Why does anyone want him? He's old with a fucked up back and hip. What's the point?

Why does anyone want him? He's old with a fucked up back and hip. What's the point?

Attached: C1uAxkX5_400x400.jpg (400x400, 34K)

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Disgusting hair

Because wrestling is about characters, ya fuckin simp. I don't give a shit that Hogan will literally die if he has another match, I want him to legdrop Kikeberg for the 1 2 3 at WrestleMania, jack!

who the fuck wants to see matt wrestle nowadays? just make him cut promos and be goofy on camera

I would buy Wrestlemania just to see him do that then cut a promo exposing the Jew plots and how Kofi winning the title was another part of that

Just make him the white R-Truth.

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Mozart, you pleb.

Because he's actually an entertaining character, unlike 90% of wrestlers now

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Tranny grumpy cos he's staying in the E

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This is why being the Dark Order leader's a great use of him. Have him be the asshole stable manager who works primarily through his minions rather than directly, have the Order members be the goons the faces have to fight through in order to finally get their hands on Matt, have Matt take an occasional bump whenever a face succeeds at running that gauntlet, repeat.

He can get away with barely wrestling with the Broken gimmick but WWE wanted him to do 1999 Hardy Boyz schtick.

based retard

He's shown he can be creative.
Matt could do wonders with a faction of younger talent, that may lack charisma.


Because they're desperate.

No. TNA was being awkward with the Broken gimmick for months so he had to be Hardy Boyz Matt Hardy. Eventually he got Woken and went with that but as is often the case with WWE, too many cooks spoil the broth.

I'd be genuinely and positively surprised if he can make use of those Beaver Bro jobbers that Dark Order recruited

>Why does anyone want him?

>He's old with a fucked up back and hip.
He can work around a lot of that when he only has to work 1 night a week and most of his matches will be pre-recorded in the safest possible environment.

>What's the point?
The return of wrestlekino.

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Matt shouldn't wrestle anymore but he can be a good onscreen talent.

this shit was cringe and only drew a minority of simpacters, should be irrelevant to any company trying to make actual money
literally anyone could have these ideas if they lowered their brow close enough to the floor, it's just basic ironic reddit garbage

Wrestlekino is not pre-recorded stuff with lots of cuts and angles and takes. Wrestlekino is live, in-ring action or live promos done in one take.

>this shit was cringe and only drew a minority of simpacters,
Which is why WWE crowds kept chanting DELETE DELETE DELETE at the time, right?

Dumb newfag, broken was /ourshit/ from day one.

>obese smarks who attend WWE shows
The niche.
It was cringe
t. Browsed /wwe/ on Yea Forums from day 1

If he goes to AEW they should have him do as little actual wrestling as possible. And that's probably exactly what will happen. They're not WWE so they're well aware that nobody wants to see Matt Hardy in the ring on a weekly basis in 2020. If he debuts as the exalted one he'll have every reason to sit back and cut promos while the gimp jobber squad does all the work for him.

Agreed. 90% of all the wrestling he was doing in Impact at the time was pre-recorded stuff. He was doing very little bumping.


In case this is bait,

>The expedition of gold
>"Obsolete" Broken Jeff
>Señor Benjamin
>King Maxwell
>Vanguard One

TNA was doing everything right with the Broken Matt gimmick. The TNA version of the gimmick is one of the best things to happen in wrestling in the past decade.

>NOOOOOO I'm not seething over a midcarder who could be AEW champion

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The Beaver Bros are based. Literally the most underrated team in the US for years. The bald one is one of the best workers AEW have.

He’s talking about tna being weird with the legal rights to the gimmick you swine

He's saying that the reason why he didn't initially use the gimmick is TNA threatened to sue, which is true.

They were doing everything right with the gimmick because they left it the fuck alone and let the Hardys and Jeremy Borash have free reign on it.

He'll hit a second wind soon

>asshole stable manager

more like black smoke

Just like that: WWE fans have turned on Matt Hardy.

Lmao shut up faggot

The kino angles he can bring not his in ring ability he may have left


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asshole stable manager is the weakest description of a character. maybe that user is on wwe creative already

I have a slight feeling if Matt goes to AEW he'll demand this Broken shit to return and while AEW management will happily bend over to give him airtime he's going to be the sole reason a lot of things get cut to appeal to him. We'll see.

we only care about jeff

Who gives a fuck lol I want to see him doing crazy shit in his yard again

Hi Vince! Please keep Jeff.

Seeing Matt wrestle was like seeing Kurt wrestle, take the dog to the back and put him out of his misery. Thankfully AEW doesn't drug test so Matt can down pills when he's not feeling right.

Durr. Why do you think Matt matches on Impact were 1. Rare and 2. Usually prerecorded kinofests. Say what you want about Impact but they know how to use their talent to maximum potential.

Whoever got Matt and decided 1998 NOSTALGIA RUN ZOMG!!! was senile and retarded.

So Matt will take up TV time to redo his kino and take it from someone else. At this point I don't mind.

he's an eternal shitter, he could never wrestler or move well going back to the mid 90's. he could never cut a promo so he started doing them bad on purpose which to his credit did get somewhat over somehow. the only thing he ever did of note was take some bumps in the jackass era. all his fans seem to be attitude era holdouts or sympathy fags cos his girlfriend left him 30 years ago.


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aew wants everyone they can get from the wwe so you can see them "free" and without vince's hands in them. vince gets good ideas and then ruins them so maybe in aew they wont be buried so bad.

Matt hardy hasnt done anything entertaining ever. His tna shit was boring like his career.

You could yell out anything and anyone would eat it up woo woo woo

Matt doesn't appear to be in constant pain like Kurt.
I legitimately felt bad for Kurt. He always looked like he was seconds away from dying.

He is in constant pain, though
It's a miracle WWE cleared him to wrestle, same with Kurt

Simple: AEWtists are desperate to get ANY new talent and E-Chads want to keep him because they love laughing at the trannies seething.

the dark odor doesnt fit with his broken character. he is all old school wrestling lore and funny jokes. the dark order is "gay indie gang attacks people when the lights go out"...