
Big Strong Wales Edition

Week 1
>Sun 11 Aug
2:05 PM Bay of Plenty v Otago, Tauranga Domain, Tauranga
4:35 PM Manawatu v Hawke’s Bay, Central Energy Trust Arena, Palmerston North

>Mon 12 Aug
1:00 AM England v Wales, Twickenham Stadium, London
(2PM Sat local)

**all times in official RWCT**


Join the /rug/ lads on the RWC Superbru predictor:

Attached: the weak should fear the strong.jpg (620x447, 29K)

Other urls found in this thread:


The World-topping Welshmen

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Few things are as heroic as doing your hammy while scoring an intercept try.

just took a massive New Zealand lads

>literally only won 2 of their last 5
>against Italy and Argentina

sounds like they're dropping their own welshs

Fucken stoked that Hansen has finally been EXPOSED. Give Schmidt and Razor the helm now.

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s m h.com.au/sport/rugby-union/read-em-and-weep-the-host-of-records-the-wallabies-smashed-in-perth-20190811-p52fz7.html

full details

I hope England wins the cup just to piss off that salty faggot stephen jones.

>The All Blacks lost something they may never fully get back after being humiliated by a stunning Wallabies performance in Perth.

>They will always be respected, always have a nursery of remarkable talent, but the intimidating aura which has served them so well fell with an almighty thud in an exhilarating test match.

>The fear factor is largely gone, there is a very good chance that the Webb Ellis Cup will follow and the sort of long domination which the incomparable Richie McCaw inspired may well have disappeared forever.

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ye of little faith its time to rewatch weight of a nation

goodhue out for next week

would prefer:
Good, hue out for next week.

Picking 10+ red cards at the world cup lads

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A draw at Eden Park is enough for Australia to win back the Bledisloe, right?

we won't have 15 left to make a team

There'd be a handful of red cards every game according to this if they policed cleanouts.

was Barrett "tackling" someone off the ruck or cleaning someone out?

He was tackling Hooper.

>Mitigating factors
>BC dropping in height
Allo' Allo' fuck that you can have a red card KEK


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No Goodhue
No Crotty
No Retallick
No Barrett

youse guys is fucked

No you

*beats you 16 on 14*

Is refreshing to see Kiwis complaining about the ref even though they were losing even with refball on their side including a blatant forward pass try before one of their morons shoulder charged our captain in the Brad.

poo peeland

End of round 1

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plz no bully

truly the patricians competition.

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Beaver at 10, 'Cuda at 13

Jonathan Davies is the best centre in the world.

Never heard of him.

is he the one to save new zealand?

can any welsh anons tell me if that squidge cunt is actually welsh, sounds like posh English combined with autism to me

I wouldn't even be mad if New Zealand win the world cup because of a Nonu redemption arc, it'd be pure kino

He's half welsh but grew up in Nottingham
I actually know him, we played in the same team from about u15-17
He wasn't very good desu

did spend a little too long looking at your cock in the showers?

don't let /fs/ see this

The loss also means Josh Ioane can't get some game time against a quality team before the WC.

Don't even want to win the WC tttt, just as long as irelel don't.

It'll be RSA or E*gland.

AUS > ARG > RSA > NZL >>>> filth

Quick trip to asda then rugby




Ireland casuals are the worst rugby fans in the world. At least arrogant English casuals are a laugh, fake humble Irish casuals are annoying as fuck


odd post.

Oh I don't know lad, the six nations over the last few years have really brought out the worst Wales fans.
Kind of fans that go to fuck all games all year, but then pretend like they love rugby. There for a pissup on a Saturday rather than the games. Usually think Halfpenny is the best player in the world.

I unironically think Ireland have some of the best supporters in the world, especially at club level.

Oh of course those English cunts would have the game on sky sports. Looks like it's a stream instead then.

I reckon most of you lot are fairweather cazzies who only watch the NT, so stick that in your pipe and smoke it

t. spends every game with /rug/ instead of actually going

I went on Friday. Now what.

Now I rip you apart with my bare hands.

cringy stuff.

So shook you couldn't even bring yourself to reply. That's how you emasculate a kiwi lads.

Wales by 20, really grim lineup from England

I was about to write a post suggesting we should get some slack because of the sincere club support and the less class-ridden grassroots, but when I hone the base down purely to the NT casuals, I think we might actually have the worst.
They're the kinds of people who sound like they're pining in real life for reddit good boy points. Desperately trying to hide an insecure arrogance by being agreeable, etc.
Our football fans are like that as well to an extent, except the retardation is turned up a few notches because they genuinely call themselves the best football fans in the world, meanwhile they let the domestic league rot because they're too busy watching are boys in Liverpool.

Disagree, there's players starting for England that have played brilliantly all season. Not only that but they'll be hungry as fuck to perform at home and for a WC place. If they click it'll be a lot closer.

any poonion on tonight my posh counterparts?

Literally England v Wales in 3 hours

Let me start off by saying that I am all for free speech.

However, as we have seen with the Israel Folau saga, not all free speech is necessarily good, nor should all free speech be free from consequences.

I've been on this subreddit for a while now, and have been a rugby supporter for longer than I can remember. This sub has generally always followed the sport in the way that it is a pleasant place to be, filled with pleasant, passionate and like minded people. Because of this, I spend way more time than is healthy for a normal individual, and I consider several people on here to be friends.

However over the past year especially, I have seen a very dramatic change in the way some individuals on this sub have been completely ignoring one of the fundamental principles of our beautiful sport, which is to respect the ref. The result of this is that the match threads have become a very toxic, sad and disgusting enviroment, one which myself and I see others have started avoiding. This is an extremely unfortunate situation, in particular during a World Cup year when we can expect the number of subscribers and fans to grow. It is a bad advert for the subreddit, but most of all it's a bad advert for the sport.

Sure, refs make mistakes, but they are human. Constructively criticise the ref, suggest a solution (that should have been a penalty) all you want, but do it in a respectful way. Comments like "fuck this ref", "this ref is a cunt", "ban this French fuck", etc are not on and should have no place on this subreddit.

To quote Nigel Owens, "this is not soccer".

Respecting the referee is one of the fundamental principles of Rugby Union. As such, it should be one of the fundamental rules of the subreddit covering Rugby Union.


ok frikkin based

The Mods are doing a great job, but they understandably cannot deal with everything, especially with all the shit that goes on in a match thread. However, it is clear that it has come to the stage where something must be done. If there isn't one already, I propose that the mods introduce a rule which would specifically ensure that referees (and all match officials, TMOs, etc) are to be respected, and that unconstructive and disrespectful criticism of match officials are to be reported to the mods, and deleted.

I really think that the match threads wil become a much better place if we deal with this issue.

I hope you are able to understand my post and the sentiment behind it, and I apologise for my English if I am not clear.

>warm up
ok this is cringe

Are Wales, dare I say it, the best team in the world right now and favourites to win the WC?

I bet this got a million upvotes. God they make me wince with cringe sometimes, why do they always seem to virtue signal so hard?

based blowies

are you trying to get big strong me to watch the match?

Bookies have us behind NZ, England and I think Ireland too. I think we're in a good position to get far though.
Beat Australia then we can start to get hype

>live on the other side of the country to my local team
>they don't webcast games because it's semi-pro
>have to keep up with scores on facebook and their official instagram page

Seriously, they could have summed it up as "I'm usually all for free speech, but Izzy is a fucking knobhead for saying that and I don't agree with how he broadcasts his views" instead of being a bleeding heart.

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Genuinely wake up every day thankful that this place exists. Was talking to some guys at work the other day and referred to the French as the frog cunts and they just looked at me funny.

We'll be #1 ranked in the world if we win today, lad.

Without technically beating the best team in the world which is pretty devilish.

I just want you to know you have saved me a a bud a trip to our local betting shop.

Hoping Wales are gonna win today

Have SA got better odds now they're back to being good? Good work if you put a WC bet on them just before the championship when they had poor odds.

Only the NH cazzies and that one guy who hates RA counted out SA/Aus for the world cup.

they looked good last year as well

inexperienced at top level, haven’t played together, plus ford at 10

pardon me?

You were probably acting cringe as fuck. Everyone hates French cunts deep down, you just have to bring it up in the appropriate setting

not gonna make it to kickoff

will watch the Terror before sreeping however

>Paying for Sky Sports

AWJ gets injured and we shouldn't even bother going to Japan, just send that Welsh place in Argentina instead of us.

fukken hell I spent £68 on a week shop down in asda lads, that's for one person too

Why wouldn't you unless you're poor?
They have hd coverage of almost every major sport.


Remember that name.

I've been to Fukuoka.


was his return game kino?

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Yes. He was great.

I shat on him all week but he was nothing short of brilliant.

>only beat Argentina by 4 points
>tie with South Africa
>smacked by Aussie
We're done, aren't we?

feeling very on edge today hmmm

Well look it's better any problems become apparent now so that they can be worked on, than in the world cup.
I'd fear a new zealand that is hurting and looking to regain some lost pride.

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Spend about 90-120 pound sterling a week in Tesco but half that is alcohol and yoyomillions tickets

Holy fuck lads, this might actualy be true.
Maybe manu tuilagi if he wasn't made of glass could challenge him.

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>v instead of x

Our provincial bandwagoners are worse than the NT ones.

Don't forget losing to Ireland just 2 games previously.

Lads how the mcfuck do i get on this stream, boomer dad asked me to get him the rugby on the 'pirate internet' and vipbox wants my card details

>England being complete fucking Jews and airing it on Sky Sports
Get fucked. Anyone got a stream?

you're using this with an adblocker, yeah? Because holy fuck don't give them your card details

No adblocker because it's dads pc but all the usual tricks. Once I've gotten rid of all the pop-up crap, the player i'm left with doesn't start a video, but opens a video in a new tab that asks me to make an account with card. What do I need to do lad dad's fuming

Boomer dad and zoomer son, what a combo.

get an adblocker, jesus christ.

Pls user
I can't let my dad down like this

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Kek what the fuck are you doing lad

Have done that now but it's still taking me to the russian bollocks as posted above

VIP box had turned to complete shit. Someone usually posts a decent stream in the r*ddit thread.

None of these sites work if you use a proper adblock (like ublock and noscript). They work with adblock plus on Chrome, but still let shit loads of popups through, which just shows how shit adblock is


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You're too early. The streams only go up about 5 minutes before kickoff

Thank you based user, my father will not disown me today

Why do thou hate darts?

You know what lads, I'm thinking about making a flask of coffee for the game, why the fuck not.


Just getting it saying ‘the game is about to begin’

Anthems will be kicking in soon, when the fuck does this start

Sounds good senpai

Good luck my English lads, no animosity today, let's hope this is a stonking match

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lul goodhue looks like tommy gunn from rocky 5

feeling nervous, seriously think we're about to be thrashed in an embarrassing fashion

you talking about English cricket?

>ford captain
just why

Well who else would you give it to in that starting 15

Cazziechads rise!

Anyone got a really good stream?

When you watch the game, you miss Tipuric. When you watch Tipuric, you see the whole game.

Name a more iconic duo

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I don’t have a good feeling, the Welsh looked like a block of lads on a mission warming up, we looked like deer staring at the cameras. I also don’t like the darkie bolter sky are mastubating over.

Stream is laggy as fuck

Try crictv

So iconic it has even spawned copycats

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Yeah mines just bombed out

Yea mate right here
*unzips pants*
*streams piss all over your face*

my stream is flawless
wales look poor so far

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no ones asked about your piss

Well this is a good start. Sort it out you fucking stupid cunts

my streams terrible
wales look shit on it as well

>moriarty is our 8 for the world cup
Yeah we ain't gonna win shit.

Share stream fat boy

>Wales vs a team of niggers who aren’t even English
Fucking lol

Ahh yes the obligatory Gareth Davies charge down.

>nigs chimping out
What’s new

so davies has been charged down and thrown an interception so far

some lad so he is

What a boring match

>not a single functioning stream

fucking reeeeee

poor start from the best team in the world vs england's D team

Is swing low the only song the England fans know

He's glacially slow too. Great open field player but not a good 9. He's like a turbo Perenara

try cricfree got a perfect one on it

Fuck me it's only a warm up, either give the try or don't

Wales always start badly in a series of internationals
First half against France in the 6N was dogshit

When Welsh lads go to England does it feel like a different country?

They don’t really do corned beef pasties in Greggs aside from certain places in the north so yeah I fucking do

How the fuck has Hadleigh Parkes made the squad of a tier 1 rugby nation

Yes, lots of brown people there.

are you watching it on a potato? its fucking shit

Quality isn’t great but it’s stable unlike vip

Wales hiddening your tricks for WC

all too easy

homebabbies exposed again

>why would you pay for sky sports

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>Born in Australia to Tongan parents, he qualified for England through residency. He made his England debut in 2013 and has since won 36 caps.
>through residency
>not even English
That’s fucking poor lmao

>Hadleigh Parkes and Gareth Anscombe may be first picks in a #1 team in your lifetime
Dunno how to feel lads

Holy shit, do Wales even play rugby lads?

Came back from 16-0 down against France. England fatties will be gassed by 60 minutes.

Who's going to start making the Wales county jokes?


>thinking Wales can do a Scotland


Moriarty is complete and utter garbage.

No, not those.

no need
just look at the score

Wales have a totally different attacking structure so far. In the 6N it was largely off 9 with lots of tip ons in the forwards, here it's much wider off 10.

Looking at Wales actually off load the ball makes me wonder why we're so shit

At least we used to have being two reductive teams in common

i had to say it didnt i
here comes the collapse


God damn I forgive his complete lack of scrum half skills when he can score tries like that.

best scrum half in the world in the loose


>Daly diving like he's a goalkeeper

Ringrose offloaded once yesterday!

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Same zima gon watch bbc highlights

>Wainwright shows his experience
uhh yeah all of what? 5 caps? bravo maggie

Shitty quality but it works

Based woman

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Good match this

Why do they insist on bringing on women who don't even play at U16 level. They have their own league, go over there.

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We look so good when we throw the ball around a bit, but we only seem to do it when we're behind or desperate.

This Wales attack is literally 2016/17 Scarlets. Jon Davies down the tramlines all day

>ded curry
heh nothin personel

>George Ford's half arsed attempt at tackling
>Dropped Cipi for this
Really makes me think

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Williams's defence is next level these days. Can't see Halfpenny starting a big game again

daly crocked aswell
the wheels are coming off the chariot already

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>Can't see Halfpenny starting a big game again
Good, the guy is basically a danger to himself at this point when it comes to his defensive efforts. Nearly as bad a sexton

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>seedless avocado


Thats what it was reminding me of

Anyone have any stream other than VipBox? It's totally unwatchable.

Get Anscombe off fuck me

Get off the fucking field anscombe you stubborn prick

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www DOT stream 2watch DOT ws/live/sky-sports-action-online
also shit, but not as bad as vipbox for me

welp another one bites the dust

>there is nobody in world rugby who is as technically good at tackling as courtney lawes
barnes is a clown

thanks Francois/Frankzeben

This commentary bias

sorry butt, am welsh in swistir

>le late hit on the 10 man is always totally 100% legal for sure

how can north be so big but so utterly pathetic in defence? daly made about 5m driving into him then

cheers taffy

Scared of getting heemed?

Slow lifting this time

he lacks #heart

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no problem spud

pathetic efforts

With the amount of concussions he's had, I don't even think he knows where he is. Gatland just keeps forcing him out there.

Is eddie jones even capable of smiling at this point

the wind changed the last time he took a shit

we look shite, definitely need to try wainwright at 8 because moriarty can't make metres for shit

he cute

Is this the worst Wales have played for over a year??

Wales vs New Zealand cripple fight.

Moriarity isn't out there to make metres, he's there to strangle poor, unsuspecting fly halves

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oh yes, we're playing proper fookin shite

It was a carbon copy of the first half against France

Best in the world versus second best in the world

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they were awful against a more awful France
Cokanasigas defence is wank, he showed this against Japan and another team as well

>if england win by 15+ here and win in wales next week they're #1

based eddie's masterplan

This england team scare me
They need to bring back robshaw asap

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>England winning in Cardiff
Choke central

Wales look uninterested
England look hungry

Well it was a nice 12 hours we were number 1.

Need to start kicking it into touch. I don’t think I’ve seen one kick yet, fucking hell.

>this team got the grandslam

Agreed. Walels looking like it's their 9-5 shift at Gregg's

>Wales’ national sport

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>Lawes chimping out

big al started it tbf

This was allowed somehow

uninspiring stuff but we really have a knack of grinding teams down

Whats with the England wogs playing dirty and aggro? They were doing it in the six nations too. Rotten attitude.

Holy fuckin shit this stream

For fucks sake is he just going to let this fighting go on without a card. England are chimping out all over the place.




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Vunipola has utterly dispatched moriarty ab out 4 times now, it's starting to get embarassing

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Ideally you'd want Aled's fundamentals with Gareth's running.

Now that they've won the RC they can forget about winning this year's RWC.

I unironically think Lawes is the hardest tackler right now

I unironically think you’re a cunt

Loves a hand off so he does

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Lmao cappuccino boy cant contain his genetic desire for violence, he never takes full speed tackles hes a cuck.

davies got a mean fend

Cips tackle is harder right now if you know what i mean.

Lawes again, unit

Never takes full speed tackles hes a nancy boy

Are there any actual English players? They just seem to be playing hordes of N’gubus

there are but they play for wales and scotland

Not many, basically a team of angry roidy ngubus that play dirty

Moriarty and North

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>focusing on Daniel Craig just because
Fuck off Sky this isn’t Wimbledon

english d team beating the welsh a++ team


It's Milton Keynes right now. Not longer Wimbledon.

Says a team a coconuts.

Thats the English A++ team mate wtf are you on about? Dont know much about rugby so you?

Is there anything he can't fend off?

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don’t see that very often

>Only wales can stop NZ winning the WC they said

>Daly and ford
>d team

Lmao you have to be 18 to post here m8

The WC final shall be Argentina x Japan

>England’s A team at Twickenham only 14 points ahead
Lmao lad pls

looked forward to me

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why dont wales just score more points

Too easy.

still won tho

Nah England v south africa

>2 World Cups in a single year
Can you imagine?

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>Wales will never be ranked number 1 in your life time

Pathetic, smashed by some random England team thrown together. We won't even beat Australia and go out in the quarters.

>a tmo rules against England


i'm just here to laugh at wales lads
i don't actually watch this sport

>needing sports to laugh at wales

We need other worlds to challenge us.

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>Sam Johnson.

ah lad these warm up games dont matter at all
they're a piss take

the way wales tried to play look really impressive

>lose 1st ranking spot
>cripple the confidence of team
>boost the confidence of england team
>lose anscombe
>lineout and scrum exposed further
>still another 3 fucking games to avoid injuries
What a disaster.

My mum's fat grubby mitts.

The ravages of time

Sane thing happened going in to the last world cup and england got demolished. Hope they lose to japan the rosbif butthurr here would be insane lel

>The ravages of time
>started posting on /rug/ when I was young, fit and strong
>now after numerous rugby related injuries, I'm in chronic pain
Take me back to early 2013

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England aren't even playing Japan

anyone got the sunburned england pepe

>losing to a bunch of roadsweepers and bin men Eddie picked off the street 2 days prior

So this is the power of the world's top ranked test team.....woah

Imagine if he used white men that actually played rugby.

A team of random bums beat Wales A** team.

seconding this request

All part of the plan.

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They can meet in the semis.

Don't let this cunt get away with it

>Blue won the superbru
Holy shit I did too.

I don't know why Gatland persists with these meme training camps. Yeah it gets the players fit but it means fuck all if they can't catch the ball.

>already lost anscombe
>still three fucking warmup games left

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predictions on English and Welsh lineups for the next test?

England go fully loaded
Wales put out a second team

15 Halfpenny
14 Holmes
13 S.Williams
12 Watkin
11 Evans
10 Patchell
9 A.Davies
8 Navidi
7 J.Davies
6 Shingler
5 Ball
4 Hill
3 Lee
2 Dee
1 R.Evans

We'll get taken apart.

>Womyn commentator on the BBC

Needless to say she is shockingly bad

>oil tanker
She ran out of things to call Billy towards the end.

How old are you? ;_;


I'm the age you were back in 2013 and I'm already gone.
Do you have a good job at least?

15 Daly
14 May
13 Slade
12 Tuilagi
11 Watson
10 Farrell / Ford
9 Young
8 Vunipola
7 Curry
6 Wilson
5 Itoje / Lawes
4 Kruis / Launchbury
3 Sinckler / Williams
2 George / Cowan-Dickie
1 Mako / Genge
looking out on monday for Joseph, Nowell, Cokanasiga and Te'o plus a back up 8, scrum half and loosehead announcements

Idk i think Eddie will go experimental still and not really go for a “strongest” side, with the group we’re in they’ll be lots of rotation till knockout stage.

I know, I meant they're already on the plane

cheers england

I was an accountant for one of the big four after my first degree, but I blew that off and I'm my final year of medical school now. Look after yourself, breh. Your 20s are good, have fun but don't push it and act like you're invincible thinking you can still bounce back like in your teens. That's what I did and it was a mistake, to be honest. Especially seeing as I've still got a good 50 years of life left in me.

The rugby chadplayer

Not him but i wouldn't be getting too worried over it, In 10-15 years the stem cell revolution will be here.

They are doing everything to keep it away from the public but wont be able to for much longer, that stuff fully developed and explored will cure and fix anything wrong with the human body.

Theres a podcast about it that Joe Rogan did with Mel Gibson and Dr Neil Riordan that anyone who is interested should watch


>They are doing everything to keep it away from the public
There is literally a mainstream news story on a break through or new progress in steam cells every month if not ever week. Take your tin foil hat off once in a while and actually look at reality

Yet in america (where most of the research and testing has been getting done) the FDA has been banning different areas or stem call research and closing down labs who are trying to advance this technology and release it to the public, I agree there are more and more Countries allowing this technology to be tested and practiced to a certain degree, in "Western Countries" it is still being severely restricted and kept banned in most Countries/States

>watch the wallabies faf about the field for about 8 years
>go overseas once
>they suddenly become good

Weren't the bans about stopping people owning the human DNA with patents and shit and protecting people from becoming coerced to donate or be test subjects?
They have pretty much nailed down how to grow human organs to be used as test subjects these days si that isnt an issue.
Any way literally last week

Well it was a hell of a run as number 1 lads. A whole 27 hours of thinking maybe this time we might be pretty decent.

Let's be honest, SA and AUS are still ahead of us, NZ will still breeze past us barring any meme cards and IRE/ENG can both beat us on the day. Gatland is simply incapable of playing attacking rugby.

>Weren't the bans about stopping people owning the human DNA with patents and shit and protecting people from becoming coerced to donate or be test subjects?

They'll use all sorts of mickey mouse excuses to stop this stuff becoming mainstream, the one real and genuine reason is that its pharmaceutical companies who have our governments in their pockets dont want this shit getting out on the basis that....

>Theres no money to be made in curing people

You’re a curse leave /rug/.

Technically the rankings arent updated until the Monday after the weekend. So wales was technically never number 1 because the provisional ranking during the weekend was never made official.

(((FDA))) will never approve of something big pharma says no to. Just look at them locking up related to and banning gcmath (something that literally cures fourth stage cancer).


As i said, they wont be able to hold all this back for much longer, we live in a information age and that is why you see the media, especially american social media (youtube, twitter, facebook, google) going full 1984 by censoring people left and right, all they are doing is pissing into the wind as all these advancements will eventually flood out

I have been a recluse since I was 14 but okay.

What about scotland

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Not to be disrespectful but I see them as zero threat whatsoever. I'd be more concerned playing France or Argentina.

new zealand the underdogs

NZ needs a demographic explosion to expand your potential and resist to growing kinectics from other nations. If doesn't, NZ in rugby shall be like Uruguay in football.


Harsh but fair assesment of the matter
They've been dominant enough, plus they can just import more islanders to replace the players that the northern hemisphere are poaching

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grass roots > more players

Completely wrong though. HS level rugby is enjoying live TV coverage for the first time, and it's more competitive than ever. Coaching and investment into young players has improved exponentially this century. Talk about what you know about mate.

Ireland’s brave Bundee Aki.

Have you met our new proud Irishman
He might not be as brave as bundee aki but he's just as proud, and certainly as Irish.

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>irish king is a literal goblin

literally cannot stop rewatching the Bledisloe highlights lads

All he knows is miss spelling proper nouns and thinking he knows better than everyone

I think you mean misspelling mate

can somebody give me (leaguelet) the quick rundown on the Wallabies? what are they known for - what's their character, strengths/weaknesses, famous victories and losses etc

I have exactly six days to repost this webm and you'd best believe I'll be posting it on every one of those six days

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Why wasn't Kuridrani carded for that forearm to head connection? Really activates the almonds.


Even with high investments in young players, the pool of avaliable players is small if compared to other countries, even if these countries haven'r rugby as main sport.

They all look the same to me m8.

>no Mckenzie to fail defensively with them

>best in the world

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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Oh dear. Best in the world, la!

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*rolls your neck*

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Kerevi is Nonu but without the distribution game, kicking game, or brain.

>tfw my hairline is going to enter Lealiifano-mode in the next year or two

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Apparently Scotland is in 7th and Ozzy is in 6th. I knew Pluto was no longer a planet, but why put Mars next to Neptune!!!???

Wales was nearly number 1, apparently they was for all of 5 minutes. But friendly games are test matches now! Wales got their ass kicked by England. Apparantly we coulda been number one, but like I asked in a previous thread, the answer was :"no such thing as a friendly in rugby". Seems true when friendlies effect your standings.

But then again Scotland 7th, ozzy 6th. Who needs the world standings!

My standings would be

1: Australia

2: NZ


4: Wales

I'd put Wales in 3rd but friendlies count, and England won so........Wales..........we're in fourth according to what I think. We're in still in second according to the world rankings but like I said, Ozzy and Scotty in 6 and 7th. Thats like placing Mercury and Saturn next to each other. The real order?........

Imavj e if he was black not gold. Gets those brain cells warmed up

Some fucking dire cancer in this thread even aside from Kiwi complaining about the red card.

>entire economy tied to one shitty dairy company that is moments away from collapsing into bankruptcy

Still brings a smile to my face

Good thing we've already flogged the land and water off to the chinese though.

going to give blood for ol henny lads

What's up with Shag talking about the weekend like he isn't the coach and doesn't take any responsibility for what happens on the field?
Is he already mentally out the door?

I remember the All Blacks doing this to the extent that David Pocock missed games due to neck injury, and when we went to the referees after the game they said it was fine. Now you guys are complaining we've caught onto your little tactic. Ironic, isn't it?

fuck up shedcunt.

>all blacks fans when the french get a soft red card and it kills the series
That sucks they need to fix the system it wasnt a red they were both in the air
Everyone was fine with what was said
>all black fans (and the coaches of other countries) after getting a red this weekend
The system needs to be fixed or clarified it's becoming a joke

you sound mad

Everyone knows the system is a joke. The referee is the only player on the field. There are at least 100 things that happen in any game which could be at least a penalty and usually about a dozen get pulled up. Which dozen are penalised depends on the ref and there has to be a pretty sizable difference in team skill for it to overcome such an element going in the other team's favour.

It's always been the case but it has increased a lot because the gap between teams has closed, teams are doing more and more things off the ball to get slight advantages, and more infringements result in a card now than before. The best solution IMO is simply to fix red cards to allow a sub after 10-20mins so that no one decision is totally decisive.

Would rather lose now to aussie and lose the bledisloe if it means we pull our socks up and beat our biggest rival to top our pool 2bh
Hopefully this has really lit a fire under other first fives in NZ to know that position is well up for grabs, last 2 first fives in a row kind of had that locked in solidly for a long time and this feels like the first time in a while ones heading out and there is no clear first pick
I feel that it was a cars and that the ref made the right decision to go to the replay to see what colour. Thays the system working how it should 2bh. He didn't make the snap decision for a red but looked at the evidence and saw no reason to give a yellow over a red

The French red card was soft, and there were mitigating factors, unlike for the NZ one. I do think the NZ red was justified but so were the two Welsh no reds.

The French red card was fine, there is a duty to the player in the air if you are not in the air and he landed on his neck. This one was also fine, the potential mitigating factor was that Hooper's head was near Barrett's knee, but I think most international refs would still have gone red over yellow.

As an absolute casual who knows nothing about the sport it seemed appropriate to give a red, the ref explains it pretty well. Doesn't matter how it was done, it was a shoulder tackle right on the neck

The mitigating factor for the French guy was that he collided with another player and his path was diverted and he couldn't stop. There was no such mitigating factor here.

>England coach Eddie Jones has rubbished All Blacks lock Scott Barrett's "ridiculous" red card and urged World Rugby to act to stop rugby being "destroyed by inconsistent" match officials
hmm who's correct, top coaches or cazzies on 4channel

>Eddie Jones
>top coach

he won >you a world cup you dumb cunt

Nice revisionist history m8, neck rolls are also a red card.

Having said that. by the letter of the law, it was a ded, but they're not co distant with it. These reds decide the game. No other sport has this.


Oh yeah that's right, but I don't think that's listed in the mitigating factors list.

You are saying Cheika is also a top coach.

Then where were the suspensions? Even if the ref missed them, you'd think that the perpetrators would have been sanctioned.

Unironically what's wrong putting it on report?

yeah like 100 years ago

Every coach is complaining about the laws being too strict now, and while that may be true, they're still the current laws.

He only got them to the final.

>but I don't think that's listed in the mitigating factors list.
My take is that it was a mitigating factor that was not considered as a possibility so it wasn't listed, which was why he was sent off in the first place, but the panel decided that it was enough of a mitigating factor to rescind the card.

>Cheika is also a top coach
I can't help but think that fans in general use a coach's most recent result to determine whether he's a top coach. Cheika was shat on for most of 2018 and 2019 and then he beats the ABs by a record equalling score and suddenly half of Oz starts praising him. Same for Joe Schmidt and Irish fans.

>wayne smith leaves
>suddenly start losing
called it a year ago

And Kaino, lost a lot around then.

and people want to get rid of a co-captain for one bad performance


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Forwards: Dan Cole (Leicester Tigers, 86 caps) **

Luke Cowan-Dickie (Exeter Chiefs, 12 caps)

Tom Curry (Sale Sharks, 11 caps)

Ellis Genge (Leicester Tigers, 10 caps)

Jamie George (Saracens, 37 caps) *

Maro Itoje (Saracens, 27 caps)

George Kruis (Saracens, 32 caps) *

Joe Launchbury (Wasps, 59 caps) *

Courtney Lawes (Northampton Saints, 72 caps) **

Lewis Ludlam (Northampton Saints, 1 cap)

Joe Marler (Harlequins, 58 caps) *

Kyle Sinckler (Harlequins, 22 caps)

Jack Singleton (Saracens, 1 cap)

Sam Underhill (Bath Rugby, 9 caps)

Billy Vunipola (Saracens, 42 caps) *

Mako Vunipola (Saracens, 53 caps) *

Mark Wilson (Newcastle Falcons / Sale Sharks, 13 caps)

Backs: Joe Cokanasiga (Bath Rugby, 5 caps)

Elliot Daly (Saracens, 31 caps)

Owen Farrell (Saracens, 70 caps) *

George Ford (Leicester Tigers, 56 caps) *

Piers Francis (Northampton Saints, 5 caps)

Willi Heinz (Gloucester Rugby, 1 cap)

Jonathan Joseph (Bath Rugby, 41 caps) *

Jonny May (Leicester Tigers, 45 caps) *

Ruaridh McConnochie (Bath Rugby, uncapped)

Jack Nowell (Exeter Chiefs, 33 caps) *

Henry Slade (Exeter Chiefs, 22 caps) *

Manu Tuilagi (Leicester Tigers, 33 caps) *

Anthony Watson (Bath Rugby, 34 caps) *

Ben Youngs (Leicester Tigers, 86 caps) **


Can't stand the arrogance of the media here. And we give out about the English arrogance?

Can't stand the rugby team hope we get embarrassed by Japan in the group stage. Hopefully south Africa win

good squad, no back up crash ball centre is strange though and

Fuck sake no Ashsplashes.

>And we give out about the English arrogance?

This is such a myth, i’ve never saw or met an arrogant Englishman in my life. Plenty of arrogant Irish though.

*grasps at straws*

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Gotta be honest if by some chance y'all lose any two of Big bad Billy V, Curry, or underhill I think you will struggle

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In the football alot (not as bad now though) and apparently the rugby team are all thugs and ours our proper nice lads, gentlemen.

he's injured isn't he?


Yeah forgot about that.

No he choose to go to the birth of his child instead of a training session and got booted out of camp.

Most countries overlook their own arrogance and will also shit on English nonchalance as being arrogant. It’s just par for the course these days, and itp never gets old.

I'm such a fat piece of fucking shit lads.

Anscombe with an ACL injury, not going to Japan
big yikes, probably shouldn't have played key players in a warm up game in hindsight

>put out a full strength side
>received a humiliating defeat by England's C team
>cucked out of being ranked world #1 for the 1st time in their history
>number of wins record which they didn't stop talking about before the game now up in smoke
>#1 choice fly half now out of the world cup
lads, it's Wales


Didin't you have a french flag like 24 hours ago?
Shit buzz la
Why in gods name did he stay on the field for like a half an hour after first showing discomfort, horrible player management

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Japan would stand a better chance against NZ since they tend to job against hosts in RWCs.

What is it with warm ups before World Cups and this shit happening, you can see individual players of all Countries do be holding back their efforts in games because of paranoia of injury and not going to the WC and then this shit still happens.

>Didin't you have a french flag like 24 hours ago?

This whole website is full of false flaggers stirring up shit and using divide and conquer tactics, this is the same fucker who uses an Irish flag to post anti Irish crap too

yeah i’m in france, just on a VPN right now
that’s not me cazzie

I think we’d be alright if Curry and Underhill go
Curry, Underhill and Ludlam all cover 7 but only Billy and Wilson can play 8 meaning if Billy gets injured we’d drop Wilson at 8, Wilson goes as well then the back row’s fucked imo

Welp. Looks like 4 weeks suspension minimum.

>Can't stand the arrogance of the media here
The media here is a joke and is controlled by a group of scumbags outside of this Country and need to be shutdown

>Can't stand the rugby team hope we get embarrassed by Japan in the group stage. Hopefully south Africa win
Can't stand you, get the fuck off my island

You can see he went in SBW style against Watson (The lines game)

But made no contact with either his elbow or shoulder, for me that was a yellow at worst and am fully convinced Hooper over did it by yelping like a bitch knowing full well that World Rugby are making a big deal over nothing with head hits

5 years ago the ref wouldn't even have had a look at this never mind card a player

Reminder win 2/4 warmups and we'll be back to number 1 anyway
Reminder the WC is the important thing not warmups where the entire team looked like they didn't give a fuck

Granted losing Anscombe might be a problem because we don't really have any established 10's beyond Biggar now.

Yeah, but anyone can tell that the laws have been tightened even more since then. If SBW had done his hit now he'd have gotten way more than 4 weeks.

Has Scottish optimism been smashed so hard that they can't even bring themselves to get hyped for the WC? I don't think I've seen a single Scot post their thoughts etc on how they'll do.

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If you put together the total Scottish wins in the Six Nations over the past 5 years, it almost equals a slam?

10 six nations wins in their last 25 games. That's including last years game vs England

I bet a minimum of 5 of those wins are against Italy.

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Ireland will win the Rugby World Cup

Elaborate on what you find wrong with our media.

1 NZ
2 SA

Dont question the guys obvious wisdom, plus theres a reason why we have a world ranking system and why it looks different to your list

>willie heinz is going to the rugby world cup

Off to the musculoskeletal specialist lads, wish me luck

how shite was he for the crusaders because he looked hot shit for Gloucester last season

What he really means is he's off to his local Asian happy ending massage parlour, don't listen to it lads

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he was second fiddle andy ellis, the eternal journeyman

Neither of those is a bad thing lad
Win win really

Good luck m8, ENT surgeon for me shortly.

Go to the parlour first and get nice and loosened up for the specialist would be my plan of action

US of A shall beat England in WC

I'd bet she's better at first five and fullback than Mackenzie too

Who's the next 10? Patchell?

Patchell then Jarrod Evans. High kinetic potential but neither really proven internationals.

Sure she has down syndrome?, she just looks like a Barrett to me

is being a downie the secret to being a rugby great?

Its essential

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Think I'd be okay with South Africa winning the world cup Tbh lads. It'd be a nice redemption story for them. I can't tolerate another NZ win.

QFs are as far as Ireland has ever gotten in the World Cup - matching the length of the mighty Canada - so it's not that arrogant. :^)

Can't believe this vicious thug only got three weeks stuff.co.nz/sport/rugby/all-blacks/114920582/all-blacks-lock-scott-barrett-banned-for-three-weeks-but-still-available-for-world-cup

That file name holy shit
Argentina have 8 wins in total since the begging of this world cup cycle, so scotland are grand

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In argies defence they arent even top 10 in the rankings playing teams that are top 5 twice a year
Yet they have made it to a RWC semi

More than one, in fact.

Ah here

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savea's poor discipline EXPOSED

>not rating the argies
casuals about to get exposed

Be interesting to see them playing a game without traveling thousands of miles beforehand in Japan, they’ve looked jetlagged all RC.

Sorry lad, the Argies are pretty shit at the moment. I love them but they're not converting their potential into points.

cheers m8, went well.
MRI tomorrow night.
All the best for yours too
that was after

tuipulotu out
hemopo in
frizzell in

Squire starting at the WC 2bh

>TAB softcocks suspended betting on Australia 13+ @$17.
Fucks sakes E Z peezy money right there. 1-12 is sitting @$6 which might be worth a flutter tttt.

If Australia win 13+ at Eden Park, I'll eat my undies

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Eh, I think a draw is more likely.

fish and chips

I watched this dodgy highlights video too, why the fuck did it take them so long to get a proper one up?

Why is canelo chocking that argie? Revenge on 2006?

What the actual fuck happened to Milner-Skudder? I know he got injured but it's like he was never seen again after the last WC

Injured, lost his pace, and people figured him out. And he passed 27.

He got injured

Then to try and adapt (stop injuries) he got big, put on a lot of muscle, and then was still too small to be a big winger.

Is it too late for Naholo? Surely can't be any worse than Bin Smuth has played recently.

Bring back DC.

Late morning Welsh up and running lads

Sorry lads forgot to post.

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It was supposed to be Scotland's year

Give me a run-down on the All Blacks form, I haven't been watching rugby over the last few weeks.

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The anti-bigotry Wallabies dabbed on them so hard that Sevu Reece is now sponsoring a women’s shelter in Christchurch

Finally my year lads. Finished 4th in Wales too.

there's only like 6 people in wales tho

Winner of next Wales v England becomes new number 1.

>he doesn't consider sheep people

Fucking hell Farrell is only 27, I thought he was in his 30's, feels like he's been around a lot longer.

Pro/rel system for ARC

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Are we gona do one for the world cup???

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Are you also going to give 3 BP to a team that wins all 5 matches?

There already is lad.

>The anti-bigotry
>Supporting pedos and degenerates


Is that how you circumvent the bestiality laws?

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That was his dad.

>Chris Farrell
Wtf is dis real

Think Gatland has flogged our boys dead in that shitty fitness camp again. They looked exhausted and devoid of basic skills.

For me? Azzuri


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Phoneposting at the moment so I haven't got the link but I'll post it later, unless someone has it handy?

Scratch that, it's literally in the OP

Cheers lad

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I don't know if the table has been cut off, but fully kinetic being one place up from dead last made me laugh.

happy 500 replies

hot new thread