How would they fare in New Japan while Omega/Okada’s feud was going on?

How would they fare in New Japan while Omega/Okada’s feud was going on?

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They’d be mid carders

They would be poorly recieved since japs would be unable to relate to the cultural relevance of Austin or aren't fluent in english enough for Rock's sheer mic skills to get over.

Though Rock has charisma for decades so maybe all he'd need are his looks. Austin would be fucked. He'd be a worse Suzuki who can't talk to the crowd.

Austin would be a Honma tier dad and be the designated Bullet Club jobber
Rocky would be a midcarder in CHAOS and if he’s a movie star in this headcanon he is the US champ

I think Austin would be over because his American redneck gimmick would still resonate with the audience and they love gaijin. Rock would have a much harder time since he relied on his mic skills and the audience largely wouldn't understand him.

They would get extremely over by just working a standard punch and kick attitude era style match because THEY'RE THE ROCK AND STONE COLD YOU DUMB FUCKING MARK! Their level of fame supercedes their fake fighting skills, how do you think shit fighters like Bobby Ologun or Minowaman got over with crowds other than through their notoriety? Are you pretending like Takagi hasn't made a living off of aping Stone Cold? Stupid nigger, Jesus....

Holy autism

Did they ever have a 6 star match? How about 7 stars? Yeah, they would be fucking buried. This is why I can't understand the tards that say wrestling is dead, wrestling is fucking booming, didn't see 6 star matches back in muh attitude era

Stone Cold and rock were massively over due to their mic skills. Both used improvisation and comedic timing as well as intensity in their promos.
This would do nothing for a crowd who doesnt know what the fuck they are saying. Just kicking and punching would not be enough especially since neither are as good at strike based offense than a good chunk of performers in NJPW's roster.

Rock will be draw in Japan but Austinetty will be a jobber

They'd brute force their way to the top and Omega/Okada would get railroaded. They have charisma that transcends anyone active today by magnitudes.

>Austin would be fucked
>in a world where Deanetty is over in Nippon
If that's the barometer then Austin would be the second coming of Inoki

>charisma is only mic skills

Hi, Dave. How’s the dementia going?

>didn't see 6 star matches back in muh attitude era
I don't get this either but only because there's multiple promotions that present living opportunities.

Note how Dean is essentially a midcard act/special attraction.
This is Austin's ceiling in NJPW if even that.

Bob Sapp was world champion at one point. I think they’d do fine.

Sapp was a result of inokism.
Austin would do even worse in that era.

Austin was a loud-mouthed tough redneck. And there's always been tough guy gaijin who got over in Japan, with Stan Hansen being a classic example.

Why didn’t ROH come out?

If he's a midcard act/special attraction Austin would be headlining WK. That's the talent and charisma disparity between them.

The different is Hansen got over by being a large, intimidating, strong motherfucker.
Austin got over though Micwork/Charisma.

Hansen's overness was universal, you didn't need to know a language for it.
Austin's is cultural.

omemega would get absolutely jannetied in their favour
the top duo would probably become okada/rock because rock suits NJPW's modern prettyboy presentation better but i can easily see austin getting raucously over and drawing eternal yen

the distinction is made because of adaptions hansen made for the format
this only works if austin couldn't also make those adaptations
austin absolutely could

Austin would be stuck tagging in multiman burrito Crub matches

'K Dean.

This is apples and oranges. You could flip it and Okada and Omega would not get over in the Attitude Era. However, Austin knew how to work and was not carried in his match against Bret Hart. He would adapt to New Japan fine.

Austin would be very similar to Moxley right now. Just a huge violent asshole American that loves to fight. He could probably be a face just fine cause it's obviously working just fine for Moxley, but he could also be a great heel in Suzuki-gun too.

Rock would be in Chaos and would get really over just because his look would be so unique in New Japan and he has so much physical charisma. He'd eventually turn heel and probably become the leader of Bullet Club to feud with Okada.

Rock and Austin have physical charisma for days and their strikes are what they are because that's all they needed. If they needed to get better at it, they would because that's what great wrestlers do.

Damn you ate right. To be fair, Okada and Kenny really DO deserve to be midcarders