
strictly hockey-related

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Other urls found in this thread:


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still salty about the 2018 wcf if I'm being completely honest

ha ha wienerpeg

Attached: snow.png (323x325, 63K)


Attached: pacs.png (770x720, 1.04M)

I think the ducks will not be making the playoffs this season

what is /hoc/'s pronoun?



was just in montreal
they're taking this /pol/ shit too far

Attached: hq.jpg (439x505, 59K)

/hoc/ formerly /cric/

Thoughts about the aesthetics / the re-used design?

pretty good

/cric/ formerly alive


Attached: flames spongebob.gif (498x372, 1.14M)

Pick 2


counterpoint: canes


Attached: duck-big-bill-59ef8e5068e1a2001072c89e.jpg (450x300, 19K)

good night /hoc/

Attached: 47db134f.jpg (1080x1082, 122K)

These duck boutta drop the next hit rap album and make the play offs

Attached: 800px-six_ducklings.jpg (800x600, 84K)

vasta huomennaamuna

why are you going to bed so early? dumbass

Laughing SO hard at the beaner state of anaheim and the thought of the ducks missing the playoffs

Attached: 6740403.gif (400x224, 296K)

>be ducks
>make playoffs

Attached: onsdag-26-maj-157.jpg (1132x766, 164K)

hello where are the posts about huge tits and big round asses

Attached: 21521199.jpg (1024x1024, 182K)


>be duck
>get shot and eaten
>miss playoffs

Attached: 0038075.jpg (560x460, 32K)

>Be duck
>Provide family with food
>Still make playoffs
>implyiij mg you wouldnt a Mallory mallard

Attached: d5e8ub5-e2445612-e178-475b-8cbc-d7df275eea29.jpg (800x654, 291K)

I wouldn't you freak

would post some ass but the last time I got banned it was the worst two days of my life tbqhwyf

Just do it from your phone

business idea: duck season

>serving bans
>b-but you're the freak

You seem upset

Better business idea: wabbit season

laffs suck lol

good post

best business idea: ted season

only stand-up rad dudes serve bans

duck hunting season starts soon

Will this finally be the habs year?

Ducks. Formerly mighty


Analheim mighy fucks :DDD

Just 5 points outta the playoffs this season

more like mighty cucks lolololol :)))

Kitties will steal their spot in the last week of the regular season.

Boeser tbqhwy lads


>playoff bound
my team
>hopelessly irrelevant and forever shit
your team

this is the post

just don't like the kitties, simple as

>my teams depth prospects
all hidden gems, future allstars
>your teams depth prospects
all busts, not even ahl quality

best farm systems are NYI, MTL, ARI, DET, VAN, and im not even being biased. Carolina and the rags also have good farm systems

Attached: Grin.jpg (700x394, 46K)

just sneezed and farted at the same time

>my nuts
>your face

ya seethe
ya boil

But Sparks already busted.

WPG ain't too shabby either, need better coaching tho

i think about benis a lot

winnipegs case is that theyre all gonna graduate I think. Also sign connor and laine you fucks

Flyers second round exit

Attached: Crouch-Gritty.jpg (727x966, 132K)

you MIGHT....might be gay user


Attached: whup.gif (512x807, 469K)

Anaheim is white

sometimes my benis gets hard

>spending the day talking hockey with a smelly weeb from long island

Attached: 5da.jpg (1000x1002, 170K)

fun fact: there's a song titled 6669 by the metal band Coven

after his Fortnite game

that's normal, don't worry

If they have such good systems why no cups loooooool

Attached: 1505071425863.jpg (648x944, 55K)

Habs ftw

mine does too when i think about mommy feet

t. sven

figures a retard weeb would ignore the absolute drafting/developing blackhole the cantpucks went through for more than a decade. they only have a "good" farm now because they are shit enough to draft players that arent long projects. players like schroeder, hodgson, jensen, gaunce, or shinkaruk hardly even had a nhl career. nevermind that more current players like lind or gadjovich had decent junior careers, and then completely stagnated when they started playing on the canucks farm. pettersson, boeser and quinn werent developed by the farm, they played elsewhere before stepping into the nhl, other players like stecher or horvat only played like 5ish games down on the farm, hardly any development time down there.

montreal has the most cups retardbro

based pencil neck geek

he also named the Habs who are arguably a bigger black hole than the Canucks. Bust after bust, failure after failure, the laval rocket are fucking pathetic. This just confirms the smelly weeb doesn't know jack shit about hockey.

je voudrais une copine francaise-canadienne

Attached: hat.jpg (600x452, 42K)

They have 0 m8. Cups from the 6 team league dont count.

Because I look at their farm and players in it and analyze them? They look pretty fucking good with steals like suzuki, primeau, vejdemo, harvey-pinard, and teasdale.
retard they still have the most cups

>he thinks 30 team babby cups count

>0 is>anything
Have to actually be the best

Attached: IMG_20190812_124933.jpg (492x429, 41K)

Reminder that cups from before 2019 don't count

only the next cup matter desu

hasnt played a single game on the habs farm team
29 point season, garbage
hasn't played a single game
hasn't played a single game and was barely a point per game as a 20 year old in a babby league

You haven't analyzed anything, weeb. You've listened to delusional retards from fanbases hype up their prospects.

the fuck is your problem at all?

Attached: homera.png (535x575, 215K)

How fucking mad is that one user going to be when suzuki busts?

You're talking about Randy here

This desu. Imagine caring about the past. Lmaoing so hard at the st. Loses blose.

dont like smelly weebs pretending to understand hockey.

why would he bust?

thinking about benis again

Because minor league success doesn't always transfer to the NHL

gee who shat in your cornflakes

Lads..... I think /cric/ are out-shitposting us nowadays

im not even remotely angry, I just btfo the smelly weeb again

>hawks won GT20
>bombers best in the CFL
>when Laine signs his 8x11 jets will win Stanley Cup
Winnipeg bros ww@

t. laine

what an accomplishment in your life. Betcha really want a medal for that

There's nothing wrong with wanting a particular standard of poster on /hoc/ that's above cringy manchildren.

who the even eats cornflakes?
grow up

I'm not even remotely gay, but I think the canes are a pretty cool team

/hoc/ more like angry white virgins argue about everything all day


yikes that projecting

old people eat corn flakes

Describes me to a tee

no that's /hoc/

nah i dont need recognition for knowing more about hockey than a simple minded weeb. Everyone in this thread knows more than him.


Attached: 1532280458852.jpg (250x203, 6K)

annoying and a burden to those around you

so please tell me how you analyze players?

by watching the sport, analyzing statistics, and having extensive knowledge due to playing the game at a high level.

and thats what I do also you dumb fuck. I watch this sport just like you. Only problem is that you seethe harder than the average bruin fan when they saw sundqvist put a clean hit on gryzelyk, and claim it was dirty

Attached: monee.gif (128x128, 29K)

It was dirty

Bill Kessel already ghosting his new teammates

Except the part where I have extensive knowledge of hockey from having played the game at a high level and you have extensive knowledge of pedophilic drawings of chinese children and an extreme lack of hygiene.

Who the frickin frack is Bill Kessel?

>extreme lack of hygiene
I actually clean myself you fucking leaf. and you claiming to have "played the game" is bullshit on its own.

52 days

A canadian claiming to have played hockey is not as far fetched as you might believe.

Attached: maximum effort.gif (360x202, 2.18M)

mm can't wait

Does /hoc/ play hoc?

I've never skated in my life

Another 1,5 months of no hokkei

Attached: 1539233696349.jpg (500x364, 17K)

no but I might force my kids to

Back to work tomorrow for me lads.

Had a good summer vacation.

there there latvia, it's going to be ok

Are you a teacher?

skipped work today and started drinking, priorities outta whack. travel at all?

laines negotiations are held up on his fortnite clause demand

>claims to be hygienic
Sure thing pal. Just like you know the first thing about hockey.

penguins making the playoffs?

Attached: .png (1572x1747, 2.44M)

But Gritty will win Mascot Cup.

Just like how the standard NHL player contract prohibits some dangerous activities like skiing, the Jets want to put in a "no Fortnite" clause into his contract.

That's the big hold up.

shit general
shit posters
shit league

can't believe you lot waste your time on here. madness

åk hem

he is not playing fortnite anymore

based general
based posters
based league
can't believe you lads don't spend more time on here. madness

wtf your cuckshed has wifi?

name a better league for hockey, sven

IIHF World Championships, Olympics. Even the SHL is more entertaining than the NHL.
din mamma vill att jag stannar

Shit post
Shit opinion
Shit players

>Implying they will even smell the playoffs before 2025
I think not!

sweden confirmed for shitposting homo

ayo where the russkies at?

Who didn't already know this?

So you hate the violent part of the game I assume?

They'll probably win the Metro desu considering how shit all the other teams are

i'll agree that teams always overhype their prospects, especially canadian teams. but that doesn't mean they're all busts as /hoc/ would like to let you believe

Who do you have in the finals lads?
For me? It's Carolina vs. Toronto

No, I hate the part of the game where no game matters because the season is too long and the part of the game where each team is soulless and the majority of the league consists of sunbelt. I also have a problem with americans (sunbelters) and canadians (from alberta, ontario and quebec) because they are fucking idiots.

Attached: sweden.png (107x67, 2K)

I'm thinking a sharks/knights final would be kino

Пpивeт, aнoн.

Attached: ccm.jpg (1440x1303, 129K)

except Jesse
you know who

>in the finals
>two eastern teams
What in the name of god did he mean by this?

>le european soul meme
had it up to here boys

i like it when autists don't rate the potential of a prospect because he hasn't played an nhl game yet. like no fucking shit, that's why he's a prospect and you base him off his skills against his peers

you like it?

Then fuck off and make your own general
>I'm proud of the fact that I watch a drastically worse quality of hockey
maximum cringe

Gib Bulju

Attached: 1522181378167.png (720x835, 495K)

If you aren't doing povertyball chants in the arena while your view of the ice is blocked by some big dumb povertyball-style banner that stretches across three fucking sections, while your team skates around in embarrassing, ad-riddled uniforms that look like the side of a fucking nascar... then your team is """""soulless."""""

>club is often majority owned by fans
>every year has exciting local talent coming up the ranks
>derby games
>fans in the stands with atmosphere
>reasonable length on games
>games go at a decent time on thursdays and saturdays
>playoffs is exciting
>relegation battles
superior in almost every way shape and form compared to NHL

""my bad"", Colorado

Attached: 1565245467968.jpg (992x652, 147K)

>making the playoffs

he actually fucking believes this


Attached: reminder.png (794x852, 1.04M)

>beautiful jerseys ruined by advertisements

Attached: disgust.jpg (480x360, 27K)


Attached: muh soul.jpg (620x349, 66K)

Sven, pls jfc

Attached: 1512023953583.gif (890x654, 201K)

For me, it's Frolunda McDonalds JMS Toyota Samsung RyanAir H.C.

Thinking about grabbing a slice of 'za from the fridge but I'm trying to diet

count your calories lad

do it for America

>>every year has exciting local talent coming up the ranks
just to be shipped off before actually being exciting to watch
>>fans in the stands with atmosphere
mostley true
>>playoffs is exciting
so is NHL?
>>relegation battles
actually great

>McDonald's cancerous advertising spread all the way to Europe
I'm so sorry Euro bros.

Attached: Glowing Eye Wojak.png (740x900, 927K)

This is the future they chose.

mm can feel the soul in this post lads

Attached: 20190317_201902.jpg (1002x988, 473K)

real lack of binland and donald duck in this thread

Attached: donald v hillary.gif (352x265, 2M)

You have summon me. You have three wishes but there is a TWIST. Every wish must begin with the letter N.

Attached: 1558193584758.png (1000x1000, 202K)

never heard of him
here, hold this

Attached: 1557033427886.gif (400x371, 850K)

I wish for /nhl/

Here you go lad

Attached: Finland.webm (926x706, 2.86M)

Attached: 1557457141757.jpg (761x1013, 238K)


your welcome

Attached: aiportraits_1563828287.jpg (512x512, 40K)

me2 2bh
death to america

Noted, need no Nuckies now

Was about to grab a slice but then the senpai said they're bringing home food

1. Neighborly love among /hoc/posters, be they snowbelt or sunbelt.
2. NHL championship this season for >my team.
3. "Subbans" all leave the hockey world, naturally and gradually forced out in such a way that nobody can ever make direct accusations about it, Gary stops pushing them, and never return to blight our community again.

>trying to hog all the wishes for yourself

yes donating to childrens hospitals and helping underfunded youth programs is a real blight on our community

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Attached: 773993.jpg (1000x800, 78K)

no more finns

/pol/ please go

Attached: 1556667637832.jpg (600x604, 105K)

Attached: d8S1WvC.gif (420x235, 2.82M)

hopefully you are sitting up straight while you read this post

the post that saved /hoc/

Attached: cup winner.jpg (460x259, 26K)

/pol/ please stay

>titty tattoo
Aaaaaaaand dropped

>chubby thots
no thank ye

what I'm trying to say is I missed breakfast this morning and I regret it.....

Fat, pass

>non-american flag
big cringe

how do i get a thicc nigress gf


Attached: 1558757304401.png (1125x1677, 3.75M)

It's really easy actually

Fuck off avatarfag

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This is an imageboard, you dumb fuck.

Attached: ep40, copyright.png (1125x1677, 3.37M)


Attached: Eureka Mad.jpg (375x300, 10K)

Just got back from the soccerball match boys. The good guys won. *sips*

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Playing chel 2012 lads created Bulju and we are playing in the Q

Looks like a Minnesotan operation if I've ever seen one.
This is just the front-end of a truly nefarious arrangement.

oh god it's happening
this is how the Children Uprising begins
I tried to warn you, I'm just lazy
we're doomed, sorry

Attached: 1564271898241.jpg (152x182, 8K)


Attached: Capture.png (1028x440, 763K)


if you're gonna talk the talk you have to walk the walk

haha based

Attached: ffff.png (500x600, 81K)

Attached: 1554143470595.jpg (1000x750, 195K)

i forget, where is home field for the Raiders this year?

Attached: 1549411420894.jpg (587x587, 93K)

it's time

Attached: 20190306_215731.jpg (480x360, 64K)

Think they're in oakland until 2021(?)

>Los angelspics
>back to oakland
Absolute state

Attached: bd.jpg (640x645, 69K)

The raiders moved that many times already you anime posting zoomer faggot

>CTEball posting
>fucking yu-gi-oh
what are you people doing

Attached: butt.png (672x888, 1.07M)

Yes and this is a hockey thread jamal

I was making fun of a shitty nfl franchise ya pinhead

Scott Fagrim is more low-effort western comics / CalArts style, not "anime."

nice ass

kinda want an ice girl gf

yeah i don’t give a flying fuck about cartoons virgin

Yes and this is a hockey thread jamal

What the fuck is doug from duluth seething for now?

shall be trying new pizza shop

Based /hoc/poster.

We must secure the existence of our sport and a future for hockey players,

Attached: tay tay.jpg (1024x576, 82K)

holy cringe

Attached: 1556126082287.jpg (916x1280, 284K)



Based hour-and-a-half-late poster.

Is that a chainlink meme?

Is this a real pic?




Dunno, just saw it posted on Yea Forums somewhere and stole it.

kαι εδωkεν ο θεός ορον

business idea: /hoc/ but in bitcoin

Can't be bothered to translate this.

new pizza place is 10/10 lads

lets stream a hockey movie tonight

Attached: hey hey people.jpg (1280x720, 164K)

whatever happened to the cytube streaming leaf?
are you him?

Imagine not speaking fluent Greek

what did you order?

probably wasn't me, but I have a cytube account

who is more powerful poseidon or neptune?

shant reveal the menu until you gain access to the mountain

What's my mixtape doing on the wall behind her shoulder

>he hasn't ascended to the /hoc/ astral plane

Same thing it's doing now, absolutely nothing.


Attached: 1559194510165.png (112x112, 9K)

i got a two month n word pass from my nigger jaquan down at the liquor. he asked to bum a smoke but i wasnt going to give it to him for nothing

wait for it...
wait for iiiiiittttt...

Created a character on zandalar tribe realm lads

What's the difference between cytube and youtube? Anytime I watched the 4cc streams on cytube it just looked like they were streaming on youtube.

fuck the hurricanes


Attached: VGK.png (531x621, 300K)

I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road

when you get there find something high up and jump off it

Rude and uncalled for.

Attached: huh.png (550x550, 563K)

bit rude

/hoc/'s got a mean streak in it.

have a migraine lads

Hello I'm from Africa looking to interest in hockey

take some Excedrin
it's the perfect migraine cocktail

checks out

Attached: 1561498199913.jpg (948x711, 135K)

Lads just busted a HUGE nut thinking of my kitties winning the cup this year

Attached: Q.png (658x774, 416K)

Attached: roast duck.jpg (1200x630, 600K)

I'm sorry leaf bro. Have a hug.

Attached: i_hug_that_feel.png (600x553, 100K)

Attached: 1444823528794.jpg (580x563, 236K)

don't worry fellas I have the next thread ready to go

really have to fart but cant trust it

I am hungry now, leaf

Attached: 1544196771847.jpg (432x331, 84K)

t. Sarpreet Singh Taoling

t. Muttavious Joao Lopez

the good ol trojan fart, have lost that gamble before

there is a prospect eligible to be drafted this year with the same name as me, but hes like 10 years younger.

First for the Bruins

Attached: hamburger.png (854x694, 820K)

Just go sit on the toilet faggot

exceedingly despairful

Attached: DYiC54kUMAABJXX.jpg (768x1024, 168K)

For me it's duck confit

Check em

You'll get old someday too
>if you're lucky

t. Mustapha Lemieux

there was a player with the same name as me drafted in the 3rd round in the 1980s. he only played like 30 nhl games tho.

hit the ice

Off to my beer league lads

Attached: 1547697533894.png (270x270, 5K)

Look at all the empty rows behind her, surely this wasn't St Patrick's day and was a preseason game right?


What's your team name?

Fresno Faggots


For me, it's the Redwood Lane Pain Train.

Attached: 1541971568942.jpg (1050x550, 85K)

let me show you how it's done

For me it's the Toledo Trolley Tracks

and there's uncle joe, he's moving kinda slow at the junction...

For me it’s the Halifax Hals

Victoria Victors

Attached: 1563512781579.jpg (330x250, 39K)


for me it's CKy

The Seattle Sneeds



boomer tunes

go bobcats

go Checkers

for me it’s big boner blue bombers

petticoat junction


teammates pitching for your Toronto Blue Jays again lads

Why no hockey?

jays need to bring back toonie tuesdays so 500 level fight nights can come back

Attached: jasys.png (638x685, 98K)

The players are all resting.

the players need time to spend their money

>chuggachugga intensifies

Attached: 1557805481440.jpg (630x774, 76K)

What in the good god damn?

Attached: [jingling stops].jpg (844x898, 159K)

Shannon, get back to where you belong before you hurt yourself out there.

Haven't you ever been to McDonald's?

bull is heading over to shannons house rn

Attached: hoc attempts a get.webm (640x827, 616K)

based remembrance user

>*throws a mean cross-check*

Attached: anger.png (513x580, 593K)

shhhhh you'll wake them up

Attached: 1559085444455.gif (220x220, 43K)

Attached: Sabres 1.png (527x800, 273K)

>u wil b

Attached: 1559783969722.gif (373x280, 1021K)

Attached: 1524457221609.jpg (850x1200, 450K)

>*dabs to mask the grief*

Attached: dabres.png (302x553, 312K)

Attached: 99028710.gif (500x250, 868K)

You know you irrelevant when your fans start weeb posting

i hope everyone got is getting their annual allotment of onion rings

Attached: 1544591604559.gif (480x270, 3.83M)

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Seattle Sock-eyes

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i am seriously deficient, maybe Thursday I will get to have some


can you swallow a banana without chewing it?

sounds fair

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Where the fuck is the mod?

Attached: bill's room.jpg (800x446, 70K)

seattle 650million dollars


Attached: Chiaki isles.png (800x874, 420K)

Seattle Offseasons

The Seattle Mets?????????????

Guys, I see a future day of sadness for me

the new Franchise is gonna come out, and the uniforms will come out, and someone will get their hands of some official logo png's

and then plaster that shit all over some unrelated anime cartoons
>and then I'll die a little on the inside
so there's something you faggots can look forward to, I guess

Attached: 1544179313396.jpg (2400x1350, 605K)

Attached: Panthers 2.png (662x900, 470K)

Seattle Suckers, as in Cock

Seattle mets is fine historically

This is the worst anime edit, how long in MS paint?

weebs get the gas too

5 minutes. I tried it myself so thats why it looks bad....

Attached: boccc.png (450x393, 90K)

Ok, I give 5/8 for your honesty

Want to know how to fix this site? New IP's have a one week waiting period before they can post.


weebs > footfags or ayy posters 2bqhwy

You've never ran a website before have you?
>never ran a successful one anyway

I'm Tom from Myspace.

I'm not as great as these others in the thread. I feel like shit when I made that since it was so far from the quality I usually see

Attached: Kaos isles.png (295x528, 217K)

while this is true, they are still two categories set low on the collective bar

Attached: 1561225381144.jpg (500x401, 80K)

Tom, making a profile doesn't make the site yours
>please like my muffins recipe on instagrim I got kids to feed, Tom!!

Attached: 1552070114787.jpg (660x890, 233K)

I'll hook you up. check later

Yikes, nothing but grim posters other than me rn
I'll come back when the cool posters wake up

just remembered that finnish caillou song and had a slight chuckle at their language

That never happens and you know that

Has the Pulju news been confirmed?

Pure sniper

Attached: cole-caufield.jpg (800x533, 37K)


Attached: 1551308897465.png (1200x810, 167K)

for me its caillou kakko

that he love kissing his own nose?
we knew that already

How are people mad about anime on an anime website?

its been snowing in australia, sunbelt has become more of a nebulous concept at this point. now we are all /snowbelt/

Attached: sunbelt.webm (640x360, 2.87M)

the only good weeb is a dead weeb

what about on your island?

fair to light hate, with scattered hate and hate storms in the evening

Attached: 1547568835844.jpg (1014x1055, 191K)


Attached: pizzaboy.gif (230x220, 2.36M)

everybody here watches the AIHL so australia is honourary snowbelt

snows every year

prove it

then why arent you good at hokkei

got some onion rings from my local grocery store. they were okay, better than the shit you find in WINGS

Attached: sketch-1565658767424.png (2220x1039, 1.12M)

I don't have a good answer to that but you're a faggot anyway

why arent canadians as good as finns

Attached: bestgirl.png (1280x720, 984K)

imagine having the last name pitlick


Attached: 1564958707613.webm (1080x720, 2.51M)

Dunedin is a silly name
You may pass

yep, those are whores

Better than Ho Sang

Attached: hmm.jpg (435x600, 33K)


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ho sang sounds like a very stereotypical chink name that you hear all the time. pit lick though? that's something that would scar you from life from all the bullying

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Attached: tumblr_om79m9lCr81uyu80oo3_500.jpg (500x370, 30K)

not a very sturdy or particularly protective/warm fabric, seems like a bad choice for footwear


Imagine this picture instead of 2015 it's 2010

>Yes, i am a fan of the Maple Leafs. How could you tell?

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bulju rock is in the house tonight

>sucking on muh titties

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so many long dead trips (thank god). And prob about 75% of them Sean

I'm looking forward to the ploffs

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>why do you think i took you to see all those police academy movies?! for fun?! well i didnt hear anybody laughing.

haven't busted a load in the last few days lads.

/rph/ when

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use it or lose it as the saying goes

Shut the fuck up Yuma.

hello yes i would like to speak to finland?

He is kil

could bill live in yuma while playing in glendale?

enjoy rph while you can, because you are getting replaced.

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He can always take the 3:10 train to the game

Simpsons actually has some nice hockey references if you dig deep.

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Find a girl and bust in her lad
For me, it’s the balls deep creampie

needlessly rude, you are very close to being uninvited to my next barbecue

They should make the KHL play in the summer. This is gay and boring.

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The best Clint Eastern Western movie is High Plains Drifter where he rides into town and rapes the first woman he sees/

i love Clint Eastern movies

more of a Clint Western fan myself

don't do drugs

what if they're free?

That's how they get ya

say yes because drugs are expensive and its rude to turn down such a generous gesture

Clint Eastwood would do free drugs, that's all I'm saying

Clint Eastern wouldn't.

OP here, we're unironically the Thrashers. Lost by 2 tonight--I'm not usually one to pin it on the goalie, but he shat the bed tonight. 2 assists for me, think I was -1 though

he made a movie about transporting them he loves drugs so much

Wow he must really hate gooks too and is also and astronaut who went to space when he was 65

he didnt turn into color until he was like 50

>you could argue that jesse puljujarvi is more disappointing than griffin reinhart
what did shannon mean by this

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i'm back

>ranking that bust

watch did you find out?

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do >rags fans unironically think they are automatically better than the islanders?

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how will laffs fans ever recover?

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Pulju = 4th overall pick that they failed to develop, and are subsequently losing for nothing in return

Reinhart = 4th overall pick that the Islanders failed to develop but duped Edmonton into trading a first round pick(Matthew Barzal)+, while Edmonton subsequently lost Reinhart in the expansion draft, and Reinhart is now out of the league.

Which sounds worse? Probably the opposite of what Sharon thinks.

>huh? what?

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Isles at least built from that. Hell, edmonton gifted them three core players from simple ass trades (eberle, barzal, beauvilliar) simply because of chiarelli. They also did that to him back in boston for johnny boychuck, who I expect traded soon but that contract is very unfavorable

griffin reinhart is like the megabust of recent drafts. he never even scored a goal in the nhl. at least bulju managed to do that.

I wasn't shitting on the islanders with that post

I was proving your point by saying that

yeah like the ones where they all get high

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getting it ready, cuck?

More like already on the defensive because you know the Islanders over achieved last season and are going too finish bottom 3 this year.

Where's my devils waifus

well considering every year has a number 4 draft pick you sorta have to rank him somewhere

theyre not gonna finish bottom 3, and even if they did, theres like nothing to feel bad about given how good someone like byfield or lafrenniere is. They'll probably finished 3rd in the metro and lets say lose in 7 in the first round

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have one


bare feet > stockings

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>implying my folder isn't full of both

better start posting, the next thread is a doozie


Here for hockey

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Anime and /hoc/ are for fags.