I'm so sick and tired of this fucking stoner retard.
Just fuck off already you dumb cunt.
If Vince has this faggot be the guy who uses Lesnar's last decade's momentum to cement himself as the next big thing, I'll stop watching WWE all together.
>If Vince has this faggot be the guy who uses Lesnar's last decade's momentum to cement himself as the next big thing lol awwww you think they're going to use Lesnar to put somebody over eventually? cute
Kevin Stewart
They said this shit about every single guy built like Lesnar and it happened eventually.
Lesnar will retire one day and he will put someone over.
I just hope it's not this smug faggot.
Michael Scott
Bro you're just worked bro
Nathan Green
what, you talking about monster heels? those guys get a few months of domination before they're turned into a joke Lesnar is an Undertaker or a Cena or a Goldberg - he ain't putting over shit. he'll go out on top, and they'll keep him "looking strong" in case they want to bring him back for WM 56 vs Shane McMahon
Adrian Scott
Taker won't go out on top. He's already put two guys over in a major way.
Cena is not done yet but much like Taker, he's old school in that regard and was willing to have Lesnar go over clean.
>Goldberg He put Lesnar over.
You're fucked in the head if you think Lesnar upon retiring won't put someone over.
Tyler Hughes
I don't remember anyone going over in any of these matches. I remember terrible matches with terrible botches from guys who should have retired long before.
Michael Diaz
What the fuck are you talking about you massive retard?
Do you even watch the product you're "discussing"?
Austin Robinson
Anyone mad over this guy needs to stop being a fucking mark faggot.
Brandon Green
Yeah. but how many fish could Bobby Fish fry if Bobby Fish could fry fish?
Hudson Gray
Ok retard
Camden Bennett
>reddit spacing Ding-Dong Diddlybeg you to go back
Oliver Williams
what the fuck are YOU talking about? Lesnar/Taker with the Taker concussion and him flopping around like a bitch Taker/Roman with that botched piledriver i don't remember what happened after that first 30 second Goldberg/Lesnar match because who gives a shit then Goldberg/Taker had another all time embarrassing match
Jacob Kelly
Ok boomer.
Isaiah Richardson
Aaron Thomas
That's not reddit spacing you dipshit redditor.
Reddit spacing looks like this because you all are fucking idiots who can't syntax.
Whoops exposed the business.
Angel Martin
He has good size and a great basis for a gimmick but he's ugly as FUCK and wrestles like a vanilla midget I dunno why a shoot tough guy would wrestle like a ballerina
Ayden Edwards
I love this guy because you can tell that everyone who hates him is some loser mark who cares too much about wrestling.
Cooper Sullivan
t. Randall
Colton Sullivan
Hi William, not enough cash and Universal Championship to satisfy (You) ain't ya?
Levi Hall
This dude is the shawn Michaels of this generation.
He would be a world champion in aew. Hope he goes there
Angel Mitchell
About time someone buried that dog shit angle
Benjamin Martinez
Ayden Jenkins
He's great I really like him
Elijah Sullivan
>Botches are to blame Ok retard.
Alexander Campbell
>This dude is the shawn Michaels of this generation. Swear to god you fucking kids have no idea how Shawn Michaels was if you compare this stoner faggot to him.
God damn zoomers, you were fucking 10 when Shawn Michaels retired you fucking sperg machine
Dominic Edwards
>>Botches are to blame no, WWE's terrible creative/Vince are to blame also paying guys who are way past their prime to come back for a match or 2 a year
Oliver Anderson
>т. Гoлдбepг
Andrew Wilson
You are old, fat, balding and retarded. You're too old to care this much about fake fighting.
Xavier Hall
Undertaker should've retired at 30 if he lost, yes.
Don't have to worry there OP. Vince has no plans of pushing a current young talent as a big deal other than Roman. Riddle like many others will skirt greatness and that star making moment but never actually pull the trigger on him. Plus his attitude is getting him into some trouble because wrestlers somehow turned out to be thin skinned bitches and can't handle Riddle's messing around.
Luke Bell
Didn't see the streak broken
>Undercarder never tried to put anyone over ever.
Hudson Myers
Cut deep fat old man
Liam Gutierrez
Ok retard
Wrestlers have a code of conduct that has been the norm since the 70s. If you don't respect it, you get treated like Miz, Muhammad Hassan, etc.
Riddle is a fucking nobody who couldn't keep it together in MMA and thinks he can call any shots in wrestling.
Fuck that stoner faggot.
>"C-CUT D-DEEP!" Project some more, outta shape faggot.
Sebastian Evans
>if Vince pushes a guy I don't like I'll stop watching You're an entitled manchild just like the #cancelthenetwork fags when Reigns was pushed. WWE is not catered to you so stop being so emotionally attached to wrestling, you might enjoy it instead of nitpicking over shit that probably won't happen because Lesnar hates Riddle and Vince does anything Lesnar wants.
Fat old man mad that wrestlers are simps nowadays and fighters draw dimes. When you die alone realize that your infatuation of fake fighting is what caused you to have a shit life.
Easton Perez
I don't like Reigns but I won't throw a hissy fit over his booking.
Nathaniel Smith
>If Vince has this faggot be the guy who uses Lesnar's last decade's momentum to cement himself as the next big thing, I'll stop watching WWE all together. I'm sure your opinion has Vince quivering with worry.
Robert Perry
You are the one with the extensive Pro Wrasslin' knowledge.
Quit projecting and off your sad lonely fat balding no dimes cheeto eating sack of fat already.
Nobody will miss your "knowledge" and your cashier will be happier your sloppy ass isn't bugging them every night for pizza rolls and cheetos.
Ryder Brooks
yea except 1) Taker was concussed and worthless in that match and 2) he didn't retire after the match can't put someone over on your way out if you're not on your way out. and he's only continued to ruin his legacy since then. which in turn lessens the rub for Lesnar.
Mason Green
>WWE is NOT for your entertainment!
Colton Murphy
Carder was concussed? Really?
Cheeto man, give proofs.
Samuel Wright
Or did you mix that up with Jewberg vs Carder in terrorist land?
Jordan Lewis
ITT: OP is called out on being a fat, balding, old piece of useless filth because he takes fake fighting too seriously.
Oliver Cook
>Matt Riddle >Sickest KO in MMA history (streamable com / 4ztd) >Goes to WWE >Doesn't do a Riddler gimmick What'a waste.
OP confirmed faggot. Riddle is a draw and the future.
Henry Brooks
Tranny shit and gook shit will never have the reach and drawing power of WWE.
Christopher Morales
When it comes to picky smarks who threaten to quit over one match then yes, it's not for their entertainment.
Robert Davis
Guys I am wrong and gay. I am sorry for this post.
Dominic Kelly
OP never came back because he probably died of old age
Ryan Johnson
Nathan Phillips
Ok Reignsfag
Jordan Moore
>"NO U PROJECT" Keep projecting you fat, lonely, balding, no dimes cheeto eating sack of fat.
Gabriel White
you must be higher than he is if you believe this
you're right unlike HBKuck at least Matt could win a shoot fight
Lucas Smith
>Riddlecucks coping like this Pathetic. He'll never amount to anything in this business.
Jace Martin
WWE being unable to make stars is not an argument
Goldberg was a cunt his entire career and never showed respect to anybody
Joshua James
>It's the WWE's fault Riddler is an untalented, stoner, boring faggot with no redeeming qualities Cope.
>Goldberg That's Jews for you.
Grayson Hernandez
smoke reefer not a /pol/ brrrooooo
Juan Sullivan
Yikes at this post.
Carter Peterson
yikes at you knowing if Matt Riddle felt like it he'd smoke your precious Goldberg quicker than a blunt
David Cruz
>He thinks I like Golberg or that I care about that old Yid fart
Would he smoke Brock Lesnar? Cope harder, Riddlefaggot.
Brody Davis
seethe much?
Jonathan Garcia
probably considering Lesnar hasn't won a fight in nearly a decade and would likely die from a solid shot to what's left of his guts
Camden Barnes
>Has no idea how real fighting works >Why weight classes exist Lmao what a coping Riddlefaggot.
Go be a mark somewhere else, little outta shape retard.
Noah Reyes
Christopher Lopez
One of the early bumps in that match concussed him, I think it was a knee strike? You can clearly see that the match goes from Taker dictating/leading it to Brock doing it which he was somehow able to do, considering he's usually dogshit when he's the one calling the shots