Oakland A's baseball field
5:00 PM
Raiders suck ass
Go Rams
Oakland A's baseball field
5:00 PM
Raiders suck ass
Go Rams
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AB will ball out this year. Fuck off youngblood
The Vikings would bootyblast both of these shit teams
Hunter Renfrow will score a TD tonight.
>ab will ball out
yeah, outside the league once he retires lol
Where's the stream?
Daily reminder that if you're a Raiders fan and live in LA you're either criminal and/or over 35 years old.
>tfw not in LA
I wonder how big is Jim Hill's BBC
*bail out
who /714/ here?
huntington beach reporting in
got some pacifico in the fridge brehs
I used to live there right where the skinheads would fight the gooks.
Orange reporting in got my cold ass water and food ready
Austin proehl still with us, nice
Bros I’m nervous for Dakota Allen
I Always forget about the brown spot the Raiders have
Have never been more recently disappointed than with John Kelly's career
Thought he was going to turn into something
562 here
Raiders already taking each other out.
*RADIO SILENT* intensifies
Wouldn't it be nice if they could play football on a fucking football field after these YEARS that the Raiders have been there?
Oh shit
The fuck was that
HAHAHA running into the punt returner early is easily one of the dumbest mistakes you can ever make.
Even our undrafted players are trying to injure players holy shit based
>bortles still garbage
>besss mowensssss still rough to listen to
it's good to be back to nfl football
>all these penulty flags
>not even past the mid mark of the first quarter
Ayy made it in just in time to see my raiders go on offense
Who /wentswimmin/ here? BEAT THAT HEAT
Peterman > Bort holes
autistic beaner "Las vegas is greater LA" poster showing up in 5... 4... 3...
These rookies are fucking HORRIBLE
Hunter Renfrow getting wide open lol
Wow Giraffe with the look-off and Dre with the power
D Wash > Martin. cant tell me nothing
Why are the raiders playing starters ? Are they stupid or something
Season ogre Rasmbros
who should we draft?
Agreed, they need to use him more
This stadium music is horrible jesus christ
DeAndre isn't a starter sadly
jj nelson, deandre washington and mike glennon are not starters lmao
We’re playing 3rd stringners relax raidersnigger
Shoo zoomzoom
Lambs think the raiders are playing starters
on the bubble
challenging for 3rd receiver
>Can't find a broadcast or stream
What horseshit is this?
Key might be a starter, Abram too, unless his attitude fucks that up
if key is a starter we're fucked rofl
I can't wait until they move out of this shit stadium
I think Gruden said they only want to bring in Key on passing downs. Heard he's having a good camp
It's a regional game so you will have to look for a stream if you are not in the area
Is he retarded or something
Also they need to chill with the flags this shit is killing my vibe
That returner is rattled
Ferrell playing?
what do other americans think of the raider fan base? is it worse than any other team?
>That returner bungling the ball
sorry to interrupt your meaningless thread but
it's just mexicans desu
Yup, as are Mullen and Renfrow.
Mike Glennon looking solid, might be a decent backup
yeah, he playing
They aren’t Mexican they’re CHI’s not 1st generation but 3rd gens And 4th gens so they’re deformed mutts
Foster Moreau could be a good. Dudes huge
Rapp out there making plays. Kind of impressed
most don't care about anything west of dallas
Rams still shook after BB and TB fucked 'em up.
Wished Oakland took him ofer Abram, nothing against Abram but I loved Rapp's highlights, dude is physical and a good hitter
Damn dropped pick
Both teams are playing 3rd string guys
Belly flop onto a table saw
Lee looking fit, must be the jersey number
Abram a good guy with great instincts, liked seeing his energy on hard knocks. I think he's going to turn out fine
Goodbye Des Moines Personnell
Pour one out for Chris Warren kek
There's the glennon we know and love
rapp should have been first DB off the board but he went 61. lol. sneads fead and sead
It's pre season stop with the flags damn it
Not a lateral
Rather it now than the regular season
ay there he is
Cleveland Furl
This return team
Ferrell sounds better than ferell. Ferrell should consider having his name pronounced as ferrell desu.
Can this dumb fucking long necked bitch do anything besides checkdown or throw picks?
Who /fashoinabley/ late here
I was almost late, had to speed my car home!
>He doesn't run through red lights.
If there's no camera, it's free to do it.
Why isn’t Josh Jacobs playing? Already proving to be a bust? Doesn’t wanna put himself out there?
Not in California. Camera's everywhere, till you get arrested though
Lmao the Chargers would booty blast both of these teams
Oh yeah, I forget jay walking is a crime out there.
You got speed cameras too?
They'd chorge it away too
Camera's on the lights to catch speeders
Lmao injuries would (will) booty blast the Chargers
Little guy, big catch
Glennon fuck it go deep
7 going deep
3 straight big catches, This is the offense we need, not the checkdown
Live by the big play, die by the big play.
Glennon just reeks of McGloin
So do the raiders fans just take anything that isn't bolted down to the ground when the game is over or what?
Oh lord
Well they are raiders
Key with sack ay
We will knock you around and upside down,
And laugh when we conquered and won.
>slow mo shot of Jack Tatum nailing a RB
Yes, but we don't throw it onto the field, that's an Iggles thing.
Carrmageddon why you invite your retarded cousin in the game thread
newfag spotted
and that's the only thing thrown by a guy in an eagles jersey that DOESN'T get picked off
What was that
Yo get the fuck out of here
>Raiders playing Petermeme for the second half
Peterman redemption arc inbound
>dog racing halftime show
Oakland wants to get in on the gambling before the Raiders move to LV.
>dogs are named after former raiders greats
>tim brown dog wins
>weiner dog races
I'm a citizen of the United States of America.
Peterman gonna close this game out
post birth certificate
put Renfrow back in, damnit.
that’s gonna be the highlight of peterman’s career isn’t it
The spirit of Rich Gannon
PeterGOD Touchdown
Imagine getting dabbed on by peterman holy shit
might as well just cut everybody that was on d on that play instantly
>we let fucking peterman score
>we gunna win a superbowl we got a defense now
are rams shitty or raiders good?
One team is trying out their undrafted and unproven players while the other is just put in the best qb to ever live
>playing in a baseball field
Which Rams QBs played tonight's preseason game?
The 3rd string one mainly
why is Peterman not playing?
Wolford, Allen, or Bortles?
Allen, I wanted to see wolford but I guess he’s not ready. I don’t really like Allen
>tfw taking pics of the stadium every day until i head out to navy bootcamp this monday
whats your rate faggot?
Did they tear out the queef's jersey some faggot put into the foundation?
Peterman unironically looks better than Giraffe
But you are a criminal
Peterman growing on me man
>this meme is like a decade old
I'm gonna woo, but it's a sad woo.
stop right there nazi fag
Just got back with going out to eat with my mum for her birthday, did AB play tonight?
>Blocks your path
Go give your mom a hug and tell her you love her, even if it's out of place. She'll be really happy. My mom is dead and I can't do it anymore.
Gib russian gf
stop being hilarious. watch game
>Peterman is the new Pryor
I fuckin love this guy
How was McD's? Did you at least get your mom the whipped topping on her shake? I'll be providing the whipped topping to her mons venus later tonight if you catch my drift.
He has frost bite on his feet and refuses to play without his favorite helmet so no
you mean he'll become wr?
Heh, we went to a nice resteraunt, I will tell her I love her next time I see her.
I find this extremely funny because Russians were responsible for the proliferation of /pol/'s garbage, even pepe.
You boy's hit the jackpot for the useful idiot collection.
>considering Golden Corral to be a nice restaurant
Thank you kind sir/madam for the question answer.
Can we sign someone who's high profile and not a total train wreck? Did he not play early on because he was injured?
What the fuck is going to happen next? Carr plays prob owl tier and then gets his neck broken like Gannon?
Rams backups gave up lol
you're weird. aren't you?
>20 flags so far
AB is fag and so are you, bud
Roethlisberger pls go
I'm actually a Panthers fan, buddy
keep posting
Steve Smith pls go
I'll take it
Carrmageddon pls go
Youngblood pls go
Leave him alone. His untethered faggotry and shitposting alone will secure our #2 spot in the AFC West
That goblin looked like a gorilla
Good luck on your future endeavours fellow Vegas user.
I'm literally Mark Davis, shut your mouth poorfag
Bullshit, post bowl cut
>having a bowl cut
>calling others faggots
if the shoe fits Mark, wear it
>losing to the Raiders
>even in a preseason game
Maximum oof. Even their first stringers are like a practice squad. Losing to their actual practice squad is like losing to a high school team.
Oh fuck
>Chargers losing to Cardinals
>Raiders beating Rams
who /ouryear/ here?
Mcvay please let wolford start over Allen next game please
I guess the rams still technically have a shot
I can smell the cowboys butthurt from here
you're the worst kind of cancer besides tripfags
Don't be gay.
>b-b-but it's just preseason...
It's hard to no be with your dads penis in my anus.
>sonic commercial
>panda express
>Carl's jr
>sonic again
>marie calendar's
I mean, yeah. Preseason barely means anything except maybe looking at specific depth players to evaluate them under easier conditions. As far as meaning something for actual regular season records, no. Both the 0-16 Browns and 0-16 Lions went 4-0 in their preseason games.
Fuck, now I'm hungry...
I'm...not sure if you just rekt me or not.
got your attention didn't it hamplanet
Okay that has to be it
Your argument is sensible, but I'm going to disagree with you because I find it funny.
is it even possible?
I can't argue with that so I pretty much lose by default.
Raiders win!
Peterman undefeated
Based Raiders
>it happened again
Can somebody put grammarfag back in his cage
>Yo I'm Yuro UI
Beat that, bitch.
They found it yeah
Running with this shirt is cozy honestly but heard you get smoked by rdcs for having it at bootcamp
your're a faggot
murder you'reself
RIP in peace after youe'r kill ur'eself
you first, and learn to spell douche
lol enjoy never ever advancing nerd.
I'll enjoy my certificates that guarantee a civilian job
Honestly e6 is all you really need in a 4 to 5 year contract
Jesus fucking christ
you have to go back
LOL Is that what your recruiter told you?
Navy medical shit wont mean squat in the outside.
Who the fuck is going to give some E nothing a 6 figure job for giving dip shits flu shots all day? Ge a fucking grip lol
You will never make E-6 as a HM on a 4 year contract you fucking moron. HMs are overmanned as fuck and have been that way forever.
t. IS2
I don't know what the fuck anyone in this thread is saying anymore.
Ariat makes a decent boot
No its a joke
But as long as you don't slack off in A school and use the college benefits while active you have to be a literal retard to not have a stable job after service
t. Family that has served
Maybe you or your friends didn't cause they are retarded enough to treat military service as a job and not as a way to improve your life thru their college benefits.
I am never going to pay for school and already got 50 college credits enough to get me e3 already in bootcamp
I never said it was you, just your country that played a good portion of America like a fiddle.
Even if it royallyed fucked up my country, it was an impressive cyber op for the money put in.
>another team is falling for Nathan Preseasonman
How many times can he do it, lads
>Maybe you or your friends didn't cause they are retarded enough to treat military service as a job and not as a way to improve your life thru their college benefits.
>I am never going to pay for school and already got 50 college credits enough to get me e3 already in bootcamp
Youre so clueless its insane. Youre in fucking DEP and you think you know everything lol
You will never go E-3 to E-6 in 4 years. You have to spend time in your paygrade before youre eligible to take the advancement exam. E-5 to E-6 alone is 3 years you dumb faggot. Unless youre getting nothing but EPs on your evals it wont happen.
Oh by the way retard, the Navy publishes their advancement quotas each exam period that anyone can look up. Last cycle HM was siting at 3% lol
Unlike you im actually in the Navy so I actually know what im talking about.
If you were ever in my bay id haze the dogshit out of you Richie Incognito style for being so retarded.
Oh just looked up the quota for HM3 its fucking 1% LOL
First of all
Its a 5 year contract for hmda
People that continuously doubt themselves never advance
I know it is the slowest to advance I've heard it a million times but I know I'll advance
Scored 86 on my asvab and joined the military for the benefits , studying isn't difficult for me and I'm physically fit enough to get a overall good - excellent in my age range
>People that continuously doubt themselves never advance
>I know it is the slowest to advance I've heard it a million times but I know I'll advance
Scored 86 on my asvab
What a stupid boot lol
See you in the fleet dipshit, If you ever make it that far