Chelsea "fans"

>Chelsea "fans"

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Mason Mount is shit mate

he should try "get good"

wat did athey saay
they didnt use the n-word did theya

>few dozen shitheads on twitter post something

He got racist abuse and death threats off his own fans for missing the penalty

The godless pagan is correct.

>off his own fans
pretty sure they aren't fans of him


Fuck off nigger


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for every loud hater there are a thousand of silent admirers

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>tfw only have silent haters

he got e-lynched call the thought police

fact is nobody thinks about you ever.

It is both a relief and a source of depression.

fuck you mate, me mum thinks of me

>NOOO you can't just type "nigger" on the internet
>This is worst than the holocaust hope you rot in jail

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>denied Giroud's new trophy

fuck him

The penalty should have been retaken, Adrian came off his line

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Your mum thinks of me too ;)

I can't decide what's more pathetic: racially abusing your own players or caring about the UEFA Supercup.

>transfer ban
>had to call up their young striker from the Championship to alternate with old man Jiroo
>he misses a penalty in a cup final and loses all confidence after being racially abused by his inbred fans
I'm really really really going to enjoy Chelsea's relegation.

Hey, uncle Herbert. How's Newcastle?

why does lampard rate tammy tho

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that's what happen when you let women on the pitch
fuck them too

Giving a shit about a nigger being called out by trolls because of his own mistake is definitely more pathetic. Footy players and people in general need to grow up and stop being such basic bitches about bantz.

>British niggers call British niggers Niggers
Ah, true equality

wtf I love Islam now

Liverpool would have won in ET anyway without retarded refball and VAR refusing to over-rule women when they're clearly wrong


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Sterling must be fuming someone else is stealing the oppression spotlight.

so this is where all of the racist abuse comes from

Bet he puts more time into practicing penalties at training though. A little bit of motivational racism can work wonders!

>censoring fucking but not nigger

Terrible photoshop.

pride of london la

Deport ALL racists and we'll have 90% fewer chavs and pakis whilst keeping the moral highground.

>lukaku getting abuse as well

kek, imagine how retarded you have to be to go on social media after such a flop though, it's obvious that in the 21st century you'll get backlash (type of which depends whether you're black, gay, from X country, if your child died, etc.) on the internet no matter who the fuck you are so just why bother, no amount of FIFA, Kick it out, LBGT, KKK and whatever the fuck not campaigns can change it


who's more likely to not give a fuck about PC talk? non whites are the most racist people

Tammy Abraham? More like Shitty Nigger L M A O.

Based niggers

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That should push him to be better so those fans instead shower him with praise

Nah la, she thinks about the plot of her new Turkish telenovela.

>Kevin Abraham

>abhorrent posts
Leafs at it again

>Sheikh Pluto

>niggers calling niggers niggers
This. Its for his own good.

nigger was trending in london

It's pretty clear that clubs with racist fans should receive ever increasing fines until the racism stops

what did liverpool fans do after the 2018 cl final again...?

It's what top 6 glory hunters deserve, doomed now to an eternity of africans and arabs drowning your voice out and making your club look like a joke to the whole world.

Imagine getting this rustled about a friendly

Literally just normalfags posting KKK images and saying "Chelsea fans right now"

Poor guy shouldn’t be receiving abuse either way. He was crying and feels guilty, and that doesn’t help his self esteem at all. Not like sporting organizations can do anything though. What can we do? Show support for him, and talk to the racists to get them to realize the error in their ways. We don’t need big authorities to force us to behave. We have to expect each other to be grown ups.