Did he sign a Mark contract?
Did he sign a Mark contract?
He is The Mark Contract, that's why they call him The Undertaker and people sign their death will on him
This. Being a mark of him is also the ultimate sign of being a mark. And beimg carnied by the wrestling court/respect the business/handshake meme like a chump.
What a fucking ugly cancer this bitch ass cunt is.
>Undertaker still making fags seethe
nice headcanon
I don’t know about all that but Carder is fucking ugly
Lets see how you look when your 50+
He was definitely on a Mark contract.
Fucking marks
cry LMAO
He worked Vincetty by flirting with AEW
He signed with Allah brother
worked LMAO
Kek why ya cryin mark?
According to who?
I'm just playing with you brother. Mark is a bitch ass ugly motherfucking nigger. Ya ding-dong diddly get me?