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Makes sense. JBL will feel right at home amongst wife beaters (Stone Cold), murderers (Jimmy Snuka), pedophiles (Jerry Lawler) and fascists (Donald Trump).

Based as fuck

One of the goat heels

I want to hire the APA

cringe, only reason he was champ was cause HHH didn't wanna work tuesdays

Best heel of the 2000s. Better than Edge. The last of an era of guys who could draw genuine heat and make everyone fucking hate him. Absolutely based

Only reason you're alive is because your dad didn't want to buy condoms.

Hi Paul, is there any more of the Cuck angles on Raw lately?

my thoughts are with mauro at what must be a very difficult time for him

Unironically shouldn’t be celebrating a malicious bully.




I wish Trump was a fascist.


Should've been inducted ten years ago desu.

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Him BTFO illegals at the border, BTFO simps with the Clothesline from Hell, escaping from the cage against Beeg like a cockroach, and that blood gushing match with Eddie are some of my fondest memories.

This line didn't make sense. Smackdown was on Thursdays then.

This but unironically. What a joke. JBL had one good year on top. That's it. He sucked as Bradshaw, he sucked before that, he got fat and out of shape after 2005, and his only lines on commentary worth a damn were "Ballgame" & "I LOVE IT MAGGLE!" He blocks everyone on Twitter like a little bitch when someone disagrees with him, he bullies people, he never drew a dime and killed how good smackdown was in the RA era. The only time he had good matches were with other future legends that carried him. Fuck man I didnt even like him in the APA/Acolytes & Ron Simmons was the goddamn Michael's. Fuck JBL.

it was pre recorded on Tuesdays

Based but desu with who they’ve already inducted in the HOF, JBL going in isn’t that big of a deal.

They’re HOF fucking sucks and I have no idea why so many people are marks for it. Imagine being proud of being in the same HOF as Papa Shango and Rikishi

I wish a long line of people this shit head all start coming out and repeat there story how this psycho shithead hurt them

I think Bradshaw sucks too... but hey man, give the APA it's due (hate that slave Simmons too, but can appreciate a mercenary tag team that accepts beer and/or women as payment).

Simmons was the first black world champion. His induction was deserved.


taped on tuesday. that's why they went live on that day.

Very based post.

Based, it was a matter of time. JBL's era as the top Heel on Smackdown was genuinely great.

Attached: Tell em JBL is waiting.gif (432x324, 458K)

Yeah, let's induct a literal bully, bigot, homophobe, white male, trump voter into the HoF.

Vince really needs to die already so the sport can progress and be taken seriously.

Yikes. Just Yikes.

Farooq was based.

Inducted by Mauro?

Mauro threatening suicide yet again

Hello Mauro

He's going to TOPAY SUICIDA off his roof.

2nd greatest heel of the 00's. Long overdue induction.

it really isn't

butthurt: the post
thin skinned zoomer confirmed

WWE is scraping the bottom of the barrel.

I disagree.

People seethe about him being a shoot asshole, but you can't deny that he's probably the best heel of the ruthless aggression era. He managed to intentionally piss people off with his character and the clotheline from hell was a great fucking finish. He also launched Cena to the moon.

That'd be Edge, except his finisher was trash.

The last true heel.

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If everyone simply gets in what is even the purpose of it.

This is the most trash human being class ever

Isnt He in the hof already?

Nice satire.

>After his Hall of Fame announcement JBL credits Eddie Guerrero for getting the JBL character over.

>“After our first match the JBL character wasn’t over and Eddie and Chavo came up with the idea to have me cause Eddie’s mom to have a heart attack at the live event in El Paso Texas. After that I had nuclear heat. I needed a police escort out of El Paso to guarantee my safety.”

Absolutely fucking based

This ain't getting over

>He'll get in twice as an individual and part of the APA with Ron Simmons.


just this second realised how based the hall of fame is

Fuck Mauro! JBL should have bullied that beta bitch harder. I pray for the day that Mauro does the Etika and it will happen I ding dong diddly guarantee it!

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wtf I love JBL now

>He sucked as Bradshaw
Holy fucking low test gay faggot
I'm gonna hire the APA to rape you

Based Hulkster KNOWS, and this is the only time I'll ever agree with you gr*fo.

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Congrats Mr. Layfield.

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Mauro fucking SHOOK