pretty based ngl
Pretty based ngl
Other urls found in this thread:
Based black man absolutely mogging that limp wrist onion. If black and white MEN could work together to weed out white women, onions, and Jews. We would be so much better off.
I'm glad this will make people more understanding that old people are completely retarded, regardless of race.
voting for biden just for the sole fact that i want a biden vs trump debate where trump completely destroys him.
>"but but ur voting simply because of entertaininment values??? not because of your interests or the interests of the people"
yeah imagine thinking that your vote truly means anything and a politician will follow through with their promises LMAO
>based black boomers saving us from socialism
kek this dumb nigga couldn't wait a month before talking about how much he loves cuba so he got the nom what a dumby
Based Boomer Biden burying King Onions.
Biden Vs Trump debate will actually move the needle on the ratings. Bernie doesn't draw
based black voting for massa
hopefully bernie bros keep their promise and burn down Milwaukee
Nice spelling American't!
>hurr vote for nobody wait how come my country is a shithole now
If you get rid of blacks over half the crime goes away, blacks are holding back every other race creating a literal utopia with each other
>mfw Bernie is going to win the nomination and the presidency anyway.
Based promo
This. I just want to join arms with my latino amigos and double clothesline the black menace
I dont see how any liberal or Democrat could be against Bernie, he's literally the anti Trump. Bidens a pedo
Democrats are status quo centrists
>not the Latinas
super gay
I'm a liberal, but I ain't no fucking socialist or commie.
Don't forget blacks account for most of the stds in the US. Spreading crime and stds is all they're good at.
Congratulations, this is the moment where you learned that liberals are a bunch of self-serving sycophantic walking piles of human garbage that don't actually give a shit about opposing the GOP.
bruh that kissing ass line, damn
Who actually opposes the GOP?
>mfw not a faithless fool
it's like the exact opposite of Bernie's personal cuck line
hey can someone give a kind american give a fellow non american soul a rundown on your politics fed and whos the heel and face
If you are white and pay taxes Trump is the face. If you are non-white and need gibs Dems are the face.
Based user voting for draws and angles
Leftists. And the democrats are most interested in squashing that than they are fighting the GOP.
For me it’s Latinx
Trump already roasted Biden yesterday. Just a taste of what's to come.
>this is what MAGAts actually believe
We got us an NPR listener boys
based blacks turning the socialists into national socialists
t. white boi who pays no taxes
Great retort
sorry yang dropped out and you won't get your neet bucks
this nigga wildin
not from your shithole country
There is nothing of substance to be retorted
Whites take nearly 40% of all welfare, you people seem to forget how much white trash is out there and those are Trumps main voter base. Retards voting against their own interests to le own the libtards
Fake /pol/ shit, heres the real break down
Then what makes you think you know about American politics? Trump really makes shithole dwellers like you seethe from afar? Pathetic bro
It's not in my economic interest to turn my city into this. I have a good job and don't need to give away my tax money for illegals to get free health care thanks
the guy in that pic owns land though which is probably not than you can say
Kek even adjusted they still gibs me dat more than anyone else
Blacks are 12% of the population. Both of you are saying they take 40% of the welfare and both of you are saying blacks take more than white overall.
Niggers utterly BTFO
Blacks were never part of the argument, dipshit. The point is whites take nearly 40% of all welfare
Whites have the highest socioeconomic advantage by far of all groups (racial nepotistic hiring) while blacks have the worse. Its pathetic that with that advantage they still take that much welfare
>38.8 percent caucasian
>39.9 percent black
I think you are a /pol/ troll setting this shit up to make niggers look retarded
>Black were never part of the argument
Bruh you started sperging out at this post where yes blacks were part of the argument
No youre a retard with shit reading comprehension, when was this about black people? the point is a large about of whites also rely on government assistance. Voting for someone like Trump who doesn't give a shit about the poor is voting against their own self interests
Blacks also get free food, free college, and free income all paid for by whites. Whites feed you Keep crying instead of bettering yourself man
Thats not me, brainlet
I'm not poor. Please get a job and stop crying at me for not wanting to be a communist
>platform was to tax anyone who made 29k or more
The writing was on the wall that king onions was going to lose.
Blacks were part of the argument though dipshit. 12% of you take more welfare than everyone else in the country
don't forget free housing
you have to be the biggest fuckup on earth to not make it off welfare as a black male
I can see how the women stay on it having 8 niglets they can never feed
We arent talking about you, faggot. The whole point is the majority of Trumps voter base are poor white trash who are so retarded they vote against their own self interests. You as a higher earning Trump voter (if youre being honest) are an outlier
>Despite making up 12.6% of the population, blacks take 39.9% of welfare, over 300% representation
>Whites are under represented by 30%
thank you black people :3
wew the Bernvictims are seething at blackie
Why do amerimutts care so much about politics?
>Hispanics are the only intelligent voters
Based beaners
I am telling you man it is not in low income people interest to vote for open borders shit, black or white. You let in a bunch of illegals and they drive down wages. Your tiny little gibs check isn't worth it.
See like shithole countries care a lot about it to Check the /pol/ sticky and look at the flag
Based Rippa.
Cant wait for white feminists to realize the blacks arent their allies
>Is Bernie's message too confusing for blacks to understand
True colors shining through
Bernie needs to go on stage and say he will take all white people's money and give it directly to blacks and make fried chicken a human right. Biden would be crushed
Kek they are in pure meltdown mode
>why are black people dumb?
The red pills are flowing through Bernie's base.
>Blacks also get free food, free college, and free income all paid for by whites
all lies
Why didn't you support her, Yea Forums?
What pisses me off about liberals the most is how they cater most to blacks who of all minorities groups are the least appreciative and are the least likely to take advantage of opportunities given to them. Blacks are a lost cause, how many generations have most of them been here and they still act like theyre from another planet
>free food
EBT paid for by tax payers
>free college
Where the FUCK do you think all those scholarships come from?
>free income
Welfare and child support
Will this finally be the time when leftards realize that the black people they fight for are more often than not - anti-PC, sexist and anti-LGBT?
SJW and alt left already think straight black men are just as bad a whites so the unintentionally dug themselves their own hole.
>Budgetary impact
This doesnt show how much whites are putting in, whites are notorious for dodging taxes. Billionaires like your boy Donald dont pay taxes, wealthy whites are leeching off the system more than anyone while the middle class foots the bill
Nah, because black people have been fucking lefties over for years. Even in 2008 when black people came out in California to vote for Obama, blacks also voted for Proposition 8 in overwhelming numbers, a measure to ban gay marriage in California after their supreme court legalized it. Think about that... California voted to BAN gay marriage. Because of the black vote, lol.
more white people are on Food Stamps/government assistance than Blacks
what scholarships senpai? white people get 'Irish American' 'German American' and other European nationality-based scholarships. most people in college are white and it's not even close
>child support
the parent has to pay the child support to the other parent moron, has nothing to do with the government.
Arent most gays black
Hey man they had to sit at a different lunch counter 60 years ago, and you expect them to be able to function in a society already!!!
Trump paid $38 million in taxes in a single year you buffoon
are blacks really voting for Biden because he was Obamas vp
Only 4.1% of the population uses welfare, very small portion of blacks are on it as well as any group. Most blacks arent getting any of the shit youre trying to make an argument whites pay for
I did. Is that really her?
Im not a cum brain like you.
>More white people are on food stamps
Are you sure about that? Non-hispanic whites are 56%, Africans are 12.6% of the population. Assuming proper proportions, whites are under represented by 40%. Africans are over-represented by 200%
Yes. I work with a 68-year-old black man who confirmed it. All they know or care about is Biden was Obama's VP.
Possibly. But southern blacks are really into jesus so its a turn off if your a heathen socialist whos people put christ on a cross.
Donnie never showed his tax returns
Progressive Liberal racism is a beautiful thing. It oozes with irony.
That and his constat pandering to the blacks. They are very very stupid on a level you can't even really fathom
Christcuck blacks are probably the dumbest of the herd
google is your friend
>most people in college are white
Oh would you look at that. Per capita, white people are under-represented again. And blacks are over-represented as well. Something to notice is that white particpation in college hasn't really moved that much. Blacks overall haven't changed either. Asians always hyper participated and hispanics are the rising star.
Seeth harder bernie bro.
Has everyone just memory holed Bidens creepy history kids
Jesus had way more ideals in common with socialism than capitalism. Read the book.
I don't care about anyone in the race, I'm voting trump to watch the dumpster fire grow
Trump is gonna go hard on this just. Biden will cry MISS AMERICA but there are no pics and producers are always in and out of rooms backstage
>completely ignoring the jews killing jesus part
Honestly i want trump to win again just because of how bad this timeline has been overall for whites, cant imagine how hated whites will be after another 4 years
If whites didn't pay taxes blacks wouldn't eat. Here or in Africa.
Nope. That remains. Along with him effectively voting like a republican. And being senile. And the whole Ukraine thing. And being sleepy. Every single one of those will be brought up in detail from now until November.
Jesus didn't really preach socialism you fucking retarded materialist. He preached explicitly against the Pharisees who only cared about autistically following the Hebraic law and therefore had considerable abusive control over the population. As well as the saduuces who enacted taxes on the jews while providing literally nothing and claiming it was for the betterment of society. The exact sort of bullshit that happens in socialism. Both of them claimed to be working for the greater good of the hebrews, but were manipulating the population entirely.
>posting this
>calling anyone shithole dweller
How are Trumpeters so fucking dumb?
52% of all tax dollars goes to the military, the military are the actual niggers
>go on twitter
>type in Bernie
>page after page of trannies crying
This is the best day ever.
imagine the old man breath
The collective chimp out on black twitter when Wylder got KTFO by Tyson will never be matched
The USA is a huge country and that part is ran by leftists. Learn geopgraphy before you seethe about America and talk about their politics Pajeet.
Based user lives in all white Luxembourg where everything is perfect.
Don't be racist with your humble brags though this is a based progressive chad board
>everyone I don't like is from India
How long before you shriek "grammar" as your COPE?
I'm a Trumpchad so I don't care
The South is the biggest shithole of the entire country, Mississippi is the poorest state of all. Guess what hey all have in common? theyre all deep red states. Most red states tend to not only have the lowest IQ scores but are the poorest
>crowd cheering the heel
simpublicans are destroying this business
Eversingle page there are people with dyed blue/green/red hair. They really become parodies when grouped together like that.
Is Big Bob Beckel still on the five? And how's Dana's dog Jasper?
Idk but I am going to make your seething bitch baby ass cry about Trump all day shitskin. Why do you get so damned touched when someone calls you Pajeet if you aren't one?
Based leftist racist. You for sure voted for Bernie
Looks like in the end O'Reilly was the Jannetty and Walters was the Michaels
>'Are you sure about that?/
>admits in the next sentence that he's counting by 'proportion' and not the raw numbers
kill yourself Connor
gonna need some reddit/twitter screencaps of trannys seething.
>white people are the majority of population and the majority of x category
Fantastic point Jamarcus
>Trump correcting anyones gaffes
Talk about having no self awareness, this is the retard that thought Mexican coyotes were literal coyotes kek
Black Democrats have ran Detroit for 60 years. Really makes you think
Who's the Jannetty?
Whites are maybe 56% of the population not, majority isnt saying much and you'll be the minority within the next generation
Yes per capita is how things like that are counted. Have you graduated high school yet?
Bernie will job then endorse senile joe like always
those blacks are puppets controlled by the Michigan state government
please clarify what 'things like that' includes and why they are counted per capita and not by raw anything else is. more white people are on the government's teat than black people, its a cold hard fact.
i can't explain to you how numbers work nigger god damn
>more white people are on the government's teat than black people,
Literally no dipshit you own nigger proved it
You can't even spell geography correctly ya stupid white
>people arguing statistics and numbers instead of laughing zoomers and trannies losing their shit
So your logic is if a country had 1000 white people and 3 were on welfare and 3 black people and 2 were on welfare than whites are more on the government teat? Am right about this being your logic?
You're forgetting very important variables like whites having the highest socioeconomic advantage above all groups;. And affirmative action is a myth. Having a white name on a resume is 10x more likely to land you a job
lol ok shitskin keep crying about another country's president like the colonized little faggot you are
Why hasnt she dropped out and backed Bernie?
Statistics are meaningless. Whites are 85% of the government, if you honestly think they havent been white washing stats in their favor youre a retard. Same goes with crimnal statistics, cops use a something called a code of honor to hide white crimes stats
>posts image of white guy
lol you can't spell geography OH NO NO NO NO
Thats actually a "woman"
Sadly that's a white tranny that has the same political affiliation as you. Aren't you embarrassed about that? That tranny cries about Trump all day just like you do. Sad life you are living m8
Niggers also use no snitching and nobody cares when they go missing
>she couldn't even secure the native american vote
It is theorized there were as many as 6 active serial killers in Compton in the 80s and 90s and none were ever caught because nobody gave a shit kek
>projecting this hard
Not my fault you can't spell geography ya sun-fearing cousinfucker
>she couldn't even secure the native american vote
What the three Injuns left that whitey forgot to kill off?
Not that user but that has to be the gayest response to internet banter ever.
Nigger you have followed me from thread to thread seething about Trump all night. The fact you even remember me gives me so much satisfaction about how much I have upset you. How in the world can you let me live in your head so rent free you remember me after a thread is over? Damn you autism is entertaining.
Based schizo
You tried to hard. I saw what you're going for but its "meh" at best. Apply yourself next time.
She was sadly the best choice, especially for black voters. But Biden was a better choice for black voters than Sanders
holy shit this dude is a faggot
You have derailed.
>3rd place in your home state you've been senator for
Suck my dick shitskin
Why you slap
I didn't even know it was you until you got baited.
>Damn you autism is
Such command of the English language!
Morons think socialism is communism and they think communism is evil because ww2. Most people are morons.
Nice pic plebbit. Im sure its a riot on 9gag
You're spiralling user. Its a bit sad but you can do better.
Why are you obsessed with the word geography again? You third world Trump Derangement Syndrome shitskins are weird
>they think communism is evil
Yeah, it only led to the murder of more than 100,000,000 people. Give it a fair go.
>Trump is the heel
>not the guy who's part of the heel stable of murderers and who tried to use his political position to coerce a foreign country into dropping corruption charges against his son
nah, it's you dumb smart marks that can't understand basic babyface/heel dynamics that are killing it
What are the odds this is a self-loathing white person that voted for Bernie?
Wow, you sure told him!
That wasn't real communism/socialism for some reason in all of human history real socialism/communism has never once been tried
Does corny at least give drumpf credit for being a top tier promo or is it all seethe
>Muh /pol/ buzzwords
Imagine being proud of having skin that looks like bird shit, imagine jobbing to the the sun and skin cancer
>Is bernie's message too confusing for blacks to understand?
If you include goblinas as 'white' then 99.99999999%.
You're trying but hey...thats all that matters. Good 4 u
>soyboy pulls out a bb gun on you
what do?
all seeth
This is not a game you want to play
>seth loathign white person
No such thing, there is no white collective. Whatever shit ethnicity you are isnt likely mine regardless if were have the same level of melanin
>sun and skin cancer
better than jobbing to famine and poverty lmao
>yes, vote to keep this system that hands out free food to poor people and keeps them poor
>don't try out a system that would resolve poverty
ok incel
reminder you think lifting weights and looking good is "Nazi"
Please political science phD tell us how Bernie would resolve poverty? You can't have Scandinavian style socialism in a country with a ton of shitskins that won't work and will only suck the system dry.
Reminder, /pol/tards think anyone with a dissenting opinion to their political ideology is le reddit boogeyman
Bernie will erase poverty and debt by waving a magic wand. Going forward everything will be free.
Lift weights and have sex
>white “men”
They’re all trannies lol
Real nazism has never been tried, guys.
ok tranny shitskin
>reminder you think lifting weights and looking good is "Nazi"
Not something most far right white incels are known for though
Kek that is sooooo 2019
can't wait for the "hate facts" seethe
Please gain test and quit being a seething Bernie cuck
>Trusting self reporting
>wojak poster
Not even once
Seething tranny whiteboi
What's the percentage of you having sex?
>all in a month
nigger what the FUCK are you doing with your life?
please seek sunlight and get off Yea Forums sometimes
>he kept getting btfo when people pointed out that it was only him spamming this picture
>he had to change the filename to random numbers because he's a dumbfuck and can't fit in
Man i remember that pic. It was like early 2019. You mist be a historian of internet memes having these ready to go. I mean im sure youre not pathetic enough to quickly google search these. Thanks for the memories user
Trust me, in the real world nobody wants to have sex with your poor NEET nigger ass. You are the incel.
Meanwhile your that /pol/ retard that dumps his cringe shit folder full of fake infographs and charts with fake and manipulated statistics propaganda then screeches ITS NOT FAKE when exposed
Why ya cryin?
The dude spamming that pic is the most hilarious example of projection I have ever seen
This white trannycel is seething
ok Trump
Agains with the retarded meaningless infocharts kek you /pol/tards live and die off this shit
We are now in the "have sex" and "incel" portion of the thread.
If youre wondering, race relations was talked about earlier in the thread
lmao, facts are real even if you disagree with them. You've been ran over like Nash in alleyway.
why ya incel?
>The dude spamming that pic is the most hilarious example of projection I have ever seen
And the truth works ya into a frothing seethe every single time. Imagine THIS being who you associate with
You're not a fucking deepweb browser or savvy because you can reverse image search or check chan archives. I always picture the most illiterate zoomers that do this these days.
>doubling down on the fact he never leaves his room
Every /pol/ thread is formulaic to the T
lmao worked into a blind seething shoot
Nobody said I was. I just want you to get help because you do nothing but sit on Yea Forums and spam the same picture all day every day. It's getting disturbing man. All you are doing is making people laugh at you because you are a meme.
I bet he's even an ugly kike just like the dude he keeps posting.
Its become a meme to post it as a easy retort no different than worked or seething, newfags.
Unfortunately i'm not the one posting that image. I'm just calling something out.
Why do you know so much about them? You seem like an experienced participant
>Wrestling is so dead, this off topic thread is still going.
Nice try user, your too much of a newfag to be on my level. Lurk harder sweetie.
It's literally one guy doing it. Look at the filenames.
>become a meme
>only one dude is posting it
Is this wolfcuck?
There is something called filenames dipshit. You are exposing yourself by using that same long ass non-Yea Forums filename.
I'm not the one sitting in threads that make him seethe. I find these /pol/ threads hilarious. Maybe you should find something that doesn't raise your blood pressure so much.
>I'm just calling something out.
Someone posting a link to the archive as empirical evidence that that sad faggot has been spamming that image nonstop? Yeah, it's not exactly a stunning conclusion, and anyone could check the archives themselves, but I don't see what your problem with him posting it is.
I know for a fact its not one person because I started it and haven't posted any of them since
based kangz laying down the law on the limp-wristed wh*tes
Wolfkek killed himself after he was blocked by Nash, after white knighting for him, and Nash didn’t reward him with sex.
:^) like a fiddle kek
Blacks are so uppity
Then why is the filename you posted in the archive over a hundred times. The fact you are embarrassed by it is making this way more funny tbqh you lying bitch nigger
Doesn't change what any of the people you're responding to said, not that I really believe you. Whether he started it or not, it's blatantly one faggot that's been doing it for the past few weeks.
>:^) like a fiddle kek
Pretty based. White progs have no allies anymore
Anyone can copy the same filename, brainlet. Im actually proud something I started took of somewhat. I think its fucking hilarious because it makes you incels seethe with just a simple picture
Does the black vote really have any effect? how many registered black voters are there when you take out under age, people in prison and voter ID laws etc from that 12% of the population blacks make up
The fact you think everyone that says something you don't like is an "incel" says a lot about you. Having sexing isn't hard. You seem to think it is for some reason
>240 posts
>40 posters
That is some primo cringe.