Tony. Contract. Now

Tony. Contract. Now.

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give it up you coomer faggot waifu loving bitch nigger. You will never have that, seek sunlight.

Short hair Shida with weak thighs

No thanks

Kek if she ever goes to America she's going to WWE and no cope will change that.

Property of NXT Japan. Ya seethe? Ya cope?

Hanetty is literally pointing towards the biggest draw in joshi Extreme Dimes Giu, and she's never been more right!

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>wh*Tebois think this is even a remotely noteworthy ass



>VERY green
>ZERO reaction
>wilted under the spotlight
heh, sure kid

Been watching her on Terrace House and I think I'm in love

Shida wishes she had that ass. Not that she's a quarter as pretty as Hana is either.


I remember when she first got there and she was laughing at the girl when Hana thought that one girl liked Ruka. Why do Japanese laugh at instances that seem serious? Also, Hana is kinda rude to guys that like her but wanted that basketball player's cock the instant she saw him.

Bushiroad got her locked up. She ain’t going nowhere

Her and that Giulia girl are literally the only joSHIT gooks I find attractive.

I feel bad for Ruka, he's the cutest one there but none of the girls find him mature enough and now he's just been in the background for the last few episodes not doing anything.

I'm a nig and I think its a nice ass. Big doesn't mean nice.
I like big ones like Toni, Bayley and Naomi. I also like smaller ones like Bliss, Io and Shida

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>Hanetty is literally pointing towards the biggest draw in joshi
Big money Mayu is off screen?

>wanting hana to be jobbed out to shitters on aew
no thanks

I’m also a nig and I like Mella’s ass

to be fair, he's not really mature. His dream is to be Spider Man, lol. Like, I understand if he said an actor and would love to be in a marvel movie acting as Spidey. But yea, he isn't mature at all. I haven't seen Terrace House in a while, but I know he was learning English and doing other stuff. he seems active on Instagram at least.

based giuliachad

Imagine the smell and taste of her asshole

I literally want to stick my tongue in her sphincter

>fucks your waifu

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Thank God Giulia, who is a dominant lesbian, has only given up the pussy to the JMMA GOAT and not some retard on an evening show. Hana/TCS fags are pathetic.

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Care to extrapolate?

no he didn't, he fucked the beautiful white woman. Asian girls can't even compare.

Me on the right