>'We won't accept anything less': Megan Rapinoe firm as equal pay talks break down
>US women's team sues US Soccer over 'institutionalized gender discrimination'
>Mediation talks had been aimed at avoiding showdown in court
>'We won't accept anything less': Megan Rapinoe firm as equal pay talks break down
>US women's team sues US Soccer over 'institutionalized gender discrimination'
>Mediation talks had been aimed at avoiding showdown in court
thank you rapinoe for leading the way towards us soccer bankrupcy or fall into irrelevancy once players skip being called
Women’s soccer drew 650,000 fans in 2018. MLS totaled 8,500,000. Simple math says the men should be making 13x as much
I wouldn’t even fuck her with your dick, Sven
her problem is that she's an american woman which is the most privileged a woman has ever been in the history of civilization: this is what that gets you.
i've said it before and i'll say it again, allowing them to vote was a huge mistake
Get more fans make more money.
Same reason some schmuck from Walmart working 6 hour shifts isn’t getting paid the same amount a CEO working 10 hours a day 7 days a week is
they literally already get a higher % of FIFA winnings than their male counterparts and receive a wage from USSF, which the males do not get.
yeah, why the FUCK is she negotiating and using what leverage she has to improve her financial well being?
her negotiation is more like a threat and can possibly hurt female football
>and receive a wage from USSF, which the males do not get.
Since she wants the same pay, she should get zero
I hate lesbicans!!
UBI now! sink capitalism!
Giving them rights in the first place was a huge mistake, women hold no other purpose other than than getting fucked.
Just fuckin disband that hot mess of a ""team"" and be done with it.
>even Marta wants to receive the same as Nerman, Ronaldo or Messi because "if I am the best female footballer in the world I am as good as them!!!"
Like, no. When the dyke football gets enough fanbase behind and makes the same money as men do, then and only then ask more money.
she just needs a big dick in her
>allowing anyone to vote
Surely yee germans know the pitfalls of democracy
>What's her problem?
Nothing at all, she's in the right here.
Easy fix, force women to watch women's football and there's your fan base now fuck off split arses
The Women's team has made more money than the men in the last 3 years.
omg i am so angry at women because of this one they must all be killed
world cup is over sweety, just wait 4 years to screech at the 170ish portland area dykes with twitter accounts that give a fuck about your women's sport
you're forgetting to factor in that i don't like women
She's American
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk based
is it the domestic clubs or the national team that dont pay as much?
if its the NT then there might be an argument there
otherwise i demand my sunday league side also get the same pay and the FA should pay it
the whole argument is about the national team, they're aware they don't compete financially at club level.
the NT pays their club wages though
americans always said soccer was a communist sport
i guess they were right
as a gay man i believe women should not be allowed to play football at all and i believe Yea Forums is behind me for the same reason (ha you lads can be behind me if you get what i mean FUCK WOMEN but not literally cos i'm a bender aha)
I agree. Women should not be allowed to take part in the political process.
based brit gay poster(i would love to be behind you)
No one cares if this dykemutt wants a pay raise, what everyone is annoyed at is this ugly Jaime Lee Curtis abomination using feminist retardation like the pay gap myth and virtue signalling so fucking hard to get what she wants.
Even after the "World Cup" was fadded into irrelevance, this dyke keeps given (you) for baiters.
>virtue signalling
always find it humorous how the right come up with accusatory buzzwords to put down being nice and positive about a thing.
Great hopefully we can cancel this shit meme that is women’s “sports” once and for all
Always love how the left deludes itself into believing that facebook posts and bumper stickers claiming support for "oppressed people" is somehow anything more than a pathetic dick measuring contest.
>I’m being nice so you have to do what I say!
Don't get shanked by an Abdul while on your way to a Labour meeting, you cocksucking Corbyn marxist.
quick lads now call me a cuck, my buzzword bingo card needs it
>americans cant even win a trophy without turning it into some kind of political event and having both sides crying in rage and shouting uninformed shit at eachother
why are the yanks like this
why not just dissolve the mens and womens from the team?
make it all one team, best players make the squad. Then 0 women will play soccer for the US, its perfect and a money maker
they are furious about women being their most relevant international sportsmen
Ironically, the current crop of culture seems to think politicking is the best way to solve social problems despite politics being the very cause of said problems.
Lynching was a form of political activism when you think about it.
Stop embarrassing yourself
>rapinoe >>>>> poolisic
>Rapinoe: our shitty inferior knock off should be as valuable as the real
>Rest of world: Bwagahahahahaha you idiot why would I pay the same for a Nissan as I would a Bentley!?
I have 1 (one) >you there and it wasn’t even saying anything about you specifically just the cringeworthy american political “””””culture””””””
I don’t care about you or your temper tantrum fat cunt
This but only ironically because misogyny is bad
But seriously, the Objective, non-"Have Sex" response to her is "fuck off". Here's why. Check out the image I've included in my picture. The US Soccer Federation literally floats the National Women's Soccer League (NWSL) here in the United States. The Women's soccer league here is arguably the strongest in the world: why? Because Women can get big salaries here. Not many people care about women's soccer outside the World Cup, meaning not many women get paid much for playing soccer unless they're on national teams. US Soccer subsidizes this by floating their shitty league that nobody cares about.
How do the top players respond? They get upset because they're not making as much as men. Obviously this is a fucking insult to the sport of "Women's Soccer" because it shows that only ~20 players in the sport from each country really deserve payment: the National team players. Yet debatably the whole reason US women's soccer is strong is because US Soccer put an investment into the infrastructure of the women's soccer league, and we have strong women's college teams.
The US Women's Soccer team are essentially arguing to scrap the League (because FUCK YOU if you're not on the national team), and put all that money into their own salaries.
It's fucking pathetic and selfish, but Americans don't really care because "MUH EQUAL RIGHTS" and feminists just use this as a terrible talking point every 4 years. Americans are to blame for this mess, and the Women's national team is fucking shameful. All that is behind this movement is literally shameful amounts of greed.
But seriously, the Objective, non-"Have Sex" response to her is "fuck off". Here's why. Check out the image I've included in my picture. The US Soccer Federation literally floats the National Women's Soccer League (NWSL) here in the United States. The Women's soccer league here is arguably the strongest in the world: why? Because Women can get big salaries here. Not many people care about women's soccer outside the World Cup, meaning not many women get paid much for playing soccer unless they're on national teams. US Soccer subsidizes this by floating their shitty league that nobody cares about.
How do the top players respond? They get upset because they're not making as much as men. Obviously this is a fucking insult to the sport of "Women's Soccer" because it shows that only ~20 players in the sport from each country really deserve payment: the National team players. Yet debatably the whole reason US women's soccer is strong is because US Soccer put an investment into the infrastructure of the women's soccer league, and we have strong women's college teams.
The US Women's Soccer team are essentially arguing to scrap the League (because FUCK YOU if you're not on the national team), and put all that money into their own salaries.
It's fucking pathetic and selfish, but Americans don't really care because "MUH EQUAL RIGHTS" and feminists just use this as a terrible talking point every 4 years. Americans are to blame for this mess, and the Women's national team is fucking shameful. All that is behind this movement is literally shameful amounts of greed.
The funniest thing about this whole fucking mess is that the most Feminist argument here would be "Keep the National Women's Soccer League afloat." Fucking retarded normies that don't know the first fucking thing about soccer don't realize that by arguing "PAY THE USWNT THE SAME AMOUNT OF MONEY" they're literally arguing "GET RID OF THE US WOMEN'S SOCCER LEAGUE".
Essentially normies have been tricked into arguing AGAINST women's soccer, because they've been tricked so heavily by the media/USWNT Attorneys into arguing that the US women's soccer team should be paid more money.
People get so caught up in the "MUH EQUAL PAY" that they lose all sight of the bigger picture. They lose all sense of reality: that the women get paid less in order to build the infrastructure for the future of their (incredibly, incredibly) less popular sport. It's pure fucking selfishness and greed.
>We don't care that she's doing this, we care that she's doing this.
Athlete of the year in my book.
this your book?
Stop embarrassing yourself
Mexico NT must love her for bankrupting USMNT.
But at the same time it's in Mexico's best interest for a thriving USMNT team to train against.
It’s pure gender discrimination that I don’t get $10k a month to jerk off on camera.
why don't they just invest more money in womens football as a whole?
>I totally don't care about you dude
Post yfw a judge tells them if they can tie the men in a match they get equal pay because the only fair form of pay is merit-based.
She's talking about international payments, not club wages.
Americans brought this upon themselves.
why do reactionaries get so mad about her and what she fights for? she ain't asking much, just to get paid to play for the national team the same as men, and it should be the case, more people watch the female usa national team than the male usa national team
Also, female football is one of the very few (if not the only) international sports where Americans are good at
Which is to say, still not relevant at all.
these women know what's up.
They have very strong opinions about everything based on nothing.
to be fair they make more money than their male counterpart now, they deserve more desu
They literally don't
We should unironically help to push this so that the NBA has to follow suit and give WNBA players $200 million contracts
>more people watch the female usa national team than the male usa national team
No, they don't. And the women chose their current deal. They were given the choice between being registered as regular employees, getting a guaranteed base salary, along with all benefits (health plan even when not playing, retirement plan, etc.) all this, whether they played or not, or a riskier system with higher earning potential dependent on match fees, goal bonuses, etc. They chose the former and now they're complaining about it
the longer the olympic memory fades the less leverage they have. just play the long game and once football season hits nobody will care
She's not doing her league better, but making people unironcally watch the MLS more than they should now. If that's the case then that's pretty based on her end.
Short term they do (World Cup wins). Long term just barely no.
not in a regular cycle where the men qualify for the WC, they don't. Women winning generates less money than men QUALIFYING. Will the women be okay with having their salaries slashed when they get outearned over 20x in the next cycle?
>IM the bigger victim
>NO IM the bigger victim
Aren't they a net negative in the last 10 years, though?
They literally and unironically got blown out against a team of 15 year old boys
Cause it doesn't return enough money.
football is too important to spend time.worrying about your balance sheet
you invest money in football because it makes the world a better place to live in, not because you expect a return
lol? long term the men make more than 20 times what the women make. The numbers aren't hidden, you can literally see their revenues.
Have you ever even seen a women's football game? It's like slowmotion.
wtf is this
are the clubs not financially viable because of the lack of income or something
well you're not going to make it better by not investing in it
Imagine Americans being so retarded that they try to defend this shit. If it was a dude they would all have called him out.
would be based if the scrapped the NWSL wages and did true equal NT pay
>Women's sports
Hahahahaha do people actually give a fuck about this?
Just stick a Men's game on at the same time as a womeme's game, then stick a Men's team against a womeme's team
have you considered sticking your willie in a lady?
No dear friend only lowly slags
have you considered sticking your willie in a lady of age with her consent?
why does it always have to be gibs instead of organically growing the popularity of wamen's sports, as men had to do?
surely they're not incapable of doing it themselves?
You're not going to make it better unless you fill the teams with trannies. And I'd unironically watch tranny leagues, but that neither here nor there.
Fucking based
I bet you would you bender
Mfw our men's team plays for free so our women can never be poisoned into such retarded line of thinking
Yeah it's not like the men are paid 200k a week by their clubs. What a noble sacrifice for the men
Yea cause I just told you.
>the state of the UK
Nobody is in it for the money, just putting a smile in a kids face is reward enough and the motivation to pay 100 million on a dabbing Djemba-Djemba.
No club has ever gone bankrupt for lack of money, they do out of lack of happiness of their fans.
what did you expect to see after clicking on the us sports link? not us sports?
Still means muh equal pay arguments can never happen because they know they'll never win any club salaries arguments
Based. I would hate to see a woman paid anything other than the absolute minimum
Extensive coverage of American sports the last 48 hours, I like the angles too. You're basically Yanks at this point
you're aware that the guardian serves as many foreign visitors as english visitors, if not more?
again, if you're going to visit the "US Sports" page of a website, then i don't see how you expect to see anything but us sports
I would make a take on her, except US Soccer have been a bunch of shits about this whole thing, so let them get their balls kicked. I've given up on the US men being any good for the next decade or so anyway.
Do you believe your mother has no other purpose than to be fucked?
Comment of the century
most retards in these threads can't grasp that difference let alone the nuances of the legal case brought against the USSF.
Because men don't want to watch a purple hair lesbian running around the pitch
But she is strong and powerful and has a cunt
Please post her man brapper in that gold thong.
>NBA/NFL player holds out for more money
>everybody panics, huge story
>Womens soccer and hockey boycotting
>k go ahead lol
She didn't make much of her time in the limelight. Once the WC final ended she had like 10 hours before the rest of us stopped caring about women's soccer from another 4 years.
she's like 40 years old isn't she going to be retired by the next World Cup, ie she'll be retired by the next time anybody cares about women's soccer?
holy hell that is terrible performances.
>we will offer you more than you're worth, but not as much as the men
>um, okay. Then we'll just keep paying you what you're actually worth.
You have a source for this, right?
I'm suing my company because they don't pay me as much as LeBron James. Its cuz I'm white.
Forcing people to give you money that you're not worth is considered being nice?
>this contract that we collectively bargained for is not fair!
Sounds like you didn't bargain on yourselves (pay for play and bonuses) or you had a shitty lawyer.
Sounds like they need to all agree on what "equal pay" is and then get a contract singed.
Until then do your job and shut up. Because the VAST majority of people don't give a fuck about your problems.
How will it hurt anything? No one’s gonna give a fuck until 2023 and odds are the US won’t exist in 2023.
Someone has to teach Millennial and Zoomer leftists how to collective bargain
bitch is acting like a CEO wanting a bigger share of the company
Excellent post. Upvoted.
Oddly enough, there are groups of feminists who are seriously pushing for outlawing the act of negotiating, because negotiating is sexist. Look it up.
those whores play more games with the NT than with their clubs
she knows white maleoids are weak and will get her ways with them
fuck white men, if they were so trong, they would not be mistreated by whores
Yes, that goes for yours also
Breddy sure this is a Hotep's troll account.
Amerifaggots call anything they don’t like such as getting shot in schools 24/7 communist.
>Play a sport no one watches or wants to spend money on
>Expects the same amount of money as people who play a sport that is widely watched and whose fans regularly spend their hard earned cash on.