/tjpw/ - Tokyo Joshi Pro General

3.8 Card TBA

old thread

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1st for ASUKA!

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No offence to her, but is neko haruna a little shoot retarded?

I keep filtering and hiding these cringe joSHIT threads but they keep popping up like cockroaches. You incel weebs need a life. Thread hidden

*drags Shoko to a half decent match*

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neko-san is very special. (58 IQ)

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Did you guys check out Yuka Sakazaki's match from Revolution? What did you think?

Based retard Haruna

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based Waito Dragon

don't get worked by her gimmick
the fact that she's able to put on such a convincing performance shows how intelligent she truly is

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she put all the INT points into AGI but it still didn't quite work out
still in my top 5

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Yuka is so over she managed to get multiple Yuka chants even as Britt was kicking the shit out of her.

I doubt Rika did bad enough to drag Shoko down like that, Rika is pretty good.
I didn't watch the pre-show

I sent Namba a message on instagram DM and she replied, should I propose

very fun match. how long was the match? 5min? theres two feuds that they can do with this. also, yuka got a great reaction. she might just be 2nd/3rd most over wrestler in the womens division now

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it wasn't on the pre-show it was a dark match which just aired on AEW Dark 1h30m ago

*carries yuka to moty 2019*

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Overall pretty good for AEW. I thought the finish was odd when Yuka didn't try to break up the submission though.

funnily enough I originally typed dark matches but realized it could've been on the pre-show which I also didn't watch so I changed it. No, I don't watch AEW Dark aside from the one match where Shoko carried Riho.


The Mount Rushmore of Stupid is Natsumi, Miyu, Natsuki, and Miu but who knows who dumb the rest of the roster has gotten by now.

yea but at least it happened on dark. she might have forgotten also

big brains mahiro needs to teach them some smarts

that was a great match, as expected from those two. I had higher expectations because I do that a lot, but I know not to fault the match for my mistake and after watching it a couple more times I could really appreciate how great it was.

have sex

*is the real TJPW comedy master in your path*

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Yeah it wasn't a huge deal. I think yuka was supposed to be on the ground outside the ring, or at least off camera, which might be why she ran off camera right before Riho tapped.

sorry wrong pic

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>worked by someone watching wrestling matches
take your own advice

What does she see?

I was worried nervousness was going to mess with them, but they knocked it out of the park. It might have been my favorite match from DDT Ultimate Party 2019, maybe tied the the plastic bin match that I laughed my ass off at.

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a happy life with her lover

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the official baka retard of TJPW

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stop messaging my wife

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based, that bin shit cracked me up too

Anyone know if the best bout dvd has alternate commentary or camera angles or something thats different from the DDTU version of those matches?

based OP. You're a man of your word.

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The DARK match was very fun, well laid out and both teams worked well together.
The excitement of the crowd was incredible, the reactions rivaled some of the big matches on the main card.

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i wished they would have done this match on dynamite instead of the one we got. not that it was bad, but there was some awkward parts in it. the dark match was really nice and i hope they can continue to improve the womens division but its clear you need atleast 1 joshi in each match to make it somewhat good

>the reactions rivaled some of the big matches on the main card.
you are wrong here tho

Why do you support Natsumi, Agua?

There's work to be done for sure.
I always enjoy when Riho is on.
She always has a strong match and performance and the crowds are always excited to watch her.

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i like her boobs

I like Nacchan.

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because she's the only joshi we know has a gravure from under the age of 13. Where most of us feel bad for her for probably being forced into that, he became her biggest false fan because of it.

i did not know this. how do you know this user?

Can this unsafe shitter fuck off to aew already?

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He's the only person who constantly talks about that. Weird fixation.

Congratulations !!

It is especially impressive because you had to remake it from scratch after it was tragically deleted !

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She probably will. Has she been unsafe lately? I didn't notice on TJPW, but I know she's been on DDT lately but I haven't been keeping up with it. I do remember her sandbagging and botching during her last title defense though.

She KO'd Mina at a recent show. I don't get the hype other than "good wrestler" is her gimmick and not what she actually is

you got a clip of it?

>Shoko and Aino in the finals
>Mina gets the focus

because someone posted about it in /tjpw/ many months ago to point out one possible reason agua decided to exclusively avatarfag as Maki for years.
if you didn't see it, you just happened to not see the thread/post. And I agree it's hard to think about a child being pressured into doing that shit, I'm glad she seems to have turned out as a happy wrestler.
stop samefagging and go to bed

who is going to break it to her that she sucks?

Someone posted a webm maybe two threads ago. Don't have it on me though

Nacchan fortunately escaped the corrupt junior idol industry before she was coerced into doing adult videos like a lot them.
She did tweet a few years back that she ran into a photographer who shot one of her junior idol books and said she's indebted to them, so I don't think it was a negative experience for her.

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I don't see how that would stop her from wrestling in AEW. You don't want to see the Itoh vs Baker dream match user?

>baker goes for her stupid dentist submission
>breaks her hand on itoh's head

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Shitoh is eventually gonna appear in AEW and it will be the first AEW match I skip

why are you even watching that shit
actually, don't tell me

They had a match at the 2.11 TJPW show. I'll check it out and see if I can find the KO.

let people enjoy what they want. no need to have a hate boner for them


Why would you call her that...

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itoh did just say her favorite english word is poop so it fits

Wednesday Night Dynamite has been consistently great weekly wrestling, don't let Yea Forums contrarians convince you otherwise

It's been solid, I can't say great

or just watch it and decide yourself if you like it

i agree. its been great. the only thing i worry about is that they need a couple more great wrestlers for their main event scene. also need better women wrestlers that will sign full time(specifically heels)

Alright I think I found it. I remember thinking it was weird that the ref didn't count 3, but I figured it was a botched finish or something.
Looking at it again, Mina did seem to have been KO'd though because Yuna immediately came to check on her after the finish. Mina also stumbled getting out of the ring, and had to be helped to the back. Could have been selling, but she really did seem fucked up.

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so how do you explain to the audience why the ref stopped counting?

In kayfabe I guess they could say her shoulder was slightly up or something (even though it clearly wasn't), but I'm pretty sure she got shoot KO'd.

You don't

which is why I wish they'd roll with it. Plenty of other companies will finish the count and then adjust booking, rather than hope the ref has a way of stopping the pin without looking stupid.

also they could do what AWG does and delay every 3rd count, just to give the pinning wrestler a chance to realize the heem and maybe change into a submission or something.

TJPW wrestlers aren't great at improv, I guess the refs aren't either.

Yeah it would have looked way better if the ref just counted 3. She clearly wasn't moving. I'm guessing the ref was told the finish would be an AA since Miyu just picked her up right after and finished her with an AA.

I wonder how much of the blame can be placed on the trainer(s) and how much on the lack of true skilled wrestlers, because it seems to be way worse for them.
If people fuck up in Stardom, they don't just stupidly try to repeat the spot most of the time. TJPW, when it happens (and it does happen, more often) they'll just start it over again because they can't transition to the next part of the match with quick thinking like a rope run or turning a spill off a rope into an opportunity for a quick boston crab.

Stop pampering joshi wrestlers, you beta males. No one would be crying like this if Sakaguchi knocked out Endo.

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people discussing wrestling sure does seem to set you off huh

Who is crying? People are criticizing their ability to improvise. How the fuck is that pampering?

They're the king of forced contrarianism, notice nothing in the past 3 years of their shitposting has been agreement with others. It's always the exact inverse.
>People like Shoko? I hate Shoko.

accurate and nerve-hitting

You think that's exclusive to joshi fans? Take a look at the Yea Forums catalog.

you do know not everyone has to like the wrestlers you like or the popular wrestlers, right?

holy fucking CUTE

No one here even hates Shoko despite what insecure Shoko fans are claiming every thread.

that's not the point
he goes out of his way to always be the only one with an enlightened "take" even if it makes him look like a delusional idiot, because agreeing with people is anathema

It's just one troll. I don't think Shoko fans care if other people don't like Shoko.

shoko is very talented and very cute... i just like mizuki more

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more like i dont think people care if other people dont like their faves. its not just shoko that gets shitted on here

I don't hate Shoko I just don't care about her
I feel the same way about Rika, Raku, Miu, Aino, Sena, and Suzume

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Should TJPW do stuff like this?


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In your opinion, which girl would make the best wife material?

Yuki and her great cooking

I asked for a mold of her teeth after shitposting in her DMs for an couple hours and she asked for my address and paypal account to cover shipping costs

the fuck

based joshi teeth entrepreneur

based if true

I brought it up because it was her "Valentines Gift"

She says her finger is recovering, it got a mild infection. Should I ask for pics? Her English is a lot better than I expected

how old are you?

sena's got a nice side profile

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>Plenty of other companies will finish the count
Its literally only WWE that lets the refs count as a shoot

Ehhhh don't try anything, maybe show her not all fans are like that.
Suggest an innawoods airsoft photoshoot, I want to see her with a rifle again.

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Has there ever been a gun or military based joshi?

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Too add to this, I wonder how much wrestling the "wrestlers"actually watch because just watching enough matches will make you get a feel for what can look natural when shit goes wrong.

I dont have the webm right now but in BiiGun vs Kamiyu/Mina there was a spot where Mina put Misao on the top turnbuckle so Kamiyu could drop kick her but Kamiyu took awhile to get into position so MIsao was just sitting there waiting to get booted. If Mina had a better grasp of her own moveset even, she could've done her double backhand slap to make it more natural. Sorry for the essay I'm drinking a little

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A bunch of promotions prioritize the safety of the wrestlers first, if someone is KO'd you stop the match. This is Barb (ref in Stardom, Seadlinnng, Freedoms and probably other feds). Himeka Arita and Miyuki Takase were supposed to win the tag belts but Himeka knocked herself out on that german so he made the 3 count.

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just Miyako pulling out a handgun or shotgun sometimes
yes thank you, was going to put that as an example of such

>I wonder how much wrestling the "wrestlers"actually watch
there are people in tjpw that just do it for fun and not because they truly love wrestling. the idol aspect is what gets them to join

When are you going to stop this false narrative because you're mad westerners like her?

disclaimer: I think Shoko is a very good wrestler, but not the ace and not TJPW's best.
you know who apparently does since he fucking gets triggered and spams boiling posts about AEW in retaliation to people praising Shoko just because someone made a joke a month ago about Shoko carrying Riho through a match (which she's done twice now).
this too, even so most of the posts are just saying Shoko is based and even that is enough to set the autist off. I've seen far more posts complaining about the imaginary posts by Shoko fans crying about anyone not liking her.
this is also true. Nobody cares if you dislike their favorite, but if you sperg out when people post their favorites for no good reason they will probably give you shit for hating. Shoko isn't alone in getting blind hate, Rika, Neko, and Pomu among others have gotten it too and it's more than likely from the same person who has always been shitting up these threads.

good post
have this image

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>Shoko carrying Riho through a match (which she's done twice now).
you lost me here man. i thought you were actually being serious

Saying that Haruna doesn't put any effort in trying to improve and Pom doesn't know how to take a back bump isn't blind hate tho.

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look man if you like itoh thats fine but you are dumb if you dont realize shes popular because of what she tweets. i never see people discussing her matches but rather what new vulgar word she said. shes decent in the ring and her shtick of screaming and crying doesnt work for me

I thought the spot at the dojo show where she went for her corner punches and getting frustrated no one was there to respond to her cutest in the world yell was good


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I think Itoh is good at losing but eventually I got tired of her losing, and then she won, and I wanted her to go back to losing again.
She's just better when frustrated.

i give Haruna a big pass on skill because she was on the shelf so long, we'll see though. I know she's bad but I support her.

Watch Takagi pay money to bring these marks over

>doesn't refute they're ugly

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based. i wonder if they watch tjpw

We don't give mass-repliers (You)s, bitch.

go outside and try to talk to actual people

Rika has been an skippable presence since she returned from her injury, the other 2 suck make the WalMart dudes look like Takeshita.

>Rika has been an skippable presence since she returned from her injury
damn that was a long ass time ago. who isnt skippable in your eyes?

I do go outside and talk to people, thats what I'm comparing their likeness to and holy fuck its hard to look at. Go to bed mokes

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But thats in regards to safety. In WWE, barring few times in NXT due to how much they rehearse, refs will call a shoot no matter. They are terrible with recognizing KOs though but thats a separate issue

poor Kairi...

>Knocked herself out
>Broke Reika's jaw
This wide shouldered debu needs to retire.

^ just looked up how old Arita is

what the fuck does that mean
Arita is great, she improved a lot in a year she started to get out of AWG bubble.

poor /gtmv/ is getting ruined by the same people that ruined /tjpw/ a couple weeks back

are you still trying to convince everyone it isn't one person samefagging? save the energy, agua discovered airplane mode on mobile so he can flood as many IPs as he wants

i mean one of them said he does it to make agua seethe so yes

/gtmv/ getting ruined by the dude from /oz/ is business as usual I'm used to it by now.

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well they should be smarter than to kick a hornet's nest and expect all the hornets to stay inside

we as in your multiple personalities
that's actually based lol, but he's probably putting too much effort. Just post a pic of an adult joshi wrestler or discuss a match to get the same result.

sounds like a nice break from agua killing the thread like usual, this one will be the first one to reach a bump limit before like a week on the board in forever lol

>that's actually based lol
omg right? shitting up a thread is so based but only when its not agua of course

>this one will be the first one to reach a bump limit before like a week on the board in forever
You sound very very new

the current time is 1:16 AM where I live, he started a catalog thread 10 hours ago and keeps it ghost bumped with 1 reply ever since then
and it was started because people discussed Kagetsu produce.

you can even induce this madness by just uploading an image

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>Debu (debu): In Japanese, it can be written as デブ . The wordデブ(Debu) is an insult. It means " Fat" or "Obese" in English.
>debu デブ = "fatso; fat; chubby; plump; portly; tubby; pudgy; obese; stocky" Apparently, the word derives from a (semi-?) mimetic Edo-period (1603-1868) term deppuri でっぷり, which in modern Japanese was fully mimeticized to debu debu でぶでぶ ("extremely fat; obese") and/or debu デブ.

why not just say fat then?

agua getting a taste of his own medicine is very based, yeah. That thread has been dead since people started actually posting about that company in the newscaster general anyway, which his response was to copy and paste posts from there to the dead thread which only killed it even more lol. People trolling agua in a dead thread is harmless to nobody but the pedo himself, unlike when tries to derail multiple threads like he has done countless times here and does shit like which spams the board with extremely low quality posts (which is saying something given the quality of most threads here).

You're a retard.

I will just say
life has so many more important things in it than arguing with fagua. let him sit here and waste away seething, don't join in with the hope of winning against someone with unlimited autism and time to do it.

call a pedo out where a pedo lies, but otherwise you should try to just counter off-topic spam with looking better by comparison. just imo. goodnight

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I see my post struck a nerve

Is it pathetic? Undeniably. Is it surprising? Not in the least bit.
>People trolling agua in a dead thread is harmless to nobody but the pedo himself
exactly, this is a non-issue since nobody posts there anymore. The fact that he's been shitting up other threads for half the day since just shows how bothered he is by it, so it's working (in multiple senses).

he has autism, please be patient

>its ok when someone else does it

>exactly, this is a non-issue since nobody posts there anymore
Except people still do and are annoyed by people shitting up the thread.
Anyway this has nothing to do with tjpw and I won't talk about it here anymore. Here's an alcoholic rabbit.

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meant to post this one so double dose of Mizupyon.

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yea i still post there

What went wrong?

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What went right?

Can someone give me an infodump on Sakisama? I like that theres this tall girl killing bitches and I know she talked Misao into joining her for a time but I'm still trying to figure her character out

what are we talking about here? her face, gear, or skill?

she didnt talk misao into joining, misao wanted to join her

Not the guy who you are replying to, but the guy who wanted to know what the fuck debu means.
Why the hell should I be patient. I do not use some fucking slang some other channers use. And it is not a slang of this board, basically only one person uses it.

if it isn't harming anyone else then yeah it's fine, hell I'd even encourage it. Stop pretending it's the same thing, you're only embarrassing yourself.
imagine thinking this, if people actually posted there it wouldn't be dead 24/7. I agree it has nothing to do with tjpw, but sadly it gets brought here because the pedo brought it here. Which actually is a problem since many people do post here and it derails the thread from it's topic. If agua was alone posting here too then it wouldn't be a problem, but that isn't the case even if sometimes he's 85% of the posts. Mizuki is based, I miss her and Yuka's tag title run.

Oh fuck. I gotta brush up on the misao story, I only know a few story beats but even those seem misinformed

I can't take Saki Akai seriously in TJP. Her and SAKI should stay exclusive to DDT

>I know she talked Misao into joining her for a time
Misao wanted to join her because she didnt want to be a job anymore to only realise that she likes being a jobber so she's jobbing again. Very dumb

i wasn't calling the person asking what debu meant autistic, I was calling the person who said debu in the first place was autistic. If that's you, then I'm sorry about your autism. If you aren't that person, carry on and be grateful you don't have to be that guy.

I do and apparently this user and this user do too so you're wrong.

She's great, exactly fits the place on the card she is in. And her matches are fun.
Sakisama is timetravelling french aristocrat with penchant for beautiful things. She is a monster heel in the promotion that doesn't have any other. She is unbeatable force of nature, outside of the companionship of TJPW wrestlers. She doesn't do feuds, but she is very often in the midst of feuds. She is a narrative tool, not a character in her own right.
Other characters use her to get growth or story advancement, she is stuck in one place, unchanging.
And regarding her as a performer. Saki Akai wasn't very good good when she started, but after the years of being "bad" she kind of figure out how to be good. Just kick people very hard and bump like hell for hard hits. She is very good pro-wrestler now.

She's a french aristocrat. There were more people in Bii-gun. Misao joined when Sakisama was the only member left.

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Nah, I think we are misunderstanding each other. I also think using random jap words in the sentences is fucking annoying and autistic.
I jsut wnated you to know that there were two real people interested in the answer.

nah she realized she wanted to attain the strength and power that she wanted but not how she was doing it with sakisama but she was grateful to her and continued being the joyful person she once was with her friends.

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why not? I'm curious because I find her Saki-sama gimmick to be a lot more serious.
weird to see all these posts claiming they post in a dead thread that is regularly filled with agua necrobumps, and what a coincidence to see them all coming out of the woodwork conveniently at the same time. Nothing suspicious at all about this!

It's a shame Eruption appears to just be all flash and no substance, it does have some promise to it.

Thanks infochads

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That's basically what he said

Sakisama is awesome tool to use in the promotion.
Someone who is very different from everyone in the promotion, she stands out, being ultra protected gives her the status nobody else can have, you can move her in and out of upper midcard or even main event (in tag matches) however you want.
If you never beat her it is fine, because she works better that way. But you can never really give her singles title, unless she is retiring very soon, because you do not want her to be beaten.
I really like how Koda is using her, as you can say from my posts.

Yeah just a misunderstanding, I have no problem with the person asking what it meant and even less of a problem with the post explaining the meaning. I'm glad we agree the autist who used the random Japanese word is fucking stupid. Keep supporting TJPW, bud!

>coming out of the woodwork conveniently at the same time
cause you no one posted there so i proved that you were wrong about that. im not on there right now cause it turned to shit ya dingus


I'm not on Yea Forums 24/7 and sometimes I don't check /gtmv/ because I know it will be /oz/ fag spam.
Anyway back to TJPW I love Sakisama but hate Saki Akai.

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>Saki-sama gimmick to be a lot more serious
I'm talking about her wrestling as both Saki Akai and Sakisama. There's only need for Sakisama because she's a strong character whereas Saki Akai is just Saki Akai

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>Misao joined when Sakisama was the only member left.
When did Martha and co ever leave?

he said its dumb but what i said was basically her arc. being hyper misao is who most people liked so being a mix of misao and hyper misao would just be a different person without the charm of hyper misao

A demon, whose husband was killed in WW2, so she went insane and lives in mountains and eat people

Fill my eyes with that double vision

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They never did. They are just not coming with Sakisama anymore. Even Yoshiko is still in.

I get that some characters can work without titles but with the level of protection she gets it makes no sense not to give her a 6 month reign to eventually put someone homegrown and new in your promotion. Its booking 101.

>Its booking 101
let me see your credentials bub

Poor choice of words on my part. They didn't left but they just don't appear with her since Azusa stopped wrestling in 2018.

I dont think Jimmy Valient got a belt in mid-atlantic but he was a force to be reckoned with that guys like bruiser brody would even sell for. She's an attraction without taking a belt off the table to use for booking purposes

Haruna Neko and Sayuri Namba will miss 3.8.

I lurk all the joshi threads that I know of out of boredom and post in the ones from companies I watch (this, stardom, and ice ribbon if theres a thread for it). The gatoh thread averages like one or two posts every 2-3 hours normally and those posts are usually just fagua necrobumping with pictures. Rarely ever any discussion about the company, though it does happen every now and then. Times like right now are rare exceptions to the rule, so it isn't really relevant. I'd imagine anyone logical can understand me finding it suspicious that supposedly 3 people who aren't fagua claim they post there all within 10 minutes of one another in here given the fact that it's always so slow and lacking posts/posters.
it's easy to tell when it's the /oz/ fag trolling, it's when the thread has somewhat consistent posts in a short period of time. Idk why the OP keeps making the thread since it's pretty garbage and there's more discussion outside of the thread (I won't mention where because I don't want you to think I'm shilling for them), but I don't really care because it works pretty well to contain the pedo sometimes.

And that would be wrong. She has been established as a character that really doesn't want a belt. She only ever wins tag titles, because she serves as a booster for her partner, "giving them the rub" in wrestling speak terms. It is making her partner seem more powerful, because Sakisama is too powerful, she is outside of the normal booking patterns, she is outside of the roster, she doesn't talk to them, she isn't on any social media posts. Saki Akai is and you can beat Saki Akai and give Saki Akai the singles belt. Those are two different characters.
You should never ever make Sakisama part of the normal championship picture and normal storytelling. Your way would mean devaluation of great tool.

Because I like Gatoh Move, I'm not the OP this time. Anyway I don't why you care if someone make a Gatoh Move thread or why you keep talking about it here.

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>Jimmy Valient
He's not appropiate in that IWA was a long established promotion whereas TJP is 6 years old with only 2 stars in the promotion (who have 4 of the 7 reigns)

>'d imagine anyone logical can understand me finding it suspicious that supposedly 3 people who aren't fagua claim they post there all within 10 minutes of one another in here given the fact that it's always so slow and lacking posts/posters.
i post in various other generals but /tjpw/ is always my go to one. the one ill check first. there are times when ill go a lengthy period of time, whether hours or even a day, without checking out some other generals. just because /gtmv/ doesnt have a lot of people constantly on there doesnt mean its ok to shit it up, stupid

>Your way would mean devaluation of great tool
I understand what you're saying but like how it was mentioned by someone else Saki may retire at some point soon so why not use her to put over someone thats going to be with your promotion for the foreseeable future? If TJP wants to get to the level of Stardom then you need to use your stars to make new stars and Sakisama is a star

My gist is Saki Akai is really just on the level of Shoko or Rika whereas Sakisama is on Miyu and Yuka's level. Use her to put over someone like Mizuki (if she signs) or Maki or whoever needs a real nudge

Yes, I said the only reason why have Sakisama win the belt is if Saki is planning to retire soon. So she can beat someone, have one defense and then get beaten by someone in Korakuen and then disappear until like her last show before retirement.
You do not give Sakisama belt unless you know she will be gone in only two months or something like that.

Saki Akai is even more protected than Sakisama. She beat Miyu and she has only one loss in TJPW (against Shoko)

>So she can beat someone, have one defense and then get beaten by someone in Korakuen
Thank you reigns are a waste of time, especially in joshi (see Ice Ribbon in 2018). Sakisama is a long established strong heel that should get a long reign that justifies how she's been protected in the past to put someone over.

Then you sacrifice any actual meaning or impact the events in the story could have, which is exactly what happened. Even some who liked the story disliked that ending and how it undid 11 months of story just to end up where we were a year ago. If you stopped following on 1/4/19 and come back 1/3/20 you wouldn't have known anything different. Nobody is watching wrestling to see wrestlers willingly regress like that.

How many times has Sakisama lost in singles? Also, when you use Saki Akai you then include all the work she does for DDT and on the outside which makes her weaker in that she gets pinned more often

How do we know Saki-sama (the person) wants a singles reign? Maybe she doesn't.

But then why not have a be Hyper Misao but not be a jobber? She actually showed a massive improvement in her wrestling that everyone witnessed. Regressing character-wise is one thing but someone unlearning how to wrestle is just bad

I literally said I don't care if you make one or not, I just don't understand why someone would waste their time doing it given how it's usually either dead or just full of bullshit like now. As for the reason I talk about it, that's because I'm responding to posts responding to mine. That's called having a conversation, I realize you aren't used to seeing that. I should make this more clear, I don't give a shit if you make the thread or not. If it makes you happy, go right ahead.
good for you, kid. I do the same with the oedo thread where I won't check it for days or even weeks sometimes, but if you can't see how it's suspicious for 3 people to claim they post there within 10 minutes when it's usually dead as fuck then you shouldn't be calling people hypocritical names. The argument that was made earlier was that agua getting trolled in a similar way to how he trolls multiple other threads on an hourly basis isn't harmful since it's in a thread that is predominantly him talking to himself, unlike when he does it in threads like this one that has many active users like yourself and me. If this becomes a common enough problem for you guy then I'd suggest either counteracting the off-topic posts with discussions that are on-topic. Ignoring trolls is the best way to deal with them. If you don't want to try that, then find somewhere else to post about it that doesn't have the fags trolling it. Regardless, I hope this post is the end of this discussion as it's off-topic here and has gotten very redundant.

Sakisama never lost singles match clean. She was beaten by Hyper MIsao in the Cup by DQ.
She is the most protected character in the promotion

They struggle to book their ace well without the white belt. I don't think they're ever gonna approach Stardom with its current formula.

If she had more control over the direction of her character do you think she would've done an almost carbon copy of her story from the previous year with a weaker ending?

She is not a jobber now. She didn't go back to jobbing. She went back to fun loving gimmick matches with weird shit in them. And don't tell me that the ladder match was bad.

>She is the most protected character in the promotion
My point exactly. Thanks user

It's not her story. She has little reason to care.

This is a common Japanese issue though. Some do well like Stardom but most are like AJPW/DDT etc are just terrible

She is quite literally where she was when she came back from her knee injury. No change outside of her gear.

No one cares about your wall of texts, leave this thread
She did lost some tag matches while Saki Akai didn't but still Sakisama > Saki Akai

>She has little reason to care
You think people take having to take bumps and trash their knees lightly? especially after wrestling for 5+ years?

I am not sure who are you talking about in
>Even some who liked the story disliked that ending and how it undid 11 months
Who are these people?
>Nobody is watching wrestling to see wrestlers willingly regress like that.
I do not think she regressed. Also. I seem to remember posts in here saying how bad she was as Dark Misao, but now she is no longer Dark Misao complaints are about how it is bad she is no longer Dark Misao. The hell.

>Who are these people?
Matt and puro joshi twitter

>No one cares about your wall of texts, leave this thread
he's acting more civilized than the ones baiting him though, also noted how pointless the argument was and ended it. You shouldn't make it so obvious that you're one of the ones he was talking to, you'd be better off ignoring the post then showing it upset you. Here's TJPW's ace Miyu Yamashita looking foolish to cheer you up from you malding state.

Attached: Miyu caked up.jpg (713x877, 65K)

she sometimes wins and sometimes loses but she does it by doing it her way, the same way shes always done it as hyper misao. you take away the shenanigans and she is no longer hyper misao. she has had serious matches tho as hyper misao like against rika. her matches in my opinion are highly entertaining and yes i would love it if she decided to get some big wins by taking things serious but not take every single match serious which is what heel misao did

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kek does anyone know where to watch this show?

>Matt and puro joshi twitter
I really do not care about them. My own opinion is that I enjoyed the story of Rika trying to get her fun loving friend back. It was very nice midcard feud with logical narrative structure and logical ending. Maybe the placement of the ending the final match should have happened in Korakuen on 4/1, which is like the only thing that I can really say was done wrong, storywise, in the timeline.

You have to have Japanese IP.

okay then what?

>Matt and puro joshi twitter
they are also the ones that say pom has great matches so theres that

>Who are these people?
Wherever you can find TJPW fans talking about TJPW. Even joshi twitter who love everything, some of them were confused it questioned its ending at least.
>I do not think she regressed
She went from an actual force that demanded attention on the cards to comical filler you don't need to see. I don't know what else to call that.
>seem to remember posts in here saying how bad she was as Dark Misao, but now she is no longer Dark Misao complaints are about how it is bad she is no longer Dark Misao
You're either getting worked by memeposting, thinking about her first few months which were not too great, or my post about her uninteresting yet endless clashes with Miu which weren't indicative of all her matches. She found herself as an aggressive performer later in the summer and peaked in October, most would probably agree.

Abeema Night. You should be able to find it in the back catalog. I have never watched it, I do not have Jap IP or VPN

Imagine if Toru Yano got serious for 9 months, won the tag team titles and went to toe-toe in terms of work rate with Ishii, Goto, Tama Tonga etc., only for him to realise that it isnt as fun for him anymore during all this time he got the NJPW fans to take him seriously as a wrestler. How would do you think people would react to that?

What a (barely) competent booker would do (Gedo) is make him a hybrid of both which is why people expected it to happen with Misao. You just cant un-ring bells like that in wrestling

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I'm not one of dudes he was talking to, I just don't want to see his of topic wall of texts. You're probably him since no one would defend is off-topic bs.

>Rika trying to get her fun loving friend back.
But she only rememebered in November that she wants Hyper back. Had there been interactions throughout the year then it makes a good story but they just rushed it. The story should have ended somewhere around May/June of this year imo

They suck but they are vocal part that even TJPW doesnt ignore

I don't think TJPW really cares about western fans on twitter that much.

>I really do not care about them. My own opinion is that I enjoyed the story of Rika trying to get her fun loving friend back. It was very nice midcard feud with logical narrative structure and logical ending. Maybe the placement of the ending the final match should have happened in Korakuen on 4/1, which is like the only thing that I can really say was done wrong, storywise, in the timeline.
same. this story arc of misao was the reason i subscribed to DDTU but like you said, misao vs sakisama at korakuen would have been better. her turning back to being the old hyper misao doesnt bother me cause at the end of the day, it all comes down to what koda wants. he can make her win some big matches if he wants.ill still enjoy every single match of hers tho.

Shoko never acknowledged I got her dvd on twitter. I even surrounded it with my godzilla figures in the picture

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That's rough buddy.

What are your hopes for TJPW in the next 5 years?

>you take away the shenanigans and she is no longer hyper misao.
Nobody who thought about or wanted a hybrid said these needed to fully go away. It would at least keep the impact of the story there instead of that sappy ending with the "well, looks like everything's back to normal" aftermath straight out of a silly kids cartoon. 11 months of conflict leading to a sappy monologue and no consequences or impact. Might as well had been imagined.

I am so sorry about that mate.

>I'm not them I swear, actually you are him!
post about TJPW or fuck off faggot, nobody cares about your feuds


she's usually late to react to stuff like that. She once liked a tweet I sent her like a week or two after I forgot about it. Keep your head up and keep supporting based big kaiju.

misao didnt stop being a heel because she wasnt having fun. she realized she didnt want to be strong the way she was doing it plus she pushed away her friends. also, njpw audience is different from tjpw audience i hope you realize this
>hybrid of both
shes been serious before as hyper misao. it all comes down to how koda wants to book people and he obviously doesnt want to push hyper misao just like he doesnt push nodoka

They along with DDT are pandering to them so hard they both have new midcard belts because of it.

If you take a look at how the cards were structured. Just after the turn, Rika had a match with each single rookie Misao was fed on the next show.
She was training them and preparing them for Dark Misao. Misao was tied with Miu and Rika, not always with both of them at the same, but they were always close by. Miu+Miyu vs. Sakisama+Misao was part of the story.
>most would probably agree.
I know we disagree on this. But do not talk about "most" we know there are like 4 people riht at this moment who talk about this story and two are for the current Misao and two think it is a waste. Seems like 50/50.

cring but i'm sorry mate. she maybe ignored it because she knows you jacked it to her gravure bits

I deleted it in shame but I still love our kaiju

>njpw audience is different from tjpw audience
I realise this but the principle is the same. Their main fanbase are still a bunch of pedos but they recognize good in ring talent. It does all come down to Koda obvious, i'm just dumbfounded by how incompetent he is. its not Meiko or GAMI bad but still

>I don't think TJPW really cares about western fans on twitter that much.
They're running Tampa because those same fans have deluded them into thinking that they will actually sell out

>But she only rememebered in November that she wants Hyper back
they faced 8 times throughout last year as well as the times that rika showed up to talk to her. this was misao's story arc, so she wasnt going to face rika all the time. after misao pinned rika she focused on gettin the belts in the summer

>She was training them and preparing them for Dark Misao
Head canon
>Misao was tied with Miu and Rika, not always with both of them at the same
She was tied with Raku and Nodoka before October


fav 5 as of right now

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>Seems like 50/50
Since the arc ended its been more 80/20 with the majority people on here being okay on the storyline. I say this as someone who disliked it

Koda is retarded when it comes to the TJPW fanbase. The subscriber goal for the special match showed that.

>Rika had a match with each single rookie Misao was fed on the next show.
>She was training them and preparing them for Dark Misao.
Cagematch disagrees with all of this headcanon even being possible.
>But do not talk about "most" we know there are like 4 people riht at this moment
I've not once talked about just this place unless I'm specifying about something.

I'm dying of gay nigga AIDS, send some cute Rakus...

>deluded them into thinking that they will actually sell out
They would, if the whole Tampa weekend and the US indy scene wasn't complete dogshit.

Things like that I put on Takagi instead of Koda.
Their new line is apparently doing the promised matches when each goal is eventually reached.

>headcanon about UUG vs. Misao
Sorry if it seems that way, but that's how I've seen it, how I remember it going. Don't know why, just the way I watched the shows maybe? Usually on few days delay or something like that?

I blame gcw running like 12 meme shows in addition to their normal 10 shows this year. Its getting too abstract and niche within niche

it was a pretty well structured arc that involved some key players at first, miu, aino, that would play out later. miu losing, tagging with rika and still losing. aino and nodoka fight against NEO Bi gun separate, also nodoka faces misao in a singles and then they challenge for the belts. the later half focuses on rika trying to get misao back again, miu going back with rika, misao losing for the first time against shoko and then losing the belts which ultimately leads to her becoming PaMi again

Rika not giving a fuck for almost 2 whole months right after the turn is way more egregious than her other periodical appearances where she dragged a DDT comedy wrestler with no ties to Misao into it and threw together a last minute team with Miu. Rika's character was a abysmal and she doesn't even interact with Misao after she changed back.

Also there is not really some good schedule you can get to be able to get good matches, really. There are some good wrestlers, but you'd get to see them on their 6th match of the weekend and they will still have 4 in front of them. I do not think that match would be very good, even if all the wrestlers in the ring are good.
Also too many fucking cringe gimmicks (and yes, I know that we are in TJPW, full of fucking cringe gimmicks, but that's just one promotion not THE WHOLE FUCKING SCENE), so you basically cannot get good schedule of shows. Also Tampa fucking sucks.

Oh thanks user, I was sure I wasn't completely wrong about my "headcanon".
>Rika not giving a fuck for almost 2 whole months right after the turn
I do not think that's how it was. There was just one degree of separation between them.

Aino was filler, just as much a key to it as Anton. The only "key" parts were Miu, Miyu, Rika and Shoko.

>All those matches with Miu
Back when i got good sleep just by putting those on
I didn't even know they met in the tournament. And Miu finally got her win lol

If Stardom were run to Tampa they would sell our again because it has enough of an appeal whereas TJPW is really Maki and Yuka. I'm surprised that they aren't trying to piggyback off Joey Ryan and GCW or something

>Oh thanks user, I was sure I wasn't completely wrong about my "headcanon".
people forget that other wrestlers that faced of against NEO Bi gun at the beginning had a good reason for wanting to face them later on. the biggest one is Miu since all she wanted to do is beat them for what they were saying to her and teaming up with rika who had similar goals helped. another one is nodok and aino. Misao in her first match as a heel stomped on aino and nodoka came to help her. theres a reason why nodoka went apeshit on misao during their singles match later on that ended in a no contest and obviously a bunch of other shit that happened with other wrestlers

Anton is important for Rika, not for Misao.
Because the story doesn't have a clear protag, you can insert different elements of the stories of other people to have it make sense.
And in that is extreme importance of Sakisama character to tie it back to the thing we all started this discussion with.
Sakisama is storytelling device you can insert to anyone else's story and use her to move along the other person's story. But she is and should be a constant, unchanging thing. I really like her this way.
And if she fulfills her purporse you can always book Saki Akai.

damn this nigga ugly

>Aino was filler, just as much a key to it as Anton. The only "key" parts were Miu, Miyu, Rika and Shoko.
my bad. you are correct about rika,shoko, and miu. idk about miyu. what i meant with aino is that she faced neo bi with other people just like nodoka did and then they challenged for the belts later on. she was a key but story wise, it made sense that the bakuretsu sisters challenged which took place in a span of a couple of months instead of just challenging just cause

wasnt a key is what i meant

DDT succeeded before. Of course the problem is that they probably got visa via Gabe (WWE), so they probably shouldn't come back as DDT, but they got visa for TJPW wrestlers now.
And yes, Stardom has more appeal for the US fans.
I still think big part of not selling as well as they would year or two ago (same ticket hungry audience, but current TJPW/DDT popularity) is the audience fatigue and bullshit shows and spreading all across the weekend.

this brand is not compatible with TJPW. BBK must end this woman's reign of terror immediately.

her bouts with Shoko and Haruna in the past few months have been the Best of TJPW. she is the 4th pillar unquestionably.


mizuki is almost 25 and doesn't drink liquor? based and purepilled, i think i may have to marry her bros

That's exactly how it was. Rika didn't recognize her existence at all until they had to slap a match together for Korakuen.

Full Misao story: youtube.com/watch?v=zTGzdTQ8cow

havent watched it but did the guy mention that the same venue where misao and rika faced off after rika came back from her injury, is the same place they both faced off when misao came back from her injury? if not, he needs to do a better job

You'll have to get through Yuki Ueno first.

Holy shit he took the time to find a shot of her in the crowd watching the Rojo match with Jun Kasai.
Even if the rest of the video was bad, that's some good work.

Can I have sex with both of them at the same time?

I'm not watching it but the shot already exists since it's in the opening VTR for YES WONDERLAND 2018.

>5'9 and 172 according to cagematch

bruh i'd be fucking embarrassed if i couldn't take him

do you know how to fight?

>audience fatigue
I think this is affecting most shows but joshi is so niche that for you need a dedicated audience or at least curious fanbase to draw. TJPW has neither. Also, its pretty shitty that they couldn't leverage the AEW relationship to get Kris, Swole, Shanna or whoever to work the show. Those people are gonna be in Tampa anyway

Tickets in general aren't selling well for WM weekend this year. It's probably the market. LA next year should be more hype.


The video was guy. Guy knows his stuff.

gonna agree with the former user, somewhat. i'm not sure that as many hardcore fans are going to WM this year. as pointed out tickets even for it are slower than usual. the last 3 years or so you had the allure of The Elite/BC making appearances, namely in ROH for Supercard. Also New Japan. That probably drew more hardcores to the area who would be doing full tours of the Week/end shows.

Hello Guy

>you had the allure of The Elite/BC

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Those are good points. I just don't think if that if WM was in New Orleans and and if NJPW ran a show that TJPW would sell out. NJPW/AEW fans are TJPW are removed from each other anyway

look how beautiful Cody looked without the fucking tattoo

TJPW would draw more if it was sexier

Good morning, Nacchan!

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he does mention it. the only thing he leaves out is Misao's failed title shot.

just noticed Marty not joining AEW actually fulfils his Villain gimmick as he was the only one to turn on them

>he leaves out is Misao's failed title shot.
hopefully he shows up this year if his contract allows it


Yeah, that's like the only problem I have with the video. Otherwise really good.

You're mad because westerners like her on social media. Doesn't change the fact that she's been having good matches for the last year.

Name one good Shitoh match

You really are triggered by her fanbase. She has fun matches, the match against Raku was good, against Hikari as well. Against Yuna. And so on.
She is a good pro-wrestler, unless you have just ridiculous standards that are fulfilled only by 1% of the wrestlers.
Stop being a sheep and being forced to hate someone because you think their fanbase are cringy autists.

>you think their fanbase are cringy
they are

new thread