can I have some please? got a new pc and my old folder is gone
Full kit wankers
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I have never seen a full kit wanker in the US
*blocks your path*
if course, you lever left your basement in fears of being shot
that's because there's no kit big enough to fit in the average american
>ball never seen a blade of grass
>cleats cleaner than his dress shoes
What even is the point? Even fans of the team will think (know) you're a fucking wanker.
thats worse somehow than someone in full liverpool kit on the street
lmfao and it's for manti fucking te'o
The armband always gets me.
Americans, is this phenomenon found in baseball? It just seems like it would be more acceptable for some reason.
no, just the top. no one really does this over here.
>bullying autistic people
baka desu
this one is based though
proper chels
hes based
Now That's Gotta Hurt!
I cried. That was epic.
the virgin slag vs the fullkit chad
Top lad.
At least he must be happy
What about you m8 :)
You're definitely a more sensible people
Whats worse, a captains armband or shinguards?
>full kit clubbing
so cringe that its actually based
To be fair, there's a guy in a Batman costume too, so it might be fancy dress.
a manti te'o jersey is funny on its own
Is that UTV?
I will never be as happy as this man in that moment
>Maguire after Croatia loss
This is based.
>too little ass
must have been nice when he fucked off to barcelona
Doesn't count if they're actually on the team
I lived in the bronx for 2 years. I used to see only people that look like that. It was a nightmare
Absolute unit.
That actually is aguero though
Callum, 17 from Gateshead
>classic one hasnt been posted yet
disappointed in you guys
>full kit manure fan in London
makes sense
In awe at the size of this lad.
does someone have that rare pic of tyson fury wearing the full manu white kit?
I genuinely think that's the only thing he owns with an elastic quality
Ok he obviously has learning difficulties, probably begged his dad to take him in his brand new kit.
fucking kek
another classic
Literally Vila fans at 7pm tonight
Is he a full kit wankers? Lad was probably playing some 5 a side with his Man Utd top. The socks and the shorts aren't part of the full kit.
Look at his calves and his ankles. Holy.
Peak British male performance.
>those teeth
oh god bless the eurofags
this is propa confidence, absolute chad that lad is
looks like he kneed himself in the face lmao
Has there ever been a manager who stands at pitch side in full kit?
saw a dortmund full kit wanker last month, first time in my life
dude was in his 40s maybe, balding, kinda pudgy
it was in alicante, afternoon
thought about taking a pic but felt bad for him
this lad just came back from playing with the mates from work, not a full kit wanka
common sight in Lisbon subway, but usually with a Benfica or Sporting kit
He looks like the tin
the classic
There’s something about full kit wankers that looks so wrong. They look like unclean manchildren while the actual players don’t. Could a /fit/ pull off the full kit wanker look?
More like POAK Greek performance mate.
Nope. Pretty sure the non-football pitch surroundings play a part in making full kit wankers look so off, so even a /fit/ dude would look weird.
i have the same body type... please, delete this image
casual here, why is there what looks like an M240 behind him?
How the fuck they even get him in the top without him falling to bits?
is it not a fishing rod?
he was fine before the players showed up, their ambivalence to United's slide sucked his soul right out
women are allowed, different rules la
Why have you.... done this? centuries of preparation... so much good, undone...
damn, andy carroll really let himself go
Poor guy was probably happy to see players from his favorite team, and you guys go and make fun of it. I hope Rashford doesn’t lose his head in the fame, and remembers this personal experience.
Bournemouth winning
Brighton Winning
Burnley Winning
Birmingham Winning
Brentford Winning
Blackpool Winning
Bolton Not Losing
is this the power of the Letter B?
fishing rods don't usually have a bipod
Why is his friend groping his genitals?
>tfw you pretend to be wayne bridge and spend 45 minutes feigning tears over john terry in the hope a norf slag will suck your cock in the toilets
makes me proud to be english
Here is one from a ICC meme match I attended. Bayern M
how did you get this picture of me?
trying to get his wenger out
he somehow manages to resemble the lion, the witch AND the wardrobe
crocks in defense mode, zero openings in his battle stance. chad imo
What's even crazier is that they're wearing shin guards. What would compel a man to do this?
that was somewhat humorous, actually
cause they are unathletic or too old
Top lel
I saw one today outside the pub. Probably lost a bet
Imagine seeing some random yank with 50lbs of cushions wrapped around him and a crash helmet. It's harder to be a FKW in America due to the amount of safety gear involved.
up the chels
What did he do to lose the captain's armband?
He looks like a little kid who's really excited to be in his new kit and wants his mum to take a photo.
hes at Manchester Airport Terminal 3 Departures lounge there
utter cringe indeed
No need to seethe.
This thread is a sad reminder. nightmares come true.
That's one giant fucking head
If we have to believe a man is a woman because they say so we can have a man in a football kit walking around town.
he obviously doesnt know any better, feel bad for him tbdesu
I promise this is 100% the truth.
I went on a trip to Liverpool (I live in the North-East) recently, it was the first time I'd ever been. No word of a lie, whilst I was walking near the cathedral a guy came past me in a full Liverpool kit. Also, lots of other manchildish stuff, there were tons of adults on small BMXs around.
Wisdom right here. I identify as Bill Gates so I should have access to his bank account.
the worst thing about this is that he was a liverpool supporter and the family just wanted a photo op
>captain's armband
requesting the cartoon version of this pic
I genuinely feel bad for Barron. Let him play guys, don't bully him.
he's one of "us"
Needs more different sports.
just how based can one group of posters be?
portuguese and brazilian posters are the best in this board no doubt
Portugal is one of the most based countries on earth
unironically muh dick
>tfw no bahía gf
I would let her wank my full kit if you catch my drift.
I thought scott brown was a bit taller.
This one was pretty based
That just Carrick m8
Objectively false.
It's only half acceptable for children to FKW, depending on age. In your teens, you should have more than just one kit for kickabouts so you just mix. Think about it, not even in that shitty picadito with your boomer coworkers you see them.
>Canned tomatoes
>Not Bottled leagues
Wrong aisle la
microscopic feet
whats he doing with 10 cans of canned tomatoes
Big massive pot of spagbol of course
bruh his dad ran out on him and his mother long ago
obviously a stag do
I hope
where you from la
durham here
Quite cute to be honest
I saw a whole family full kit-wankering the new Liverpool kit earlier. Mum, dad, 4 little kids. It was a real fucking sight. No names on any of the kits but the dad had Gerrard 8.
The kids meant I didn't sneak a pic though but yeah it is more widespread than people in other countries might think. Still rare though.
It's something that's usually unique to the city of Liverpool, occasionally Celtic which is the Scottish version of Liverpool, and people with genuine learning difficulties in other cities.
Liverpool fans are an absolute state though. You won't find a more weird set of specimens supporting any other sports team in the world. Many of them look mutated in some way or another.
back when man city was cool
Child molesting fenian bastard
>white full kit wankers: liverpool supporters
>asian full kit wankers: manure supporters
>black full kit wankers: arsenal supporters
Why is this true 90% of the time?
Live in Liverpool and the full kit thing is almost always the Norwegian fans. Tons of kids in full kit but that's just kids in their fake DHGate gear.
There's a guy who cuts about the town wearing a full kit and goalie gloves.
What would compel someone to buy a full replica kit and then choose to leave their house wearing it?
Why are black lads are so based?
The shinpads get me every time
This is what I really don't get. The shirt is enough, then the shorts are too far. But when they get the fucking socks as well they're just taking the piss.
kino shirts
I like how the estrogen he exudes natural shapes his shorts into a frilly skirt
Maybe an army fair, shot an LMG at one when I was a young lad fuck knows where and why
>arselel customer
No mercy
i think i saw this on
Red tag mate, must be a really good deal.
where I live I see more blacks and Asians in Liverpool shirts and more whites in man utd shirts, don’t really see arsenal shirts often even though more people support them here. i live in the south east.
A different kind of wanker happens after seeing this one :^)
needs blacked logo
Confirmed next Messi, he has the autism to be the GOAT
I'd like to imagine the players took a break to get refreshments with the fans.
How much are those helmets anyway?
Bloody hell, I'd just stick to getting a hoodie with a College team's name/logo on it.
>Not fishing with a belt fed 7.62
You probably have the gay
I'm considering getting a replica of my alma mater's helmet to decorate my living room during college ball season, like having it sit tastefully on my TV stand shelf, but part of me thinks it might be cringe.
Nah, personally I wouldn't consider it too cringy. I have one of those mini-helmet replicas of a Pats helmet on my desk.
If you started wearing that helmet to games with a uniform to go along with it, then yeah. Yikes.
5 times la
Stay in your place chelsea incel
Looks like your average englet. Disgusting creatures
why would anyone dress up in a full kit?
special needs
In case Salah get injured and Klopp turns round trying to find who to sub on then spots some brave Scouser ready to step up
LFC fans are so cringe.
I know we make fun of these people but many of the adults seem to look genuinely autistic or even retarded.
>I have a replica of a pats helmet on my desk
What a fucking faggot, kys bandwagoning cunt
This is always posted, but he was launched by his peers, right?
that second impact is always so unexpectedly violent. grab the handrails man!!!
Watch the color of his pants. Look at how much dirt he picks up by the time he reaches the bottom.
Why not? My fishing rod has a scope.
Checks out.
Is this the same kid?
fuck i hope nobody saved a pic of my car when I went full kit wanker with the decals / license plate frame
did you happen to take a photo of it???
This is what I imagine when I think about an english person.
Why the hate? I feel like these lads are just going the extra mile to support their club. Good on 'em, I say.
Is this real?
I want to be Barons friend
me on the left
>im sick of it
>"better dead then red" he muttered
Brazil, the land of law and order.
i don't think you understand, that is just a picture of frank lampard.
Lampard? More like LamLARD lmao.
looks like a pajeet, learn to spot the difference mate
Me on the right.
yep, Liverpool go to the same hospital every year, often the kids support everton tho
You can get cheap plastic ones for $10-15 at the right places.
A 14 year old
these are the people who make fun of Americans. good grief
Why do girls always wear shorts too small when they're full kit wanking?
so this is hell
Poor black guy having to deal with these subhuman wh*tes
hard to tell from the outside in a pic but it looks like at least the miami fkw went full autism and got an authentic helmet. those are like $350
she's actually working promoting as roma near Castel Santangelo
keked at this
>been a Man U fan for 117 years
>dying wish is to meet some of their star players
>be told some are coming to visit you
>heart races with anticipation thinking back on some of the greats throughout the club’s rich history
>four negros show up
>despite the fact that you look like a shittier version of The Cryptkeeper, you’re more uncomfortable than they are
Here's Morrissey (already a wanker) wearing a SIGNED Chivas kit..
>has never lived there
>nobody has posted the GOAT
Disappointed desu lads
I've thought of doing this ngl
To be fair, a full kit wouldn't be a terrible outfit for working out. You know, functionally.
Even the dog is disappointed
the dog always gets me
top bint top right
poor doggo
top kek
>fucking shin pads
utter vomit
jesus fuck
He looks like he was added in the photo with Photoshop
Heading to London next week, staying in the Chelsea area.
Where do I find some pubs with proper slags lads?
on a bright sight, at least this is not a chinese escalator. imagine the headline
>escalator devours a full kit wanker
Try the local mosques; don't do anything haram though
The replies to this post finally explain something to me. You people only make fun of full kit wankers cause most of them look like goofballs/ugly/weirdos/etc. But if that's suddenly a 'chad' with a 'square jaw' then it is based.
Why didn't he grab onto the first peg and get down? Why didn't he use his legs to soften his bump with the next one and then grab onto it and get down?
He had grippy rubber handrails on both sides if he wanted something to hold on to. He was just committed to the stunt.
that's pretty cheap. probably crap.
for me it's Saurez
For me, it's wearing your 'GERRARD 8' kit and dress shoes.
>making fun of an illness
Yeah or that, although it seemed to me that the grips were too low and would be hard for him to grab onto.
>just committed to the stunt
What a madlad
It is human psychology 101.
Better looking people are treated better.
Based autist