How do we get a handle on racism?

How do we get a handle on racism?

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Attack the source of the problem. These people fail to assimilate into the countries and cultures into which they are dumped

That's fucking based!!! :D
We're into racism here, sweaty. It makes us feel good inside when we validate each other on our racial superiority when we don't have much else going for us in life.

So, on that note, FUCK TAMSHIT ABRAWOG

>racist mongs post shit for attention
>give them even more exposure

>>racist mongs post shit for attention
They don't even think that far, they are just angry working class people venting their frustration.

>How do we get a handle on racism?
send them back

Kill all niggers. There, problem solved.

that top profile picture looks like that black hitler photo

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this but unironically

Tammy Abraham isn't assimilating?

Maybe this wouldn’t have happened if he wasn’t a fucking nigger

>chelshit "fans"

I agree, the white working class should place more value on education.

No he probably is, as much as an overpaid freeloader like a football player has to be assimilating at all with the actual society. But so many others with his skin color don't that people start noticing a pattern and reacting accordingly.

I think he was referring to saxons in albion, they should assimilate or fuck off back to wherever they came from

>misses a sitter
>shoots a limpy ass penalty

useless nice guy

For me, it's racists that need to assimilate into western society

Why should the white working class spend any time educating niggers? They're not the ones who advocate for importing them and giving them arbitrary status such as "human rights" and so on, that's the jews and their liberal sheep followers who are disconnected from reality and haven't met a single nigger in their lives. They're the ones who should take care of the problem they created.

>disconnected from reality
>haven't met a single nigger in their lives
check yourself there mate

Lampard was at fault here. Why would you let a kid like that take the 5th penalty, which is usually the most nervebreaking?


WTF? This is a girls name..!

those comments aren't technically racist (probably).

racism requires racist motives. we live in a post-racial society where 99.9% of people know there is no difference genetically between the races, but we also live in a society of trolling, and if you know you can say a word that will trigger someone to a huge extent, that gives you great power even if you don't actually believe the recipient of the word is lower than you.

50 years ago, someone said the n word because they actually thought the person on the receiving end was a lesser being than them. someone says it in 2019, purely to piss someone off. there's a difference.

it's short for Kevin Oghenetega Tamaraebi

shut up, nigger lover

what does it say, Yea Forums?

What do you mean, I met plenty. And I also met gypsies who are almost the same. I'm not talking about the odd darkie who makes it into your university, they're the exception that proves the rule.

its reinforcing racist discourses.


nerd i presume

exceptions do not prove rules, nice bait though you nearly got me

It's a figure of speech, the real bait would be if I said it's completely safe to go to a black neighbourhood at night. Unfortunately I'm not willing to try and bait you into getting knifed just so you would experience the average nigg firsthand.

Ironic coming from a slav

why do you even put effort into replying to that 1 potato nigger who's clearly baiting

exceptions do prove general rules otherwise it wouldn't be an exception

He means the chavs, would love for them to be deported along with the ISIS lads.

This is the first example in the article lol.

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Free Hudson-Odoi, Nazis

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It's the Slav claiming it's an exception, there's plenty black lads in British unis, more than just the odd token student.

So they're allowed to cherry pick retards from the internet and bunch everyone together into it, but we're not allowed to cherry pick, not even fucking cherry pick, just point out that all women are whores

Jussie is a good boy and dindu nuffin

What do you mean "handle" your police are going to arrest these people anyway like the surveillance state you are

>bunch everyone together
They're lumping racist muppets together, not discriminating against any one group.

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I learned that Irish Americans were six times as likely as other Western Europeans to be incarcerated in 1880, but the rate dropped to like 1.2 times by 1930. In the interim half century many Catholic parishes introduced social programs on the benefits of not drinking all day and the pull-out method.

>99.9% of people know there is no difference genetically between the races


Deport all shitskins. There is no racism if there is nobody to be racist to.

Just so we're clear about this: this saying of an exception that proves a rule is completely illogical bullshit, if there's an exception then there's no rule.

that is the same Black Panthers and Nation of Islam did in black neighbourhoods before the police killed or arrested all of them and started the gang culture by smuggling crack cocaine from central america


>99.9% of people know there is no difference genetically between the races
These facts and more brought to you by the same scientists that claim gender is a social construct.

Gender IS a social construct. Countries that aren't mentally deranged don't have the concept of gender, only of sex.

here is a solution. stop using twitter you fucking zoomers and you won't get triggered

Did you seriously fall for pedophile John Money's bullshit? There is no difference between gender and sex.

Gender and sex are the same thing.

few lads on here throwing such sentiments around late last night

No you misunderstood him, he said there is no such thing as gender, only sex which can either be male or female.

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>be english
>miss penalty
sounds like he is assimilating tßh

we prefer to call it coitus interruptus

This, the modern notion of gender is an invention, also facilitated by the English language.

No, they'll say anybody who criticizes a player of colour is a racist

Hungarians arent slavs you retard

this but semi-ironically.

Yes they are for the most part. Genetically, anyway. 90% of ethnic Hungarians (Magyars) were killed by the invading Mongols. In top 10 of most popular surnames in Hungary most of the surnames denote ethnic origin (German, Slovak, Croat etc) and that's not to mention the surnames that are just variants of the surnames of surrounding ethnic groups. One such example is a Hungarian footballer with the surname Lovrencsics which in Croatia is Lovrenčić and it's pronounced the same. The region where the surname is from? Borders Hungary.

Well, if you say he's a bad player because he's a nigger then that would be racism.
It's stupid anyway, melanin has no tangible impact on the quality of a footballer or a man.

Melanin itself doesn't but it comes packaged with other genetic traits such as improved athleticism.

It is, though. Sex and gender are different concepts. Gender is the non-biological aspect. What's the reason women generally have longer hair than men? Women don't grow hair quicker. Society has said that longer hair is more feminine, therefore women have longer hair.

There fixed it for you OP

90% is a huge exaggaration, If you look at the average hungarian and croatian our faces are noticeably different. There are a lot of slav looking people here nonetheless just not to that extent. Lovrencsics is my favorite player from the national team btw.

makes sense, freckled red heads are overrepresented here in the gaa and rugby

That's not your gender, that's your hair length.

Could someone tell this to the scousers?

Melanin just dictates your skin tone. Other things being able to run faster are just other genetic traits.

They spend more time outside practicing sport and getting skin cancer.

You fucking legend

4channel's Yea Forums is an Alt-right board sweety. We're all white supremacist Trump supporters here.

If you've met a nigger you've met them all. KYS fag

José build that wall #maga

Where's the money for that wall, mister Pablo Esteban de Rodriguez y Santa Madre De Dios Perez?

Stop being a self-hating cuck

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Hello cognitive dissonance my old friend

Based and bluepilled.

How in the fuck do you get 'Tammy' out of that?


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>we live in a post-racial society where 99.9% of people know there is no difference genetically between the races
they sure seem to know the differences down to an absurd ultraspecific detail when it paints blacks in a positive light in any manner e.g. why are jamaicans good at sprinting

try to explain the most basic concepts a 5 year old can understand that paints them in a bad light and it's the biggest cope in history though

Also no one bats an eye when it's
>jews have 7 more IQ points on average
>east asian have the highest IQ in the world

>wypipo really do these mental gymnastics to justify racism

I dont see anything wrong, that poor man had his night ruined by a professional playing a childs game, his toxicity as justified.




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gottem there

I like how the two Brexit clubs (Burnley and Sheff Utd) didn't send an ethnic person to the photoshoot

Why are Chelsea fans so based?

some of them are alright but a lot of them are aspirational gutter scum chav arseholes that only claim Chelsea so they can feel somehow connected to something posh, they think.


This is sadly the case.

Ban Chelsea

I strongly disagree having only lived in New York and LA, their culture is what I view America to be. Diversity, friendliness, ruthless capitalism and occasional confrontation between people and gangs.

If these people aren’t assimilated then America should let New York and California free of their mundane culture

nice one hans

As always, Italy speaks the truth.

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You really think 60yo rural chinese farmers were counted in that data? that 105 iq meme comes from modern teens-20s kids in urban centers compared to our countries entire populations. Controlled for that like the Chinese do Americans have a 115 iq.

mate, being brutally honest with you now, don't worry about iq it's really not that big a deal

Lol tammy is a girls name

kek putting niggers in their place