Yes, the Ronaldo hair cut please

>Yes, the Ronaldo hair cut please

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Other urls found in this thread:

when you use your fingers to tell the barber what kinda hairstyle you want instead of being too embarrassed to show the barber a pic of ronaldo


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Ragyn and Kaylea bffs forever

Why do Amerimutt wh*toids name their muttlets such retarded names?

>what kinda cut you want

It should be child abuse to name your kids such awful names.

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I hate whitoids so much you wouldn't even believe

Don't ask why but "Dylann" is the one that irks me the most.

What a freak.

Just needs to be a Skyler in there and this will be officially the gayest list of names you can give to a kid



for me its Kase

They were asked their children's ideal professions following the apocalypse.

he's probably a black kid

These kids have parents who are into D&D

Nothing wrong with Waylon, fuck off.

the lords of /out/

t. Waylon the Gaylord

Jennings. Gettaoutta here.

t. lame boring forgettable names like "Tyler"

literally met a brasilian named waylon at an old job

This ain't the poors. This is Mormon country.

Rich white moms like "My kid needs a unique name, but Ladarius is just too far. How about Larrynce? Larrynce sounds good."

t. city slicker

t. DeBryar Hunter Reagynéz

>mfw sister named son Westyn
>mfw it was actually her husband's idea

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t. Waylon de Boringho Booba ba Gouzza de Moupouza Dermilison Anbimillson

Wyatt is perfectly acceptable, Waylon is cancer

I got the joke, and I gotta say, it really do be like that, but still.There's nothing wrong with the name Waylon.

Wyatt's alright too.

Not even close lad try again

unless you are a Midwest farmer who's land dried up and you had to flee to California on a Model T, you can't be named Waylon

Who's to say I'm not?


Whiteoids and Niggroids should be banned from naming children


t.brayan Hernandez II

Your lame boring forgettable parents named you a lame boring forgettable (and misspelled) name, didn't they?

>no tanner
that will still be the most whitenoidest name I've come a cross, they all seem to be cowboy related. Glad my nigger mom gave me a biblical name as well.

Lol no my name is not an alternative spelling of a common name but I will admit that is pretty gay. still better than "Todd," "Michael," "Mark," or "Jason." It's not cool to have the same name as everyone else, Thomas.

>chicano catholic chads name their children Chrstian holy names like Jesus, Pedro, Juan, Michael, Gabriel etc
>wh*toid mutts name their children atheist abominable names that are often misspelled like this list.
Us Chicanos are g*d-fearing followers of Jesucristo y la Virgencita while wh*toid scum have lost touch with their Christian heritage, sad!

Don't call your mom a nigger

Must have the most feminine penis

t. Jawn Fisher Obbamma

>still better than "Todd," "Michael," "Mark," or "Jason."
No, it's not. And Jason is a cool name

Jayson is cooler than Jason

Jayson isn't a name

Please stop

t. Skyeleeygh

I'm a teacher and the most common Jason spelling I seen nowadays is Jyson. I don't know why the South is becoming like this.

it literally is though, there is a rising star on the Boston Celtics named Jayson. Jason is a boomer name it may as well be retired. If you like the name Jason and want your son to fit in at school then you better do him the favor of naming him Jayson.

More like gayson

wrong about that one chief

>he thinks the first name matters
When will you retards learn it's the last name that makes a name memorable?

now that's something that should be a completely different pronunciation, which is retarded

First names are younique.

maybe wrong according to conservative boomer message board users but not wrong in reality.


based chaotic bloodmage

David will get bullied

Pretty sure that's an angel from evangelion

t. Brandynn Jackson Hunter Leigh IV

Smithers who is that man

same, but because my name is Dylan

More like Grayson because if you name him that shit that's what you'll wind up with.

Jason is the Argonaut, that's legendary. Jayson is just the son of Jay.

But if I don't say it than someone else will call here that, I'm basically not allowed to post here user.

those names are /out/ af

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Jason is the son of Ja

Jason is just white form of Jesus

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Anyone who doesn't have a name as robust as donovan, should close the tab and kys.

could be worse, you could have some faggy sounding fresh of the boat italian name like Giordano, which leads to a lifetime of people mispelling and mispronouncing your name until you just say fuck it I'm now Gio, which they still fuck up. why couldn't I have a white name

whats wrong with "layne"

What about double-barreled first names?

>someone actually named their kid after this guy

Also, arorain, top Kek.

Okay, mr. Äteritsiputeritsipuolilautatsijänkä

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Can't tell if your name is Giordano or something else.

Giordano is pretty romantic sounding, desu.

>tfw my name isn't Augustus Sol Invictus

ya that's my name. always hated it. always wanted to be Julian. if I have a son, he will be Julian. wife can name the daughter.
Julian can be Jules for short. very cool imo

>hating a name like Giordano

I can almost guarantee 99% of women are turned on by that name.

well yeah women love it. but what about me, man

That would be a girl name unless you're french like that espn french guy that joins the talk show occasionally.

Yes, Julian is fine but not Jules. Your son's nickname shouldn't be an e-cig brand.

I never thought of it as being feminine. remember Jules, Sam Jackson's character from Pulp Fiction?

Jaxon is a fuckin cool name, way better than Jackson and bonus points if you are mixed race

What are you, some kind of fag? Maybe I'm biased. I think Italian is one of the best sounding languages so Giordano sounds cool to me.

woke and modernpilled
(unironically nothing wrong with them)

Bro, I bet you 100% hunter, trapper, and Fisher are gonna grow up to be inseperable bff's.

well I appreciate it my southern friend. maybe I'm just being a bitch

>Jaxon is a fuckin cool name
when does high school start back up, hopefully soon

yeah just looks like the girl spelling for Lane, which is a cool name

>Jaxon is a fuckin cool name

Nah just appreciate what you got. Sounds very exotic. And the kind of people who can't pronounce Giordano aren't exactly the most cultured people so that's nothing to be ashamed of.

Nah just name him Julius, knew a guy with that name hated each other at first then we became chill friends.

yeah can't wait for you to go back to class

t. Derek

yeah you're right. i'm just falling into the "grass is always greener" trap.

Julius is cool. like Dr. J
I was thinking maybe Juliano would be cool. it's italian sounding, so keep the roots. it could be shortened to julian for his whitoid friends, or still jules. I knew a Juliano is he was suave as fuck.

>tfw you're so tired you can't even sleep


Waylon Jennings is the man

Julius is about as Italian as gets honestly, a fucking emperor of Rome had that name.

Gambit lol. Based capefags

what the fuck is up with replacing vowels with Y

yeah that's a big reason why I love the name Julian. I'm a big history nut and classical antiquity is my shit. nice little homage to the house of Julia.

Julius isn't bad but it sounds black to me. maybe because the only Julius I know is Dr. J lol


My american girlfriend's sons name is Leyton and his middle name is Gage. I always cringe when I hear her calling him "Gah-gae".

infinite kek

Do you know Orange Julius?

Leyton gagging on a dick

Just googled it. Never heard of that before. I've never been to America so that's probably why

that's a very mayo name

only works if the acronym is something cool like JD or BJ

still better than JaTavious or DeKendrix

It's the unnecessary extra "n". Bothers me too. The hipster parents thought having an original name became too mainstream so they took a common name and JUSTed it

>mfw I knew a Skylar and he was super gay

>david turns 50
>"what a unique, old-fashioned name!"

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yeah why isn't it Dayvid? dumb yanks

hunter is a based name

stopped reading right there

for me it's Djeysen

most of those names are nog names. especially waylon.

David and Josie the special snowflakes here

Somewhere in Poland lives a kid named Tupac

> Naming your kid after Reagan

Based and "selling guns to Iran to fund terrorists"-pilled.

Based Steely Dan fan parents

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Could be worse. Your dad could have named you after a footballer with a really hard to pronounce obscure name who he thought was going to be GOAT but in the end will only be remembered for getting tasered to death.

confirmed for retard who doesn't know anything
>who is Waylon Smithers from The VAR sinsons

>>who is Waylon Smithers from The VAR sinsons

the black one?

Why do white and black Americans compete with one another to give their children the most retarded names?

Giordano is just the Italian form of Jordan. You could go by that. It's my name and I've always heard people say it's nice.

>Jewish names and Ebonics
dog bless

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>mfw there is a good chance one of the yanks who you've argued with on here has a name like this

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For me, it's Brantley

Those names are all fucking whiter than snow, what are you on about?

based retard

Alexandria and Kira / Kyra

I assume

i meant american white*, that should go without saying

are these their surnames or first names?

Could be far worse than this. Imagine being named.... Robert

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Jayson - when you want a gay son.

Zerachiel is a badass name, like someone said earlier it's some chaos mage or an Evangelion angel.

Kid will probably be a faggot and has some retarded surname though

Tell me about it

Can you lads believe there are people out there who have no clue what their names mean?

how do they pronounce eva in america? ey-va?

Another thing that struck me [in the American] was the great influence of the Negro, a psychological influence naturally, not due to the mixing of blood. The emotional way an American expresses himself, especially the way he laughs, can best be studied in the illustrated supplements of the American papers; the inimitable Teddy Roosevelt laugh is found in its primordial form in the American Negro. The peculiar walk with loose joints, or the swinging of the hips so frequently observed in Americans, also comes from the Negro.[3] American music draws its main inspiration from the Negro, and so does the dance. The expression of religious feeling, the revival meetings, the Holy Rollers and other abnormalities are strongly influenced by the Negro. The vivacity of the average American, which shows itself not only at baseball games but quite particularly in his extraordinary love of talking – the ceaseless gabble of American papers is an eloquent example of this – is scarcely to be derived from his Germanic forefathers, but is far more like the chattering of a Negro village. The almost total lack of privacy and the all-devouring mass sociability remind one of primitive life in open huts, where there is complete identity with all members of the tribe.

C.G Jung


My name is John....

Wish my parents called me David or another normal name instead of some obscure Scottish name barely anyone has or has even heard of before. Still better than these fucked up misspelled names though

My great grandfather decided to change his last name when he took over a farm, so now every time someone asks for my full name, I have to spell it out because he basically invented some shit himself that makes no sense.

>nogs name their kids Jaquavius and LaShaun
>paler mutts name their kids Questin and Mekeli

What the fuck is wrong with yankland

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who needs a memorable name? a common and masculine name like John Smith or James Bond is more kino anyway

stopped reading there

cringe and yikes

How's it feel to be named after a prostitute's customer

t. Zarachiel Caicedo

I named my kid Arcadian so my kid has to suffer my steampunk desires


Madyson sounds good, like a yuppie bitch name with outrun vibes, am I wrong?

Does anyone have that football college kids names?
>not naming your child Wave Ryder

>the state of Dalian


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you can't make this shit up

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It's the least fucking creative way to name your child imaginable, you're just changing the spelling of an existing name. It's fucking pathetic.

The other day the bitch literally asked me if I wanted a gap there.

Well, in the fourteenth century it was the other way about.

>Yes, the Ronaldo hair cut please

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