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What is Dortmunds refund policy? They tend to refund Bayern even years after having sold them players. I think they even refunded United for Kagawa
>100m total for a burger and Real reject
Can't belive Dortmund finnesed Chelsea for 60 Million for this shitter
>already outshone by a Swansea youth prospect
Welsh midget>America's 'great white hope'
no refunds
>they fell for the bundesliga meme
sl*vs are not white
he was shit in the bundesliga
blame chelsea's scouts for not watching games
>50m btw
>not rating Ngubovic
Bundesliga outside top 3 is like Eredivisie tier.
They've gotten significantly weaker in the last 5 years. I remember when they used to dab on Europa League and have 4 teams in round of 16 in CL.
Do Americans seriously believe he's a top player? Are americans really that dumb?
marketting move
americans ain't the ones who paid the transfer fee lmao
Great shirt.. Unfortunate face. he looks 50
this guy has such an annoying fucking face. he looks like a really specific type of american exchange student. bland, nasally, extremely arrogant, only dresses in his college's hoodies, has absolutely no interests or personality, his favourite rapper is logic, he's outwardly apolitical but goes on right wing rants when hes drunk, he cant dance, he wears cargo shorts every day and he always introduces himself as from wisconsin or whatever bumfuck flyover state hes from rather than just america. god i want to punch him in his fucking stupid face.
Imagine being british and deflecting this loss on Pulisic, a late game sub instead of Lampard and his shit tactics and lineup
sounds pretty fucking cool to me
If only
Why you guys have such a hate boner for this random dude?
>deflecting this loss on Pulisic
He was terrible. About 10 minutes after he came on the team conceaded 2 goals.
Yes because he plays CB. Did you even watch the game?
because amerimutts hype him up like he's the next messi
>Emre Mor
How the fuck do they keep getting away with it?
Missed offloading Fatze before his disease though
>americans trying to understand football
Im embarrassed
Because they got eliminated by USA in U20 world cup
No he's a forward, sounds like you're the one who didn't watch the game.
>cb = everything to do with conceading goals
You stupid fucking plank.
did you watch the game?
Literally too stupid to understand sarcasm. It was the CBs who gave up the goals. Does he play CB? You cant possibly be this stupid.
I'm the one who thinks Pulisic is a CB, you can damage control harder.
Absolutely shocking that you could be this stupid. It doesn't even make sense in context if actually saying he's a CB. I was saying the CBs gave up the goals. He doesn't play CB. How are you this dense?
No you said he's a CB and I corrected you, let it go.
I've never ever seen anybody say anything about him other than his detractors
>gave up the goals
stop using incorrect terminology
It doesn't even make sense in context if I was saying he was a CB. You're either drunk or incredibly stupid. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
We all make mistakes, it's okay to admit you were wrong about Pulisic's position.
Midfielders DO help in defensive play you know. Chelsea were much more compact and stronger in midfield with Barkley. Then on came Pulisic and his lack of awareness is clear to see.
Shocking that Mason Mount was such shit. Almost as bad as Lampard.
The goals were all down Pedro's side. Pedro was bad. Had nightmare of a game. Should have been Pulisic for Pedro, not Ross Barkley
why are you lying? the 3rd goal happened because of a pulishit turnover
Damn pretty accurate actually desu
he was clearly being sarcastic, but that doesnt change the fact that he knows jackshit
I've met this guy a few times
You mean seconds after he had won the ball in their final third? The goal was on Pedro for getting absolutely toasted, then the CB not marking as well.
The only proof of American stupidty here is you. Reconsider what actually could have been meant
They're already lining up the next ones. Watch them sell Sancho for 150m+ then sell Reyna in a few years time for the same amount
You can tell they're already setting up Reyna for it. They're so good at flipping players.
I wouldn't be surprised if they sold Sancho at the end of this season, invested some of the money in someone like Okafor, built up him and Reyna then started from the beginning again, all while they're waiting on the big payday Moukoko will get them
Based Stewart Webber
Is there anyone better at it? Only good export they had they ran off in Klopp
Benfica, Porto and Ajax are all great at it. They manage to generate great fees, despite the leagues being utter wank
>I wiki'd "CB" after anons started to make fun of me and now I'm backpedalling as hard as I can: the posts
Embarrassing yourself. Must be because not native English speaker. Couldn't possibly be this dense to not understand obvious sarcasm.
>says he’s from England or whatever bumfuck place instead of just UK
Very accurate post
Good post
UK is basically England.
it's funny because it's true
it's the most British thing ever to blame the loss on Pulisic
fat Frank should just keep Pulisic benched and continue losing every game 5-0
Keep starting Mount you unbelievably cretinous inbreds, he looked great out there. Zouma too, wow, great starting line-up. Definitely don't start the 2 World Cup winners in the squad either, no, start Mount LMAO. Jesus christ. Fucking Brits. English coaches have to be on par with American coaches as "worst in the entire world"
They are both retards. South "slavs" are predominantly from the Mediterranean race.
fuck now I'm going to get some English responses, "Honestly Zouma wasn't that bad apart from giving up 4 goals, it was more Pulisic's fault because my great grandparents were brother and sister and I have inbred genetics
So when will Chelsea sign Sancho so he gets cucked again?
I'm still shocked Woody didn't pay at least twice that for him
He seems extremely based
Dortmund are probably pretty sure they'll lose him at the end of this season if he has another similar season.
Pulisic ain't going to shag you, mate
Nailed it
Sancho will probably go to Manure, they need a right winger badly.
Wew lad good post
if he has another season like the last he'll be able to pick
>his record american signing is shit
>"bu-bu-but he was no worse than these academy players who were in the championship last season"
Embarrassing post
well to be fair in most languages england = britain
Even Hazard was shit in first game. A little ridiculous to call him a failure or shit after one game he was a late sub in.
>knee-jerk reaction to a 19 year old getting subbed on for the first time ever with 30 minutes to go in a 4-0 thrashing at old trafford
>he's shit mate worst player ever he doesn't want to fuck you
it wasn't 4-0 when he was subbed on.
merci pierre
It's really sad and pathetic how euroahmeds are willing to go through mental gymnastics to blame Pulisic for everything, even as a sub in his debut game. I mean, what kind of a brainlet do you have to be to correlate a player being subbed in late to the team losing because the defense (Zouma, Azpi) went full retard afterwards?
even Americans don't truly believe Pulisic is anywhere close to the quality you need to be in the starting 11 of a top 4, nay top 6 premier league side.
Would be good at a midtable side.
>people think pulisic isn't the next hazard
just watch
first of all i said he'd be exposed in the prem the day he was signed. i was right. i also said lampard will be exposed
with that out of the way pulisic will now dominate. as long as lampard stops being retarded
>his favourite rapper
>he cant dance
Yeah, you're "urban youth", we get it.
>he can't fucking dance
You defend as a team in this sport
At least understands sarcasm
Here come the American damage control hours
When he inevitably scores in week or two, the levels of cope here will be legendary. They seriously might have to shut down the board when it happens.
>going on 3h after the match ended
>one amerilard still valiantly defending pulishit against maybe 1 kraut and a brit
The MSM truly underestimates how powerful 4channel is.
You're paying the Glorified Trump Fence fee though
the chad jadon
>this gaydon san
Bring out your german proxy, incel
*gaydon sanshit
Seems like the kind of guy you'd want to smoke with desu
Holy seethe
He's from Pennsylvania, retard. Not exactly a flyover state.
Imagine what he does against other FBs
every state other than new york texas and california is flyover
retard bong. texas is flyover
This is almost painfully accurate. I honestly think Americans are made in some kind of factory.
sauce on mlady?
so this is USA's best player???
>implying Zumba and white nigger lipped Dave didn't look like a relegation tier defenders
Pulisic had a bad game, but that school boy defense was absolutely embarrassing. Zuma makes Luiz look like Terry by comparison. That back line of Dave, Christensen, rude nigger, and Emerson is going to get Lampard sacked by October.
He is technically right though
>englel mad because all of their prospects are Irish or ngubus
Dancing is for gay men and women pal
Funny thing about that game is, Chelsea could've been leading the score if that dark fella aimed a tit bit better and Manure looked like utter shite until they got given the, completely retarded, penalty.
Not to mention how they've been given next two goals for free too.
Blaming any single one Chelshit player for that loss (sans maybe the idiot that fouled in the box) is not fair as the whole team was completely abysmal.
Frank's at the wheel, I guess.
accurate kek
Lmao Spurs signed Ndombele for the more money and the difference between these two on the first game of the season is night and day.
he played 30 minutes and Chelsea defenders gave up shitty route 1 counter goals
fuck, imagine being the next manager after the last three got run off by a brainlet fanbase.
No refunds.
>best player
best ever american player
americans are pathetic lmao
shouldn't have loaned out Ampadu desu
I don't get what teams see in him. He hasn't developed tactically since he was 18
You kinda hurt my feelings t b h
He was running away from a FB in his own half? Also, just when the vid cuts off he lost the ball
Oh no no no
They had some goalkeepers who were better
Kek this is insanely accurate, half the people I went to college with were like this
A big fat reminder that Euro countries are literally 90+% white.There are only few cities infested with diversity.Meanwhile you are ruled by Mr.Goldstein on the coast,lose the whole southern states to beaners and are literally 56%.Also 13% of the population are descendants of Nbugus.
Screencap the OP and at the end of the season it will br a meme
>60M for the american di maria
K kinda busy
You are atupid
>Pulisic comes on after an hour and has little impact on the match
>Yuros make harmless banter
>I can't handle it
What the FUCK is my problem lads??
25% beaners and 12% blacks > 10% Muslims
It's ok bro, just tell them Mason Mount was shit, Tammy too, and they get just as butthurt.
Underrated post