How is Aubrey more over than a lot of wrestlers today?

how is Aubrey more over than a lot of wrestlers today?

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what did she mean by this?

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More entertaining than 95% of AEW's roster.
Also, biologically female, of age, and not genuinely ugly.

because she's a self mark and obese smarks think le funnee face wommin ref is ebic

At the expense of the actual wrestlers, but yes

She isn’t

She wanted to suck little niggas big nigga.

i want to gag on her cock so bad

Holy yum

She looks like her pussy stinks.

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By making sure to put herself over and reacting like a retard for near falls. If you think that’s a good thing you’re an idiot

I agree, this gook looks full of STI’s

Overweight smart marks think refs who make funny faces to distract from the match are epic. That combined with a vagina and bam


Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Getting Distracted By Aubrey Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Look At The Wrestlers Like Nigga Look Anywhere Else Haha


what on earth compelled you to post such racist tripe?

Nobody I know that watches AEW ever talks about her.

I'm only attracted to her when she's in her ref outfit.

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you joke but i never notice aubrey unless they are specifically focusing on her ex. jericho pushing her, ejecting the IC

>and not genuinely ugly

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>how is Aubrey more over than a lot of wrestlers today?
smark audience,

You're on thin ice.

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because you might be legally blind?

Woah woah woah, are you calling that black man racist for using his native vernacular? Yikes

>the marks are now inside the ring

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If she had a dick, she would be genuinely attractive. As a biological female though, not so much.

she has a nice body, and for some reason her arms in particular in that tight shirt are very feminine
also her butt looks good and the red lipstick
she is AEW's bayley. the complete butterface package.

AEW fans are cultists.


something tells me she has that referee job entirely due to nepotism


Because AEW fans are thirsty incels who think she'll fuck them if they cheer for her.

nope. shes just good at her job and the audience and wrestlers like her

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For me it's Artemis

Holy yum

Found the teenage incel with no life experience kek

it hasn't been at anyones expense

This looks like one of the reaction series to escalating dick sizes.

Attached: aew_ref_spank.webm (1342x748, 1.26M)

I want to cum in Aubrey like you wouldn’t believe


The gloves give me an odd turn on.

What a mark

Uniform immediately increases a woman's attractiveness and there aren't a lot of female refs.

Does anyone have a webm of her ejecting the Inner Circle?


>how is Aubrey more over than a lot of wrestlers today?
She isn't. She's a cartoon character like redshoes, and so the marks cheer for her.

She's a good mixture of being very feminine but also manly. She also has a relatively pretty face. Also, it's the woke crowd so a woman being the main ref is a check in the plus column. Plus she has tons more personality than the other refs.

>posts a gook with a face so flat an airbus can take off of it

Yep ugly but so are all gooks you faggot ass weeb.

She's honestly really fucking ugly and weird looking

all wrestlers are cartoon characters

Does she have nice feet?

Are the facial expressions related to how many fingers are in her cunt?

>not genuinely ugly.
She definitely is though.

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Juggernaut law.

She's objectively ugly which makes more average and ugly men (see Yea Forums) think they have a shot with her

This shows she is a bias ref when she acts like that. Its one thing to react to a big bump, its another when you act upset over some one fucking kicking out.


Because she has a vagina and a big meme-able face, you retard.

That red lipstick on her is horrendous.


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And the blue nail polish. Otherwise she looks okay.

only if by "over" you mean "cringe"

cringe=over to these faggot reddit fans.

>not genuinely ugly

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Such a based post
pic related

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