Is there any other in sports like mythical "prime tyson"

is there any other in sports like mythical "prime tyson"
basically a prodigy whose basically hailed up by casuals and nostalgiafags who only watches ko highlight of kid dynamite rather than looking at his resume while writing off his deterioration as him losing his prime (while true greats like Ali took back the belt and survived Frazier and whooped Foreman when he was out of the ring for 5 years)

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Fedoe Emilianenko in MMA

lebron james

You brought him up yourself, Ali
Dude is hailed as the GOAT and yet was bad enough at his sport that his brain turned to mush

Quite the opposite, it's revisionist zoomers who screech about his resume which is actually lowkey pretty good

if ass a sport

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most based athlete of all time


he got BUSTED the first time he met a non-can DURING HIS SO CALLED PRIME, BEFORE JAIL

This. Ali's politics is the reason he's heralded as the goat.

His brain got mushed up during the 70s when he stayed against the ropes and just took what his opponent had

Bo Jackson

Unironically this. If Cus lived until the age of 85 then Tyson would be undesputed GOAT but cus died and Tyson regressed. I knew a gigantic black military dude who partied with Tyson in Tokyo the night before the Douglas fight and he claimed that Tyson got fucked up beyond belief. Rumors are that Tyson was a big pre-fight Cheque Drop user too, even beyond the Douglas loss. Cheque Drops can turn even a soi faggot into a monster

Brendan Schaub

if you're retarded

disregard. I don't read too gud. Fedor blows and is a total can crusher.

He would get heemed by any modern HW.

He would unironically smash Anthony bumass Joshua because AJ is an overhyped can bodybuilder

Not true at all, this is a very casual opinion. Ali has a heavyweight record nobody in the modern era can even come close to competing with. He lost sure, but all of those were answered and all of them were to other ATGs apart from the ones late in his career.

He wasn't the same man when he came back after jail/banishment. Yes he is remembered for refusing to die for israel but he is still one of the, if not THE greatest boxer ever.

Boxing is dead. Any top boxer from the past 70 years would bury the spic manlet who BTFO Joshua.

Maradona. He was genuinely great, but only achieved mythical status because of literal cheating

44 wins and 30 plus knockout isnt bad but thats not goat tier
most notable against a light heavyweight moving up and winning a regressing division and an admittenly top tier guy, but whose a few years out of his prime
Tyson is admittenly a beast, but even at his prime what would you say that makes him a goat
he has superb defense with his peek a boo and head movement, superb hand speed with devastating power and generally a good chin, but he never has a win from behind, and doesn't have a huge heart
how would you put it up against marciano who can take shots and pound him relentlessly or liston who will eat him up with a 12 inch reach advantage

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Why do people rate him over Joe Louis?

You'll notice I said modern era, which is generally seen as being postwar so Louis comes right at the end of that. There are a few pre-war guys who are in the conversation but they're generally seen as very hard to compare because there isn't actually much footage of them and the sport was tactically almost a completely different thing since fighters fought so often.

Louis is the main one who has some argument, but Ali has a much more proven record of beating several other consensus top 20 ATG heavyweights, so you have to take that against what you think Louis could have proven if given that chance.

his opponents, he has a longer reign with 25 defenses and 12 years but none are ATG level

Do you think Ali would still dominate today? A lot of the HWs seem huge today. Also was the second Liston fight a confirmed fix?
which other HW can do this in the ring


Tyson Fury

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exactly this

fought like 4 legitimate guys in japan, crushed a bunch of cans between each real fight, mysteriously lost all his muscle mass and exited his prime as soon as he fought in an org that didn't explicitly exclude steroids from the scope of their drug testing (see enson inoue's contract)

I can't really fault Tyson for his resume because he didn't get to decide the era he fought in.

And I also think people REALLY underestimate how big a part of him losing Rooney/hiring Don King did with his downfall. You can literally see a difference in his fighting style one fight removed from Rooney coaching him and he was already getting fat/sluggish in his fight with Bruno.

He had a stellar run before losing to Buster, but the downfall was inevitable once he kicked Rooney out.

Fury has a worst jab, and a much frailer chin
the only thing he has on is his freakish height making him hard to bully
nothing against the guy, he just needs to apply himself more

mike tyson could 110% kick the shit out of OP even at age 53

>much frailer chin

Ali never got hit on the chin by wilder so we'll never know

nigger what?


>while writing off his deterioration as him losing his prime (while true greats like Ali took back the belt and survived Frazier and whooped Foreman when he was out of the ring for 5 years)
tyson lost his titles in 1990 and won them back in 1996... thats six (6) years. and this is after 3 years spent in prison not fighting or legitimately training at all

god malaysians are so fucking gay and stupid

Ali was against Frazier, Foreman, Liston,Holmes and Shavers
much better punchers than winding punch Wilder

because winning it against Frank Bruno is such a great achievement right?

sorry didnt realize you were gay for muhammad ali lmao

6'3 ali would get laid out by 6'7 wilder

49-0 (43 KO)