1. Stratholme
2. Blackrock Depths
3. Lower Blackrock Spire
4. Uldaman
5. Wailing Caverns
6. Scarlet Monastery
7. Scholomance
8. Deadmines
9. Shadowfang Keep
10. Blackfathom Deeps
11. Maraudon
12. Zul'Farrak
13. Sunken Temple
14. Dire Maul


9001. Razorfen Kraul
9002. Ragefire Chasm


900000000001. Razorfen Downs
900000000002. Gnomeregan


900000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001. The Stockades

Attached: 315607-scarlet-monastery.jpg (1670x936, 366K)

Wailing Caverns was a piece of shit. Scholo and Deadmines should be higher.

The level difference across Ulda is fucking retarded. SFK and ZF need to be higher too.

Also who /rolling Shazzrah/ here?

Shadowfsng Keep & Scarlet Monastery GOAT
Wailing Caverns and BRD were fucking shit

I disagree

>he doesn't want to spend 4 hours killing sprouts and crocodiles

>1. Stratholme
My absolute nigga

Maraudon is way too low. Also, UBRS ( the best dungeon ) isn't on this list.

Imagine unironically rating Wailing Caverns

someone on the american servers be my arena partner please ;_;

S Tier. Asmongold layer

>2. brd
absolute faggot, even today i instantly leave if i get that dungeon
stratholme is pretty based though

>tfw we won't have to deal with streamer autism and their fanbases

I literally don't understand how Ragefire Chasm is that far down. Do you people not understand what it was made for? It's for noobs that haven't ever played an MMORPG in 2005 to get what the game is about. You still need a tank, a healer and some dps if you do it at level 14 or 15. If you pull too much adds, you wipe. It's basically a tutorial. I distinctively remember learning everything I needed to know in there by wiping a bunch of times and trial and error when I was like 12 in 2006. It's unironically one of the best things blizzard ever made. The fact that a bunch of useful items, quests and greens drop in there made it even better. How does anyone not rate it? IT's perfection, no game does a tutorial like that without telling you it's a tutorial and without holding your hand too much. The only thing holding your hand might be more experienced players in your group but even then you need to figure out most yourself.

In short kill your fucking self if you don't get why it's good and you don't rate it. Smells like asmonfaggots opinions in here.

wtf is this faggotry

fuck off zoomer

>distinctively remember learning everything I needed to know in there by wiping a bunch of times
>wiping in ragefire

Attached: s.png (763x457, 279K)

just need to avoid Forsen and we gucci

Happens even nowadays with too low level players. Shut the fuck up you turbonigger. You pull too many adds you wipe and that happens when you don't know how to play it.

Never played wow before, should I start on classic?

Absolutely. Still the best game experience of all time, vanilla and BC only though.

>Scarlet Memestery is in the top 20
go suck on a cock piece of shit trash cunt

wow is such a shit game
fuck blizzdrones

What's the best raid and why is it AQ40?

i really love maraudon and brd. those old dungeons that took a while to get through. fuck zoomers with their 10 minute dungeons.

Forsen will play like 1 month tops and then quit,
cap this

Wailing caverns was great faggots. Shut the fuck up. It actually felt like a dungeon.

Wailing caverns is objectively number 1, all other opinions are trash.

It's gonna be full of people that already played the game trying to revive their glory days so if you're gonna play it make sure to read a wow classic guide and learn every single dungeon mechanics

I give it a week max

This is a bad list. Let me fix it for you. This list is about design, not shitty efficiency.

1. Blackrock Depths
2. Lower Blackrock Spire
3. Uldaman
4. Maraudon
5. Wailing Caverns
6. Zul'Farrak
7. Stratholme
9. Scholomance
10. Dire Maul
11.Razorfen Downs
12. Shadowfang Keep

>These are all fucking terrible and the only reason you pretend otherwise is because you got fond memories of grinding them 500 times for levels or you only did them once for a quest and probably didn't even finish it - it wasn't the dungeon's design that made these good, it were the bants on voice
Razorfen Kraul
Ragefire Chasm
The Stockades
Scarlet Monastery
Sunken Temple
Blackfathom Deeps

>1. Blackrock Depths
Stopped reading your blogpost there, shit-eating snownigger