I am actually depressed. This has ruined my entire week. Anyone else feel the same?

I am actually depressed. This has ruined my entire week. Anyone else feel the same?

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>supports cucked team
>gets cucked
when will they learn

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Strap in m8, we've only just started

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I actually was raised to support my team unlike you.



At least next Summer we'll have an eye watering amount of money to spend

Fuck off northern cunt, go be poor somewhere else

It will only get worse on Wednesday. Liverpool will put 6 past >us. Worst Chelsea line up I've seen in the Premier League for some time today, genuinely.

You deserve this

Yep. I'm not going to hear the end of this from my United supporting mates who have never been to Old Trafford for anything other than a stadium tour.

>literally forced to like a team
>literal cuck
checks out

just support Arsenal

should have respected Sarri you dumb cunts

trash team for trash fans

I wanted him to stay. Shame he ran away to >juvewinslol

wonder if abramovic will pull out before the end of the incoming horror season

We (>we)'re losing 7-0 to liverpool midweek too.

Kante needs to start, Chelsea got rekted in the counter but actually was quite good in the high press and united couldnt build up from the back. The first 3 goals were mostly due to awful defending and some Pogba magic, nothig which cannot be fixed once Rudi comes back. I actually think the season would be good with some tinkering and once Rudiger, RLC and CHO is back

London stinks of rat piss. Calling yourselves rich is like saying the average person in Dubai is rich and not an exploited worker surveying the elites

Abramovich thought he could replicate what Barca did with Pep by hiring Lampard lmao get fucking relegated you cucks

Deluded, >we are a Championship team in attack. Top half finish and a decent cup run is the best season we can expect to have. Thanks to Conte and Sarri we literally cannot string together several consecutive passes any more.

reminds me of the good days

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Why the fuck would you leave the back so exposed

Look at Uniteds lineup

>Martial, Rashford, James

Literally 3 fucking wingers. The only way they could do any damage was on counter attacks

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based maurizio

Press S to spit in the trashcan holding Chelsea's mortal remains.

The attack was subpar today and a bit unlucky but there were flashes of promise there, if they keep playing like this less those lapses of concentration in defence plus Kante starting I dont see a problem.

Chelsea just spent £100 million on Kovavic and a dabbing American.

Next summer you'll have a championship season to prepare for.

Looks like it's Chelshit's turn to be the banter club!

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You're asking Christensen/Zouma to not have lapses in concentration which means you can't have been watching their careers up to this point. Both careers are defined by an inability to concentrate or make the right decisions. Add in the fact that Azpi is getting past it and neither left backs look good defending, and you have what is comfortably Chelsea's worst defence of the PL era (t. supported Chelsea since 95). Rudiger is the only trustworthy one left.

Why did we sell Luiz again? When I saw that shitter Zouma who isn't even good enough for Everton on the pitch it was the first time I fucking craved for a Luiz in our defense. Now we have Rudi, Christ and fucking Zouma as our backbone. How the fuck did they allow this to happen? Also I always rated Sarri.

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Totally deserved for Jewing the transfer system - being cancerous babies and throwing out good managers because you don't get instant silverware. Finally being exposed for the joke of a club you are.


Sarri lost 6-0 at City, 4-0 at Bournemouth, 2-0 at Arsenal, 2-0 at Liverpool, 2-0 at Everton, 3-1 at Spurs, and 2-1 at Wolves. Worst Chelsea manager I've ever seen for away games. Those games I mentioned amount to 21 goals conceded, 2 goals scored, and 7 embarrassing defeats.

and yet you finished 3rd when it was impossible


enjoy finishing 8th this year, my EDL friend

Zouma has played really well for Chelsea before the injury though? Christensen is the one with the regular lapses in concentration, but he is young and has time on his side. Azpi is gr8 as always defensively but he contributes almost zero in attack. Emerson played well and none of the goals were his fault. If Luiz started here i doubt the result would change if its concentration/decision making we are worried about. Im optimistic because I really like the system Lamps has Chelsea playing and i think he is doing it the right way, with a few adjustments here and there Chelsea could do it.

Because he finally started playing RLC due to pressure from the fans. RLC made a positive impact in almost every game he played and he would have played none if Sarri was left to it. Also Arsenal and United were absolutely awful.

Kek, show me when Zouma played well for Chelsea. Always been a liability. He does this weird thing where he cannot actually time leaps, and always jumps far too early for headers, often leading to injuries as he lands awkwardly. It's bizarre but he has had this trait since 14/15 and even displayed it numerous times today. Add to that erratic tackling, poor positoning, and an inability to find even the simplest of passes. He's not even Everton level, but Chelsea fans, especially foreign bandwagoners I've noticed, hype him up because he's a le pacey strong black meme player. Le epic beast value in ultimate team doesn't translate to the PL. Zouma is utter trash.


I always support the strongest team. Keeps me away from depression.

Didn't you just notice that you lost 4-0 to an extremely vulnerable and experimental Man U side?
Respect Lamp's game plan to begin with but he had no ideas for the 2nd half.
Choosing leg-ernd Lamps over solid Sarri? Enjoy living the nightmare!

>wastes it all on $85 million for Ngubu, $50 million for a meme Porto defender, and $40 million for muh Brazilian Narutinho

you'll be fine and united will be in the shitter soon. anthony taylor cant do both your games every week

Sarri wanted to leave for Juventus and it's not like any big manager would take the job with a transfer ban and a bunch of championship loanees to work with.

Pedro has to sit. He should have been subbed not Ross

This is what you get for hiring a Frank Lampard that couldn't do better than 6th at a financial cheating Derby

Might as well have hired Steve McLaren

I'd rather have Frank Lampard than Steve McClaren if that's the calibre of manager we can attract with a transfer ban.


I don't think he could move that much capital under the Russia sanctions

the chelsea system worked when english teams were managed by english managers.
So you get a good foreign coach, you win.
Now that many teams have good foreign coaches, changing coach every year doesn't work anymore.