but if you say anything about it you're clearly just a racist super humman supporter
Looks like the walmart boys think they're too good for training
Other urls found in this thread:
Why are black people so fragile?
There are legit people on Reddit who think Cody’s neck tattoo is a white supremacy tattoo.
Need some context here
the walmart wrestlers got booked on joey jannetty's spring break during mania weekend
Anything remotely "patriotic" or associated with the flag is now affiliated with white supremacy thanks to Magatards
The black guys? kek
>super humman doing meme czw spots
>apes do bad monkey spots in a walmart
>apes get uppity that people are asking if they paid for the broken property
>suddenly apes lash out at whitey and play the race card
>ape tweets him and humman are cool and its just a work
>ape deletes it and goes back on the race baiting
>*lacks get mad their fellow apes aren't being thought of as the most original backyard wrestling entertainers ever
What do migatards have to do with white supremacy?
Which ones the racist?
desu those nigs are green as fuck. they have a high chance of suffering a career ending injury
>wrestling twitter feud
how did you end up like this OP?
they think that it represents them, even when their own existence proves that "whites" aren't the superior race
2000s indies were so based and now we're stuck with this gimmicky low-effort shit. Who do I blame for this?
God I hope so
Who knows, blacks think everyone is racist
Paul raided the indies, rest are going to AEW
affirmative action. cope wh*te boi
WWE for plundering them of everyone worth a shit for generations
super hummus seems like he is genuinely retarded so at least he has an excuse
He's a typical AEW fag (must consume everything and all things prowrestling, social life be damned!)
e-Drones watch at least 5 hours of WWE per week minimum
Didnt MJF dump this thot
cope fragile ass nigger
you have self-loathing leftists have always hated the flag
haha, i only watch wwe, so stick that in your console war and smoke it
Holy fuck this *lack is absolutely seething over a tattoo lmfaooo. They chimp put over EVERYTHING. Black people are weird
But I thought Trump was a kike shill and so where MAGAtards? Stromfront hates Trump. Get your shit straight tranny. Inb4 you hate Jews too just because Orange Man bad.
>unironically a MAGAt
>self-loathing leftists
What does this even mean ? Its sad how right wing retards are so obsessed with identify politics, imagine being a slave to your fake racial identify
>and so where
Nice grammar American't!
damn, even blacks are being turned into onions these days
Blacks have always been the biggest why ya crying bitches
who are the superior race? It certainly isn't blacks, the most inferior one of all.
>but wwe
got eeeeeeem
>who are the superior race?
>What does this even mean ?
>that spacing
go back
consoom e-Drone
According to who?
>identify politics
jesus christ you are worked into a shoot
>thanks to Magatards
>not woketards labeling any non-cuckold behavior on the part of whites white nationalism/supremacy
this thread smells like AEW
who gives a fuck about these nobodies except AEWfags
>white libcucks would let 100 white people die before 1 black person
Can't make this shit up.
why is he wearing a face mask? is that some new nigger fashion or does he think its going to stop corona?
All I can figure is these people have really shit tier parents if they hate themselves that much.
i just want old school communism back bros
No it's definitely because of Magatards bud. From flying the Stars and Stripes with their Confederate flags and Trump sign in the same frame. All the virtue signaling over standing for the flag in a goddamn restaurant watching television or whatever. Some naturally will rebel against that forced garbage. Also, you can be right wing, support your country, even support your president, and still not be a Magatard. When Trump got in to the standing for the flag conflict, it was choosing a side. Flagtards or non flagtards. 100% of Magatards are also flagtards.
How could a racist hug a gook? If one of those slanty eyed insecticoids tried to hug me I would shoot on it and bash its exoskeleton skull in
Because indie shit sucks and everyone acted like it was good so they could feel cool for once in their lives. Same with music, cars, comic book movies. Losers act like gatekeepers because without revolving their lives around their hobbies you'll see they have no personality.
You literally just proved his point. You're a self-loathing woke retard that labels the flag with politics instead of what it really stands for
I don't watch AEW so I don't care
Nice projection man, you don't know shit about the people you speak to on here. You're playing dense though and I'm not a lefty faglord. Like I said, 100% of Magatards are flagtards and it's just a natural divide.
Based Nicki is MAGA!
This coon is obsessed with race
>proving his point yet again
Take a lap
wow just blow my brains out already should've never asked
>tfw no Polish socialist gf
White people dont exist, race by color is a construct. There is no white or black collective, go to Africa and say your black and they will laugh at you and say huh what you mean? im Nigerian. Only diaspora play this shit because they have no real identity outside of their skin
>refuting nothing
>le boomer punchline
Yeah I suppose I should get out of here. Later faggot.
>be you and people like you
>associate loving the flag and your country only with Trump voters
>Trump wins 2020
Way to help what you hate. Don't come back for awhile either faggot
Just wanted to say I hate black people unironically.
Good lord this nigga never stops
>race by color is a construct
Tell that to cancer and diabetes rates.
Based /pol/ propaganda pic
stop denying facts
>Based /pol/ propaganda pic
Are you a /pol/ troll? You are literally denying science harder than a fundamentalist Christian right now retard
Why only 2 of them?
There are only two on them in the viral video
I bet Shlak stabs them when they try to make a tiktok without telling him beforehand
god i hate indies
asian women marrying racist white man, name a more iconic duo
I bet I could snap your wrist like a breadstick
That meth head faggot is still alive huh
This dude is shoot mentally ill ignore him
Asians are the best racists because they have no faggy white guilt
I think not training at all is better than getting trained by Allie Kat.
Asians were able to get beyond their oppression to be contributing members of society. Blacks and victimhood, name a more iconic pairing
Is he the new WolfPack?
So this is a gimmick right no human acts like this right?
have you never talked to bulbasaurs before? whitey raciss muh reparations bixnood is all they ever talk about
Literally EVERYTHING is about race to black "people"
>donna del mondo stan account
Stopped right there.
Asians were never oppressed like blacks have been. Most Asians here today are coming in and taking advantage of all the civil rights blacks and browns fought for while suffering none of generational oppression that blacks have which has had adverse effects on the black community
Dude, the world is finished. Look at the dudes vids, they are breaking things in a store and flipping around, and nobody stops them, if anyone tried to stop them that person would be the one who ends up with the most trouble on their hands. Then these people get rewarded with a spot on some wrestling show, despite having like 4k followers. The world is going to shit and those who stand against it get punished, while those fucking it up get rewarded. People worked hard and fought in wars to build what we have, and all of that was for fucking nothing as it is all being taken away and reduced to shit. Even if you see what's going on, you realize that you yourself are fucked up by being stuck in a system designed against you, and none of us deserve what those who came before us worked hard to achieve. And no it's not a race thing, I'm sure there were plenty of people in third world shitholes who worked hard or fought for something better, but were killed off to keep the status quo going and being able to keep it as a shithole, shipping out desperate people to other countries keeping everything running smoothly into the shitter.
>meanwhile imma run this bbc across and into several bitches that would never even look at you bums
The same countries tried to make colonies in Asia, spread drugs and got as many people as they could addicted, tried to force countries to trade with them, genetically fucked up Indian people, tried to take as many slaves as they could, funded and trained mass murders, etc... The only reason Asia isn't a complete and utter shithole is because Japan destroyed almost all their colonies to the point they couldn't afford to rebuild, and destroyed Chiang Kai-shek's forces as well as assets so he couldn't claim China for his funders.
Oh yeah the chinese railroad and japanese internment camps never happened. BUH I DESSERVE MUH REPREMATIONS CUZ LYK MUH GREAT UNCLE DADDY KNEW A SLAVE ONCE
>mania spot
Under mania's boot is still a spot
>deontay wilder let the best boxer in the world knock him out
Okay, you go get punched in your brains by that dude a couple times and see how good you are at standing.
>Asians were never oppressed like blacks have been.
lol what? who do you think were the original 'strawberry pickers'? asian immigrants couldn't even own land! get a clue, you indoctrinated cuckold.
Between Paul and AEW any indie wrestlers worth a shit will be signed
Another black headcanon
Top fucking kek. Imagine "training" for a fake sport?
There's a lot to learn in order to communicate with your opponent that you need to habitually put into your head. Off the top of my head during my three months: if you want your opponent to take lead then squeeze a part of their body while in a rest hold, make sure you dont go into the turnbuckle hip first or you'll be pissing blood, etc
We dont need training.
>There's a lot to learn in order to communicate with your opponent that you need to habitually put into your head.
Or you can yell shit out like Cena
The walmart guy who drove his knee into the ground doing the pedigree, that must have hurt
We needed more time at the Walmart performance center to perfect it.