a history of racism + sexism that leads to black males getting doubly fucked.

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they had a trial and whole thing, turns out the real killer is still out there

yes but he killed a coalburner and a jew so i don't mind him getting away with it

The trial was mishandled

That nigger did that shit

The coalburner deserved to die in any case.

This was Jason Simpson’s murder weapon.....an entrenching tool with a circular back end, which left blunt circular marks on the victims skin where they were not sliced open.

This was found in a storage locker that Jason Simpson abandoned

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How fucking old are you?


no one outside of america knows who that guy is

Star football player kill wife and goes on a runaway chase against the police. Literally everyone in the U.S was watching it mate.

It's a shame Yea Forums wasn't around for the chase and the trial.

I would come this board just for that

Doesn't matter. The toll needed to by paid. And paid it was.

OJ wasn't ever questioned and he probably would have pleaded the fifth as well. He just had a dream team of lawyers compared to the prosecution.


Yes, with help from his son Jason.

Jason might have killed Ron but there is no way that OJ didn't murder his wife. He terrorized that woman for years.

stop listening to globalist retards, we are one of the few first world countries that isn't getting raped by mass immigration of 70 IQ mud people. if you honestly think that someone like Killary Clinton would be better for this country than a loud-mouthed new yorker then you're a complete buffoon

wasn't a colleague of Goldman at the restaurant he worked at killed in a very similar way, likely due to drug debts?

>Dear’s timeline for that night is a complete farce … and his ideas for how O.J. Simpson’s blood ended up at the scene are beyond preposterous.”
This was always the part that the prosecution fucked up on and the defense even admitted they had no answer for. The amount of blood evidence overwhelmingly indicated that OJ did it and there is no way he could be framed. He had no alibi. He had a history of DV against Nicole. His own fucking lawyers believed he did it. The kike's wanted to plead guilty but the nig overruled them and turned into another race riot powder keg.

Where the DA truly fucked up was keeping the case in downtown LA instead of having it tried in Brentwood where it should have been. In BW they would have gotten an all white jury and that's a fucking wrap.

Both of the ladies admitted they regretted the decision they made.

She and peggy lipton are both beautiful and both..... sick? Why did they do it? To anger fathers? Society?

toll paid in full


A fucking star


how 'bout them sports?

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>this is the correct post

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How ballsy to release a book like this

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you would have to ignore all that Simpson DNA evidence, and that would have been downright nutty!

>t.sore virgins

bloody pathetic. none of these cunts could say this in real life

>white knighting some chick whose been dead like 25 years
Big yikes from me, fella.

Jury legal systems are retarded as hell. Never got the concept. Watching OJ made in america basically confirmed what i already thought. Great documentary though.

Thought the american crime story trial of oj simpson series was kino

>good dad
>raise and protects a fucking murderer

bad dad and bad person

Does it matter? He killed people who unironically deserved it

>el salvador

Puta, maje.

>jury system law

pathetic lmao

>muh revenge, muh feelings


>marries a golddigger


>did a black male get wrongfully accused of a crime against a white woman?
>Gee I dunno, when has that ever happened before? It's not like our justice system has a history of racism + sexism that leads to black males getting doubly fucked.

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No idea

No, because he was acquitted.

you have to go back

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