I know Vince is retarded and already buried WCW but wouldn't it make more sense considering the history to keep and...

i know Vince is retarded and already buried WCW but wouldn't it make more sense considering the history to keep and operate under the AJPW brand instead of making it NXT? or is AJPW beyond salvageable at this point like ROH?

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Please Hunter-sama, take my anus and bring your flippy midgets to Nihon desu.

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More western fans getting things wrong and speculation bs.

Now is a good opportunity for wwe to make the move because of the corna virus. These companies stand to lose a lot of money because of show cancellations, they might have to sell.
But they would be best off leaving AJPW to run as is, but financing it and putting it on their network. They should also kill NXT UK and just put Progress on their network. Then they can pretend that they're teaming up with other companies and not destroying them.

that's what i mean like how they used to do with OVW. it was 100% WWE but it wasn't branded. like nxt isn't even a strong brand and it's a weird thing to attache to everything.

AJPW may back out if WWE demands AJPW changes into NXT Japan. That was NOAH's main issue when WWE tried to buy them.

Triple Cuck is probably so big of a delusional fag that he thinks NXT is a bigger brand name than AJPW inside Japan

AJPW is the second most popular promotion in Japan you fucking simp. Don't make threads about things you have no idea about. Fuck this retarded board.

No that's Dragon Gate.

That's exactly what he said, purotranny

>AJPW is the second most popular promotion in Japan you fucking simp
>Don't make threads about things you have no idea about

Lol. Definitly not second. 4th at best. Behind NJPW, Dragongate, and DDT.

Ask Meltz on twitter. This is a question he'd answer. If he's not to busy getting worked by randoms with no followers that is.

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he was asking dumb shit literally no one knows about this shit beyond you puro twitter trannies

Chart showed ajpw as number 3 attedance wise. Japanese Media still treats its as number 2.

Japan still sees indys, comedy, deathmatches as low rent stuff.

DDT had more attendance last thing i saw. But I think it was a coiple years ago. So i guess ajpw grew last year. I agree that the media treats it as number 2 though. Because of the history.

It's the smart move. It would also let them advertise variety on their network with multiple promotions, even if its really just a farce. And they could use the Triple Crown belt to give title reigns to their guys that they don't want to push but the fans want them to push.

It's a distant 4th, at best. BJW, NOAH, Stardom, etc are all floating around the same level as AJPW.

It is the smart move but the problem is it isn’t the WWE move. They want to control wrestling and let everyone know that they control wrestling

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NXT India would be a better idea than NXT Japan since does India even have much of an organized wrestling scene despite loving WWE so much?

Indians can't afford toilets, they won't buy wwe tickets regularly.

Didn't read lmao

He doesn't know anything current about any Japanese promotion except New Japan

Make the call hunter

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This unfortunately. It's a shame really. NXT India has almost all the tools to succeed.
Passionate fans, a training school headed by the e-drone Khali and they even have their own catch-style amateur wrestling that a lot of randos on the street do (Kushti) and amateur wrestlers usually translates to good pro-wrestlers ring-wise.
But the fact of the matter is that NXT India would be operating under massive loss.

>Indians can't afford toilets, they won't buy wwe tickets regularly.
Do you understand how money works? There's a reason why Mbugu and Rajminder in Kenya and India respectively have the same model of brand new phone you have. Things are priced according to income of the region it's being sold in. That ticket that costs $80USD here will cost $0.5USD in India.

That means running at a massive loss, moron

No it doesn't dipshit. Do you seriously think they travel with their entire backend set-up? They charge local prices but they also pay local prices to run the shows.