>jobs to an Alzheimer's patient
Jobs to an Alzheimer's patient
he's not jobbing to trump though?
boomers backstage didn’t like him getting over naturally so they’re jobbing him out now
Trump goes over Bernie like Hogan would go over Gillberg.
he’s gonna win Texas and California though
You're not getting my free stuff white boy.
Boomerberg will drop out tomorrow and give his political campaign staff and funding to Biden
Bernie would expose Trump like the idiot he is
and lose the house in the process
to be fair focusing on what Trump is doing wrong is where his downfall will come, he should've focused on how he's gonna make things better.
>black people want handou-
why didnt black people vote for the "free shit" candidate?
That's all Bernie focuses on though, Biden is the one who will play slap fight with him and get wrecked
doesn't matter, they're not winner take all states lol.
They're not known to be intelligent
>Literally every Demokike is combining into the Israeli Megazord to try and stop Bernie from actually being the people's choice
I really hope they get fucking smoked for this bullshit, if not maybe 4 more years in the cuckshed will finally smack some sense into their bulbous noses
They didn't vote for Yang and he was going to give every adult $1000
Because they knew you only get $1000 if you're not already receiving government gibs.
You've now reminded me of the Vore comic of this bitch
Fucking great stuff it was too
He never had a chance. Every single other candidate aside from the irrelevant Tulsi Gabbard is a DNC puppet. Warren is blatantly only still in this to take votes from Sanders.
Sami Zayn on suicide watch
T seething Bernie supporter.
>Options are now a senile old man and a senile old man
Nice political system, Amerilards.
berniebros worked into a seething racist shoot
It won't. Another four years of Trump is a win for them. All they care about is stopping Bernie
Trump would call Bernie a weak pos and he wouldnt be wrong.
There should be a policy that any shitskin making political statements has to say where they're from. This is why this board needs flags.
fuck those dumb niggers
Moderates aren't wishy-washy bitches like the far lefters.
>hit with the "he might win if you pay enough" gimmick again
Will the marks fall for it a second time?
Bernand Sandals was raped in the cold Spring of 2020
wtf i love black people now
>to hate bernie you have to force yourself to love niggers and israeli puppets
hard pass.
>free college
>still poor as fuck and can't get off welfare
the fuck are niggers doing?
>can't get off welfare
They don't want to.
Nobody hates Bernie we hate his purple-haired, funko pop collecting reddit voter base. It's been hilarious to laugh at them tonight
They ain't workin jobs like suckas
That's fair enough I wish I didn't have to associate with so many neon trannies and niggaboos to just want the closest thing to a non-partisan candidate so we can finally break the biggest kike-scam of them all: a two-party system where both sides are bought out in the supposed Land of the Free.
>it's those darn evangelicals that made black people not vote how I want
Why are they like this?