This reeks of reddit.
we're in the midst of a reddit takeover.
ngl, ill take reddit over /pol/cels any day
You reek of virginity
You simps know alot about what happens on reddit. You should go back there.
based and cutepilled
rent free
>Darbetty Faglin instead of Based Shooter
yep, that’s a reddit from me.
only a reddit nigger says "simp"
cute owo
>Yea Forums is /cult/
reddit took over like two years ago ya newfag
Based Tapla
we kept them at bay for the most part.
>knowing what they do over there
go back
Pretty much started with the Paige leaks.
no, they took over when people starting posting like aewtists for lulz
i dont know "what they do over there". i just know what they say when they're here. and you also come off as jewish, along with being a reddit tourist.
Extremely gay thread and not because of the OP.
The artist of this deserves to get raped.
So true it instantly worked the hotdog petite trannies into a meltdown shoot.
Go back
Ya seethe?
>go back
>go back
>go back
>go back
Great thread
You know dronies are mad when they scream and cry reddit
Especially because Reddit is a WWE site.
I can't believe Moxley discarded his son Shooter.
AEW watchers are indistinguishable from Redditors
we already have been taken over
>You will never get a DEATH RIDERS faction led by Moxley consisting of Shooter and Darby
at least shota has something to gain, Darby would be too busy fuckin around with his gypsy to socialize with dean
Based user working the redditors into a frothing seethe.
Fuck H*rold and his petty ass.
You say while reddit spacing
Instagram you dumb bitch.
Why you make me want this!?
seethe tranny get big leagued
man this is all ive been thinking about with darby and potentially archer teaming up with mox
reddit chads rise up
Ya seethe bitch?
These pictures are drawn by a cute Thai girl.
i really, really wish people would stop using racial and homophobic slurs on this board
reddit didn't fully invade until AEW started having shows
really makes ya think
This 100 percent this
Kino and kute
What's it like being a nigger-fag?