Have any anons here been beaten up by a bulbasaur?

Have any anons here been beaten up by a bulbasaur?

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Surprisingly no. I grew up in Detroit and never had a problem with black folks. Usually cool as fuck

Bulbasaurs are actually based once you befriend them

Unironically yes. Was walking home from a train station with some friends and got jumped by like 20 of them.

Bunch of blacks approached me as I was going to an after school program. They wanted money. I only had some change and offered it to them. When they stretched out their hand I let the change fall to the ground and as they picked it up I said "hey at least you arent picking cotton anymore" and they DIDNT. DO. SHIT.


Based pathetic subservient white boys praising their Black overlords.

Based basement-dwelling neet hating on niggers because /pol/ told you to



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based subservient white boy defending his black overlords

nah, I'm a Mexican man with pale white skin but I have the accent of a wetback. so we're usually very cool together. the only niggers I've had a problem with are "Religious" niggers aka the blacks that worship pagan gods. they piss me off so fucking much.

Literally only met two black dudes in my entire life. Both were nice lads desu

I used to beat up non-whites all the time from grade school thru high school. One time I was slamming this nigs head into the floor and he popped up and bit my nipple. For some reason, out of all the beatings I gave, I remember that one the most.

Nice headcanon tranny

wait is dude retard using NEET as an insult while whiteknighting niggers who are the most NEET people on earth?

Attached: based retard.png (650x527, 833K)

Attached: spics btfo niggers.png (500x610, 148K)

Good job ruining any point you may have had by using the N word

based. cumskins btfo

We don’t have black people where I live so no

Do we not have mods on this board??
So much off topic shit

I swear it's true. But I can understand a site of basement bound geeks who never won a fight in their life wanting to anonymously talk shit to a bully. Try to doubt me. I'm proud of beating kids up, make no mistake.

No I only ever fought white people. Any time a black person is giving me bad vibes I just stare them down until they leave or I leave

I once walked up to a guy inside my car trying to steal it. Once he saw me walk up he jumped out of the car but I managed to gram him and push him down to the ground. I’ll never forget the crazed look he gave me. It was the look of a wild animal filled with a primal rage laced with fear. In that moment as I stared down at this wretched creature I realized that his very existence was punishment enough. As it got up I told that white crackhead to get the fuck out of my sight.

Yes, once. I'm a manlet that had a really short fuse when I was younger, so I've been in around 10 fights and lost them all. In 6th grade I was about to fight this redneck kid with a rat tail haircut that was friends with a black kid who was a legit retard in special needs classes but was an absolute hoss. Fight started and I got immediately clubbed in the back of the head by the retard who'd come up without me even knowing he was there. Everyone just watched while he kicked the shit out of me, then I got in trouble for "fighting" the special needs black kid. Wasn't fun.

You moron. Freaky Retard Strength is a real thing. Wonder why blacks dont have it across the board with their negative IQs

i never met one

Yeah, it was my dad.

Who gives a shit. Off topic shit is proven to draw dimes. Mods killed Yea Forums when it was the Ace of Yea Forums

Shitting up every board with /pol/ lite shit isn't fucking dimes. Can't just make a wrestling related post or are most of these just threads that got buried in the sea of shit on Yea Forums and /pol/?

I'd be really interested to know what thread you would create in the stead of this one.

Just one topic worth posting about. Let's hear what we're missing out on. Come on.

Please see...
And check me...

Janny is an Amerifat so he sleeps during EU mornings. You can literally post whatever you want and it will stay for hours
I had 26 active Triple H threads at the same time a few weeks ago

Holy based

I always lived in towns where blackies were rare , i've actually never touched one .

pedomod too busy creepin on kids to help you