Never the guy

>Never the guy
>Never drew a dime
>Jobs every time he runs
>Never cut a memorable promo
>Never became president
>Was only over with reddit
>Got squashed by Big Dimes Biden
>Still tries to put himself over despite being 78 years old
>Never made an impact on America
>Will never be remembered
>Will go down as the biggest Janetty of our time

Attached: 191230112940-05-bernie-sanders-lead-image-exlarge-169.jpg (780x438, 29K)

So is Bernie out the race or what? Why is everyone crying?

He didn't win the southern states because they're full of blacks who know Biden as Obama's friend. However he's posed to win big in Texas and Cali which will keep him in the league

You fucked up by the second line.

Attached: big dimes bern.png (1160x854, 551K)

Communism has been proven every single time that it is not a draw.

Texas and California arent winner take all. Even if Bernie wins them, Biden can still pick up a shitload of their delegates. Bernie got BTFO tonight.

Who cares whoever wins will just end up jobbing in a squash match to Trump. This is the equivalent to winning a number one contendership match going against Goldberg.

>anything close to Big Dimes
before this, dude didn’t even draw a state; he’s shoved down our throats and eventually something stuck
still doesn’t mean Bernie is a draw tho

>Healthcare system that literally every other civilized country in the world uses
Why are Americans so stupid?

>they're full of blacks who know Biden as Obama's friend
That's the stupidest reason to vote for someone I've ever heard. Lmao.

Fuck this money grubbing snake, how can anyone trust him after he took everyones money then dipped instead of challenging Hilary? exposed himself as a sellout in 2016

He's such a dumb bitch because democrats want everything he does but the rest of them know not to say so out loud and then there's this stupid faggot defending Fidel Fuckin Castro's commie propaganda book reading program like learn to work kid dang

There are 30 million black """people""" in America. No country with 30 million blacks has free healthcare.

>this is your first election
This is an 18+ image board. Please read global rule 2 and please leave. You will be happy and we will be happy.

I aint paying for your gender reassignment surgery, tranny. Fuck off.

That's literally the opposite of what's going on. All of the democrats say they want what he wants, but in actuality they just want to maintain the status quo and keep their little circle jerk of gridlock powers between themselves and Republicans in balance.

its sad to see the older population is so selfish. 75% of califonrians under 35 want him. I wouldn't even be worried if the brokered convention wasn't a threat. but it seems Biden will win with dirty heel tactics and go over in this authority storyline

Please leave Yea Forums.

t. Seething dumb nigger

Ding ding ding! No Democuck has ever kept to the same story for one year, much less then 10+ that Bernie has been doing his thing. They all jacked his talking points and tried to co-opt them at the debates but just sounded as insincere as ever.

Joe Biden isn't up there flapping his gums about forgiving all student loans or taking away everyone's private health insurance or saying he is going to raise taxes on everyone making over $29,000 a year

He is the Dolph Ziggler or Zach Ryder

imagine big dimes warren not going over this goof

Attached: 0F59A7CC-3F8E-4902-BAB1-8D769EFFF43D.jpg (767x432, 84K)

>proposes 50 trillion dollar bill
>with absolutely zero methodology as to how he's going to actually collect that much
I'm so glad bernouts like you are getting btfo.

Attached: bernie changes his tune.jpg (720x720, 48K)

You shouldnt be so autobiographical all the time user.

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I was always a Mommy Tulsi guy

Gotta respect the old jew for scamming reddit out of their money, what a bunch of marks

Trump is on his Hollywood Rock era / Stone Cold "What?" era right now. Everything coming out of his mouth is pure stand-up comedy these days. He's going to decimate Biden, who is truly the biggest punchline he could have hoped for. The jokes will write themselves.

Nobody wants to pay for niggers and welfare kings/queens who don't ever contribute. Plus it is a massive slippery slope as it would force us to pay for stupid shit such as abortion, gender reassignment, and plastic surgery.

Shut up nerd.

18+ kiddo

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Fuck off Bernie smark

Their education system is also Sick people are far worse for an economy than "freeloaders"

How dare you respond to me.

>Klobuchar drops out
Welp, four more years of Trump I guess.

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This, does anybody truly believe bernout or creepy joe stand a chance against the ace?

>running on a platform of raising taxes for people who make 29k+ a year


Attached: poca.jpg (362x318, 31K)

>muh taxes no progress ever gotta keep muh taxes low
Just die already boomer

>Retard doesn't understand the concept of a progressive tax system
Typical Trump supporter.

Based warren getting BTFO in new england

>NPC noises
I love you like my bitch user

Blacks also distrust Jews

>things cant get progressively worse
What other terms do you want to use that you dont understand?

Based Bernie with the ultra heel move


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Does Yea Forums realize that no one in the business talks like this? You won't hear JR, Jericho, or Bischoff talk this way on their podcasts, or even Meltzer. Drawing dimes, diddly ding dongs... it's all autism. Yea Forumsies indeed.

>if i cry hard enough, Bernie will win

No but we do realize that you won't ever have sex nerd

Well wrestling is dead so its the only traffic this board does.

Based White Chocolate coming for bernie nigga

Big Dimes Texas about to be the final nail in the coffin for this simp

Spics know better from experience to NEVER support a commie lest they want to be balkanized even farther by the CIA.

Why do Berniebros have such poor coping skills?

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Why are you on this message board ya faggot

Life in an echo chamber.

*wins Texas and California in youre path*

Gender dysphoria is a mental illness.

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You just know that nigger has never had sex

nice, you get that off your facebook group grandpa?

They are blacks, what else did you expect?

Even if he wins, he still has to share their delegates with Biden LOL. Imagine winning Texas and you only gain one more delegate than Biden hahahaha

Instagram actually. Also cope

Who did the Texan wrestlers vote for bros?

>Booker T

But Bernie, theres just one thing........

Attached: Triple-H-On-Mic-With-His-Anger.jpg (642x361, 31K)

these niggas cuttin
fucking wh*toids

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All of them Trump except Booker who goes Biden

Slave simps like you go and fetch it for me newfag bitch


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Imagine wanting these people to get the president they want

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>p-please look at the filename I w-worked so hard on it
fuck off back to your DBZ RP thread ya trannime zoomer pussy

Based billy beamish putting old god fearing *lacks in their place

>Hates kikery
>Hates niggery
Sounds like a based future to me ya niggerkike

It's a Yea Forums filename. That means someone else posted it. Go back.

Anyone saved any berniebro screenshots of back when they still thought they had a chance?

Attached: Capture+_2020-02-23-20-27-03.png (714x441, 104K)

Yet you cut yourself because your kike candidate can't win and give you and niggers gibs


>Austin voting Trump

fucking lmao nice headcanon

Congrats you know how to copy-paste someone else's numbery filename and change a couple around


Attached: 1583292849522[1].png (761x103, 10K)

American political theatre is so dumb like the rest of their "culture"

Not having a strong male role model growing up and being raised by a sociopathic mother usually does that

Everyone in politics is a kike, Bern's the least kikey in spite being a biological kike


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>Austin voting for a gun grabber that will raise his taxes

fucking lmao nice headcannon

Attached: maxresdefault[1].jpg (1280x720, 127K)

Your "country" never drew a dime Achmed

>Congrats you know how to copy-paste someone else's numbery filename and change a couple around

Attached: shit for brains.png (900x729, 129K)

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>Americans think every other country is the Middle East

Their public education system at work.

He drew my dime x

Attached: IMG_302.jpg (691x767, 52K)

Based. I want to be these berniecommies kill themselves like they say they will

I mean have you seen Europe recently?

He's still projected to get the nomination.

Attached: 20200303_230134.jpg (720x990, 301K)

>Berniefags think they have a chance
>w-we just need Texas!
>Texas hits Bernie with a leg drop and squashes him in a 30 second match

Truly the Hogan of the states

Attached: 22o5.jpg (800x701, 30K)

Do you have open border policy? Then you are now. Enjoy!

Nice try Muhammad

Attached: german muslims.jpg (1990x1660, 375K)

Europe isn't a country

>He's still projected to get the nomination.
Nigger there is no need to lie. Biden is the overwhelming favorite now.

>That's the stupidest reason to vote for someone I've ever heard. Lmao.
Yeah, well, WE

>Bernie fans be like "i have to squirt fluids into my vagina with my dilater to keep the cavity from closing and scabbing up."
>Biden fans be like "dude, that's gross."

Attached: 1403038997958.jpg (776x678, 133K)

Now youre just splitting hairs.

At least flip the image so it doesn't show up on GIS retard. Anybody can change a filename

>hiding the progressive's hatred for blacks
What did she mean by this?

>facts that contradict you are splitting hairs

Yeah, for niggers. You ain't a nigger, are you user?

t. 56%ers who also can't score a mark above that in geography

I mean whatever you slumlords call yourselves is fine but just know we are your betters.

I'm just here to laugh at Berniecuck tears and I am doing a shit ton of laughing. Then in November it will be time for the tranny and nigger tears

Attached: tranny seethe.jpg (1191x1200, 189K)

I'm in the business and I talk like that dipshit

Why are you up this late seething about American politics on Yea Forums? Don't you have a job or girlfriend user? Anything at all to get out of bed for other than being a salty faggot online?

American't even do better that Canada

>progressive liberalism is not a mental disorder

Attached: cmpunklaughing.gif (360x238, 1.93M)

>>with absolutely zero methodology as to how he's going to actually collect that much
someones been worked by the based establishment media

>that Canada
I rest my case, kek

>American't even into timezones

Would you like me to mail you some geography textbooks?

t. Muhammad

Attached: swede cucks.jpg (3053x1002, 188K)

Or you could just tell me what country you are in instead of being ashamed of it like a little shitskin pussy. Of course we all know you won't

If you can afford the postage, sure.

lmao I have worked (You) into this exact shoot before, fucking KEK

keep wasting your time posting rando Euro newzzz

sorry forgot the "@"

enjoy getting shot and going bankrupt from it

that don't change the fact you are a non-american utterly boiling in this thread about american politics ya colonized bitch

Attached: based retard.png (650x527, 833K)


Why would I be mad at your shithole country ensuring it remains stuck decades behind the civilised world?

>multi post coping
It would be funny of it wasnt so sad.

>lmao I have worked (You) into this exact shoot before, fucking KEK

How much are you on Yea Forums bro this is not healthy. Please stop breaking your mother's heart.

Good lord, who is this?

>Why would I be mad at your shithole country ensuring it remains stuck decades behind the civilised world?
Nice English shitskin.

Attached: 1515297229207.jpg (635x542, 15K)

He should have gotten way less.

That dude literally can't understand the English language. You know he is a Pajeet

>wojack poster
Ok, it's starting to make sense.

lmao and now you're even stealing lines I used on (You). Ultra-cucked.

Point out the mistakes burger. Go ahead and double-down on your retardation showing you can't even understand proper English.

>crying about images on an image board
>can't speak English
>perma butthurt about America
lol reddit shitskins

Attached: SEETHING.jpg (633x758, 297K)

>non russian using the term comrade unironically.

How are we supposed to know what timezone you are in? Since you can't speak English and supposedly aren't in Europe I guess you are a spic shitskin

>every foreigner I don't like is an Indian

>you can't speak English

prove it burger

Illiterate nigger I'm not doing shit for until you stop being ashamed of your country and say what it is.

kind of want to see amy's granny yams bros

Attached: f7de3c7c-d8ec-4a1d-9c5c-4c6a62577b4c-ank0719saturday.d2.jpg (2160x1592, 422K)

Cool reddit spacing you ESL shitskin.

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Based we need to use natural selection to cleanse the world of these zoomer fags

lol you do this every time. Claim there's "mistakes" but too scared to back up that claim because you can't and then project massively.

>funny of it wasnt


Just like you cry about America but are too embarrassed to admit what shithole you come from?
Keep coping retard. You speak English like a 3rd world shitskin.

>Prematurely calls Cali for Bernie
Well umm....(shuffles around papers)..the thing is umm.....plans change

Attached: dave-meltzer-ratings.jpg (660x400, 41K)

I'm not "embarrassed" by anything except your piss-poor bants, mate.

Point out the mistakes you allege or I will accept your concession, 56%er

>this thread

I love it when you can tell non-Americans are utterly obsessed with us on a board without flags

Attached: godbless.jpg (600x577, 87K)

Zzzzzzzzzzack Söybre Jr hardest hit

What don't you understand about that exactly? It's a pretty clear sentence

T. different guy

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Who is the wrestling equivalent to Bernie?

I asked for your country first. You are so fucking gotten to about me clowning your shitskin grammar I am loving it.

When did he say he isn't in Europe?

Ricochet is the most recent example that comes to mind.

Have you never lived through a US presidential election before?

Good to see a quality post sneak in this sea of autism.

He worked himself into believing that just like he's working himself into believeing there's anything wrong with my grammar because he needs to maintain his delusion of superiority jajaja

Nah I just find it pathetic you make a claim and then won't back it up

He sperged out about timezones when he got called out for being up this late on Yea Forums. Funny he left out what country he and was retarded enough to think anybody would know his timezone

Matt Hardy actually

>over pushed
>media gets bored with him
>given a 24/7 title match and loses

Just like I find it pathetic you are obsessed with America but your country is so shit you know you will get destroyed when you name it. Now pick up an English book instead of wasting your life here.

You keep going on about his grammar, even though there was nothing wrong with that message you keep being confused about. This is pretty weird

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You should see Yea Forums. Jesus fucking Christ the seethe at America glorious

I don't see how that means he's not in Europe. Over here it's 7.30am, it could be 6.30 or 5.30 depending on how much further west he is

lol I don't even think you know your own timezone burgertard

>mockery is obsession

Nice cope

>you will get destroyed when you name it

I could name literally dozens of nations and none would be worse than your backwards shithole

Stop samefagging dude you are obviously obsessed with your grammar since you have replied to me about it a dozen times crying.

>I could name literally dozens of nations and none would be worse than your backwards shithole
Then why don't you just name the one you are from? Got something to hide?

It's some canadian fuck or a uk cuck

>75% of califonrians under 35 want him
All the more reason to hate him.

Maybe I'll put you over next time, kiddo.

Attached: 243b8641f95b71452550e6130ac21f30.jpg (523x283, 17K)

I can totally understand why he wouldn't admit that then

>everybody I don't like is the same person

>Got something to hide?

I just think it's funnier to watch you get increasingly mad and project harder about it.

Y'know if your shithole country actually got its act together (like the civilised world did half-a-century ago) and implemented healthcare, you'd be able to get uncosted counselling sessions and get the help you clearly need without going bankrupt.

I don't think the samefagging claims would add up, if you compare the times he and I have posted. I don't feel like checking though. But I almost want to break down that controversial message to put you at ease lol