Waste of Money: The Plan
Waste of Money: The Plan
They should get droz to run NXT
Imagine investing all this money to something that has 2million fans
People with no skills, creativity, drive, talent think experimenting is a "waste of money". Successful people know the importance of taking chances. Mediocre people are so afraid to take chances they stagnate
There was never a chance that this would succeed m8
Can i help?
Some of those countries could be good breeding grounds for NXT. The Middle East and India has plenty of bored millionaires with nothing better to do than watch Paul have people wrestle. NXT Japan and Mexico would be hilarious in how fast it fails though.
It's not supposed to make any money. It's supposed to ensure that nobody else does.
Depends how you measure success. I'd say they are doing pretty damn good, they provide work for wrestlers, they make money, they get to travel and do television , they have a solid fan base, they sell merch. What else are they supposed to do?
How's that network subscription?
I too am eagerly awaiting the start of NXT Scandinavia. It will no doubt be a brave and bold risk taken by Hunter.
I don't really get what you mean. If you have any hobbies or things you're into artistically you should understand the value of trying new things.
>What else are they supposed to do?
Turn a profit without mark handouts.
They worked hard to be able to travel like that, it's probably going to be a real cool experience for a lot of the younger wrestlers and fans of wrestling in places that don't often get to experience live shows.
Sometimes you take losses it's part of growth. Any successful person will tell you that
No we don't need to cripple NXT any further
Found the WWE employee. 'Experimenting' at taking over wrestling in a country that is xenophobic to the letter and entirely loyal to their own home-grown companies. This is basically the new Xbox Japan
NXT India would be the only successful venture, either in interest or revenue streams. Everything else would either fail outright or end up like NXT UK.
You're not successful.
Western Europe had a decent wrestling scene before WWE got its claws into it
NXT Venezuela
At least they are trying something. You shouldn't be so cynical , it's cool to watch something expand it's a learning experience. You should always be learning from the world around you, especially if it pertains to your interest. Is your issue that you view things like this as dishonest? Or selling out? Or do you think they should be allocating money into domestic stuff instead?
See the problem with people like you is you don't really have a drive for world experiences and you choose to live vicariously through other people. There's nothing wrong with that necessarily, but it makes you come off as uppity.
That was a lot of words to not even try proving me wrong
Britbong here, and my issue is that NXT has done literally nothing but worsen the overall quality of our independent scene. I'm sure the workers get paid more or whatever but why should I care about that when my local wrestling company is now fallen on hard times...daddeh? Globalisation is fucking gay as hell.
Sounds like a business/marketing major. You can tell by the fact that he's just churning out a bunch of words without actually saying anything.
Nigga, you said "you're not successful" what did you want me to say? You might as well have just green texted me and posting a wojack. You kids have no idea how to just have a normal conversation without being faggots nowadays. You have fun living in mediocrity and "trolling" your entire life.
A better idea than NXT Japan
NXT Middle East and NXT India would be complete wastes. No good wrestler has ever come out of those regions. NXT UK is already shit. NXT Spics and NXT Gooks would both produce good talent but nobody would get over on the main roster while Vince is alive.
OK boomer
It wasn't a waste of money, the stupid traders were buying WWE stock for $90 just because of promises like this one.
NXT Japan wouldn't even produce anything. They'd just try to sign every wrestler in Japan to try to stop NJPW from getting them. At least places like India don't really have much of an indie scene and could potentially find interesting talent that wouldn't have been found otherwise.
I kind of agree with what your saying. I think from the outside in it's cool to see how far NXT has came, I live in Florida. But I can understand that something big like that is going to hurt smaller promotions. And WWE travels enough as it is, they don't really need NXT to "expand"
hell yeah. the scandi wrestling scene is absolute dumpster trash, so it would be a great trainwreck to see
NXT India is bound to fail because no wrestler could withstand the pungent smell of Indian wrestling fans. All matches would end in dq after both competitors puke their guts out once they step into the ring and get a whiff of the curry laced audience.
>the absoFUCKINGlute state of pauletty
Why do you disrespect India it is not a bad place it has gone to space. Everywhere has bad areas too
>Everywhere has bad areas too
That is the entirety of India.
It's a beautiful country though you just spend all day saying rude things about people you never met before it's not nice
>It's a beautiful country
Sure if you like brown lmfao
I don't want to continue talking to you. You're rude
how is he planing to take over eastern Europe? Everyone here thinks wrestling is gay
this is the main reason I don't watch nxt and will never support it. wrestling isn't having your match laid out for you by an agent and practiced during the week before your show. wrestling isn't having your promo written for you by someone else so you sound like everybody else. wrestling isn't playing to the hard cam. nxt sucks the creativity out of wrestling. nxt is npc.
>People with no skills, creativity, drive, talent think experimenting is a "waste of money"
They're the ones running NXT!
>Our plan is to expand NXT and taught them the way of rollups, rehearsing the script and choreograph and as well sitting patiently at the catering
You think that's bad? Imagine being trained to believe that's 'the way things are done' from the ground up. NXT having the dominance Pauletty wants would unironically kill wrestling, we'd be better off battling actual robots.
>Everything else would either fail outright or end up like NXT UK.
you mean achieving its goal in killing the UK indipendent scene?
Reminds me of WCW when they had too much money and spent it on stupidly long contracts for a gazillion people they never used until they went bankrupt.
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It's gonna be more shoot style with oiled up men.
based, would draw my dimes
retards who thinks NXT UK is a failure, have no fucking clue what the purpose of NXT UK is, plus it's airing on free TV in the UK, on a channel the same size as AEW and bigger than IMPACT.
oh yes, can't wait for NXT Czech Republic, which of the 16 wrestlers will they take? will it be the VcV champion Sebastien?
oh hes going over baby all the way to the top
still surprised no WWE China yet
Same, but I just can’t get around why they’re ignoring Iceland. So the plan is to draw dimes all over Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim, Malmo, Stockholm, Gothenburg, Copenhagen, Aalborg, Tampere, Turku, and Helsinki, but leave out big krona Reykjavik & Akureyri? I get the travel concerns, but this simply seems short-sighted
>have no fucking clue what the purpose of NXT UK is
If its to be an afterthought than its doing a good job.
They should've bought OWE. AEW haven't done shit with them
Because you are retarded, I'll list the purpose of NXT UK.
1. Kill WoS (success)
2. Get Europe's best talent under contract so they don't sign for other promotions (success)
3. Maintain a stranglehold in the UK (success)
It doesn't matter if WWE lose money on NXT UK, last time I checked it's still worth billions of dollars.
It doesn't matter nobody watches NXT UK, last time I checked less and less people are watching RAW and SDL which should cause WWE more concern.
Yup. That's why New Japan has to watch its back if they wanna survive.
Wos killed itself to be honest. Even if they had every top level britsh indie star they would flop.
Japan and Mexico have way bigger and more established wrestling scenes than the UK, I don't think NXT will affect their major national promotion much. NJPW is also owned by a big corporation.
You know NJPW is owned by Bushiroad right? That’s not counting all the other established promotions with backing. Something the UK scene didn’t have.
>NXT China
Enjoy your Coronavirus E-drones
>I am a truly successful accomplished multi millionaire businessman actually
>Hence why I am here on the most retarded board on all of Yea Forums;
>In the middle of the day;
>on a weekday;
>I am very successful you see.
lmfao what
>NXT Faroe Islands
>NXT Somalia
NXT; Trinidad & Tobago
NXT Babylonia
TNA ran a promotion there and Stiener/Abyss/Morgan all seemed happy to work there
nu wos was a joke
Archer Gilgamesh vs Caster Gilgamesh, who does the job?
> they have a solid fan base
Yeah about that, they lose 15-20% every year.
They cut house shows because they lose money.
Also what is the buisness model behind hireing more staff than you need and paying them more money than they are worth?
Vince fired his managers because they told him it is bullshit.
Inb4 legal action takes place and his power fantasy is fucked