Previous thread - Miki now has a YouTube channel!
- Chris Brookes' next opponent for the DDT Universal Championship is DAMNATION leader, Daisuke Sasaki
- And finally
Previous thread - Miki now has a YouTube channel!
- Chris Brookes' next opponent for the DDT Universal Championship is DAMNATION leader, Daisuke Sasaki
- And finally
>/Miki/ & Friends
Sumire got Brahman'd last night and there's nothing we could have done about it
Not /miki/.
Alright the last time I called out the strange photo of them standing above the Tokyo skyrise, someone said it wasn't windy.
Now they're standing at an angle that doesn't line up with the buildings. You can't defend this without breaking down our understanding of the world. I think it's fake.
This has nothing to do with Miki Motoi.
sorry but pedos aren’t /miki/
reposting link to Many Face
It's the full 2 hour timeslot in decent quality
Sumire is a frequent guest on her wrestling program so it is undeniably /Miki/
As usual, Miki Motoi is rarely discussed.
also a webm I made during the (amazing) show, Iida before her match
I have to rewatch the men's tag to see if that's where any programming got cut.
>Miki has a YouTube channel
based I'm gonna watch every video!
not home right now, how awesome was Kagetsu vs Meiko?
I have it paused halfway because I had to go shopping, but it's so far everything you'd expect from a match between them, but with less of a slow start. Resuming soon.
his name is Veiny, not Asuka.
another based joshi thread that makes pedokun seethe due to them watching wrestling and having an enjoyable time discussing it.
Based sexpat coomer thread.
Fuck that's rough. I'm looking forward to watching this.
just because we discuss Gatoh Move here doesn't make us /gtmv/, speaking of here's the latest upload:
>Mei vs Choun Shiryu
on a related note
I don't like it in times where the opponent is obviously holding her ankle in place (like against Ayako Hamada in SG a few years ago) but it can be really swift, Meiko's whole moveset is cool. I don't really mind her time limit draws and stuff because she protects her status a lot while always bringing the top game, especially that fight with Reika.
I don't watch sendai girls actively but I rewatch her fights against Kairi sometimes. They're so good
Yesss this one. I have both the SW and STV version and this one has better camera for some spots
based Mei, that was a cute match. Here's her on Miki's wrestling TV show Breaking! Battlemen
>2020: travel overseas
>2025: get/wear a championship belt
>2030: be a mother to, and raise kids
>2070: relax in the sun (something)
noble goals
I'll try to help her with the 3rd goal if Chris Brookes doesn't do it by then
they better be cool like Hirota's kids and one hits 6'2 to be a main eventer somewhere, I'm holding you to this
on that note, the third generation Kimura will be incredible..may not be able to learn from Bolshoi and her generation, but maybe Kon will be around to show what kicks do and where to put them
good to see kairi treated like a little bitch
I still hope Okada donates his seed for Kagetsu and Hazuki when they eventually want a kid, Kagetsu Okada has GOAT potential come 20 years from now.
"What Kicks Do, and Where to Put Them - A Fighting Manuscript"
foreword by Marufuji
I hope Lulu is a guest on Breaking! Battlemen, maybe she could go on with a gaijin and translate for them if they need it
Ve(i)ny for overseas only.
Did you watch the single light tube match yet?
yeah I watched Shlak vs Abdullah Kobayashi from GCW's Japan shows earlier this month recently, it was very entertaining. Most of the show was, actually.
How long before joshi is ruined by woke pronoun freaks?
Look at those plump hips. ASUKA was made for scorching hot Nigerian immigrant BBC.
depends on AEW's success, but I'm sure there will always be kino promotions going against the grain.
I'm fairly sure Shlak's brain cell count is on two hands but his fights are decent and he has the RN blessing
do the japanese fans like Shlak?
>Shlak asking Kyoko for Hana's hand in marriage
yeah I mean he was fucking chewing on light tubes so def not the sharpest tool in the shed
yeah they loved him, Abdullah literally said "I love you" to him on the mic after the match. I hope they go back to Japan again.
>he was fucking chewing on light tubes
dam son
why'd you type my post number like that lol, Chris Dickinson had some dedicated fans chanting Dirty Daddy for his entrance at that show. Chris is a big part of my local scene and he's pretty obsessed with old puro so I was happy for him when I heard the crowd.
>he was fucking chewing on light tubes
dam son
I'd like to have brunch with her
I fucked up the post. sorry, bud
I am not a doctor, but there are certain things inside fluorescent tubes that should not be in your lungs or mouth.
I didn't save the picture but I did save this one of Rina from their tag match
Congrats again to the good gaijins (and only the good ones) who made it to the list
I figured that out when I saw you deleted it lol, no worries!
holy shit agua was seething so hard, what the fuck is his problem?
rhetorical question, but it looks to be 5+ consecutive hours of buttblasting today, probably started when someone saved an image from google and forgot to leave it as "maxresdefault"
You sexpat coomers are in no position to judge.
Congrats catching up on a Weekly Pro issue from almost 3 months ago.
beats me where it started but I just hope it ends soon
I'm happy for Chris, he got a lot more over last year. I was in the crowd for his Korakuen title shit in July and they seemed to like him a lot.
>title shit in July
well he did shit the bed and lose, but I meant shot lol
Junna pointing to Other Rina's brain scan
Koike is a fucking psycho!
she's a psycho, but I love her
I call this trio, "the trifecta"
we have prime S-tier Hoodie Miki
and Hazuki probably wearing some Hazuki glasses
chris stop posting in the catalog
just mouse over this if you grabbed the produce show already, it's not a big deal
I want her to use her excess energy for law and order
is there a mega link for the better version?
well like I said, the better version is the one that's already ITT, but if you want the trimmed one I talked about, I can upload that as an alternative.
my bad I read it wrong, I didn't realize it was an audio thing
Yeah and the audio difference is not discernible because it wasn't good from the source to begin with. I only ever get clear audio from Sendai Girls because they have better hardware and higher quality footage.
It was really dumb to upload it as 60fps because it offers nothing unless the source feed is 60 as well and I know that jap TV wouldn't be. If you use frame skip, each frame plays twice in a row for no end result except higher filesize. Just amateur shit that's all.
I'm just happy to have it at all
Same, I would have bought a DVD but this broadcast didn't get too chopped, perhaps because the show was organized knowing they had 2 hours of recording, rather than when STV cover a 2.5 hour event and have to purge the lowercard.
former Breaking! Battlemen regular Yamaguchi Nao is a cute!
only so long before we have Miki x LOVEME
Miki and the TBS girls (not other rina) should model for LOVEME
holy moly, I love Nao's...umm..uh, eyebrows...yeah let's go with that
Sasaki vs Chris should be fun, Sasaki is so much shorter than him lol
[Sad news]
Jungle Kyona spends more on a single dinner than Ice Ribbon wrestlers, who must work second jobs, are paid in a month.
>Jungle Kyona was introduced on an NHK TV program in Japan.
>This is a variety show, then a fixed-point camera had been set up in her room.
>◆She sometimes treats her juniors to 50,000–100,000 yen worth of meals in one day.
Giulia complaining about salary and living in a dorm during her time in Ice Ribbon:
>”I'm living in an Ice Ribbon dormitory, but I want to live alone. Financially, it's absolutely tough.”
Ice Ribbon wrestlers work second jobs:
Watch CMLL
holy shit, what a great show. Thanks for sharing it, user.
>CMLL allowed this
I'll choose to ignore this.
Willie Mack and Microman vs Joey Ryan and Chamuel
Well, I do like Willie Mack... I forgive you Microman.
what happened?
/stardom/ is cancelled and its an indy show so definitely /miki/
Kagetsu went with her "old-school" Oz costume for her final? Nice.
she based
Very Fast Kaho Running at Incredible Hihg Spee-
damn, Kitto and Utami should've gotten there faster, but they don't call it high risk for nothing.
is The MIZ, teaching those girls how to catch or what?
More like Kaho should've flown farther instead of dropping straight into the ground.
I wanna kiss Junna!
Is this the mattsdl approved gtmv thread?
agua you really need to seek mental help
this is the /Miki/ and Friends thread, but if you want to discuss Gatoh Move you can as we discuss joshi promotions that don't have anywhere else to be discussed. If you like other puro promotions or lucha libre promotions we talk about those too so feel free.
I went to gatoh move and mattsdls tranny friend tried to save a seat for him even though he was 10 minutes late and kept telling old Japanese men no you can’t sit here and mattsdl and his tranny friends are bad fans