
How do we fix toxic masculinity in football?

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Why is she wearing shorts like that?

by raping women

God i wish she sat on my face

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>Stéphanie Brappart

This, the men wear normal loose shorts while the women wear tight short ones. Why do women even in the non sexualized professions have to draw attention to themselves by being whores

disgusting, porn is degenerate

by raping women

The other dyke lineswoman was better.

first we put masculinity into football
then we fix it.

Because she, like all women, is a whore.

>that's a woman

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You do that, but we're talking about the non bubble-wrapped sport of soccer here.

have sex

Why is he wearing shorts like that?


he be gay for dog

>Wearing short shorts makes you a whore
Incels really should consider killing themselves

with Remy and Jada

>seeing through women's bs makes you an incel
sliperinho slopex sneed loving this kinda meme

What I think he means is that needlessly sexualising her attire makes her a whore.

You're starting to sound like a muzzie, why don't they start wearing bin bags eh? Women have the right to dress in whatever makes them feel confident and attractive and if that happens to be slightly revealing then it's up to the incel males to keep their dicks in their pants, incel

all women are whores. COPE AND DILATE

Go rape a kiddie, Catholic Nonce.

Stop projecting you spastic retard and come up with a comprehensible argument please

How is that attire at all sexual? The only reason men wear longer shorts is a sexualization of their penises.

Lol I don't even know what the thread is about, just came to call Sheamus a fiddler.

well there's no fixing that shit.

By obligatory feeding of all boys with estrogen in kindergarten and school.

Ah right, good on you bro, I wanted to just bait some retards

>where is the serious discussion
kek this guy

Retard alert

kek I can imagien how it went down. the dude asking for his gf to sit on his face for fun ahah, he's a huge perv loving it pretending he isn't, she doesn't seem happy about that

BRO I WAS ONLY PRETENDING FFS, look I hate women as well
>She's a whore!
>Why is she wearing literal undergarments
>Why don't she have sexes with my dick

Homos have women’s brains

Every male feminist is a molester. It’s a fact.

YOU'RE probably right but I was only joking around

Women exist to get fucked. Men want to fuck women. What's the problem?

Women not providing vagene for the men to fugg

decorate the pitch to make it look like a kitchen

Kek based romanibro

Maybe her butt hurts.

Dutch autism is ruining this board



Only few women are not whores... my athletic waifus from European countries. Few of them from each country.

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Why do they keep doing this shit? They are obviously baiting for a scandal.

If wearing a one inch thick piece of masking tape (and nothing else) makes a woman "feel confident and attractive", should she be allowed to wear it in public? Should she be allowed to wear it to work? What if she's a teacher?

You really haven't thought through your simplistic platitudes.

I don't know if we've descended into an elaborate incel LARP that I didn't get the memo for or spee converted to Islam while I wasn't looking. She's just wearing normal shorts. Deep down, past the LARPing, we all understand that right? I can't be too sure anymore since we have kids unironically committing mass murder over their inceldom now.

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Answer the original question. Not questioning that there's toxicity (not just from men) in sports but....

Men choose to wear loooooose shorts. Non-form fitting. It doens't draw as much attention to the body.

Women wear form-fitting shorts that draw a lot of attention to their bodies.

Why? Have you considered this could be PART (though not all) of the issue with this specific kind of situation you chose to isolate?

And it could be part of a deeper issue, too. But we'll get to that when you answer the question.

>they respect women
hahahahahaha virgins detected

>all women are whores
>wtf why won't women date me

>all women are whores
lmao nah i can go on tinder and get my peepee sucked and fucked whenever

>that flag

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That kind of hedonist life will get you nowhere, all you do is burn out your dopamine receptors like a junkie and get no meaningful relationships, I pity fools like you

what's wrong with being sexy?

men shorts would be too big on her, would be uncomfortably baggy. she doesn't manufacter the bloody shorts, blame your uncontrollable incel boner on the company who creates feminine shorts with a cut to fit the hips and the larger ass. BECAUSE GOD forbid that women might be sexy or something. I honestly can't tell if this site is satirical anymore or if some of you just project your low self esteem into idiotic posts such as this one.

i came into this thread looking for slags and was disappointed
later nerds

literally what the fuck are you babbling about?

that has to be good for the neck

sucked AND fucked? damn

Incels definitely should kill themselves, but still there's a difference between shorts and the skintight ones some women wear for attention.

I expected you to be too dull for a discussion, beware of that instant dopamine hit my boy because when you're 40 and that gut starts growing you'll wish you hadn't wasted your time, now I'll stop wasting mine on morons

The main ref wore normal shorts. The slag lineswoman wore form fitting shorts.

Not everyone wants to settle for a fat girl like you did m8.

what's wrong with women wearing form fitting shorts

imagine the smelle


god I wish that were me

>has no clue who hes talking to
>thinks his life experience outweighs mine
>still goes on to pinpoint a strangers supposed reality
>all while "keeping the moral high ground"
way to go champ you nailed it lmao

good post

all women are whores naturally. embrace it and stop thinking they are virgin pure princess from tv/carttoons. They are Miley Curruses and Nicki MInajes, they are whores, dumb, stupid.

treat women as a pet. as a kitty. independed, dumb, cute.

women should not be a meaning of your life, just a nice accesoire, addition to routine

Men who say stuff like this are liars and women who still fail to understand how men work mistake this rhetoric for female empowerment. What we get is free looks.

Reality is, as evidenced by literally every thread on Yea Forums, men will say just about anything to gain easy access to women's bodies. Sometimes it's this empowerment bullshit like you just said, other times it's just "ass n titties" like the majority of top 100 songs for the past 25 years.

If only people had a sense of shame and dignity left.

nothing or a lot depending on your worldview.

If you want to see women's ass for free: nothing
If you still hold morality, shame and modesty as ideals: a lot

>a lot
ok, what's wrong with it

A lot of women seem to not understand but it is for their own self-respect, dignity and
increasing their own leverage by limiting what men can stare at.

You used to have to marry a woman and provide for her in order to get laid, but now you can just swipe right and pussy will come to the door, unless you're an incel of course. Yet, these women deluded themselves into stripping off for the sake of empowerment, when in reality they have thrown away one of their strongest bit of leverage they have: their bodies.

so you're saying women that wear form fitting shorts won't get married?

whatäs the point of marriage when you can get ass and pussy for free?

fitted shorts are just a symptom. Women's ass is power, don't give it away for free.

Men, once again, are better at taking care of themselves, their rights and knowing what their leverage they have than women are, who are way out in foul ball territory thinking they're getting empowered.

>whatäs the point of marriage when you can get ass and pussy for free?
are you equating "ass and pussy for free" with women wearing form fitting shorts? that sounds absurd.

Welcome to 4incel, site where you meet incels for incels or trash traps. I was also sad what happened to Yea Forums lately, but it's geting worse and worse. Guesd it's tome to move on from.

it's not, see this thread as proof

a webm thread? so you're seriously saying watching women with form fitting shorts is the same as getting sex for free?

There are men's and women's referee uniforms. Not very difficult to imagine. The real question is why are her shorts riding so high?

>whatäs the point of marriage when you can get ass and pussy for free?

Found the virgin. No such thing as free pussy.

>what is Tinder?

du verkar inte förstå vad jag menar.
it's basically softcore porn. men easily objectify women and them flashing their goods is just pissing away a strong piece of leverage they have.

She's a bit taller and thicker than Frappart yet she wore shorts one size down compared to her.
Stop defending sluts. She knew was she was doing.

>No such thing as free pussy.

woah it sure smells like INCEL in this thread


i mean i said it was absurd that you equated "ass and pussy for free" with women wearing form fitting shorts, but you said no and linked me the webm thread. i understand completely, but it's ridiculous.

Because i don't understand it, I'm from England and you just make do with whatever slag puts up with you.

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You relise that woman ass will break shorts if she crouches unless they are like that?

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

>t. Yussuf Mohammed al Swedtani

hmmm cool story sweetiee

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yeah im thinking this dude is based as fuck

imagine the smell

THe absolutely DISGUSTING and TOXIC centre of mascuinity feeds oOFF and ABUSES WOMEN THROUGH MICROAGRESSIONS. If we remOVE women then men will have no DISGUSTING core of their toxicity to feed off of.

We must remove women from sport if we want to save women from toxic masculinity.


me and my cousin.

This hit me like a hypnosis flashback. What the fuck happened to this site

That's her uniform, it was given to her by her employer.

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Wanker........You beat me to it

only if you're a boring twat

Lol no.