name a better harcore match i'll wait....
Name a better harcore match i'll wait
This was the last match that ever made me feel anything
Basically any hardcore match with based jimmy havoc
the one where they teamed up against dreamer and funk.
Moxley vs Omega, that match was so kino. The mousetrap spot was a fantastic callback to how Moxley felt trapped by the 'E
be be elite
Holy Based
Every freedoms match, most BJW deathmatches. Most fmw matches. There's several thousand already.
Onita vs The Great Sasuke time bomb match is my favourite.
But mostly this.
I think it's "the Elite"
you meme zoomers forcing this queer as anything more than a side show are obnoxious AF... jimmy shitter cant lace foleys hardcore boots
It wasn't even the best hardcore match that year
Triple H vs HBK SummerSlam 2002
Triple H vs Cactus Jack 2000 Royal Rumble is probably the greatest hardcore match
Nick Gage vs Rickey Shane "the pussy" Page
Shut up, edrone. Havoc has been having legendary hardcore classics all over the world for a long time.
Not even the best hardcore match those two had that year.
Kevin Nash vs his Summer of '92 attackers.
Does it count if it's any match with no dq as the stipulation? Because this is one of the best matches of all time to be frank with you
Benoit vs Daniel & Nancy hardcore handicap match
That was a squash though
Lmao based
I can't, and im an aewchad.
Never seen ECW?
Super edgy my dude. Deadass
this but also any match with Japanese Deathmatch legend Luther
kino everytime
>Super edgy my dude. Deadass
That one exploding ring FMW match which shoot killed a bird.
>E-drone's first hardcore match
ECW had shit matches. That wasn't why you watched it.