>Chuck Taylor vs PAC >Jake Hager vs QT Marshall >Colt Cabana & SCU (Christopher Daniels, Frankie Kazarian, & Scorpio Sky) vs. The Dark Order (Evil Uno, Stu Grayson, John Silver, & Alex Reynolds) >Big Swole in action
My Brain says it's Matt but my gut say's it's CD. I dunno AEWChads
Brayden Sanchez
>it's a coldshotting episode
Levi Sanchez
>Colt Cabana in 2020 way to drive off viewers OH NO NO NO NO NO
Tyler Hill
Its harper you retards
Carter Thompson
Jesus is that a shitty card or what. Will they all be squash matches?
Isaac Nguyen
It would be dumb to have it be CD after he already came out for the save in the revolution preshow
Leo Phillips
>>Jake Hager vs QT Marshall sub 100k inc
Luke Morales
Blood and Guts is the WarGames match at the end of the PPV
William Robinson
It's not a ppv
Aiden Scott
Plus, one has to wonder where Cody's head is at following the loss to MJF Saturday night. In a match that “The American Nightmare” likely expected would put the demons of MJF and Wardlow to rest, instead he found himself on the losing end, telling the fans “I'm sorry” as he exited the ring, disappointment etched across his face. Does Cody put this aside and try to move on with his life? CAN he even do that? There are likely a thousand questions spinning around in his head, multiple scenarios of just what path to take now, but only Cody can decide how to proceed.
Even a victory over two men who were once his brothers was not enough to bring some peace to Adam Page, and it even seemed, if only for a moment, Hangman internally deliberated on laying out Omega with a Buckshot Lariat. Go back, watch closely as Page stood on the ramp, the hands were there in position, and he seemed poised to slingshot into the ring, but then stopped to hold the ropes open for his partner. Even Kenny was cognizant of the moment, questioning just what Hangman was about to do, but ultimately they made their way back up the ramp as a unit. What, or should it be who, is next for the champs? And what of the Young Bucks as they once more failed to capture the World Tag Team Titles they covet so dearly?
this is the good stuff
Sebastian Long
Elijah Clark
>Chuck taylor singles match Based and big dustpilled
Joshua Harris
nice headcanon
Owen Ortiz
>Big Swole in action Why? Keep that shitter on Dark.
Ethan Sanders
thats not me, that was on OP link
Cameron Morris
She can put together sequences of spots without it looking like one of the Bucks rehearsed performances.
Ian Smith
>when QT Marshall gets more airtime on Dynamite than most of your women's roster
Ryan Rodriguez
I wonder where his head was when he got that tattoo
Jonathan Lewis
What? She was fucking lost during the 4-way. Her strike combination and finisher not only look like shit but her opponent needs to stand still like a retard too.
David Martinez
sammy on his vlog channel confirmed that he's teaming with Jericho to face Darby and Mox. The same dudes can't keep wrestling every wed and Kenny might have a slightly injured hand. so he needs the night off.
Andrew Bailey
This is either her husband or her posting
Kayden Flores
thinking about hhh
Jose Stewart
guess they build towards jericho-mox rematch
Owen King
>Hager vs QT: probably a squash match >Chuck vs PAC: filler match >SCU vs DO: an angle that haven't been going anywhere if nothing big happens anytime soon. They bluballed CD's heel turn too long and dropped the ball >Pushing Swole when they have better and hotter talents. Where's Shanna, Shida, random joshi, Britt etc? Women division is shittier since Riho lost the belt >Tag team main event: the only decent match on the card Sorry bros I take it back, I don't think this one will be the one breaking 1mil, looks shitty. We'll just have to wait for greener pastures
CD is not the exalted one. Its either Matt or someone else. As for Swole, yes Shida should be getting more appearances since i think blood&guts is that Special episode where everything pops off. Sucks the only heel besides Nyla is Britt.
Caleb Gomez
Why are they highlighting Big Swole after Shida beat her last week
That and swole is actually getting over with the crowd strangely enough.
Brayden Powell
is matt hardy cucked for 90 days by a no compete clause or does that only apply if they release you before your contract's natural expiration date
Daniel Morales
The latter I believe.
Ryan Fisher
She's going to be Nyla's next contender. Shida will probably be saved for DoN.
Dylan Myers
>>Chuck Taylor vs PAC story wise makes sense but not something people would want to see >>Jake Hager vs QT Marshall should be a squash. is dustin going to come out? >>Colt Cabana & SCU (Christopher Daniels, Frankie Kazarian, & Scorpio Sky) vs. The Dark Order (Evil Uno, Stu Grayson, John Silver, & Alex Reynolds) exalted one or its a bust >>Big Swole in action this has to mean shes facing a rando. shida is there tho theres also archer's debut. i get that your big stars need to take a break but man this card isnt going to get people to watch all of it. potential matt hardy and the mox match are the only things. lets see how it goes
Dylan Martin
>this has to mean shes facing a rando.
If it is a rando, i would start using this to find more women who could be heel. That division has Nyla, Britt, and Penelope atm. Bea and Jamie are 80/20 at this point.
Joshua Evans
Then why did she eat the pin?
Oliver Parker
Archer is debuting tonight also. My bet is he debuts in the main event to either beat the shit out of Mox or back him up
Blake Gray
To fluff Shida's record, so she can say she beat the former #1 contender.
James Cook
>Bea and Jamie are 80/20 at this point. they might as well be non existent at this point. showing up once every couple of months wont help shit
Wyatt Reyes
Darby mox and archer trio wouldbe dimes
Aaron Edwards
>Colt Cabana & SCU (Christopher Daniels, Frankie Kazarian, & Scorpio Sky) vs. The Dark Order (Evil Uno, Stu Grayson, John Silver, & Alex Reynolds)
I'm being completely honest when I say you would have to pay me to sit through this.
Christopher Fisher
Nobody gives a shit about cody anymore. He was buried got lashed humiliated, beaten, got his ass kicked by mjf and his finisher the crossroad got buried. The tattoo is atrocious and killed his aura, the entrance was cringe and made people draw the comparisons with him and HHH. It's all over
Lincoln Reyes
is there confirmation to the trio rumor stuff that was going around not too long ago?
Owen Robinson
It wasn't a rumor Kenny mentioned something about it on the cruise
Matthew Smith
Based Cody sacrificing everything for the sake of the show. His body his rep even putting a Jew over
Mason Gonzalez
We got are blood&guts match then.
Nathaniel Wright
>Chuck Taylor holy >QT Marshall fucking >Big Swole yikes
This is the worst card they've done why are they advertizing this.
Elijah Lee
Only on the web site. The only match on their twitter is Mox/Darb and Jericho/Sammy. Archer’s debut and the exalted one are the points of interest. And matt is really fanning the flames with his tweet
Easton Lee
EWWWWW please no. Is there actually anyone who wants to see this match again?
Cameron Jenkins
It’s probably for the Wargames match and not an actual rematch. MJF is probably the next feud for Mox
Gabriel Cooper
sounds pretty bad, that's a worry there's no elite match so hopefully they will actually move that storyline forward with a promo segment instead of just having more "great" matches
Jack Edwards
this will be the worst dynamite so far if hardy doesn't came up
Christian Lee
Only two people of color? Looks like an NXT night.
Lincoln Jackson
The 90 day clause is only for those who quit or get fired. Although it’s a bullshit clause that has been easily overcome in the past
James Perez
Figures, they have to start building new people up and I knew the Elite were going to have to take a backseat after Revolution. At least we are getting a dope main event and at least two debuts.
Adrian Adams
>Jake Hager >QT Marshall >Colt Cabana >Big Swole
How to lose half of your live audience in just a few quarters.
Henry Robinson
kek. this will be their lowest rated episode of 2020.
Dominic Howard
There's no way their numbers are going down after Revolution, probably their reasoning. Still if they had at least included one Elite match this shit probably would have broke 1 mil.
Dominic Roberts
Watch them do 825k and up. I don’t seem them going below that.
Without the Elite, this roster is exposed, they gotta depend on the main event to carry the job.
Jaxson Rogers
When will Phillip the Chick Magnet make his debut?
Chase Young
Nice more Leva webms.
Charles Perez
For some reason AEW wants her to be their Bianca.
Camden Garcia
Then it was stupid that she got pinned last week, women division is being booked like WWE main roster.
Benjamin Cox
>dark order
With the way matt is being cryptic on twitter earlier, watch people tune in for that alone.
Samuel Young
Doesn't Matt have a 90 day no compete clause?
Lucas Wright
no compete only occurs if you're fired or quit
David Richardson
>Shida will probably be saved for DoN. I consider All Out as AEW's Wrestlemania so expect her to be going for the belt by then.
Nathaniel Anderson
Bah Gawd. NXT will win this week.
Anthony Clark
No way does Shida wait till DoN. Especially since Nyla beat Swole on Dynamite last month.
Lincoln Harris
>Colt Cabana & SCU (Christopher Daniels, Frankie Kazarian, & Scorpio Sky) vs. The Dark Order (Evil Uno, Stu Grayson, John Silver, & Alex Reynolds) >Big Swole in action
Nah. Not with the Revolution Fallout. Plus you have a debut and the exalted one segment.
Camden Sanchez
>Colt blindsides and takes out SCU and joins the Dark Order >Grabs a mic >"If you think I'm the Exalted One. Guess again. I know him, and have been in contact with him for quite some time now. You know what, he's here and he's ready to reveal himself." >10 seconds of silence >LOOK IN MY EYES WHAT DO YOU SEE
Ian Watson
are they trying to lose this week?
William Russell
Anyone have Pre-AEW matches of Peter Avalon? Is he any good in the Indy scene?
Liam Scott
Cm Punk chants.
Samuel Perry
>Cope Cabana in 2020 He's going to receive a generous push because he's a veteran hotdogger